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Class 10: Biology

M.M-80 Time-2 hr
Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first fifteen minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers
Attempt all questions from section I and any four questions from section II.
The intended marks for the questions or parts of questions are given in bracket []

SECTION I (40 marks)

Attempt all questions from this section.
Question 1
a. Define the following terms. [5]
Histones, Flaccidity, Phenotype, Imbibition, Mutations.

b. State whether the following statements are True or False. [5]

i. The chemical substance present in gene is RNA.
ii. When both alleles are identical they are said to be homozygous.
iii. The plant used by Mendel is Sweat pea.
iv. Phloem is responsible for ascent of sap.
v. Plasma membrane is semi permeable in nature.

c. Fill in the blanks . [5]

i. Raisins swell when kept in___________solution.
ii. Root hair is an extension of ___________.
iii. The condition opposite to turgidity is ______
iv. The _________ arises from the left ventricle and caries oxygenated blood supply to all parts of the
v. The loss of water in the form of droplets through hydathodes is called______________.

d- Distinguish between the following pairs. [5]

i- Endosmosis and exosmosis ii-Evaporation and transpiration
iii-Arteries and veins iv-Dominant allele recessive allele
v-Mitosis and meiosis

e- Name the following. [5]

i-The tissue which conducts manufactured food in plants.
ii-A solution whose concentration is more than the cell sap.
iii-A cell in a fully extended condition.
iv-The tissue concerned with upward movement of water in plants.
v-The force which helps in the conduction of water.

f- Answer the following question in brief. [5]

i-List three adaptations in plants to reduce excessive transpiration.
ii-What is bleeding in plants?
iii- Name the respiratory pigment present in erythrocytes.
iv-State the mineral important for clotting of blood.
v-Name the blood group which is called universal recipient.

g- Give the number of chromosomes in the following. [5]

Ascaris, crayfish, maize, potato, gorilla
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h- Given alongside is an experimental set up to study a particular process. [5]

i. Name the process being studied.

ii.Explain the process named above.
Why is the pot covered with a bell jar ?
iv.Mention one way in which this process is beneficial to the
v. Mention a suitable control for this experiment.

Section B (40 marks)

Attempt any four questions.

2(a) Given along side is the diagram of a double helical structure of DNA. [5]
i-Name the four nitrogenous bases that forms a DNA molecule.
ii-Give full form of DNA.
iii-Name the unit of heredity.
iv-Differentiate between Karyokinesis and cytokinesis.

b- (i) State Mendel’s law of dominance . [5]

ii-A pure tall plant (TT) is crossed with a pure dwarf (tt) plant.
Draw a Punnett’s square to show F1 generation and F2 generation.
iii-Give the phenotype of the F2 generation.
iv-Give the phenotypic and genotypic ratio of the F1 and F2 generations.
v-Name a X -linked disease found in humans.

3a- The diagram given below represents a stage during the mitotic cell division in an animal cell. [5]
i. Identify the stage. Give a reason to support your answer.
ii. Label the diagram.
iii. name the stage before this.
iv. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the cell as it would appear in
the next the stage .

b-(i)What is crossing over? [2]

ii-Explain cell cycle with help of the diagram. [2]
iii-State the significance of meiosis. [1]

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4a- Given alongside is the diagram of the apparatus set up to study a very important physiological process: [5]
i. Name the process being studied in the dig. Give below.
ii. Explain the process.
iii. What changes would you observe in the thistle funnel
containing sugar solution after 10 minutes.
iv. Is sugar solution hypertonic or hypotonic?
v. Define active transport.

b. Study the diagram alongside and answer the questions that

follows [5]

i. Explain the physiological process being studied.

ii. What will be observed in the two test tubes after two to
three days.
iii. Give a reason for your answer in (ii) above.
iv. Why is the surface of water covered with oil ?
v. What will be the control of the above experiment?

5a- [5]
i. Name the apparatus shown alongside
ii. What is it used for?
iii. what is the role played by the air bubble in the
iv. Of what use is the stopcock ?
v. What happens to the movement of the air bubble
when kept in dark?

b-.Explain an experiment to show that oxygen is given out during photosynthesis [5]

6a The figure given alongside are cross sections of blood vessels. [5]
i. Identify the blood vessels A,B and C.
ii. Name the parts labelled 1- 4.
iii. Mention structural difference between A and
iv. Name the type of blood that flows through A
and B.
v. In which of the blood vessels does the
exchange of gases takes place.

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b(i). Explain what is myocardial infarction. [2]
ii. State the functions of spleen. [2]
iii. State the steps involved in heartbeat. [1]

7a-The given figure represents an experiment. [5]

a. Leaf A was coated with Vaseline on both the surfaces.
b. Leaf B was coated with Vaseline on the ventral surfaces.
c. Leaf C was coated with Vaseline on dorsal surface.
d. Leaf D was left without application of Vaseline.

i. Which leaf dries first? Give reason.

ii. Which leaf dries last? Give reason.
iii. Why is leaf C semi fresh.
i. i. Explain light reactions and dark reaction. [2]
ii. ii. ABO type of blood group system [2]
iii. iii. Define .Cardiac cycle. [3]

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