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Student’s Name : 0recious

Offering – Semester 6

Subject : Writing V

TASK 1 – Analyzing the essay

1. What is the topic of this essay?

The topic of this essay is a rigid way of teaching

2. What is the thesis statement of this essay?

“Teaching styles have evolved into four distinct approaches adopted by modern teachers, namely : the
authority, the delegator, the facilitator, and the demonstrator styles.”

3. What are the groups mentioned by the writer?

The authority, the delegator, the facilitator, and the demonstrator styles.

4. What are the characteristics of each category?

The authority : The teachers give a long one-way lecture on a particular topic and write on the
chalkboard while the students write the information.

The delegator : Teachers encourage learners to be independent thinkers who can handle their work
individually or in group.

The demonstrator : Includes multimedia presentation, demonstration, and other class activities.

5. What are the transitional words used in this essay? Explain their function.

However : has two key functions: (1) As a pure adverb that means to whatever extent or in whatever
way: However far you go, you'll always remember home. ... (2) As a conjunctive adverb that means
nevertheless and shows contrast with what went before: We were now utterly lost.

Allthough : you use although to introduce a subordinate clause which contains a statement which
contrasts with the statement in the main clause. ... You use although to introduce a subordinate clause
which contains a statement which makes the main clause of the sentence seem surprising or

Or : usually work best when used to link one word to the next

And : usually work best when used to link one word to the next

In this way : usually work best when used to link one sentence to the next and are usually found at the
beginning of the paragraph, although they can be used anywhere when needed.

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