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é Heat

These are the adverts of the perfume that was created by Beyoncé. In this advert Beyoncé is
the model for the perfume. In the first picture she is standing in a seductive way, this is
because she is trying to attract people to the picture and this will attract people to the
perfume. Her facial expressions in both pictures are also very seductive and intense, this
goes with the way she is standing and is sitting in the second picture and in the video advert
she also stands in a seductive but dominant way, she then walks and moves around in a
seductive but ‘feverish’ way; this is because of the slogan. The location for the advert is not
obvious, this is because she has not used any props or sets to show where she is, she went
with a simple darker background which will not take attention from her or the product. The
story line behind this advert is clear.

She repeats the slogan ‘catch the fever’ and she is in a red dress and is looking quite sweaty
as to show that she has a fever, but in this advert they put across that it is a good thing, in
the video she is not wearing much and exposes her body a lot, this could influence the
people that would buy the perfume. The bottle and what she is wearing also link with the
fever effect and she is wearing red because the bottle is red and it is linked to everything
else in the picture. She has not used any props so that the focus is kept only on her and the
product. The camera angles make her look powerful, the first one is very direct and simple
but eye catching, and the second one is a fuller shot of Beyoncé but just as powerful.

The target audience for this advert are the fans of Beyoncé that are inspired by her, and also
other women. The women attracted to this perfume are women in their mid-20s, very
mature and confident. They might still be in university as they are in their mid-20s so they
probably not have a proper job or income. They would be higher class and have quite a lot
of money as this perfume is not cheap to buy. Also they would be the kind of person that
would be conscious of their image and how they look, they will be into fashion and her
status so would spend a lot of money on things such as perfume.

They would be the kind of people that would go eat out most of the time to restaurants and
they like to be with their friends a lot, they would read magazines like ‘Elle’ and other
sophisticated magazines. They would be aspirers as they would buy the perfume because
they are materialistic and would buy it just because it is a famous brand of perfume.

Also they would have to be the more confident type, as in the pictures and the video
Beyoncé is very confident and wears a short red skirt, this shows that she is confident in her
body and the target audience would also be.

The representations of gender here are not clearly shown. However we can see that
Beyoncé is represented in an authoritative way. Her stance in the first picture shows she is
not only powerful as a woman but can also be seductive at the same time. She is using
direct appeal in both pictures and is using her body language in a sexual way. This is
appealing to the audience as they want to be just like her and think that by buying her
perfume it will make them like her. She has the most and only role in her advert. She is the
one that is in control. This is unconventional as in most adverts women are not in the
controlling position and are the ones that are controlled by the men.

However this advert breaks those conventional rules, here there is only a woman and she is
the most powerful there, even though this she is the most powerful person there, she is also
fitting into some stereotypical views. She is shown as a sex object because of the way she is
touching herself and because of what she is wearing this contrasts to the fact that she is not
being controlled by a man. Goffman’s theory fits in to the campaign as all of the aspects of
the add interlink within each other. The dress she is wearing signifies the heat from the
fever and the slogan links into this she also repeats the slogan in the video advert, also in
the first still advert Beyoncé seems to be trying to mirror the bottle and is standing in a
position which is similar to the bottle shape.
This advert is quite provocative as she is not wearing much and also the colour of the
adverts and the way she is posing in the pictures are quite exposing. The video advert could
be a bit challenging to show on TV as it could be too much.

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