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Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology


Instructor: Dr. Ngoc Diep Duong

Student: PHAM THI THANH VAN – DH17TP – 17125402

SOURSOP FRUIT NECTAR ........................................................................................................................4
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................4
2. OBJECTIVE ..........................................................................................................................................4
3. OVERVIEW OF MATERIALS ................................................................................................................4
3.1 Soursop.............................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Sugar .................................................................................................................................................5
3.3 Acid citric ..........................................................................................................................................6
3.4 CMC ..................................................................................................................................................6
3.5 Ingridients.........................................................................................................................................7
4. PROCEDURE ...........................................................................................................................................8
4.1 Processing.........................................................................................................................................8
4.2 Explaning process .............................................................................................................................9
5. CACULATOR......................................................................................................................................11
5.1. Product requirements ..............................................................................................................11
5.2. Raw material analysis ....................................................................................................................12
5.3. Addition .........................................................................................................................................12
6. SENSORIAL EVALUATION .................................................................................................................12
7. CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................13
FERMENTED RED GRAPE JUICE ...........................................................................................................14
1. ABSTRACT: ....................................................................................................................................14
2. MATERIAL: ....................................................................................................................................14
3. PROCEDURE: ................................................................................................................................14
4. CALCULATION: ................................................................................................................................17
5. DISCUSSION: ....................................................................................................................................18
6. CONCLUSION:...............................................................................................................................19
FERMENTING RICE AND WINE .............................................................................................................20
1. INTRODUCTION:...............................................................................................................................20
2. INGREDIENTS: ..................................................................................................................................20
2.1. Sticky rice: ................................................................................................................................20
2.2. Yeast (bánh men): ....................................................................................................................22
3. PROCESSING: ....................................................................................................................................23

3.1. Material handling: ....................................................................................................................24
3.2. Wash:........................................................................................................................................24
3.3. Soak in warm water:.................................................................................................................24
3.4. Cooking: ....................................................................................................................................24
3.5. To cool: .....................................................................................................................................25
3.6. Keeping well and mixing:..........................................................................................................25
3.7. Cut the block, wrap the banana leaf, put it in the pot: ............................................................26
3.8. Incubation: ...............................................................................................................................26
4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................28
4.1. Calculation: ...............................................................................................................................28
4.2. Discussion .................................................................................................................................29
5. CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................30


Nectar juice is also called nectar drink, or pulp juice. It refers to the juice containing fruit
pulps and flesh.

Nectar juice is made of original fruit pulps or concentrated pulps, added with sugar and
acid agent. It contains a large quantity of fruit pulps, fruit fibers and pectin, which can be
drank together with the juice. As the nectar juice reserve some solid content in fruit peels
and pulps, it presents more of the fruit original taste, color and nutrition.

Take advantage of the source of fruits with designs and quality that are not suitable for
fresh eating, or source of fruit with large output, contributing to product diversification,
increasing added value increase for raw materials.

3.1 Soursop
Soursop, also known as graviola, is the fruit of Annona muricata, a type of tree native to
tropical regions of the Americas. This prickly green fruit has a creamy texture and a
strong flavor that is often compared to pineapple or strawberry. Soursop is typically eaten
raw by cutting the fruit in half and scooping out the flesh. Fruits range in size and can be
quite large, so it may be best to divide it into a few portions. A typical serving of this fruit
is low in calories yet high in several nutrients like fiber and vitamin C. A 3.5-ounce (100-
gram) serving of raw soursop contains:

• Calories: 66

• Protein: 1 gram

• Carbs: 16.8 grams

• Fiber: 3.3 grams

• Vitamin C: 34% of the RDI

• Potassium: 8% of the RDI

• Magnesium: 5% of the RDI

• Thiamine: 5% of the RDI

Soursop also contains a small amount of niacin, riboflavin, folate and iron (Rachael Link,
MS RD, 2017).

