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College Department





1. Give your own (1) example of each kind of obligation.

 Conditional Obligation
o My auntie said that she will give 500 pesos if I get a high grades this semester.

2. In our life, we were always bound by an obligation. So using your own life experiences, what
obligation have you been bound by and what kind do you think it was?

 It was the obligation to graduate with a degree it’s either CPA or an Engr., and I
think this obligation is pure obligation because it is for my own good.

3. A. If you were a creditor and there are three people who want to borrow money from you in order
for them to put up a business. Will it be more beneficial to make them solidary debtors or joint
debtors? Why?

 Based on what I know, it will be more beneficial if I make them joint debtors, because I
can demand on each one of them to have an obligation to pay me with a fair amount of
amount. Example A, B and C borrow money to me worth 1.5 million for their business.
They are joint debtors so A, B and C I can obliged them to pay me 500,000 each.

B. If you were part of the debtors in this scenario, what do you think would be more
beneficial? To be a joint co-debtor or a solidary co-debtor.

 If I were part of the debtor solidary co-debtor is more beneficial because we can help each
other how to fulfill the obligation we need to finish, example when we borrow money to
Mr. ABC, we can make a plan on how can we fulfill our obligation because solidary is a
one for all, all for one concept.
4. Assuming you're living away from your hometown and a person lets you stay in his house for
free on the condition that you will leave the house within 15 days after graduating? IS this a
conditional obligation? If yes, what kind of condition was imposed? Was it resolutory or
suspensive? Explain.

 I think yes it is a conditional obligation because I have the obligation to move out within
15 days after I graduate. The kind of this condition is Suspensive Condition because I
have to graduate first before the condition takes place. After I graduate that’s when the
15 days starts counting down.

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