Discussion On Utilitarian Ethics

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1.Which of the two ethical ideas on utilitarianisn to do agree most, Benthams or Mills?

Justify your
choice by giving at least one specific example that is happening in the world today or has happened in
the past within or outside our country to support your claim


Act utilitarianism is the belief that an act that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of
people is good, while Rule utilitarianism is the belief that the moral correctness of an action depends on
the correctness of the rules that allows it to achieve the greatest good. I choose the act of utilitarianism.
My example is Alessandro is a 68-year-old doctor. He has moderate chronic obstructive airways disease.
He contracts COVID-19 while caring for patients with the same disease. He develops respiratory failure.
Jason is a 52-year-old businessman who contracted COVID-19 while travelling for business reasons. He is
otherwise well but develops respiratory failure. If Jason has a 90% chance of recovery and Alessandro
has a 10% chance, other things being equal, you should use your ventilator for Jason. Indeed, if you treat
people like Jason rather than people like Alessandro, you will save nine people instead of one for every
10 treated. In a setting of scarcity, duration of time on a ventilator has implications for the numbers of
lives saved. The longer one person will be on a ventilator, the more people who potentially die because
they cannot get access to breathing support. If Alessandro needs a ventilator for 4 weeks, and four
others (including Jason) need it for 1 week, the choice is between saving one person or four people. So
doctors should take duration of use into account.

2. Do you believe that the Dolomite project provides greater happiness to majority of the Filipinos as
DENR and Harry Roque defended the Php 386 M project that it is good for the mental health of the
Filipinos in this time of pandemic. Be able to support your answer.


Utilitarianism says that we should always do what will have the best consequences for all those affected
by our actions. "Best consequences" generally refers to well-being, in some sense, although utilitarians
differ on whether this means happiness, and the reduction of suffering, or something like the
satisfaction of preferences. Utilitarians don't just focus on their friends or family, or their fellow-citizens.
They are concerned about distant strangers. They are concerned about future generations (so
utilitarianism tells us why climate change matters, for example, even if its most severe effects won't be
felt for another century). And "all affected" includes all sentient beings, so the suffering of animals
matters too. The overlaying of the dolomite in Manila Bay beach or the beach nourishment project
caught public attention, stirring curiosity and setting off waves of people flocking to the area to get a
glimpse of the "white sands". Many criticized the project, throwing allegations at the DENR, calling the
project a health hazard and a waste of public funds. But the DENR emphasized that the beach
nourishment with the use of dolomite is a significant component of the rehabilitation aimed to protect
the coastal resources in the area and prevent coastal flooding, erosion, and pollution. Despite the
criticisms, many also expressed appreciation especially when people started flocking to have their
pictures taken at the beach area.
For many, this is a man-made white sand beach in the middle of the city, a first in history seen by many,
including the local government of Manila where it is situated, to boost local and international tourism
and generate jobs for residents.

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