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Year 8 HASS (History) Assessment Task 1

Name: Medieval Identity:

For the Black Death Diary Assessment Task, you will write a one-page diary
entry from a medieval identity of your choosing. This identity could be a king,
a nobleman, a knight, a member of the clergy or a peasant.

Within your diary entries you must include:

1. A paragraph summarising the everyday life of your medieval identity
prior to when the Black Death came.
2. A description of the symptoms of the Black Death (remember each
3. Medieval beliefs about what caused the Black Death.
4. Medical treatments at the time of the Black Death.
5. The consequences of the Black Death, social, political, economic, and

You will be marked on:

❖ Your understanding of daily life during the medieval period.
❖ Your knowledge of the Black Death, its origins, symptoms, and effects.
❖ Understanding of the conventions of a diary entry.
❖ Literacy: spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Year 8 HASS (History) Assessment Task 1
Diary Entry Planner:
Use dot points to plan each section of your assessment, use your notes to help
Entry 1 – Life before the Black Death
arrives, what is it like?

Entry 2 – Symptoms of the Black

Death. What did they look like, feel
like, sound like and smell like?

Entry 3 – Beliefs about the causes of

the Black Death. What do you think
caused it?

Entry 4 – Identify and describe the

treatments you had to endure. What
are some short-term consequences?

Entry 5 – What was life like after the

Black Death? What are some long-
term consequences?

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