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According to the speaker, “multiple” means (1)_____________, and “intelligence” means

In the first part, the speaker talks about (3)_______________
In the second part, the speaker talks about (4)__________________
I. Part 1
According to the speaker, the traditional way to measure intelligence is to take (5)____________
tests, which stands for (6)_____________________. For example, a person with the score of
(7)____________ is considered smarter than one with the score of (8)__________.
However, there are several reasons why people do not like this way of measuring intelligence:
First, a few factors can affect someone’s score such as cultural background or education.
Second, (9) __________________________________
Last, (10) ___________________________________

Howard’s theory of 9 intelligences

Kinds of Intelligence Characteristics
11. _________________ The ability to speak and write well
Be favoured on ____________ or in most schools

12. _________________ Be good at numbers and diagrams

Use logics to ______________ and make decisions

13. _________________ Feel and ________________ to sounds and music around them

14. _________________ Be sensitive to colour, light and ___________________

Be excel at drawing, painting, fashion and creative things

15. _________________ Create ______________ to remember things

Understand maps and charts easily
Have a good sense of _____________

16. _________________ ________, learn, and remember information by doing

17. _________________ Work well with other people in _______________ such as work
or school

18. _________________ Be aware of your own _________________ and needs

Ex: John does not like crowds.
He feels happier alone or in a(n) ____________________.

19. _________________ Understand your connection with nature and the

II. Part 2

There are two effects of multiple intelligences theory in classroom:

Effects Explanation Example

The first effect is on how we In class, teachers need to use Mrs. Sanchez teaches about trees
(20)___________ students diverse in different ways:
(22)________________ - Talk about trees
- (24)_____________
- Go outside and touch trees
- (25)___________________
- Learn a song about trees

The second effect is on how Students should have more Students can write about trees,
we (21)_____________ (23)____________ (26)_______________,
students (27)_____________ or create a


According to the speaker, this multiple intelligences theory would benefit most students. She
thinks the standardized tests or written tests could (28)_____________________ against students
who don’t have (29)_______________________________ intelligences.

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