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Evaluating the effects of online learning in academic behavior due to lack of resources

during the Pandemic in Stem Students at AISAT-College Dasmariñas


A Research Study

Presented to Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics

AISAT College Dasmariñas, Cavite


In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1



Fabi, Desiree

Quieta, Bianca

Pudadera, Joann Mae

Ate, Veronica

Negro, Juvanie

Villareal, Jeremie

Talaban, James

Liantada, Allan

April 2021



Education is a key factor for sustainable development (Chimombo 2005). In 2019,

coronavirus began to spread around the world, with its origins in Wuhan, China. The virus was

spreading rapidly and the numbers of people who are infected are increasing. As a result, many

people, including Filipinos, are affected. Education was one of the most affected fields by the

pandemic. Almost everyone's life has been altered as a result of quarantine. Many households

have lost their employment and, as a result, they’re unstable income. The coronavirus (COVID-

19) has a direct impact on education that’s why Department of Education (DepEd) need to find

alternative action to address the continued learning of students amidst the pandemic. The

Department of Education adapted the LCP (Learning Continuity Plan) that aims to ensure the

health, safety and well-being of the learners, teachers, and personnel in the time of Covid-19,

while finding ways for education to continue amidst the crisis. This leaves them to think of

alternatives to education. The first thing that would come to our mind is utilizing e-learning in

the advent of newer more accessible technology. This was made possible through the help of the

applications such as Zoom, Google meeting, and some other social media platforms that could

help in simultaneous broadcasting and educating the new millennia students. At the same time,

there are some who prefer to have their classes as private as possible and this is not new

especially for those who are taking home-school even before the pandemic started. This only

proves that we are versatile and flexible whatever the situation it may be.

E-Learning is known as Web-based learning, online learning, distributed learning, or

Internet-based learning (Franklin & Nahari, 2018). It is primarily a web-based system of

education that makes information or knowledge available to users or learners. However, not

every student has access to device that could be used for remote learning but it doesn’t mean that

this will also stop our educators to continue their passion. This is where the module is being

printed and sorted manually, for some they also deliver to their student door-to-door just to

ensure that no one is being left behind.

The coronavirus affects all students, those who are in lack of resources hits the hardest.

However, these changes brought opportunities and challenges as well. Online classes have

greatly impacted students in different aspects; There are some who are having trouble

understanding lectures on their own and no one in the family could help them to understand

either, some are getting out-of-focus due to some factors like Mobile Games, Personal matters,

etc., some are financially unstable to sustain their needs like having internet connection to attend

classes, printing modules, and some, are totally incapable even before and become harder when

pandemic started.

This study aim to determine the factors of online learning that affect the academic

behavior of Stem students in AISAT College Dasmariñas, the researcher conduct survey

questions in order to identify the effect of online learning modality to evaluate and provide better

understanding in academic behavior. This study will help us in determining the factors on how

we can be more efficient and effective despite of the new normal and minimal supervision; and

to show what are the things that we should do and should not do ; lastly, the benefit of online

class when it comes to time management.

Statement of the Problem

Although e-learning is a phenomenal concept, its adoption is not without limitations.

There are three specific things that need to be resolved. First is financial problem. Online

learning needs online tools (computer, laptop, and mobile phone) or anything that student can be

used in order to access in online learning. The expenses of online learning require an ideal

amount of money. Unfortunately, Covid-19’s pandemic is threatening lives and livelihoods, and

few students are affected financially. Many households lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic.

And their household income was just enough to meet their everyday needs. Hence, it doesn’t

possible to have the exact amount of expenditures needed for online learning.

Secondly, the insufficient internet connectivity. During the first day of classes on

Monday, some teachers and students encountered internet connection problems for their online

classes – one of the alternative learning modalities under distance learning. (Malipot, 2020).

There are many reasons why internet connection might appear slow. It could be a problem with

the modem, signal strength, or network traffic (Hoffman, 2018). The researcher identify online

classes require an ideal strength of internet connectivity with the aim that students can have a

clearly access whenever classes in progress. Low bandwidth and weak internet connectivity can

affect the process to connect and participate in online classes. Students who have no internet

connection have an alternative way by choosing other modalities such as Modular Distance

Learning (Downloaded) and Modular Distance Learning (Printed). Due to none stability of

internet connection, some students have lost their interest and been discouraged to continue


Lastly, is the online environment, to have a better understanding to cope up within the

online class, students required to have a comfortable and proper place. The researchers find that

some students didn’t have a comfortable place and has a lot of distractions to study such as, loud

noise in a certain place, family conversation, and unnecessary sound. As a result, students have a

difficult time to come up with the class and might have an effect when it comes to their

behaviour. With these three specific things that need to resolved, the researchers have an idea on

how to overcome the following circumstances.