Figure 1 Soursop fruit

3.2 Sugar
Sugar is a polysaccharide - a large compound made up of three elements C, H, and O, due
to the ratio of H and O like water, it is called a carbohydrate. According to chemical
structure, sugar is divided into monosaccharide, disaccharide and polysaccharide.

Sugar used in soursop fruit nectar production technology is type of common sugar in
nature. It is abundant in sugar beets, in sugarcane, and in the leaves, stems, roots, and
fruits of many plants. Saccharose is a soluble sugar, but it is very important for human
nutrition. Sugar is added to jam not only to increase sweetness but also to preserve
products. After the sugar component reaches a certain concentration, there will be a great
osmotic pressure, thereby inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, reaching the purpose
of preservation. The antioxidant effect is another effect of food sugar. The sugar solution
prevents the uptake of oxygen, the increase in the concentration of the sugar solution is
inversely proportional to the solubility of oxygen in the sugar solution, i.e. the higher the
concentration of the sugar solution, the more dissolved the oxygen. short. The antioxidant
effect is another effect of food sugar. The sugar solution prevents the uptake of oxygen,
the increase in the concentration of the sugar solution is inversely proportional to the
solubility of oxygen in the sugar solution, i.e. the higher the concentration of the sugar
solution, the more dissolved the oxygen. short.

3.3 Acid citric

Other names: limonic acid or 2_hydroxypropan_1, 2, 3_triccarboxylic acid.

Citric acid used in food must be in the anhydrous crystalline form or with a water
molecule, colorless and odorless (anhydrous type does not contain less than 99.5%
C6H8O7). Citric acid is used as an antioxidant in foods. Although citric acid is not used
directly as an antibacterial agent, it is more or less able to inhibit the growth of certain
types of molds and bacteria.

Citric acid: A sharp-tasting acid. The acidic pH of citric acid makes it useful as a food
preservative and preserves the color of the food since it significantly slows the oxidation.
Since many bacteria are unable to grow in an acidic environment, citric acid is often
added to jams, jellies, candy, canned foods, and even meat products as a form of
preservation. Citric acid adds a sour taste to dishes and has a slightly tart, refreshing
flavor, which balances the sweetness in nectar.

3.4 CMC
Cellulose gum, or sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (sodium CMC), is a multi-functional
ingredient that can be used as a thickener, binder, emulsifier and stabilizer in food with
the European food additive number E466. Together with xanthan gum, they’re the most
used and common thickener among others in food applications.

Cellulose gum is often used in foods and beverages to make foods thick and creamy to
attract the appetite of customers. It thickens and stabilizes a lot of foods by retaining

moisture, keeping oil and water phased ingredients don’t separate and produces a
consistent texture and so on (James Han., 2012).

3.5 Ingridients
- Soursop, additives (sugar, acid citric, CMC), pure water, glass bottles.

❖ Principle

- Puree accounted for 20%

- Sweetness 10-15%

- Acidity 0.1-0.4%

4.1 Processing

4.2 Explaning process
• Sorting and washing: Evenly classify materials in terms of size, shape,
color,maturity… Remove part or all of the materials with pests, yeast, and rotting.
Washing to remove dust, soil and sand, to reduce the amount of microorganisms
on the surface of raw materials. Washing also aims to remove some harmful
chemicals used in agricultural techniques such as pesticides, ...
• Blanching:
- Purpose: Raw materials after blanching are softer, supporting the grinding
process. Hydrolyzed protopectin to pectin, eliminating substances with
inappropriate color, odor and taste, changing the volume and weight of raw
materials. Eliminate gas in the raw materials, increase the permeability of the
protoplasm, make the cell fluid escape easily.
Blanching destroys the preoxydase enzyme system, polyphenoloxidase prevents
the oxidation of the substance to form flobafen, making the product lighter in
color. Destroy a part of microorganisms, mainly microorganisms attached to the
surface of raw materials.

