Design Criteria of Stilling Basin

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(Reaffirmed 2020)
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
Jaipur( [for non-commercial use only].

D: t997 -1968

Indian Standard

o. }4' 0 RE W0 RD
0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 15 December 196R t after the draft finalized by the Overflow Sections
and Other SpiUway Structures Sf'ctional Committee had heen approved by
the Civil Engineering Division CounciL
0.2 The design of downstream protection works or en~y dissipators below
hydraulic !tructures occupies a vital place in the design and construction
of dams weirs and barrages. The problem of designing energy dissipators
is one essentially of reducing the high velocity How to a velocity low
enough to minimize erosion of natural river bed. This reduction in
velocity may be accomplished by any or a combination of the following,
depending upon the head, discharge intensitYt tail-water conditions and
tht" typE' of the bed rock or the bed material:
a) Hydraulic jump type stilling basins~
1) Horizontal apron type
2) Sloping apron type
b) Jet diffusion and free jet stilling basins:
I) Jet diffusion basins
2) }o'Tl"e jet slilIing basins
3) Hump stilling basin~
4-) Impact stiUing basins
c) Burket typf' dissipators.
l) Solid and slotted roller nu('kets
2.: Trajf'~·tn .. )' huckNs (ski.jump, flip, pte)
d) Inrersee-ling jets and nther special type of ~ti1liJ1g basins
0.:'1 ThE' d",ign critE-ria recommE-Jldrd in this stalldard is meant for stilling
bas.lIS of rectangular cross-sf'rtion 'with h.)runntal and sloping apnlu.
, tw Cl"ltt>ri~k gi\'ell in this STandard w(,uld JII.ld provided that the jrr
,'nlc'fllll=!: thp basin i5 leasllllabk ullifi.rm in r('~ard to both "'elodty and
tif·plh. Though thl' criteria 'an' appItcablt' for aU l'ases. yel fur falls greatt'r
Ih.111 I,; m. dischan!f' intensitif's gt"<"alf'r than 30 m';s!Jll and possibl("
a'ymmt'!n' nf HfI\\. ,hi' o;perifi(" df'"iJ!'n shnuld ht' tested fln model.
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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IS: 4997.1968
3.11 F:Oude Number- A dirnE'l.o;;ionlE'sl' nnmber characterizi11g thp.
inertial and gravitational f',rccs in an op('n cha11nel fiow and is rlE'finl'u
as follows~
F = , £fJ

F = Froudt> nUmbE'f,
,T :-::' velocity of flow, and
D == depth off)r)w.
3.12 Shape Factor (K)- A dimpnsionl('ss paramNer which varirs with
the Froude number and thc' slop.· of th(' apron. This has been plottf'd
against slope in Fip;. 4 nil th.· assumption that it is indf>pendent of Froude


4..1 Geaeral- When the tail-\""ater rating curve approximately follows
the hyrauIic jump curve or is only slightly above or below it, then hydraulic
jump type stilling basin with horizontal apron provides the hest solution
for energy dissipation. In this case the requisite depth may be obtained
on a proper apron near or at the ground level so that it is quite ecolwmical.
For spillways on weak bl>U rock conditions and weirs and barragE's on sand
or loO!~" gra,,"el, hydraulic jump l~ pt.' stilling basins are recommended.
".2 Cla••ifieati.oD -- Hydraulic jump type stilling basin with horizontal
apron may be dassified into the followillg two categorit"s:

a) Stilling basinll in which tlu' Frnude number of thE' incoming lIo\\' is

less thall 4'0. This cast' is generally encountered on weirs and
barrages. This basin will hI' h('rf'after called as Basin I.
StJTt: -Data on horizuntal stilling basin ror some of Iht existing and pr(Jpo~,.·1
wpirs and ball'agt'~ IS 11\f'n in TaLI!· 1.

bj Stilli)lg baSillS in which tht· Ftlllld{' number of thf> illcomiu!.( flo""

is gn'atl'r thall 4'5. Thi!l I a~(' is a gt"I1E'ral feature for dams. Thi~
b.-lSill will bl' ht"reafwi t.·al1c'd as Basin 11.
~O1}·: - ]) (on horizlIlllnt ~lIlhrlg L.asim fUI somp nf Ihl' t'lU\l1nl! and prnpo.'It."d
ddT!. 1>plll".l)~ IS glH'1l If! T.,b]'·

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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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b) BtJSi" biock.r- The height of basin blocks in terms of DI may be
obtained from Fig. 9B. The width and spacing of the basin
blocks should be ('qual to their hf'ight. The upstream face of all
the basin hlocks shall be vertical and in one plane. A half space
is recommended adjacent to the walls. The upstream face of the
basin blocks should be set at a distance of 0'8 DI from the down..
stream face of the chute blocks.

c) End sill - The height of the dentated end sill is recommended as

0'2 nt • The maximum width and spacing of dents shall be
according to Fig. 8B. A dent is recommended adjacent to each
side wall. In the case of narrow basin, it is advisable to reduce
the width and spacing but in the same proportion. It is not
necessary to stagger the end sill dents with reference to chute

4.3.5 Ba.rin 11- Requirements for balin length depth and appurtenances
for Basin II are given in and

4..3.5.1 Basin length and fhpth - Length of the basin will be determined
from the curve given in Fig. 9A. The basin Ihould be provided with
chute blocks and end sill. The maximum raising of the basin floor shall
not exceed 15 percent of D. and the basin in that case will be further
supplemented by basin blocks. However, when the How velocity at the
location of basin blocks exceeds 15 mIs, no balin blocks are recommended
and in tbat case the floor of the basin should be kept at a depth equal to
D. below the tail-water level. The tail-water depth should not generally
exceed 10 percent of /).,.

