Discussion On DEontology

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1. What makes the ethics on Deontology normative and non consequentialist?

One of the important branches defined under Ethics is Normative Ethics.

Normative Ethics is the content of morality, how something should be or have to be.
Deontology is the concept of which moral obligation is from a strict set of
principles that are followed no matter what the consequences are when approaching
and ethical question
It is an ethnical theory which distinguishes from right and wrong. Deontologists
follow the moral rules and laws and do their duty. Deontology avoids being
subjective because the actions. Consequentialism determines what is right and wrong
based on what the outcome of the problem or dilemma is, causing it to be a reason-
based approach. It judges what is right by which consequences increases pleasure.A
non consequential ethical theory judges the action on the basis of reason, logic,
or cause behind that action and not on the basis of consequence or the aftermath of
the action. So if your action is based on the best or good intent and purpose, its
a moral action and vise versa. This viewpoint depends on the idea of a moral
duty.Which indicates that the growth and rise in innovation, science, economy, and
social concern and association are essential for the development of the human
beings. Progressivism makes sure that human beings are working keeping in mind the
end plus the long term as well as short term consequences.

2. What are the criticisms againts the ethics on deontology? Give examples
Some criticisms of the deontological approach are that it “tells us nothing about
the content of moral obligation…it is not much help if we are trying to work out
how we ought to live our lives.” Another criticism is that Kant's ideas are very
rigid and strict, they do not allow for much leniency because of Kant's ideas about
the moral oughts and keeping promises. This could mean that sometimes we will not
do things that give good outcomes in order to keep a promise or not tell a lie.
Others argue that Kant is overly optimistic about human nature and believing that
we will always perform our duties to society.
One critics of deontology relates to who decides the norms of behavior. Often
the people who decide these norms are people who have power of some kind (e.g.,
religious leaders, governmental officials)

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