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Future Proud Michigan Educator | 5.

3 Assignment: Reflection - Educational


Over this lesson, you identified patterns of thinking or behaviors when you have struggled in school. You’ve
observed concrete action steps for self-advocacy.

Part 1- Answer these warm up questions:

1. What does self-advocating look like in K-12 schools? What 5 resources were listed in the module?
- first find your strengths and challenges
- Ask for the teacher to record the lesson so you can review it.
- Create a study group with other classmates.
- Ask for assignment earlier so you can pre read
- Voice to the teacher that you are struggling, and figure out what they/ you can do to help.
2. How may self-advocating look different when you are in college or trade school? What are the
- not always having the teacher there
- Needing to talk to someone else, and not having someone do it for you.

For this next part, you will write a letter to your past self ON THE NEXT PAGE. In your letter, you should:

Start with a general greeting and what you’re currently doing and how you’ve been
Identify a struggle you’ve experienced in school (Ex. grades, bullying, conflict with another student,
conflict with a teacher, etc)
Give your past self giving advice about how to overcome the struggle
List resources your past self could’ve used or did use to help you get through that struggle
Reflect on who to reach out to for support
“If I knew then, what I know now…I would’ve” Reflect on a concrete way(s) to self-advocate.
It may help to use the format from the lesson to write a letter to a teacher or other educational
ally (Review the “How Can I Ask For Help” page of the lesson).

@2021 Michigan Virtual

Last Updated 2/18/2021

Dear [insert approximate date or grade of when this event happened) Me, In the first grade I wrote
the word “bi*ch” on the wall at recess thinking I was the coolest person ever. I don't remember the
full story of it because it was so long ago, but I do remember what my lie was. Once I got caught up
with the bad choices I made I blamed it on my friend Makayla. I told them that she grabbed my hand
and forced me to write it on the wall. WHAT A HORRIBLE LIE!! So obviously they called her down to
talk to her. She told them no because she didn't do that. It was just my lie. Eventually I confessed to
what I did. I definitely would do that a lot when I was younger and got in trouble for something I
would lie, and then confess. Anyways, Once I confessed to writing the bad word on the wall I didn't
only get in trouble at school and got a “pink slip” I also ruined a friendship for the time being because
now she and I are inseparable. But I would say I regret making that bad decision, and lying about it
ESPECIALLY blaming it on a friend saying that she made me do it. Overall I didn't really learn from that
because I was so young, but now I do regret it because it's on my school record, but once I got a little
older I did learn to not lie because that just gets me in more trouble.

@2021 Michigan Virtual

Last Updated 2/18/2021


Criteria Excellent Acceptable Needs Incomplete


Addressing Prompts Student addresses Student addresses Student addresses Student addresses
ALL components of MOST of the SOME of the FEW of the
the prompt on the components of the components of the components of the
graded assignment. prompt on the prompt on the prompt on the
graded assignment. graded assignment. graded assignment.

Development and Student provides Student provides Student provides Student provides
Examples for several relevant relevant examples SOME examples or NO examples or
Prompt examples or or developed ideas SOMEWHAT INCOMPLETE ideas
developed ideas to MOST of the TIME. developed ideas to to show their
demonstrate their show their understanding.
understanding understanding.
throughout the

Expression in Student submission Student submission Student submission Student’s

Responses to is CLEAR, PRECISE, is CLEAR and lacks precision, so it submission was too
Prompt and EXPRESSIVE. PRECISE. More is somewhat short to evaluate
voice or details unclear. for expression.
would make it more More clear, precise,
EXPRESSIVE. and expressive
language is

@2021 Michigan Virtual

Last Updated 2/18/2021

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