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Project Proposal

Guidance and
Extended Diploma
in Creative Media
Production and
Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template

In producing the project proposal, and in

preparing for the project realisation you should Section 2 – Project concept
familiarise yourself with Units 13 and 14 of (Approximately 200 words)
the qualification.
This section provides an opportunity for you to
In particular, you should understand the clearly explain the concept and aims of your
assessment and grading criteria which will be project, production or performance and the
used to determine standards of achievement. research and ideas that will support its
development. What you anticipate producing, the
Units 13 and 14 require you to levels and types of resources that you will
produce a project proposal of about need and an indication of the form in which
500 words, excluding the project
you will complete and present your final realisation
action plan and
bibliography. Project proposals should not be so within the allocated timescale.
succinct that they do not address the
requirements listed below, nor should they be This might include an indication of when and how
excessively long and unfocused. you will use studios, equipment and other
resources, how you will make use of tutorial
Your project proposal should be sufficiently and peer feedback and where you will
challenging to ensure you have the best incorporate independent study.
possible chance of meeting the grading
criteria. Section 3 - Evaluation
(Approximately 150 words)
Your project proposal should include:
- Centre name and number
This section provides an opportunity for you to explain
- Candidate name and number
how you will reflect on and evaluate your work, as
- Project proposal title and date
both an ongoing activity and at the conclusion
- Main area of activity / pathway, e.g. film, TV,
of your project.
games design etc.

The project proposal must be word processed and You should describe how you intend to
presented under the headings listed here: record your decision-making and how you will
document changes to your ideas as your
Section 1 - Rationale work progresses.
(Approximately 150 words)
The evaluation should be referenced to your stated aims
This section provides you with an opportunity to reflect and be reflective and analytical rather than a description
on, review and summarise your progress and of actions completed.
achievements through the first 12 units of the
qualification. When working in collaboration with others you
should comment on how this may impact
You should outline the knowledge, skills and either positively or negatively and steps you
understanding you have acquired. What can take to minimise disruption in your
you know now, and what it means to you, own progress.
compared with what you knew and could do
before you started the course, and how this
has influenced your choice of discipline or disciplines
and your project proposal.

It also provides an opportunity for you to

explain your reasons for choosing a particular
discipline or disciplines and to outline both
your immediate and longer-term aspirations.

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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template

Additional requirements, not included in

the 500 word proposal:

Project action plan and timetable:

This section provides you with an opportunity to

outline your planning and organisation over
a period of weeks and the activities you will
need to carry out in order to successfully
complete your project in the agreed time frame.
The more time and thought you give to
planning your project, the more successful it is
likely to be.

It is important that you consider how you will

balance ambition, time and realism in the
realisation of the project. You should also include
what you are going to do, how you will do it
and by when. Remember to include: time spent
sourcing materials and other resources to
conduct research, feedback from tutors and
peers, and when you will carry out independent

Bibliography (Harvard Format):

This section provides an opportunity to record the initial

research sources, both primary and secondary,
that you intend to use.

Your sources of research should be as wide

as possible and could include libraries,
galleries, books, magazines, films, computer games,
websites, blogs, social media, radio
programmes, archive material etc. Where
appropriate, you should use the Harvard
system of referencing. The bibliography should be
continuously updated as the project progresses.

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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
Candidate Name
Samuel Butcher

Candidate Number

TV & Film

Project Title
We are Chippenham (Football Documentary)

Section 1: Rationale
(approx. 150 words) Last year for my final project I made a short football film on picking yourself after
being knocked down. I wasn’t too happy with how it came out, so this year I have
gone for something that I have never attempted and is very possible. Now I know
that I want to work in the footballing videography industry, due to my final project
and that I film for Chippenham Town. Due to this, I have decided to make a football
documentary. It is a project that I can very much achieve and is something that I
wouldn’t mind doing in the future. I have also chosen this because it is a project that
can also help the growth of the football club, as that is a part of my job as the social
media side of Chippenham, trying to boost the fan base of the club. Not only does it
help me with learning about new ways to make a film, but it also helps me with
properly leading a project without any help, because last year I sort of winged it and
took ideas while I was filming, this time I must structure it myself and go exactly as I
put. This will be the first time that I will work with the public, which will help develop
my communication skills.