Significance of the Study

The generalization of this present study would be a great contribution to the vast

knowledge in relation to student’s behaviour. Vital results of this investigation could be highly

significant and beneficial specifically to the following:

School and Administration. The result that will reveal by this study will help the school

and its administration to know and understand student’s behaviour due to lack of resources as

being affected by the pandemic.

Teachers. They can also gain significance in this study. This research will aid them their

discussions regarding related lessons. It will be easier for them to tackle related topics about this


Parents. This study will make all parents aware as regards to their children’s behaviour

towards academic study. This context will lead all parents to pay more attention to their children

and provide advises and encouragements.

Students. Through the help of this study students will be able to know the reasons why

online classes affect their behaviour during the pandemic. The source of information that the

research requires will be coming from their own experiences and insights. Therefore, students

are the main highlight of the study. Findings and result of the study will inform them about their

fellow student state.

Future Researchers. This research will be a useful reference for the researchers who

would plan to make any related study precisely and standard underlying this topic. It will help

the researchers to get an idea about academic behaviour due to lack of resources during the

pandemic. Also, future researchers can gain significance in this study. It may serve this as their

guidance to gather information and it may serve them as building blocks to have a bigger study.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to evaluate the effect of online learning in academic

behaviour due to lack of resources during the Pandemic in STEM Students at AISAT-College

Dasmariñas. Meanwhile, the specific objectives are as follows:

(1) To identify the possible effects for the financial problem, insufficient internet

connectivity and environment.

(2) To identify the possible solution for the effect of online learning in academic

behaviour due to lack of resources.

(3) To identify the acceptability of online learning.

Scope and limitations of the study

This study is generally focused on assessment or evaluation of the Effects of pandemic in

student’s behavior in terms of online learning. The researchers aim to identify what kind of

behavior that students adapts in the progression of online learning during the pandemic (Covid-

19) by using different aspects or factors might be find in website. The limitation of the study is

lack of access to data. Researchers found out that the resources such as the website, which is the

sources of the study are limited. Online class was started in October 05, 2020. (Magsambol,

2020). Since online class just started on the previous year, the websites containing the resource

of the study that researchers might have found is inadequate. Moreover, the accessible of

pursuing survey questionnaires to some students might have the researchers found more

contradicting. In addition, the privacy of some websites are not enough to control the websites

system. The amount of people having a less contributed to the websites might have researchers

found fake and not helpful for the study. Also the limitations of the study where in several

respondents have a lack of resources to answer the questions. This study will be conducted In

AISAT College Dasmariñas, Cavite. This study aims to include all of the Stem students as the

participants and it will be conducted during the second semester of S.Y 2020-2021.

Conceptual Framework

The gathered data were tabulated and interpreted using conceptual framework. Conceptual

framework is the researcher’s own position on the problem and gives direction to the study. It

contains Input, Process and Output.


INPUT To identify the

possible solutions for
Profile data;
the financial problem;
To determine the
Device used possible solutions to
address the
Age; and
Results; insufficient internet
Strand; connectivity
Research; encountered;
Problems encountered
during online class: To identify the ways
on how to reduce the
Learning Modality:
distractions while in
online class.

Figure 2. Represents the Conceptual Framework of the Evaluating the effects of online learning

in academic behavior due to lack of resources during the Pandemic in STEM Students at AISAT

College Dasmariñas; An Approach of Qualitative Assessment of STEM students in AISAT

College Dasmariñas.

Operational Definition of Terms

The following are the technical terms used in the study:

Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) is a key part of the overall budget package for K-12 that seeks

to address funding stability for schools while providing information at the local educational

agency (LEA) level for how student learning continuity will be addressed during the COVID-19

crisis in the 2020–21 school year.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a new coronavirus first identified in

Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Because it is a new virus, scientists are learning more each

day. Although most people who have COVID-19 have mild symptoms, COVID-19 can also

cause severe illness and even death. Some groups, including older adults and people who have

certain underlying medical conditions, are at increased risk of severe illness.