Figure 2 Blaching soursop fruit

• Blending:
- Purpose: Mix 2 or more ingredients together to get the final product.
+ Enhance the taste of soursop fruit nectar.
+ Make the right color of soursop fruit nectar.
+ Increase the energy value and nutritional value of the product.
- Changes in process:
+ Physical: change the dry matter content, acidity of the product.
+ Chemistry: the appearance of new compounds appearing in the juice solution.
+ Sensory: increase the taste of the product, it is possible that the fruit juice loses
its natural flavor.
• Filtering:
- Purpose: Separation of part or all of the insoluble residue suspended in the juice.
This process loses negligible, in order to reduce the concentration of dry matter in
the juice.
- Changes in process:
+ Physical: reduce the concentration of dry matter in the juice.
+ Chemistry: reduce some nutrients in fruit juice, sugar content, substances
absorbed on the surface of fruit, reduce fiber content.
+ Physico-chemical: reduce the composition of the dispersed phase in the juice.
• Botlling, lidding: Preserve products, limit the growth and re-infection of
- Shorten pasteurization time.
- When botlling, lidding can create a vacuum in the box, reducing the internal
pressure of the package during pasteurization, thereby avoiding cracking, opening
the package, opening the lid.

Figure 3 Botlling and lidding product

• Pasteurization: Pasteurization is the treatment of a food or beverage product to
make it safe for consumption and to improve its shelf life. Unlike sterilization,
which uses high-temperature treatment to eliminate all microorganisms, resulting
in a product that can be stored indefinitely at room temperature, pasteurization is
carried out at lower temperatures and aims to reduce the overall microbial
population to acceptable levels that can be maintained at refrigerated temperatures.

The main purpose of pasteurization is to reduced the “bioburden” of the product.

The bioburden is defined as the number of contaminating organisms found in a
given amount of material before undergoing a sterilizing or pasteurizing procedure.
These organisms may include bacteria, yeast, and molds, all of which can
contribute to food or beverage spoilage. Some microbial contaminants are also
pathogenic and can cause illness when ingested, making it imperative to eliminate
them from products intended for consumption.

• Labling: After storage and quality control, the product must be labeled and
packaged. Through this stage, the new product is considered as a finished product
to put on the market.

5.1. Product requirements
Puree : 30%

Sugarproduct : 15%

Acidproduct : 0.4%

CMCproduct : 0.15%

We have: msoursop = 3kg

→ - mpuree = 900g

Sugarproduct = 450g
- Acidproduct = 12g

- CMCproduct = 4.5g

5.2. Raw material analysis

- Measure the sugar and acid content in the soursop

Brix = 12.5% → Sugar: 12.5% x 900 = 112.5g

VNaOH(1) = 1.1 mL

VNaOH(2)= 1.1 mL

VNaOH(3) = 1.1 mL

K x VNaOH x Vdilution 0.0064x1.1

→ TA% = = x 100 = 0.00704 = 0.704%
Vanalysis x msample 10x10

Where: K: acid coefficient ( KCitric = 0.0064)

= 900 x 0.704% = 6.336g

5.3. Addition
Acid add = Acidproduct - Acid = 12 – 6.336 = 5.664g

Sugar add = Sugarproduct – ( Sugar – Acid ) = 450 – ( 12.5 – 5.664) = 343.164g

Water = msoursop – Acidadd – Sugaradd - mpuree=3000 – 5.664 – 343.164 - 900 =


According to sensory evaluation. Soursop juice products without blanching have a more
typical custard-apple flavor, darker color and turbidity, and a slightly acrid aftertaste.
Water products with blanched ingredients have better clarity and organoleptic color, and
have a slightly sour aftertaste without being acrid.

