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Name: Nedie Joy Alesin Date: May 10, 2021

Functional Group/Role: Service Department
1. List all the tasks that you accomplished for the catering events.
1. Financial contribution for the events.
2. Helping my groups in service department to preparing the needs in the event.
3. Design and decorations and the events theme.
4. As I belong in service department I help Serving a food for teachers and students official.
5. After the event we cleaned and help to wash dishes in the kitchen.
6. I do my big part to help my teams and the whole department for the successful of the event.

2. Briefly discus show you accomplished these tasks.

I accomplished this task by helping my teams in service department not even my department but
the whole department for the successful of the events. The accomplish task is a fulfillment and
privileged for me to make our teachers happy to appreciate all of their efforts in sharing knowledge
for us. We make sure the expectations of our event are being meet to give us an unforgettable
experience in the field fo Hospitality industry.

3. Who helped you in accomplishing these tasks?

My teams in Service department our helpful Professor and classmate who made a events
successfully happened for the first time we made this event. The unity of the teams we make sure
all of the task provided for each one of us are being implemented. Also our teachers they motivate
and give us enough knowledge in preparing this event.

4. How long did it take you to accomplish these tasks?

It takes a 2 days in preparing of the in first day, plan and and decide what theme we want for the
events. We prepare for the backtrack and decorations of the event and foods the needed
equipments. The second day, we prepare for the flow of the event and finish all all the task needed
for the entrance of teachers and surprised video presentation of appreciation. Then we serve food
for teachers and providing assistance we made it successfully.

5. Rateyouroverallcontributiontothecateringeventshandledfromascoreof1–
10(10beingthehighest).Justify your rating by stating the significance of your contribution/s.
I will rate myself a 10 for the contribution because I did our best for the successful of the event. I
help my teams in Service department for the preparation of the event. We divide the task to
make smooth and participating meetings and applying the do's and don't of the event as we
imagined in the true field of hospitality industry. I give our part in Service department helping in
serving the food for our teachers and meet their expectations.

05Self-EvaluationForm1 * Property ofSTI

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