Chapter 1

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Students’ Reception of the K to 12 Curriculum

in Relation to their Interest to Learn

Rolibeth D. Losala

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Study

This study is made up of five parts; (1) Background

and Theoretical Framework of the Study, (2) Statement of the

Problem and Hypotheses, (3) Significance of the Study. (4)

Definition of Terms, and (5) Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background and Theoretical Framework

provides the rationale and conditions that motivate the

present researcher to conduct the present investigation and

discusses concerning the set of facts in which the present

investigation is appended, and the basis of choosing the

variables that are included in the study.

Part Two, Statement of the Problem, and the

Hypotheses, states the general and specific objectives in

which the study will be answered and as well as the

hypotheses to be tested.

Part Three, Significance of the Study, states the

benefit that the study could give and the persons who can be

the main beneficiary of the result of the study.

Part Four, Definition of Terms, defines main variables

as well as the important terms that are used in the study.

Part Five, Delimitation of the Study, sets the

coverage of the study in terms of scope, time and place of

the study, participants, sampling techniques research design

used, data gathering instrument/s, statistical analyses,

procedures that will be employed in the study.

Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study

The Department of Education has been in its

continued search to uplift the quality of education and

further meet the demands for globalization. Thus, the

implementation of K to 12 Curriculum was mandated by the

DepEd consisting of 13-year program which they consider the

best period of learning. In this program, there is

additional 2 years in the secondary which they call as

Senior High. However, many have been arguing as regards to

the consistency of such curriculum whether it could really

answer the need in education especially it requires use of

facilities or technologies. Teachers and students


especially, have some drawbacks regarding the precision of

such attempt to change the country’s educational standards,

likewise considering the readiness and adaptiveness of the

stakeholders, resources and infrastructures. It is very

important that the perception and reception of the people

involved of the K-12 be known and studied in such a way that

the collection of opinions, ideas and decisions be

integrated to help achieve the purpose of the country’s

educational reform.

The alarming decline in the quality of education in the

Philippines served as the eye opener for the Department of

Education. In 2012, the DepEd started its program

Implementation mandated by the 2013 Enhanced Basic Education

Act (RA 10533), in phases of a 13-year program which is the

best period for learning basic education and is likewise the

known standard for both students and professionals

worldwide. The DepEd is certain that such curriculum will

improve the quality of education in the country. Since

then, DepEd has built classrooms, reinforces the academic

personnel by filling new teacher items, & provides learning

materials like textbooks to elementary, junior & senior high

school students (Sergio,Mrs. 2014). The K to 12 Basic


Education Program. Retrieved January 2017 from

However, despite the hopeful efforts and improvements

in the implementation of the K-12 curriculum, and warm

reception by different sectors, some respond negatively

towards it. In the report made by Sergio (2014), three major

challenges to the K-12 reform were pinpointed; curriculum

design, human resource and required infrastructure &

facilities. These include changes in the structure of the

curriculum, needs for human resources and most especially

the needed infrastructure and facilities in the

implementation of the same.

Students are the ones most affected by the change of

the new curriculum. Thus, students’ reception or their

responses to the K-12 curriculum vary depending on the

situations they are in. Others may respond positively while

some may respond the other way around. Such negative

response may probably be due to the “fear of the unknown”

and the accompanying discomforts and challenges of the

impending change and the environmental factors affecting

them. Added further that most schools do not have enough

facilities and resources to effectively implement same.


Apparently, students become passive and losing their

interest towards learning as caused by some factors.

Teachers find it hard to teach the students as they are lazy

to do their task. Behaviorists assert that the learner is

essentially passive, responding to environmental stimuli

(Retrieved March 3, 2017 from https://www.learning

Gardner, (2001) stated that to some degree, the

effective way to make teaching and learning go smoothly is

to improve student’s interest in learning.

However, Valerio, (2015) stated that respondent

experience problems in dealing with the curriculum of

Education. Thus, teachers find pressures in accomplishing

the lessons expected of them and the students as well. She

further stressed that there are really existing problems in

the curriculum particularly that of the school factor,

teacher, parents community, especially that of the students.

Thus, this study was anchored on the Behaviorism theory

which operates on a principle of “stimulus-response.”

Behaviorists believe that our responses to environmental

stimuli shape our actions. One of these theories was

developed by Maslow (1954). He found that individuals whose

basic needs are satisfied are more effective learners.


Retrieved January 2017 from

https:/ Learning


As a teacher, the researcher finds interest in knowing

how the students’ reception of the K to 12 curriculum

relates as regards their interest in learning as it has been

observed in school that most students find difficulty in

realizing the importance of the new curriculum and in

achieving their goals especially if burdened with many

problems & other factors in school and at home. Thus their

interest to learn is affected.

In this study, it was conceptualized that the dependent

variable was the students’ interest to learn, while the

independent variable was their reception of K-12 Curriculum.

The variable relationship in the study is shown in

Figure 1.
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Students’ Reception Interest to Learn

of K-12 Curriculum

Figure 1 shows the students’ reception of K-12 Curriculum

in relation to their interest to learn.