Online Learning is education that takes place over the Internet. It is often referred to as “e-

learning” among other terms. However, online learning is just one type of “distance learning” -

the umbrella term for any learning that takes place across distance and not in a traditional


Modular Distance Learning- is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning Modules

(SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd.

Financial- pertaining to monetary receipts and expenditures; pertaining or relating to money

matters; pecuniary: financial operations. or relating to those commonly engaged in dealing with

money and credit.

Environment- the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or


Academic Performance- is the measurement of student achievement across various academic


Mental Health - defined by the World Health Organization, is "a state of well-being in which

the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can

work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community"



COVID-19 has become a global health crisis. As of April 1, 2021, almost 129 million

people have been infected and over one million have died. In the Philippines, this translates into

almost 747K cases and 13,297deaths (Worldometer, 2021). To prevent the increase of infected

people, the government from all over the world opted to online classes. As a consequence, more

than a billion learners have been affected worldwide. Among this number are over 28 million

Filipino learners across academic levels that have to stay at home and comply with the Philippine

government’s quarantine measures (UNESCO, 2020).

Online learning might be in terms of synchronous, real-time lectures and time-based

outcomes assessments, or asynchronous, delayed-time activities, like pre-recorded video lectures

and time-independent assessments (Oztok et al., 2013). Furthermore, Distance education is

broadly characterized as any form of learning experience where the learner and the instructor are

physically separated from each other not only by place but also by time. Arguably, such a

dislocation is “the perfect context for free-flowing thought that lets us move beyond the

restricted confines of a familiar social order” (Hooks, 2003). It enables the learners and educators

to continue their education without compromising their health amidst the pandemic and violating

implemented protocols. Through Online classes, continuity of education is possible even staying

at home. Learners have adjusted differently in this option, some have adjusted well and some

find it hard to keep up. First, with online teaching, students who usually don't participate in class

may now voice their opinions and concerns. As they are not in a classroom setting, quieter

students may feel more comfortable partaking in class dialogue without being recognized or

judged. This, in turn, may increase average class scores (Driscoll et al., 2012). According to

Ingres there are numerous benefits of online learning to student’s academic performance. As

online education gives a greater degree of flexibility, it can be less stressful to manage alongside

other engagements. Moreover, there is less pressure to engage the students, as you have the

assistant of devices, apps, and multimedia tools to make learning a more interactive and

enjoyable prospect. This provides education institutions new chances to deliver content in ways

that the students of today can connect to. Learning online help enhance digital literacy as it

provides students with a clue into how to be effective online and communicate with content,

peers and lecturers. With study/teaching areas customized to a student’s needs and preferences,

it’s likely that there will be an increase in their motivation to learn, as most students will enjoy

the atmosphere. Faculty members, like students, will acquire new computer skills, despite what

the course is, from working with cloud-based documents to incorporating video and audio

materials in their course materials. These core skills will translate to many professions in the

digital age, making students more positive and more competent to transition to various roles.

They will be ready to take on more tasks in virtual learning, helping graduates shine in the

working world of the future. (Ingresqr, 2020). Quizzes, exams, and other activities are now

through websites and other online platforms. New and ‘online classes’ version of activities are

given to students, for example the group activities that needed to be brainstormed are now in

break up rooms or group chats. Students show improvements in adjusting to their education as

time goes by.

However, there are few negative sides in online learning. during the COVID-19

pandemic current situation has believed that the in charges for student’s assistance are the

teachers to achieve the absolute educational purposes of the students. Unfortunately, this

progress was less effective due to the affair of student’s disruptive behavior. During that one-

week observation, several students were caught doing things unrelated to the lesson, such as

starting other discussion topics in chat meeting, turning off their friends, and teachers,

microphones, and removing classmates out of conference meetings. This misbehavior obstructs

the effectiveness of teachers to teach the students (Elwilly Sri Wahyuni WD Gulo,2020).

Based on the research on educational disparities in the time of COVID-19. One of the

biggest problems that the students encountered in online schooling was poor connection. Studies

show that some students do not have internet connection and for those who have internet access

has reported poor connection. (Anderson 2020; Dushkevych 2020). Even if students do have

access to a stable internet connection, it is not certain that they have the proper technology, or

knowledge of technology, to complete all of their assignments for school. Online learning means,

first and fundamentally, the shift from face-to-face learning to the use of devices of various sorts

to deliver that learning. Successful online learning thus requires that students and teachers to be

familiar and proficient in their uses of those devices for learning. Of course, even more

fundamentally, it requires that the devices exist. (Chang,2020; Kaup,2020). When students are

forces to complete numerous virtual assignments, while also dealing with internet problems and

weak signals, this stress puts students at risk for depression (Mowad,2020).

