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Gabby Taylor


1st Block Beginning Band

Brass Sectional (3 of 3)


 Breathing
 Left- and right- hand technique
 Healthy playing habits
 Good tone production on mouthpieces
 Memorizing fingerings and note names of first 5 notes of Bb scale
 Playing in time/with metronome


 Breathing
o “Try to make yourselves yawn”
o Keep that mouth-shape for breathing in and out
o Relax!
o In and out on cues
o In 4, out 4
 Getting instruments out + continuing breathing
o Informal assessment of parts of instrument and how to hold
o Blow warm air through instruments
 In and out on cues
 In 4 out 4
 Buzzing
o Blow air through mouthpiece first
o Then, start with blowing air and slowly bring lips together to create buzz
o Buzzing (any pitch) on cues
 Start sounds right away
 Sustain sound until cutoff
o Match pitch
 Sing/hum then play
 Concert F
 Concert Bb
o Sirens
o Scale pattern
 I’ll play the first 5 notes of Bb scale in piano a few times, then we’ll buzz them
 Slow, steady, and specific
 On cues
 “Listen around to each other to find the pitch”
 On horns
o Blow air through horn first
o Then start blowing air and slowly bringing lips together for buzz
o Match pitches
 Concert F
 Then concert Bb
 HighHighLow
o Match pitches
 Concert F
 Then concert Bb
 HighHighLow
o 1st 5 notes of Bb scale
 Air and finger pattern through with piano accomp.
 Up the scale on cues
 Down scale on cues
 Up scale in time (quarter notes)
 Down scale in time (quarter notes)
 Modalities:
o Visual: demonstrating good techniques (L+R hand, breathing, fingerings, etc.), using
hands to show high vs low notes, showing distances (steps and leaps) on piano
o Aural: Play pitches out loud on piano, say and have students say names of notes and
fingerings aloud, sing pitches
o Kinesthetic: have students move hands to represent high and low pitches, have them
try to yawn for good breathing techniques, have them mimic eating hot lasagna for
lower notes


 The students will be able to breathe with good technique.

 The students will be able to hold their horns with good technique with their own knowledge.
 The students will be able to use healthy playing habits when playing their horns.
 The students will be able to play with clear and consistent tone.
 The students will be able to play the first 5 notes of the Bb scale by memory.
 The students will be able to play a 5 note scale pattern (up and down) with consistent time.


 HM.9 The student will explore connections between music skills and college, career, and
workplace skills.
 HM.11 The student will explain relationships of music to the other fine arts and other fields of
 HM.13 The student will perform a variety of music.
o a) Sing or play with increased technical proficiency.

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