of.3.5.2 Basin appurltnanus - Requirements for basin appurtenances,

such as chute blocks, basin blocks and end sill are given below (HI
Fig. 9B):

a) Chutt blocks - The height, width and spacing of the chute blocks.
should be kept equal to DJ • The width aud spacing may be
varied to eliminate fractional blocks. A space equal to Dl/2 i.
preferable alOllg earll wall.
b) Basin blocks - The height of basin blocks in terms of lJ] can be
obtahlcd from Fig. 9B. The width and spacing should be kept
thre-e--fcmrth of the height. These- should be plidCt·d at distance of
U'S D" downstream from the chute blocks.
c~ E"d lill--Samf' as clausl' 4:.3.of.2~c·.
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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II: e9,. 196B

5.1 Geaeral- Wht.'ll the tail~watE't' i .. too deep as compared to the sequE'nt
depth Dr, the jt'l left at the naturaJ ground lev(·J would continue to 'In a<; a
strong CIITrf'nt near thf' hl'd I(lrmirg a drowm·d jump \\hich is hannful to
the river hed. In such a c.ast', a h~draulic jump t)'pe stilling basin with
slnpmg apron "'houle) Jx> ptt·I(,J"rE'rJ ao; it would allow an efficient jump to be
formed at .,uitaul(l IC'\(~1 on tht' sloping apmn.
5.2 ClassificatioD - ThE.' h~draulic Jump nn a sloping apron may occur in
fllUr different lorms depending 011 the- tail·water conditions f :Fig. 10).
The ac Ilon In cases C alld D IS same if it i~ a,sumed that horizontill fluor
hegins at the end of the jump in case D. Case B is virtually ca~p A opE'-
rating with excessive tail-water depth. Case A has been dealt with
pTl~vio\lsly in 4. [21 the subsequPllt pali\'i critt'ria will he gi"'f'1l fur the
desj~n of stilling basll1s t;)r casl'S [) anrl R herpafter kno\t\. n a/!l Uasill III and
Basin 1\' H·spccti\·ely.
5.2.1 Basin III is r('("ommE'nded for thp caSt' whf"rt" tail-watt'!" curvE' is
higher than the D, curve at all discharges.
5.3.2 Basin IV is sUltable for the case whpre the tail-\\att>r dE'plh at
maximum dischcuge exceeds /) .. ("onsidE"rably but is equal to 01 slightly
greater than D. at lower dis('harg('s.
5.3 De••• Criteria
5.3.1 It is not possible to st.uld l.rdize design criteria for sloping aprons
to Ihe same pxtent as in the case of horizontal apron. In this cast', greater
individual judgme-nt is required. The slope and overall shape of the
apron are determined from e<"onomic ('onside-ration, the length be-ing jud-
ged by the type and soundness of the- river b ..d downstream. The follow-
ing design cnteria should sl:rv~ ollly a50 a guide in proportioning the sloping
apron designs.
5.3.2 Basin Ill-In thlE' design of Basin III, the foUowing procedureo may
bto adopted:
a, AssumE" a ('ertain level at whlch the front of jump will form for
the maximum taB-.....alel depth and discharge.
b) Determin(' Dl from the known upstream total E'nelgy linE' by
appJyill~ Bt"rnnulli\ theor(,01 .md ca1cuJdu." Fl. Theil find nut
conjugate depth })J frnm equ.uion giVE'll in 3.3.
c~ Assume a certain slnpe and detf'rmine du:' t"Cmjugatt' dpplh /)'1 and
lE"llgth of (he jump tilr thE' abovE' Froud(' mmlher limn ]"j~. 5 dnd
Fill. 3 l"l·specti\"E·". ThE' lE'n~th of th(' aplOlL shuuld lie kt pt equal
til 60 pt'rc('nt of tht' lump It n~th

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
Jaipur( [for non-commercial use only].

or in excess of the conjugate depth fOT the intermediate discharge5,
the design is acceptable. If not, a flatter s!.)pt' at lowE'r apron
level mould be tried. or Basin IV may be adopted.
f) The basin should be suppJpmented by a solid or dentated end sill
of height equal to 0'05 to 0'2 D, with an upstream dope of 2 : I
to 3: 1.
5.3.S Basi" n· -In the' design of Basin IV~ th,.. following procedure may
bp adopted:
a) Determine the diS<"hargt" at which the tail-water depth is mOlt
b) For the above discharge, determine the level and length of the
apron on the basis of criteria gh,'en in •.
(') Assume a certain level at which the front of jump will form for the
maximum tail-water depth and discharge. .
d) Determine Dl fronJ the known upstream total energy line by
applying Bernoulli's theorem and calculate Fl. Then find out
conjugate depth D2, from equation given in 3.S.
e) Determine a suitablt" slope (by trial and error) so that the- a,-ailable
tail-water depth matches the required conjugate de-pth n'l deter~
mined from Fig. 6.
r) Detennine the length of the jump for the above slope from Fig. 3.
If the- sum of the lengths of inclined portion and horizontal portion
is equal to about 60 percent of the jump length, the design is
acceptable. Ifnot, fresh trials may be done by changing the level
of the upstream end of the jump formation.
g) The basin should be supplemented by a solid or dentated end liU
of height 0'05 to 0'2 D, and upstream slope of 2 : 1 to 3: 1.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jagmeet singh Taggar -
Jaipur( [for non-commercial use only].

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