The limited training pre-pandemic is compounded by the limited technical support during

the pandemic. Most K-12 teachers did not contemplate online instruction until being forced to do

so by the pandemic. As a result, teachers have had to come up with a variety of options on the

fly, from assigning daily or weekly coursework that students turn in online to full classes

conducted via Zoom and a range of approaches in between. We can expect that some of these

online strategies launched during the COVID-19 crisis did not lead to optimal outcomes.

The “whole-child” development that occurs at school was also interrupted during the

pandemic for children, going to school is not just about learning, reading, and math: It’s also

about developing the social and emotional skills critical to succeeding in life. School closures

eliminated some of these critically important aspects of school beyond academic activity, such as

the development that occurs through personal relationships among students and between students

and teachers, after-school activities that support children’s mental and emotional well-being and

skills development, and a sense of routine.

Finally, research on education has shown that internet and technology accessibility are

two of the biggest inconsistencies with online education. In addition to technological trouble,

children are having a hard time staying focused and learning new material online. For low

socioeconomic groups, these inequalities are only more prevalent, with the addition of lack of

meals provided by the school system. Because of this sudden pandemic, the inequity in our

society is more prominent than ever before.

Several studies have pointed out that stress and anxiety are major factors that affect

university students' lives and mental health (Auerbach & Gramling, 1997; Brennan, 2008;

Kummer, Cardoso, & Teixeira, 2010). Moreover, studies by educational psychologists have

consistently increased the interest in identifying factors pertaining to stress and anxiety among

students (Auerbach & Gramling, 1997; Robotham & Julian, 2006). According to Reddy,

Menon, and Thattil’s (2018) stress and anxiety are considered a part of student life, owing to

many personal, family and contextual expectations placed upon students. Other authors

suggest that, while stress is present among all students because of their workloads,

adolescent students are more vulnerable to academic stress owing to changes that take

place in their lives both personally and socially (Reddy, Menon, & Thattil, 2018). Various

other factors that affect student stress levels include the fear of academic failure,

relationships with teachers, large class sizes, the education system, mode of performance

assessment, long school hours, and heavy syllabuses (Agolla & Ongori, 2009; Mahajan,

2010; Sreeramareddy, Shankar, Binu, Mukhopadhyay, Ray, & Menezes, 2007; Deb et al.,

2015, in Reddy et al., 2018). Other factors that have been identified as having an impact

on students’ stress levels also include financial problems, environmental changes, and

difficulties in managing academic and personal life (Byron, Brun, & Ivers, 2008;

Chernomas & Shapiro, 2013; Goff, 2011; Jimenez, Navia-Osorio, & Diaz, 2010; Moscaritolo,

2009, in Reddy et al., 2018). Anxiety and stress have also been observed to interact with

specific learning skills, such as time management, concentration, learning methods, and

motivation to study (Congos,2010; Asikainen, Hailikari, & Mattsoon, 2018; Agolla &

Ongori, 2008). These factors can affect students' academic performance (Britton & Tesser, 1991)

and can also increase the level of anxiety and stress in students (Ayesha & Khurshid, 2013;

Numan & Hasan, 2017). Further, it has been confirmed that the mental health of young

people, levels of anxiety and stress, and their academic performance are affected by the

lack of emotional support and communication, factors related to their families such as

domestic violence, or other difficulties they encounter in their family relationships (Pinto et al.,

2014, in Hyseni Duraku, Kelmendi, & Jemini, 2018).

In comparison to face-to face classes, students and teacher responds to each other

immediately which is significantly convenient, while in online classes it may take some time to

answer clarifications from students and vice versa. Some studies favor traditional classroom

instruction, stating “online learners will quit more easily” and “online learning can lack feedback

for both students and instructors” (Atchley et al., 2013). For that reason, student retention,

performance, and satisfaction may be compromised especially when the student are

technophobes and prefer sitting in a classroom. Students become demotivated while studying due

to this factors and may lead to quitting or taking a gap year. Studies on the relationship between

study time and performance are limited; however, it is often assumed the online student will use

any surplus time to improve grades (Bigelow, 2009). One of the known benefits of this online

classes is being able to grasp your time, however some students have failing grades due to

constant distraction. Few of these are social media, games, or binge-watching. Not being able to

manage their time and lack of motivation since the online classes has been one of the reasons

why students fail and continue to fail.



