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After watching the video, I found it very informative and interesting.

I was able to refresh my

memory on the little thing that I already knew about the Northern Renaissance, but mostly I was

able to learn new things about the history in central Europe. Also, this was an eye-opener for me

to the origins of humanism, and how it shaped our way of living even to this day.

Firstly, I would like to say the video was well put that it made it easier for me to understand and

appreciate most of the information about the spread of the renaissance in Northern Europe. The

discovery of movable type printing in the 15th Century I think played a major part in the spread

of the renaissance. As various discoveries and invention were made in printing like Gutenberg’s

printing press, I learned that this led to and fueled the printing of books, poems, deciphering of

Latin Roman law; all these from my point of view was paramount in creating the opportunity for

people to help them in encountering much more voices across space and time.

The video alluded to the fact that since the ideas of the renaissance were spreading, scholars and

writers saw humanism ideas through the local concern lens. In my opinion, this was brought on

by the fact that due to the more printing of books which allowed people to voice their views,

concerns and take on their way of life and their living much easier. I think just like nowadays,

people are entitled to their opinions and views and express them from wherever they are, also

back then scholars and writers expressed their various points of view and opinions. The

humanism discussion thus was brought on and was done from various parts of Europe through

the use of paintings that depicted their views and opinions as evident in the video. So, I think just

like today we can discuss various topics about various aspects of our life so did the writers and

scholars back then.

The study on humanism by the scholars then mainly was about the human condition, organizing

human societies, and the establishment and enforcement of laws. This focused on maintaining

peace which I think to this day is still happening. Maintaining law, peace and order is just as

much of a discussion today, a continued discussion that started back then albeit on a different

level now. Thomas Moore’s view that analysis of humanity could lead to peace and prosperity

widespread. I feel that we are living evidence of this view, although this would take quite some

time to achieve. Christine de Pizan’s view focused on a woman as a virtuous leader. She argues

virtuous women leaders beget virtuous communities. I think this also agrees in a way with

Moore’s view as morals might go hand in hand with a peaceful community.

On the other hand, I think the scholars back really shaped part of the way we live and view life.

Scholars like Erasmus and Machiavelli helped shape our politics, what we now call political

science. This I feel really shaped today’s view on today’s politics. Machiavelli’s view of war as a

necessity is evident in the war tone countries where the focus is not aimed at maintaining peace

but on power.

From what I knew about European history, surely the video was an eye-opener for me. I think

though that the writer and scholars back then encouraged and motivated people’s views on life. I

learned that the renaissance and particularly the emergence of the printing press really pioneered

people to have various ideologies on the way of life, some of which I think we are still using to

this day. Although we are living in a different time, I think we are living off some of the

ideologies that were discovered back then.

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