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1. Give example, informal greeting to older people ? Hello, Hi..

2. Give example, formal greeting to older people ? Good morning, good evening and good
3. Please give example, of expressions to express apology? I am very sorry
4. How many expressions to express apologies include formal expression, Mention, What are
they?. I apologies for…, please excuse me, and please accept my apology
5. Translate to indonesia “We are student of Junior high school”. Kami adalah para siswa sekolah
menengah pertama.
6. Please translate to English “guru itu tampan dan pintar untuk menyelesaikan masalah”?. The
teacher is handsome and clever to solve problem.
7. Change sentence below to the present tense form “she read the newspaper every day”? she
reads the newspaper every day
8. Change sentence below to the present tense form “Helen work very hard”? Helen works very
9. Change sentence below to the present tense form “the dog chase the cat all around the house”?
the dog chases the cat all around the house
10. Change sentence below to the present tense form “they taken money in the Bank”? they are take
money in the Bank
11. Change sentence below to the present tense form “John Carlos usually sit at the desk”? John
Carlos usually sits at the desk
12. What is the definition of descriptive text? A text is describes the features of someone,
something or a certain place
13. What are the characteristic of descriptive text, Mention? Definition, introduction and
14. How many genre of descriptive text. Mention? Two genre, Social function and generic structure
15. Procedure text is…..? a text that gives some clues of how to do something through a series or
16. What are the characteristic of procedure text? Definition , goal, material, and method or steps.
17. How to make “ice Juice” this title include definition of…..? procedural text.
18. What time do you take rest when you are being in the school? A quarter to ten
19. What time do you go to school every day? Half pas six
20. Who was the best player of world cup 2010? Leonel Messi
21. What was the country the winner of world cup 2010? Spain
22. Who creator of goal in world cup 2010 and made Spain the winner? Andy Innesta
23. Leonel Messi is the best player or world cup 2010, Where is he from? He is from Argentina
24. How many sisters does Kevin have? Two older sisters
25. What place that Kevin and his family often visit when holiday? Bali
26. Who like traveling? Kevins’ Familiy
27. Where does the restaurant face directly to? The beach.
28. What do you say when your follow the exam? Good luck
29. What do you say when you need helping to your friend? Would you like help me please…..
30. What the say when the teacher came in to class room? Greeting and asking students’ condition

1. What flower is being planted by Nila? Flower Pot

2. Do all of the flowers belong to Nila? Yes Her mother bought all flowers for her.
3. What does Nila ask Andi to do? Helped Her to get the flower pot over there,
4. What kind of animal is Spot? A regular house cat
5. What does spot look like? An a durable cat
6. What food does Spot have every morning? Milk.
7. What kind of food does Spot like? Cat food
8. What does Spot like to do? Run round the house
9. Where does Spot usually sleep? On the sofa in the living room or sometimes under the table.
10. Why the people like to pet the Spot? Because the Spot has fur feels soft and like to cuddle
11. Translate to English “Olah raga membuat badan kita sehat”? Sport made our body health
12. Translate to English “Bahasa adalah merupakan sebuah Bahasa internasionla” Language
English is a international language.
13. Translate to Indonesia “We are agent of change, and we are next ganeration in the future” Kita
adalah agent perubahan, dan kita adalah generasi penerus di masa depan
14. Translate to Indonesia “The birds is playing whele singing in the sky” Burung-burung itu
terbang dan berkicau di langit.
15. Translate to English “Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono adalah presiden Indonesia sejak tahun 2004
sampai sekarang” Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is president of Indonesia since two thousand and
four until now.
16. Change sentence below to the present tense form “she read the newspaper every day”? she
reads the newspaper every day
17. Change sentence below to the present tense form “Helen work very hard”? Helen works very
18. Change sentence below to the present tense form “the dog chase the cat all around the house”?
the dog chases the cat all around the house
19. Change sentence below to the present tense form “they taken money in the Bank”? they are take
money in the Bank
20. Change sentence below to the present tense form “John Carlos usually sit at the desk”? John
Carlos usually sits at the desk
21. What is the definition of descriptive text? A text is describes the features of someone,
something or a certain place
22. What are the characteristic of descriptive text, Mention? Definition, introduction and
23. How many genre of descriptive text. Mention? Two genre, Social function and generic structure
24. Procedure text is…..? a text that gives some clues of how to do something through a series or
25. What is the Recount text? Is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity.
26. What is the goal of Recount text? To entertaining or informing the reader.
27. How many characteristics of Recount text, Mention? Four Characteristic Orientation, events,
reorientation and the features
28. Give example of Present perfect tense? They have done the homework
29. Change this sentence below to the present perfect form, We are being in America? We have
been being in America
30. She has taken my money in the Bank, Change this sentence to the Negative and Interrogative
form? She has not taken my money in the Bank, and Has She taken my money in the Bank.

1. Translate into English “Semua siswa dan siswi Nurul Jihad merayakan haflatul imtihan setiap
tahun”…..? All students of Nurul Jihad celebrated Haflatul Imtihan every year.
2. Translate into English, “Gayus adalah seroang koruptor yang sangat kejam terhadap Negara”
Gayus is a corruptor and very cruel to the country
3. Translate into Indonesia “Life is very short And there's no time for fighting and fussing my
friends” Hidup ini sangat singkat Dan ada waktu lagi untuk memerangi dan rewel teman-teman
4. Translate into Indonesia “The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who
will not laugh is a fool.”? Orang muda yang tidak menangis adalah orang biadab,
dan orang tua yang tidak akan tertawa adalah orang bodoh.
5. Translate into Indonesia “Never to old to learn”… Tidak pernah terlalu tua untuk belajar
6. What kind of music do you like? Pop song
7. Who is your favorite singer? Pasha Ungu
8. What can our body perform? Some action such as rotating, bending, stretching, jumping, and
9. Could you give an example that every culture emphases certain features in its dance? Lilin
dance from west Sumatra.
10. Change this sentence below to present perfect tense “they did bring me new car form
Australian”…… they have brought me new car from Australian.
11. Could you like give an example of Gerund and Present participle? Singing is one of my hobbies
and the girl singing now is my sister.
12. would like give an example of Gerund as subject and object? Working for that lady is a pleasure
and Breaking his promise was his greatest mistake
13. Where is rock music played and listened to? In almost every countries in the world.
14. what was the name given to the music developed in the early 1950? Rock and Roll
15. What happened after he appeared on nation wide television? Elvis Presley’s singing and his
performing style came to mean rock and roll all over the world.
16. What happened in the 1970? Rock became a very big business to get more money from
entertainment including the film industry.
17. What is the definition of Narrative text? Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its
social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers.
18. What is the characteristic of Narrative text, Mention? Orientation, complication and Resolution.
19. What is the purpose of Narrative text? To entertain listeners or readers with a true experience or
an imaginary one.
20. Who was the best player of world cup 2010? Leonel Messi
21. What was the country the winner of world cup 2010? Spain
22. Who creator of goal in world cup 2010 and made Spain the winner? Andy Innesta
23. Leonel Messi is the best player or world cup 2010, Where is he from? He is from Argentina
24. Give example of Present perfect tense? They have done our activities
25. Change this sentence below to the present perfect form, We are being in Argentina? We have
been being in Argentina
26. What is social function from Genre of procedural text? To describe how something is
accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps.
27. Mention of Generic structure from procedural text? Goal, Materials, Steps the frame and the
28. Procedure text is…..? a text that gives some clues of how to do something through a series or
29. What are the characteristic of procedure text? Definition , goal, material, and method or steps.
30. How to make “our body health “this title include definition of…..? procedural text.

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