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Gut Wehlitz Behaviour Expectations and House Rules

Dear guests,

Welcome to Gut Wehlitz. Gut refers to a Manor House, and is also the German word for ‘good’.

We hope that you have a ‘good’ time here and that you leave having learned something about
your trade, subject and about working with others. Your success here, like your success in life,
depends on your engagement and your actions.

The following advice helps make everyone’s stay better and is based on years of
experience hosting groups here:

● Respect each other; treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
● Handle the equipment with care; treat the accommodation and the facilities here as you
would your home and leave things as you would like to find them.
● Should an accident happen, please let us know immediately so that we can help and
take care of any injury or damage. If you break something as a result of carelessness ,
you will have to pay for the repair.
● Smoking inside the building is strictly forbidden! We have smoke detectors and a
fire alarm system that automatically calls the fire brigade in case of smoke. If the fire
brigade is called, you will have to pay the €5000 cost yourself.
● Ashtrays can be found outside the buildings. Please smoke and dispose of your
cigarettes in these places ONLY.
● Please air the rooms regularly to avoid mould and smells. In winter, open all windows for
5 minutes with the heating off (turn to 0).
● Please keep your distance from the deer. Do not disturb them, and no feeding.

What you must bring with you (Gut Wehlitz does not provide):

● European Health Insurance Card (or similar document)

● Towels
● Work clothes (see attached document)
● Indoor and outdoor sport shoes (if you’re interested in sport activities)
● Swimwear in summer

What you must NOT bring with you:

● Alcohol and drugs

● Food from home, we feed you here
● Electronic devices such as kettles or toasters which have a heating element (fire risk)

Internet and TV: WIFI: „Skynet 2.0“, Password: 12345678987654321

Please use only for communication purposes (Facebook, Skype, etc.) - do not stream or
download movies from non-subscription sites, it's illegal in Germany (min €1000 fine)

Gut Wehlitz Behaviour Expectations and House Rules


Please separate your garbage into PAPER and OTHER. The garbage containers are below the
dining hall, one for paper and one for everything else.

For hygiene waste (period products, cotton pads, dental floss etc.) there are bins in the
bathrooms. Please do not throw it in the toilet, it will destroy our biological wastewater system.


Please do not wash any laundry in your bathroom; it will destroy our biological wastewater
system. Laundry can be washed in the machines with the special washing powder available.

Bed linen will be changed after 2 weeks.

Good to know:

Take as much food as you need from the buffet, but please eat all the food you take; wasting
food is not sustainable. Do not take food from the kitchen to your room, we are in the
countryside and you do not want pests in your room!

Take care of your own belongings and keep them safe. Vitalis is not responsible or liable for the
loss of money, electronic devices, clothing etc.

Be considerate of the other guests and move around the house normally and quietly, especially
in the evening and at night; legal quiet time in Germany is from 22.00 - 06.00 hrs.

The Club is open every night, except Saturdays. If you are of age and have the permission of
the school, you can have a beer or a glass of wine here, depending on the Covid-19 regulations
in place in Germany.

The sports area and the swimming pool can be used until 22.00.

We wish you a wonderful time together with us.

If you have questions or problems, please contact us.

Your Vitalis Team

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