This chapter presents the research design, sources of data, data gathering procedure, data

analysis, statistical treatment of data and the research instrument used in the study.

Research Design

The purpose of this study is to gain consumer insights about the effects of online

learning in the academic behavior of students due to lack of resources during the pandemic.

This research is chosen to meet the exact goal of our study entitled “Evaluating the

effects of online learning in academic behavior due to lack of resources during the Pandemic in

STEM Students at AISAT-College Dasmariñas”. For example, what major types of problems the

users are facing and the feedbacks like their suggestions towards the said problems for the

research proposal

Research Approach

The respondents will be the consumers who are interested to cooperate. To collect the

data we will go through an in-depth interview method.

Research Instruments

The instrument that will use by the researchers is a questionnaire to gather data needed

for the respondents. We are using questionnaires to get the needed in order to meet the exact goal

of this research.

Data Analysis

The data analysis of this research will be mostly represented on qualitative manner. It has

been mentioned that, the data will be gathered by an in-depth interview. As a result the analysis

will be qualitative. However, there will be few quantitative solutions. Data analysis is a key

component of qualitative research. Data analysis was also conducted simultaneously with data

collection. Data were organized around each research questions, which related to experiences of

students who were taking online classes and the factors that shaped those experiences. The

researchers examined the interviews, observations, and archival data for similarities and

differences. This information was then complied around two major areas. These areas were

positive experiences and negative experiences of online education.


Observations were conducted from February to May 2021. An integral part of qualitative

research, observations allow the researcher to determine if what the participant has said in the

interview is transferred into action during the online learning experience. Participant observation

“gives a firsthand account of the situation under study and, when combined with interviewing

and document analysis, allowed for a holistic interpretation of the phenomenon being

investigated (Merriam, 1998, p. 102). During the observation process, field notes were made and


Participants were given the opportunity to schedule their observations at their

convenience and in settings conductive for them. During the process of observation, extensive

field notes were taken. Those notes included participants’ study habits, description of the

physical environment where the participants were studying, and how the participants were

actively or inactively involved in his/her online learning.


Fraenkel and Wallen (2003) indicated that documents refers to any kind of information

that exists in some type of written or printed form intended for private or public consumption

public and are available to the researcher for analysis. Thus, participants messages were

collected as data sources.

The purpose of implementing observations, interviews, and documents was to provide

trustworthiness and accountability to the data. The researchers were attempting to determine

whether the participants’ actions and interview responses were the same. The researchers

examined how closely what the participants said in the interview, and observations were aligned

with what actually happened in the typical online learning settings.

Data Gathering

Data were collected using the following methods: interviews, observations, and

documents. Multiple sources for data collection will allow the researchers to use different data

sources to validate and crosscheck findings (Patton, 1990). Documents were collected and

evaluated as additional resources for the study. Each participant in this study engaged in two

interviews. One of the interviews was structured and the other was unstructured. Two

observations were conducted in an effort to gain more qualitative data. The observations were

approximately 60-minute sessions. The observations were conducted in the setting that

participants usually completed their online coursework. Documents were collected from all

participants. These documents were printouts and other information to substantiate information

that was already collected and witnessed during the observations and interviews process. Data

were analysed to answer the research questions and to cross reference similarities and differences

among participants. Interviews Fraenkel & Wallen (2003) have suggested that interviewing is an

essential method for checking the accuracy of the impressions that a researchers has gained

through observations. This study employed a variety of questioning techniques to encourage the

participants to describe their perceptions of the quality of online education based on their own




This chapter presents the summary, the conclusions and the recommendations obtained

from the results of the study.


The primary objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of online learning in

student’s academic behavior due to the lack of resources during the pandemic in Stem students at

AISAT College Dasmariñas. When the pandemic spread rapidly across the world, Education was

one of the most affected fields. As the result, Department of Education (DepEd) aims to have an

alternative ways (Online learning) to continued learning of the students that can assure the

safeness of students and teachers. On the contrary, this kind of alternative ways have left some

issues regarding to the student’s academic behavior because of lack of resources.