(Soursop juice products (Soursop juice products
without blaching) blaching)

Fig 1 Soursop juice products

Currently, the demand for nutritious foods of natural origin is increasing day by day. Fruit
juice is a product that both meets market tastes and creates great opportunities for
domestic farmers. However, to develop this product Soursop fruit nectar, the marketing
and promotion of the product plays an important role in order to change the habit of using
carbonated drinks. According to market research, the fruit juice and nectar drink market is
rapidly growing at a constant rate of 5.25% from 2019 to 2024 to reach the market value
of USD 120.27 billion by the end of 2024. It’s said that the growing of fruit drink holds a
considerable part in the beverage industry, and this is a good point for starting a beverage

Fermentation is a metabolic process in which an organism converts a carbohydrate, such
as starch or a sugar, into an alcohol or an acid. For example, yeast performs fermentation
to obtain energy by converting sugar into alcohol. Bacteria perform fermentation,
converting carbohydrates into lactic acid. This method is wildly used to produce wine,
beer, mead, cheese, yogurt and other products.

In this report, we will discuss about fermented grape juice by using RV002
(Saccharomyces Cerevisiae). In order to take advantages from our diverse fruit sources,
fermented fruit juice is necessary to increase raw material value.

- Red grapes (Ba Moi variety);
- Sugar;
- Acid citric;
- Water;
- Pectinase;
- RV002 (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae)
- Container (3-5L)
- Filter cloth;
- Crushing machine;
- Pasteurization bath;
- Refractometer (Brix scale).
Fig 1: Grape after remove seeds

Preprocessing raw material: The fresh ripened Grape were procured from local
market and used for preparation of must. Pure cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
were obtained from RV002. Ripe fruits were washed thoroughly with water containing

and the pulp was separated manually from the seeds after destemming step. The pulp
was then crushed in the blender to obtain fine pulp and juice was extracted by hand
pressing through muslin cloth (2 times).
Fermentation of juice: Measure the volume of juice extract to calculate the mass of
enzyme pectinase, heated to 45oC for 30 minutes. The solution then diluted with
distilled water with ratio 1:1 before measure TSS value. Caculate sugar content and
citric acid to ensure the total soluble solids in the final product equal to 25oBrix and Ta
= 0.25%. Pasteurization at 65oC for 30 minutes before pour into 2 glass containers (the
volume of juice should not over 2/3 the volume of container. Inoculation with yeast
starter culture – RV002 (use starter culture grown in grape juice for 15 minutes at
30oC) after cooling the solution. Labeling and pasteurization at 70oC for 15 mins.

Fig 2 Fermented grape juice processing

- Raw material: 3kg
- Mixture after crushing: 2.3kg
- Initial pectin = 0.3% => Addition pectin = 2300 x (0.3:100) = 6.9g
- Grape juice after filtered: 2.1kg => Addition water = 2.1kg
 Total mass = 2.1+2.1 = 4.2kg
x: Total mass

a: Addition acid

b: Addition sugar


- Brix = 6% => TSS = 4200 x 6% = 252g

- Acid = 4200 x 1.92 x 10-3 = 8.064g
- Titration: VNaOH = 0.3ml

0.0064 𝑥 0.3 𝑥 100

 TA = = 1.92 x 10-3
10 𝑥 10

 Sugar = 252 – 8.064 = 243.936g

After mixing:

- Sugar = 25%
- Acid = 0.25%
- Acid in grape mixture = 0.0025x (1)
- TTS in grape mixture = 0.25x (2)
 Sugar in grape mixture = (2) – (1) = 0.25x – 0.0025x = 0.2475x

4200 + a + b = x x = 5246g

243.935 + b = 0.2475x => a = 5.096g

8.064 + a = 2.5x10-3x b = 1058.904g


- Brix 18%
- VNaOH (1) = 0.7ml
(2) = 0.6ml => VNaOH = 0.63ml
(3) = 0.6ml
=> TA = 0.4%

The relationship between fermentation and time is significant. This information indicates
that a substance is likely to reach a higher alcohol concentration as the time it is allowed
to ferment increases, which may contribute to the value of aged wine.

