Kellogg Was Launched in India in 1995

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Kellogg was launched in India in 1995.

It faces few challenges in market of India but

with becoming familiar with living standards and eating habits of people, it increased
its performance in the market. Now it is thinking to launch gluten-free products in
the market of India. According to a research, ratio of celiac disease is found 1: 193 in
Asian countries. It is higher than White people are. This disease was reported first in
1966 in India. Northern India is having more concentration of disease as compared to
other parts of the country. It is also estimated that world market for these products
would reach to 7.59 billion in 2020. (, 2015) I think, it would be good
to launch this product in market because there exist need for it. Kellogg is having
opportunity to introduce this product due to its strong past history. It has gained
good market share and now people are familiar with its different products. This is
good sign for company to introduce a new and different product.

It can launch this product and provide awareness to people related to this disease.
People in India are not much aware of the disadvantage associate with celiac disease.
There are many companies in India targeting gluten-free products and earning
revenue. Examples of such companies include savoureux foods. It was established in
2011. It has reported turnover of 5 million. SEPI is another local company that was
also established with the aim of providing gluten-free precuts to people of India. It
also reported turnover of 13 million in 2013. All these analysis show that already
companies are working in India for providing such type of products. They are getting
profits from market of India. It would be great opportunity for Kellogg to launch this
new product with good marketing strategy and customer’s awareness.

Assignment on Case analysis (Should Kellogg's Launch Gluten-Free Products in

India?) By: ABC Date 1. Is it opportune for Kellogg’s to launch gluten-free products in
India? Why or why not? Kellogg was launched in India in 1995. It faces few challenges
in market of India but with becoming familiar with living standards and eating habits
of people, it increased its performance in the market. Now it is thinking to launch
gluten-free products in the market of India. According to a research, ratio of celiac
disease is found 1: 193 in Asian countries. It is higher than White people are. This
disease was reported first in 1966 in India. Northern India is having more
concentration of disease as compared to other parts of the country. It is also
estimated that world market for these products would reach to 7.59 billion in 2020.
CITATION prn15 \l 1033 (, 2015) I think, it would be good to launch
this product in market because there exist need for it. Kellogg is having opportunity
to introduce this product due to its strong past history. It has gained good market
share and now people are familiar with its different products. This is good sign for
company to introduce a new and different product. It can launch this product and
provide awareness to people related to this disease. People in India are not much
aware of the disadvantage associate with celiac disease. There are many companies
in India targeting gluten-free products and earning revenue. Examples of such
companies include savoureux foods. It was established in 2011. It has reported
turnover of 5 million. SEPI is another local company that was also established with
the aim of providing gluten-free precuts to people of India. It also reported turnover
of 13 million in 2013. All these analysis show that already companies are working in
India for providing such type of products. They are getting profits from market of
India. It would be great opportunity for Kellogg to launch this new product with
good marketing strategy and customer’s awareness. 2. Should Kelloggs launch the
product in the current breakfast cereal market or in the niche market for celiac
disease? Justify your answer It is advisable for company to capture this market by
providing it in breakfast products. Due to increased in globalization, eating style of
young population in India has been increasing. There is vast variety of gluten-free
products that company can include in its breakfast category. By introducing products
in existing breakfast products would result in more profit. In case of targeting only
niche, market would result in low profits for company. It can include range of
products in existing category and increase its existing product line. It would be
diversification strategy for company. Existing customers would try products and like
them. It can include variety of breakfast cereals, snacks, baking products, pasta and
kids products in its existing product line. Success would be its strong marketing
strategy. CITATION Pur14 \l 1033 (Puri, Rawat, Rawal, & Nangia, 2014)It can provide
awareness to people related with this healthy meal. It can also negotiate with doctors
and take them in their television advertisement for gaining trust of people. It can
attract people having disease associated with excess use of wheat and rice and other
young adults and people. If it target only customers with celiac disease then only
limited population would be attracted towards the gluten-free products. It is more
accurate to target existing market because they would be aware of healthy food. This
strategy would help it to capture large market share as compared to niche market.
Other competitors in same category are not targeting niche market. For competing
with those competitors, it should also try to capture large market share. It should
attract young people, children, and other people who are having this disease. It
should make its gluten-free products available in market for all. 3. What should the
segmentation, targeting and positioning be for this product range? It would segment
its customers on basis of their buying behavior. As per its segment of geo-
demographic, it would target children, young people and people from other age
groups. It would target both male as well as female category in its segmentation. It
would target people with high and average income. It would offer variety of healthy
products in category of gluten-free products. Segmentation would be based on
buying behavior of people. It would target people by using different communication
channels like internet, television and newspaper. One of its targeting strategies
would be association with doctors. It would make people aware of benefits of its
products for their health. Different marketing strategies would be used to attract
more customers as well as satisfying existing customers. It would start different
campaigns with doctors for making people aware of disease with excess use of
protein in the form of wheat and rice. It would position itself in the market by
offering high quality products as compared to competitors. It can include feature of
health in positioning its products. It can include different products in the same
category. One of its positioning strategies would be to attract people having average
income. Large population of India is having average income. It would position itself
by making its products affordable for large population as compared to competitors.
It would use this range for making its products competitive in market. It would
position itself after making analysis of competitors and buying behavior of people. 4.
Evaluate the possible impediments to the success of this gluten free product range
There is need of gluten-free products in Indian market but people are not aware of
celiac disease. They consume more products that are having protein in them. Most of
the population eats wheat and rice. These are traditional dishes in country. It may
happen that gluten-free product does not match with existing need of people.
People can ignore this product due to mismatch of product with their traditional
dishes. This can be one of important hinder in its success. Another big hurdle can be
existing companies in the market. These companies have entered in market before
Kellogg. Those companies are targeting only gluten-free products. These competitive
companies can decrease profitability of company. These companies can hinder
growth of gluten-free products. It may happen that this product would not able to
capture customer’s expectations and market demand. Kellogg should also consider
risk factors in success of its new product. It should develop strategies for reducing
these impediments. It can increase success of its new product by making sustainable
strategies and taking benefits from weak points of competitors. It can take these
impediments as challenge and increase its performance by handling them effectively
with competitive strategies. Reference BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 (2015,
September 15). Gluten-Free Products Market Worth 7.59 Billion USD by 2020.
Retrieved November 18, 2015, from
billion-usd-by-2020-527644031.html Puri, S., Rawat, M., Rawal, A., & Nangia, A.
(2014). Should Kellogg's Launch Gluten-Free Products in India? Ivey, 1-12.

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