Researchers identify some specific things that were needed to resolve. (1) The study

revealed that the financial situation of the students have a great impact to adapt the supposed

online class. (2) Insufficient internet connectivity was also said that students affected their

studies because of inadequate amount of internet. (3) Lastly, the environment, said that the

students location whenever classes was progressing have an effect for the concentration of the

students. It was revealed that having all of these kind of situation have a big impact to the

student’s academic behavior.

Other factors identified as having an impact on students' levels of stress include financial

issues, environmental factors, and problems in balancing academic and personal life. It has been

established that a lack of mental support and conversation, as well as related factors to their

families such as domestic violence or other challenges they face in their familial relationships,

have an impact on young people's mental health, levels of anxiety and stress, and academic

performance. Due to these factors, students become demoralized while studying, this may lead to

deciding to quit or taking a gap year.

One of the well-known advantages of online classes is the ability to manage your time;

however, some students have failed classes due to constant distraction. Few of these are related

to social media, video games, or binge-watching. One of the reasons students fail and continue to

fail is an inability to manage their time and a lack of motivation as a result of online classes.


Virtual learning, also known as online learning or distance learning has been

transforming the face of the education system for quite some time. Now, it is fast becoming

an integral aspect and a common tool, in the wider aspect of higher education, as a result

of the COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from providing an alternative method of learning in the

digital age, online learning offers students the chance to learn new skills or improve

existing ones. (Ingresqr, 2020) The importance of education hasn’t been neglected even

with stacked problems in the country and offering students an alternative to continue

studying without endangering their health is essential. Although many believed that it can

wait and students can spare a year or two but now that the pandemic has no significant

changes, online classes is indeed a ‘new normal’ in pursuing education.

Students adjust differently it is reflected by their academic performance. Some are still

excelling in their study, some are improving, and some are just struggling. Some students

are opposed to change and view online instruction negatively. They prefer face to face

classes because the classroom setting provides more motivation, encouragement, and

direction. Even if a student wanted to quit during the first few weeks of class, he/she may

be deterred by the instructor and fellow students. F2F instructors may be able to adjust the

structure and teaching style of the class to improve student retention (Kemp and Grieve,

2014). To end the statement, all can agree that at the end of the day both face to face and online

teaching have their pros and cons, and it’s still depends on the students if they will work

hard or not.


 This research should be connected to school project of CHED and DepEd to reduce the

students affected in academic behavior.

 This study recommended to find another way to create a way to speed up internet

connectivity. Recommend that the concerned contact the internet companies.

 Since, this study proven that the behavior of students is affected, teachers should

maintain quality education for the students and help them to understand every discussion

to make the students not to put pressure in their studies

 It is recommended that learning management portals incorporate higher interactivity level

with instructor and peers. Synchronous and asynchronous forms, blogs, message boards,

and chat rooms are all possible tools to reach the needed interactivity levels to enhance

retention rate of students, support students in need, and replace individual face-to-face

support and mentoring provided in conventional learning on-campus.

 Interactivity and feedback should be emphasized during the online classes to increase

students’ attendance, where virtual chat rooms and forums for students-to-students and

students-to-instructor online interaction should be designed. There should be clear

instructions concerning exams, quizzes, and assignments to inform learners of how to get

help and how to place petitions.

 Knowing the limits of each students so both the instructor and learner can compromise

with workloads and due dates.

 Learners should avoid using social media and other gadgets that can cause distractions

when having a class. Instead, practice on gaining focus on the topic/lessons for effective


 Teachers should be knowledgeable about the struggle of their students in complying and

passing their grades to further understand the reason of failing or burn out.

 The students must have a self-time. In this way, it will help them to release their stress

and it can serve as their reward for keeping their hard work to continue pursuing their

dreams despite of the pandemic.

 The teachers can build a personal connection with their students.

