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Unit 3 General Test name _________________

Part 1
Listen to the conversations and look at the pictures. Choose the correct picture.


[a.] b. c.


(a.) b. c.

Level 1--Unit 3 Achievement Tests 1

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a. b. (c.)

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Part 2
Listen to the conversations. Then listen again and use the correct word or phrase from
the box to complete each sentence.

an only child aunt in-laws

nephews twins

Example: Darci is her ____aunt____.

3. The boy is    an only child                                     .

4. They are her         in laws                                .

5. The boys are Lisa’s         twins                                .

6. The girls are        nephews                                 .

Part 3
Complete each sentence by choosing the correct word or phrase.

Example: What kind of job ( do / [does] ) your husband have?

7. Where (do/ does ) your in-laws live?

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8. Does your mother have a job that she ( like / likes )?

9. My brother doesn’t ( work / works ) in an office.

10. My aunt ( teach / teaches ) young children.

11. I usually ( stay / am staying ) with my grandparents for a week in the summer.

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Part 4
Complete each sentence with the correct word.

Example: If people agree to marry each other, they’re ______engaged___.

12. If a man and a woman aren’t married anymore, they’re      divorced                                    .

13. A man who used to be married to a woman is her       wife                                  .

14. If a man dies before his wife, she is      widowed                                   .

15. If Meg and Lola have the same mother but different fathers, they’re       step sister                                  .

16. If a man marries a woman who already has a son, that boy is        step son                                  .

Part 5
Read the answers in each conversation. Complete the questions.

Example: A: __Who___ do you ____look___ the most like, your father or your mother?

B: Oh, I look the most like my mother.

A:    who                                  do your children        live with                            ?

17. 18.

B: Both of them still live at home with their mother and me.

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A:       what                              kind of movies do you              like                       to see?

19. 20.

B: I like to see funny movies with happy endings.

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Part 6
Complete the paragraphs with words and phrases from the box.

both but different the same look alike

don’t look alike similar Both of us

Example: Max and I are the same in many ways. For example, we ____both____ like rock music.

     Both of us                       like movies too, so we go to


them often. Because we like     the same                                    


clothes, we often dress like each other. I have brown eyes

and dark hair, and so does Max. We’re the same height.

All of these things make us     look alike                                    .


I have a twin brother but, as you can see, we

      Don’t look alike           . And the differences


just begin there. For example, we like

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      different                                  types of music. As you


know, I like rock,         but                                my


brother doesn’t. We are like each other in one

way: we like        similar                                 kind of


movies—action movies! My brother often comes

to the movies with Max and me.

Part 7
Read the paragraph. Then complete the sentences by choosing the correct word.

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Example: Beth is                 .

[a. divorced]

b. widowed

c. married

28. Linda is                . 30. These identical twin sisters______

a. single a. are the same in every way

b. married b. are different in many ways

c. separated c. have similar occupations

29. Both sisters                .

a. live in Canada

b. like to swim
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c. have sons

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Unit 3 Writing Test

Read and answer each question. Use complete sentences. Use at least two sentences in
each answer.

1. What is good about having a small family?

that you will have more time to enjoy the children.

that the expenses will be less.

that you can educate your children.

2. What is good about having a large family?

which are much more to visit.

that the family will grow more and that there will be more work in the home.

that there is more company.

Unit 3 Speaking Test

Do you come from a large family or a small family? Describe your family using your own
Well, my parents come from a very large family, but I come from a small family made up of two brothers and I, of
course, the expenses were less at home, we were able to travel, be educated, and above all, have a nice family

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