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Nama : Ayu Sekartika

Nim : 18.1425.S


1. Ms. Adams as a patient

2. Mr. Adams as a patient husband
3. Nurse

Nurse : Hi, Ms. Adams. How are you feeling this morning?
Ms. Adams : I’ m glad the surgery is over, I’ m pretty sore.
Nurse : I know you are Ms. Adams, can you rate your pain for me, please?
You know that scale were one means hurts just a little bit and ten the worst
pain yue’ve ever felt?
Ms. Adams : oh, I’ d say it’s at least a seven or an eight.
Nurse : well, the doctor has ordered some pain medicine to help you. We are
going to give this to you now so that it’s working when we get you out of
bed a little bit later. It’s really important to get you moving so that you don’ t develop any
blot clots or trouble with your breathing. Ms. Adams : I don’ t want that to happen.
Nurse : I agree. And while you’ re here with us for the next couple of days,
we want tp make sure that you and your family feel comfortable with our
daily routine so that you can continue to work on it on your own one you’ re
discharge. That’ s why we have the word IDEAL written out on the board
here. It stands for: Include, Discuss, Educate, Assess and Listen. It really
helps us to work together to begin preparing for your discharge.
Mr. Adam : Discharge? Already? I’ m not ready to take her home. She’s in a lot of pain, and
I’ m not a nurse.
Nurse : I understand, but talking about this now and throughout your hospital
stay will help to ensure. That when Ms. Adams is ready for discharge. You
both feel comfortable with that need to do to continue to help her and get
Mr Adams : okey, well, getting her stronger is my goal too. So, we are a team?
Nurse : yaps, lets begin working on this today. Now, as you said Mr. Adams,
your wife is in a fair amount of pain. One of the things that we can do is to
get her up and walking after her pain medication has taken effect.
Ms. : wait, I don’ t know if im really ready to do that today. I don’ t think you
understand how sore I am.
Nurse : well, this pain medicine is pretty strong, and it usually works really well
for most patients. We’ll make sure your pain is under control before we
get you out of bed.
Ms. : I would appreciate that. And, you know, they have been giving me a lot
of fluids in yhis IV, so I go to the bathroom pretty often. I want to make
sure I can go to the bathroom before we walk in the hallway.

Nurse : absolutely.
Mr. : can we actually plan when we’ll do this? I need to go into the office for
an hour or two, but I want to be here to help. Because I think you’ re right
that will make me feel much better at home it’s just the two of us.

Nurse : sure, lets write out a timeline for today.

10 minutes later,.......................

Mr. : Honey, the kids are coming to visit around 2 o’clock so you don’ t want
to be walking then. That’ s the kind of thing that you would need to know,
Nurse : that’ s execly what I mean. You were due to be given some medications
at 11 o’clock. We can give you your pain medicine at noon right after
lunch. It should be helping by 1 o’clock, so you could take your walk then.
How does that sound?
Adams : that’ s works for me. I could be back by 1 o’ clock.
Nurse : great, that works out perfectly.
Ms. : it does. After I walk, I can rest and then watch my favorite show too.

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