Section 2: Project
Concept The documentary will be on the past, present and future of Chippenham Town as
(approx. 200 words) a football club. I will talk about the history of the club, what the current state of the
club and then the goals for the future. (Promotion, signings, facilities) With
interviews with the manager, players and fans talking about their involvement. The
interviews will make it interesting for people close to the club to understand the
views of not just the manager, but the fans and the players as well. Match footage
to add a source of entertainment to the documentary and not full of talking. I am
also going to have behind the scenes with having a camera in the changing room,
to show the manager and the players before the match. I want three camera
angles for the match. One in the usual gantry, one on the side-lines and one
focusing on the manager. The three cameras allow me to not make it constantly
the same shot repeatedly. I also want to mic up the manager to show what goes
on in the technical area. Throughout the documentary I am going to use different
types of graphics showing the current league table before the match, the line-ups
and the scores to make it more visually pleasing. There are multiple ways I can
make this documentary; I could do it from an outsider looking into the club or I
could do it from a member of staff’s point of view.

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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
Section 3: Evaluation
(approx. 150 words) Every week I am doing a blog, to talk about what I have achieved that week in
order to improve my idea of the documentary. The blog also helps with knowing
what I have done to further develop my documentary and help with keeping track
with what I had done that week. I will also use peer and tutor feedback to get
advice on my documentary and use this advice to improve the idea and make the
documentary more interesting. I will also show them a few tests shot so they can
review it and I can hear their opinion on what I filmed. The test shots will be of
match footage, GVs and the interviews. Self-reflection will help me with giving me
time to think about what I can improve on to make it more informative, entertaining
and trustworthy. I will also do primary and secondary audience research so that I
can make the documentary tailored to the target audience. The final thing I could
do is get advice and the opinion from the people I work with at Chippenham as
they will know better than anyone what else I should do as they will be helping me
with the documentary.

Proposed Research
Sources and 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18
Bibliography (Harvard
March 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18
March 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18
March 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 30 March 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed
11 January 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed
11 January 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11
January 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11
January 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11
January 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11
January 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11
January 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11
January 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11
January 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11
January 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11
January 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11
January 2022]. 

Page 4
Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Activity Resources

Week What are you intending to do – What do you need in order to do it –
beginning include independent study include access to workshops, kit,
software or other specialist facilities.
1 28/02/2022 Gather ideas on what I want the Chippenham YouTube
documentary to be about. Netflix
Amazon Prime
2 07/03/2022 Start a plan and the order I want the Camera
documentary to be in and continue to gather YouTube
ideas with what I want in the documentary by
Amazon Prime
watching more Football Documentaries, take a Computer
few pictures of the places that I will film on the
3 14/03/2022 Upload the pictures and start talking about Word
why I took them. Also start to plan and PowerPoint
prepare for Pitch. Start and finish proposal
4 21/03/2022 Pitch on the Tuesday. Start writing script on Word
questions that I will ask the fans and manager Computer
and what the voiceover may say.
5 28/03/2022 Start doing storyboards, mood board and shot Word
list to help structure my idea Computer

6 04/04/2022 Film any GV I can on Saturday 9th against Camera, Tripod

Maidstone, ready for the 23rd for when I film
the interviews, the match, the dressing room
and any GV I didn’t get.
7 11/04/2022 EASTER BREAK

8 18/04/2022 Film all the interviews, the match and any GV I DSLR Camera
have not already captured. This will be done Tripod
on Saturday 23rd 2 other Cameras

7 25/04/2022 Start recording the Voice Over at home ready Premier Pro
to start editing and make sure Script is up to Microphone
8 02/05/2022 Start rough cut edit, putting the clips in order, Premier Pro
with interviews, cinematic shots, and places Computer
for voice overs. Film anything, I need to as
this will be the last day I can film at home.
9 09/05/2022 Continue with editing and adding in Premier Pro
background music and edit in anything I may Computer
have filmed and add any graphics that
someone will make for me
10 16/05/2022 Make sure my Weebly page has all the post Premier Pro
and pre-production things I need, Screen Computer
grabs of edit and start to write up my
11 23/05/2022 Start to write up Evaluation and make sure Word
bibliography has everything needed Computer


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