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In the Court of the Vacation Sessions Judge, Madurai.

Present : Tmt. J.Rathika, M.A., M.L.,

Vacation Sessions Judge, Madurai.
Thursday, this the 05th day of May -2022.
Crl.M.P.No.07/2022 & 08/2022.
V.Ravikumar (A.2), S/o. Late.Vellaiyan ... Petitioner/Accused.
In Crl.M.P.No.07/2022.
C.Selvam,(A1),S/o.Chinnandi ... Petitioner/Accused.
In Crl.M.P.No.08/2022.
State through the Inspector of Police, ... Respondent/Complainant.
CCB (ALGSC),Madurai P.S. in Cr.No.08/2022 in both petitions.
These petitions coming on today for hearing before me in the presence of
Thiru.P.Manikandan, Advocate for the petitioners in both petitions, and of the
Public Prosecutor for the state, this court passed the following:
Common Order

1. Petitions filed to relax the Condition.

2. The offences alleged are U/s. 419, 420, 465, 468, 471, 506(i), 120(B) and

109 of IPC.

3. Both heard.

4. The learned counsel for the petitioners in Crl.M.P. Nos. 7/2022 and 8/2022

submitted that the petitioners were granted anticipatory bail by this Court in

Crl.M.P.Nos.1393/2022 and 1415/2022 dated 24.03.2022 on condition to appear

and sign before the Inspector of police, respondent police station daily twice at

10.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m., until further orders and they have complied the condition

regularly for 12 days, subsequently, the condition was modified as per order in

Crl.M.P.Nos. 1670/2022 and 1671/2022 dated 06.04.2022 to appear and sign before

the Inspector of police, respondent police station weekly once i.e. on every Monday
at 10.00 a.m., until further orders and they have been complying the condition

regularly for 4 weeks. The learned Public Prosecutor prayed to modify the

condition. Considering the facts and circumstances, already condition complied

period, this Court is inclined to modify the condition.

5. In the result, the petitions are partly allowed and the condition is modified

to the effect that the petitioners in Crl.M.P. Nos.7/2022 and 8/2022 are directed to

appear and sign before the the Inspector of police, respondent police station

monthly once, i.e. on 1st day of the every English calendar month at 10.00 a.m.,

until further orders.

Pronounced by me in the Open Court on the 05th day of May -2022.

Digitally signed
J Date:
RADHIKA 2022.05.05
Vacation Sessions Judge,
Copy to
1. The J.M.Land Grabbing Cases Court, Madurai.
2. The Inspector of Police, CCB (ALGSC),Madurai P.S.
3. The Petitioner through his counsel.

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