 Improvement of online classes for better teaching styles & more effective learning


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Fabi, Desiree L.
Blk 7 Lot 28, Bautista Zone 2, Sampaloc IV
Dasmariñas City, Cavite
Email Address:

         AISAT College- Dasmariñas
         AISAT Building, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas Cavite
         2020- Present
                        Dasmariñas West National High School
          Sta. Cruz Elementary School  
Burol Elementary School
Piela Elementary School           

Birthdate:  May 21, 2003
Birthplace: Trece Martires
Age: 18
Father’s Name: Dennis Fabi
Occupation: Maintenance/Broiler
Mother’s Name: Norwina Lozano
Occupation:  Housewife

Ate, Veronica T.
Blk 12 Lot 59 Phase 5 Dasma 1 Golden City,
Brgy. Salawag, Dasmariñas Cavite
Email Address:

         AISAT College- Dasmariñas
         AISAT Building, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas Cavite
         2020- Present
                      Paliparan National High School
        Block 138, Paliparan III, Dasmariñas Cavite.
        Grade 7
         Salawag National High School
         Central, San Marino City, Brgy. Salawag, Dasmariñas Cavite
         Grade 8-10
         Salawag Elementary School
         Brgy. Salawag Dasmariñas Cavite       

Birthdate: September 4, 2003
Birthplace: Dasmariñas, Cavite
Age: 17
Father’s Name: Benjamin Ate
Occupation: Machine Operator
Mother’s Name: Virgie Tabar Ate

Occupation: Housewife     

Negro, Juvanie M.
Phase 2 Block 12 Lot 28, Marycris Complex Pasong Camachile II, 
General Trias Cavite
Email Address:

         AISAT College- Dasmariñas
         AISAT Building, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas Cavite
         2020- Present
                      Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. North National High School    
         Talima Elementary School

Birthdate: November 24, 2002
Birthplace: Pardo, Cebu
Age: 18
Father’s Name: Edgar Negro
Occupation: Welder
Mother’s Name: Mari Jane Negro
Occupation: Housewife


Talaban, James E.
Blk 6 Lot 54 Phase 8 Dasma 3,
Brgy. Salawag Dasmariñas Ctiy, Cavite
Email Address:

         AISAT College- Dasmariñas
         AISAT Building, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas Cavite
         2020- Present
        Salawag National High School
       Salawag Elementary School
Birthdate:  November 17, 2002
Birthplace: Cavite
Age:  18
Father’s Name: Edwin Talaban
Occupation: UV Driver
Mother’s Name: Jocelyn Talaban
Occupation:  Housewife

Quieta, Bianca C.
Blk 65 Lot 3 Phase 4 Mabuhay Subd. 
Paliparan III, Dasmariñas City, Cavite
Email Address:

         AISAT College- Dasmariñas
         AISAT Building, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas Cavite
         2020- Present
        Paliparan 3 National High School
       Paliparan 3 Elementary School
Birthdate:  September 2, 2004
Birthplace:  Manila
Age: 16
Father’s Name: Robert G. Quieta
Occupation: Cargo Coordinator
Mother’s Name: Dalia Quieta
Occupation:  Housewife


Pudadera, Jo Ann Mae L.
Phase 6 Block 6 Lot 8 Wellington Place,
 Pascam 2 ,General Trias Cavite.
Email Address:

         AISAT College- Dasmariñas
         AISAT Building, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas Cavite
         2020- Present
                      Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. North National High School    
         Christian Yra Academy

Birthdate: May 18, 2004
Birthplace: Antipolo, Rizal
Age: 17
Father’s Name: Leonel Pudadera
Occupation: OFW
Mother’s Name: Mary Ann Pudadera
Occupation: Housewife


Liantada, Allan R. Jr.

Blk 5 Lot 55 Phase 8 Dasma 3,
Brgy. Salawag, Dasmariñas City, Cavite
Email Address:

         AISAT College- Dasmariñas
         AISAT Building, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas Cavite
         2020- Present
                     Salawag National High School
     Salawag Elementary School             

Birthdate: May 27, 2002
Birthplace: Bayanan, Cavite
Age:  19
Father’s Name: Allan V. Liantada Sr.
Occupation: Fish Vendor
Mother’s Name:  Remedios Liantada
Occupation:  Housewife


Villareal, Jeremie B.
Brgy.Langkaan 1 Quary
Dasmariñas City, Cavite
Email Address:

         AISAT College- Dasmariñas
         AISAT Building, Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas Cavite
         2020- Present
         Congressional Integrated High School
       Malinao Ilaya Elementary School

Birthdate:  November 24, 2003
Birthplace:  Atimonan , Quezon
Age:  17
Father’s Name:  Gilbert Villareal
Occupation:  Foreman
Mother’s Name:  Veronica Villareal
Occupation:  Housewife


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