Alcoholic fermentation turns the grape juice into an alcoholic beverage. During
fermentation, yeast transforms sugars present in the juice into ethanol and carbon dioxide
as a by-product. In a winemaking, physico-chemical properties like titratable acids (TA)
and total soluble solvents of the fruit juice are important considerations. Sensory
properties of the fruit juice must also be taken into account. Sensory was done after 1
week of fermentation.

Fig 3 Fermented red grape juice product

This study focuses primarily on the relationship between time and fermentation, although
there are likely other factors that impact the rate of fermentation. As a consequence, it
would be helpful to measure the effect of the concentration of yeast on fermentation as
well. Time and concentration can be used together to more accurately predict how long it
will take for larger samples of juice to become fermented.

Rice wine is an alcoholic food without distillation, which is made from glutinous rice
by using cooked glutinous rice into sticky rice, cooled and brewed with alcohol yeast
for fermentation.

This food has low cost, simple production technology and equipment, and has
advantages such as preserved vitamins and many benefits for human health.

However, this is a fermentation process under natural conditions, so the

microorganisms and materials used in the natural fermentation process are very
complex and uneven in type and quantity. On the other hand, natural fermentation is
an uncontrolled process, so the product quality is not stable and uniform.

2.1. Sticky rice:
Origin and structure: In terms of plant origin, sticky rice belonging to Oryza glutinosa.

Glutinous grain structure: Glutinous rice seeds are divided into 5 main parts:

Scutellum: Depending on the type of paddy and cultivation conditions, the scutellum have
different lengths, in general the length does not exceed 1/3 of the length of the husk. The
scutellum is usually lighter yellow than the husk. There are clear lines on the nervation.

During the storage process, due to the friction between the paddy, most of the scutellum
are shed, increasing the amount - of impurities in the paddy mass.

Husk: is the part that protects the embryo and endosperm from external mechanical
influences. Rice husk is usually divided into 3 layers: husk, pericarp, and seed coat.

Aleurone layer: A thick layer of cells that surrounds the endosperm and embryo. It is
mainly composed of protein (35-45%), lipid (8-9%), vitamins and ash (11-14%), sugar (6-
8%), cellulose (7-10%), pentosane (15-17%). When milling, the aleurone layer is
removed along with the embryonic cuticle, seed coat and pericarp to form bran.

Endosperm: The nutrient storage component of the seed. The chemical composition of the
endosperm is mainly starch and protein, in addition, it also contains a small amount of
lipids, mineral salts, cellulose and some starch breakdown products such as dextrin,

In rice endosperm, mainly glucid, accounts for 90%, while in the whole rice grain, glucid
only accounts for 75%. The amount - of vitamins and mineral salts in the endosperm is
not much.

Embryo: When the seed germinates, the embryo will develop into a seedling, so the
embryo contains many nutrients necessary for the initial development.

Located in the lower corner of the endosperm, a monocyte, this is the part that converts
the substances stored in the endosperm into nutrients when the paddy germinates.

The embryo contains many proteins, lipids and vitamins (vitamin B in the embryo
accounts for 66% of the vitamin B in the whole grain).

The embryo has a porous structure, rich in nutrients, and has strong physiological activity,
so during storage it is easy to be attacked and damaged by insects and microorganisms.
When milling, the embryo is often crushed and turned into bran.

2.2. Yeast (bánh men):
Yeast (bánh men) is a medium for keeping microorganisms, including a microbial
mixture of yeasts, bacteria and molds.

To produce traditional wine, yeast must meet the following requirements:

- Microorganisms that synthesize the enzyme amylase are required to convert

starch into sugars.

- There must be yeasts (and sometimes bacteria and molds) that can convert
sugars into alcohol.

- There are microorganisms capable of creating aroma for fermentation.


3.1. Material handling:
Purpose: Select sticky rice. Clean ingredients.

Method: It is necessary to choose a good type of glutinous rice, the seeds are
uniform, the seeds are long, small, white, not mixed with ordinary rice and are very
fragrant. Pick up rice, grit. Sieve broken and crushed seeds.