Statement of the Problem and the Hypotheses


The present study aimed to determine the reception of the

K-12 Curriculum by the G11 students of Mianay NHS, Sigma

Capiz, in relation to their interest to learn. Specifically,

the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the

level of students’ reception of the K to 12 Curriculum in

general and in terms of curriculum, learning resources &

facilities, and teachers/administrator?

2. What is the level of interest to learn of Grade 11


3. Is there a significant difference in the students’

reception of the K to 12 Curriculum and their interest to


4. Is there a significant relationship between

students’ reception of K-12 and their interest to learn?

Based on the stated problem, the following hypotheses

were tested:

1. There is no significant difference in the

respondents’ reception of K to 12 Curriculum in terms of

their interest to learn.


2. There is no significant relationship between the

respondents’ reception of the K to 12 Curriculum and their

interest to learn.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study were essential and beneficial

to the following, namely: students, teachers, SHS

Coordinators, guidance counselors, administrators, parents

and future researchers.

Students. The result of this study will be of great

benefits to all grade 11 students. This study can inform

them of how others respond to the K-12 Curriculum thus, it

will provide them better understanding & realization on the

importance of this new curriculum.

This will be able to influence students’ reception and

understanding of the K to 12 curriculum and through this

analysis, they can improve their interest towards learning

through the curriculum. Thus, they can plan out what

suitable approaches can be done for students to have better

understanding and reception of the K-12 Curriculum.

Teachers. The result of this study can provide teachers

basis or ideas on students’ reception of K-12. Therefore,


they can devise their plans for students to value K-12

importance especially in the real life situations and

develop ways and means to properly introduce the concept of

K-12 that is interesting to students. SHS

Coordinators. Result of this study can provide them an

update of the students’ reception of K-12 Curriculum Hence,

they can plan and devise innovations in their strategies

improve students’ interest, knowledge and skills.

Guidance counselors. Through this study, updates of

students’ reception of K-12 Curriculum can be taken in

relation to their interest to learn. Thus, they can guide

the students on how to cope with the challenges they are

facing and make them interested in their learning.

Hence, appropriate guidance counseling, assessment and

monitoring on students’ interest and performance can be


Administrators. They can use the result of this study

in making innovations & interventions to address teachers

and students’ needs and enhance students’ reception of K-12


Parents. This study provides parents information on

their children’s interest in learning through the K-12

Curriculum thus, they can help and determine what


interventions they can extend to their children in order for

them to perform well in school. Likewise, they can be

supportive of their children in coping with the challenges.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as a

guide for the conduct of same research studies.

Definition of Terms

For clarity, the following terms were conceptually and

operationally defined:

Interest to learn- is defined as a feeling of wanting

to learn more about something or to be involved in

something” or “ a quality that attracts your attention and

makes you want to learn more about something or to be

involved in something” (Merriam Webster Dictionary,

2002/Retrieved 3-15-17 from

In this study, “interest to learn” referred to the

respondent’s desire to learn based on their responses on the

items found in the questionnaire on interest to learn which

was described as very high (4.20-5.00), high (3.30-4.19),

moderate (2.60-3.29), low (1.80-2.59) and very low


Reception of K to 12 Curriculum- is the act or process

of receiving, welcoming, or accepting the K to 12 Curriculum

with 12 years of basic education (six years of primary

education, four years of Junior High School, and two years

of Senior High School (SHS) to provide sufficient time for

mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners,

and prepare graduates for tertiary education (Retrieved

January 5, 2017 from http://com/browse/K-12 Curriculum).

In this study, reception of K to 12 Curriculum

“referred” to students’ way of receiving, creating,

accepting or responding on the K to 12 Curriculum in the

questionnaire in students’ reception of the K-12 Curriculum

which was classified as very high (4.20-5.00), high (3.30-

4.19), moderate (2.60-3.29), low (1.80-2.59) and very low


Delimitation of the Study

This study aimed to determine the reception of K-12

Curriculum in relation to their interest to learn of the

Grade 11 students at Mianay National High School, Sigma,

Capiz for School Year 2016-2017.

This research was conducted among the three (3)

sections of Grade 11 students with a sample size of 96


respondents taken from the total population of 125 students

using the descriptive method. The data in this study were

gathered using the researcher-made questionnaire & the

Personal Data Sheet (PDS)

To determine the students’ reception of the k-12

Curriculum, the researcher constructed a 67 item K to 12

Reception Questionnaire - 21 items focused on questions

about curriculum; 25 items focused on learning

resources/facilities; and 21 items focused on the human

resources; and another questionnaire- Interest to Learn

Questionnaire, composed of 39 items, as the source of data

of the study.

The dependent variable in the study was the students’

interest to learn, while the independent variable was their

reception of the K to 12 Curriculum.

The descriptive statistics used in the study include

frequency count, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The inferential statistics were t-test for independent

samples, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Pearson

r. All inferential tests were set at 0 .05 alpha level of


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