3.2. Wash:
Purpose: continue to clean the material block.

Method: Wash the sticky rice to remove the dirt and impurities still clinging to the
sticky rice. When washing, do not rub too hard to keep the thin layer of bran
containing vitamin B1 on the sticky rice (especially for brown and brown sticky
rice). Vox about 2 times is fine.

3.3. Soak in warm water:

Purpose: remove impurities, increase the moisture content of the raw material, and
make the gelatinization process easier later.

Method: Soaking time is about 1 hour. Water temperature is about 60-70oC (can
soak in temperature water through night). When dissolving starch in water, due to
the large molecular size of starch, water will first penetrate the starch molecules.
They will interact with the active groups of starch and create a hydrate shell,
making the bonding force between the starch molecules weaker, so that the starch
molecules are no longer tightly bound together and swollen. This process
facilitates the gelatinization process in the later stage to happen faster.
Simultaneously, the simple dissolved substances in the glutinous rice seeds diffuse
into the soaking water, reducing the nutritional value of the glutinous rice grains.
However, this process also increases the growth of thermophilic microflora.

3.4. Cooking:
This is the starch gelatinization process. Starch has been gelatinized, when
saccharification occurs faster and more conveniently. The cooking process also
acts as a pasteurization process that kills microorganisms. Although the starch has
swelled, the starch molecule contains strongly polar groups, which are normally
soluble in water. When starch is in its natural state, the molecules linked together
by hydrogen bonds are very stable, so at normal temperature, starch can absorb
water to expand, but it is very small. So we have to increase the temperature to
break these hydrogen bonds. The starch then absorbs a much larger amount of
water. As a result, the starch structure is broken down. This process creates
favorable conditions for enzymes to easily contact and hydrolyze starch in the
following processes.

3.5. To cool:
Turn up the sticky rice, wait for the temperature to drop to 30-35°C to avoid the
case that when the yeast cake is sprinkled on the too hot sticky rice, it will destroy
the microflora in the yeast cake.

3.6. Keeping well and mixing:

Yeast cake must be finely ground into powder and sprinkled evenly on the tray.
Pour the glutinous rice ball on the yeast cake layer, cover well. Sprinkle another
layer of yeast cake on top of the sticky rice. Purpose of fine grinding yeast cake is
increasing the contact area between yeast cake and starch, creating favorable

conditions for the microflora in the yeast cake to contact the starch substrate,
which will release enzymes to carry out the process. ferment rice wine.

3.7. Cut the block, wrap the banana leaf, put it in the pot:
Cut the sticky rice into 1.5 x 3 x 1.5 cm rectangles (can also be crumpled). Then
wrap the banana leaves piece by piece so they don't stick together and put them in
a pot to keep them covered. Cover the pot only loosely or cover with a thin cloth
for about 4 hours.

3.8. Incubation:
Purpose: This stage is incubated for about 3-4 days, placed at a temperature of 29 –
32oC. This time is when the fermentation takes place. The essence of rice wine
fermentation is solid-state fermentation in which the simultaneous development of
a yeast microflora with an inducible substrate source is starch. This microflora
converts sticky rice to give many useful metabolic products with nutritional value,
and at the same time creates flavor for the product. Fermentation takes place under
anaerobic conditions, so it must be kept sealed.

Method: The fermentation process consists of two stages: saccharification stage
and alcoholization stage. These two stages take place simultaneously in the sticky
rice mass.

+ The saccharification stage: The group of microorganisms capable of

saccharification synthesizes the enzyme amylase that hydrolyzes glutinous starch
to form sugars for their growth, the starch content gradually decreases. The
accumulated sugar content in the fermenter increases gradually. After that, the
amount of substrate in the medium gradually decreased and the activity of a-
amylase also gradually decreased and at the same time, there was alcohol
fermentation and the processes of creating organic acids and intermediate products,
so the sugar content also decreased. Amylase biosynthesis occurs in parallel with
growth, so that enzyme accumulation depends on biomass growth. Amylase
biosynthesis terminates in the log phase concurrently with growth arrest. In
addition, in the early stages, microorganisms also synthesize glucoamylase. The
change in glucose content almost paralleled the change in glucoamylase activity.
Like amylase, glucoamylase activity increased rapidly at the beginning of
fermentation and peaked at 60 h. The decrease in activity is due to the
accumulation of more and more metabolic products in the environment that affect
the enzyme activity and to a decrease in the substrate content in the final stage.

+ Alcoholization is a very complex process, going through many stages of

conversion from sugar to alcohol thanks to the participation of many different
enzymes. Enzymes involved in alcoholization are located in yeast cells. The
essence of this fermentation is the metabolism of yeast in the case of sugars and
produces a metabolic product of ethanol and a number of other by-products.


4.1. Calculation:
Total Titrable Acidity (TTA): 10 ml of the sample was taken in 100 ml
volumetric flask and volume was made up. From this, 10 ml of aliquot was taken
in a 100 ml conical flask and titrated against 0.1N sodium hydroxide solution using
three drops of phenolphthalein indicator (Subhasree, 2010).

100 × c × V1 0.064 × 0.38 × 100

Total Acid: = = 0.245%
V0 10 × 10
V1 : V NaOH titration (ml)

c: coefficient of Acid citric

V0 : V of rice wine after dilution (ml)

Total Soluble Solids (TSS): Brix reading of the wine samples were determined
with the help of digital refractometer having a range of 0-32°Brix at 20°C. The rice
wine product is 32° Brix.

Sensory of product: The rice wine obtained is soft, spongy, has a sweet, sour
taste, a characteristic aroma, and contains substances of high nutritional value to
help eat well and stimulate digestion.

4.2. Discussion
Quantitative variation of microflora during rice wine fermentation:

Microorganisms in yeast cake growing on sticky rice from 0 to 45h, there was an
increase in quantity. After that, the number of bacteria gradually decreased. Cause:
in the fermentation medium, lactic acid bacteria have synthesized, so lactic acid
causes the pH of the medium to decrease, which is no longer suitable for the
growth of bacteria, plus the accumulation of metabolic products is also not
favorable. for bacterial growth. Yeast cells use a substrate source of sugar
hydrolyzed from starch (made by molds) to increase biomass in the first stage (0-
45h) and still increase rapidly in 45-75h later. The high number demonstrates the
important role of yeast in the later stage (the period of intense fermentation) and
the conditions of the medium are favorable for alcoholic fermentation. At this
point, the hydrolysis of starch has created a volume of water that makes
fermentation easier.

Changes in chemical composition of rice wine:

Metabolic activities take place in parallel with the growth of microorganisms on

sticky rice and a number of products accumulated in the environment:
a) Concentration of soluble protein soluble: The soluble protein content increases
continuously from 0 to 70 hours.

b) Organic acid content: The organic acid content increases continuously during
the fermentation process, so it changes the pH in the rice wine fermentation
process, thereby helping to limit the infection of microorganisms.

c) Change of ethyl alcohol content: At the beginning of fermentation, the ethyl

alcohol content is negligible. After 30 hours, this amount of alcohol gradually
increased until the end of the survey time.

d) Changes in starch content, total sugar and a-amylase activity: During the
incubation process, group of saccharifying microorganisms synthesized amylase to
hydrolyze glutinous rice flour into sugar, providing carbon for biological growth.
mass of organisms in the fermenter.

Rice wine is kind of fermented beverage useful in Asian. The alcohol content in
fermented glutinous rice is similar to the alcohol content in beers which is 5%. The
nutrients of fermented glutinous rice is easy absorbed into body. The elderly,
pregnant, and the weak will find it nourishing and refreshing as it contains a lot of
good bacteria, helps relieve fatigue, quenches thirst, promotes blood circulation
and has an overall soothing effect.


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