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Lecture 14

Angular momentum operator


In this lecture we present the theory of angular momentum operator algebra

in quantum mechanics.

14.1 Basic relations

Consider the three Hermitian angular momentum operators Jˆx , Jˆy and Jˆz ,
which satisfy the commutation relations

Jˆx , Jˆy = i~ Jˆz , Jˆz , Jˆx = i~ Jˆy , Jˆy , Jˆz = i~ Jˆx .


The operator

Jˆ2 = Jˆx2 + Jˆy2 + Jˆz2 , (14.2)

is also Hermitian and it commutes with Jˆx , Jˆy and Jˆz :

Jˆ , Jˆx = Jˆ , Jˆy = Jˆ , Jˆz = 0.

 2   2   2 

These relations are not difficult to prove using the operator identity
Â, B̂ Ĉ = Â, B̂ Ĉ + B̂ Â, Ĉ . (14.4)


For example,

Jˆ , Jˆz = Jˆx + Jˆy2 + Jˆz2 , Jˆz

 2   2 

= Jˆx2 , Jˆz + Jˆy2 , Jˆz ,


because by definition Jˆz commutes with itself and, using (14.4),

Jˆz , Jˆz = − Jˆz , Jˆz Jˆz − Jˆz Jˆz , Jˆz = 0.


The remaining two commutators in the last row of (14.5) can be calculated
using again (14.4):

Jˆx , Jˆz = Jˆx , Jˆz Jˆx + Jˆx Jˆx , Jˆz


= − i~ Jˆy Jˆx + Jˆx Jˆy , (14.7)


Jˆy , Jˆz = Jˆy , Jˆz Jˆy + Jˆy Jˆy , Jˆz


= i~ Jˆx Jˆy + Jˆy Jˆx . (14.8)

The sum of Jˆx2 , Jˆz and Jˆy2 , Jˆz is therefore zero and from (14.5) it follows

that Jˆ2 , Jˆz = 0.


Rather then working with the Hermitian operators Jˆx and Jˆy , it is more
convenient to work with the non-Hermitian linear combinations,

Jˆ+ = Jˆx + iJˆy , (14.9a)

Jˆ− = Jˆx − iJˆy , (14.9b)

where, by definition, (Jˆ− )† = Jˆ+ . For reasons that will become clear later,
Jˆ+ and Jˆ− are called ladder operators. Using (14.1) and (14.3), it is straight-

forward to show that

Jˆz , Jˆ+ = ~ Jˆ+ ,


Jˆz , Jˆ− = − ~ Jˆ− ,


Jˆ+ , Jˆ− = 2~ Jˆz ,


Jˆ , Jˆ+ = Jˆ2 , Jˆ− = 0.


The operators Jˆ+ and Jˆ− often appear in the products Jˆ+ Jˆ− and Jˆ− Jˆ+ , which
are equal to
Jˆ+ Jˆ− = Jˆx + iJˆy Jˆx − iJˆy

= Jˆx2 + Jˆy2 − i Jˆx , Jˆy


= Jˆx2 + Jˆy2 + ~ Jˆz , (14.11)

Jˆ− Jˆ+ = Jˆx − iJˆy Jˆx + iJˆy

= Jˆx2 + Jˆy2 + i Jˆx , Jˆy


= Jˆx2 + Jˆy2 − ~ Jˆz , (14.12)

respectively. After noticing that (14.2) implies Jˆx2 + Jˆy2 = Jˆ2 − Jˆz2 , we can
straightforwardly rewrite Jˆ+ Jˆ− and Jˆ− Jˆ+ as

Jˆ+ Jˆ− = Jˆ2 − Jˆz2 + ~ Jˆz , (14.13a)

Jˆ− Jˆ+ = Jˆ2 − Jˆz2 − ~ Jˆz . (14.13b)

Adding equations (14.13) side-by-side and rearranging the terms, we obtain

1ˆ ˆ 
Jˆ2 = J+ J− + Jˆ− Jˆ+ + Jˆz2 . (14.14)

Two additional useful relations are:

n  n
Jˆz , Jˆ+ = n~ Jˆ+ ,

n  n
Jˆz , Jˆ− = − n~ Jˆ− ,


where n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., is an integer number. We demonstrate, for example,

the first relation (14.15a). The proof is by iteration. If n = 0, then (Jˆ+ )0 = Iˆ
and (14.15a) becomes a trivial identity. If n = 1, we simply recover (14.10a).
If n > 1, we first rewrite

Jˆz (Jˆ+ )n = Jˆz Jˆ+ (Jˆ+ )n−1 , (14.16)

and then use (14.10a) to write Jˆz Jˆ+ = Jˆ+ Jˆz + ~Jˆ+ . This permits us to find
the following recursion relation:
n n−1
Jˆz Jˆ+ = Jˆ+ Jˆz + ~Jˆ+ Jˆ+

n h n−1 i
= ~ Jˆ+ + Jˆ+ Jˆz Jˆ+ . (14.17)

If we rewrite this equation replacing n with n − 1, we easily find

n−1 n−1 h n−2 i
ˆ ˆ
Jz J+ ˆ
= ~ J+ ˆ ˆ
+ J+ Jz J+ˆ . (14.18)

Substituting this expression into (14.17), we obtain

n n n n−1 h n−2 io
Jˆz Jˆ+ = ~ Jˆ+ + Jˆ+ ~ Jˆ+ + Jˆ+ Jˆz Jˆ+
n 2 h n−2 i
= 2~ Jˆ+ + Jˆ+ Jˆz Jˆ+ . (14.19)

This procedure can be iterated again and again. After p iterations we find
n n p h n−p i
Jˆz Jˆ+ = p~ Jˆ+ + Jˆ+ Jˆz Jˆ+ , (14.20)

which becomes, for p = n,

n n n
Jˆz Jˆ+ = n~ Jˆ+ + Jˆ+ Jˆz . (14.21)

This proves (14.15a). Equation (14.15b) can be obtained in the same way
using (14.10b).
Finally, from Jˆ2 , Jˆ± = 0 and the equation1

Â, B̂ n = Â, B̂ B̂ n−1 + B̂ Â, B̂ B̂ n−2 + . . . + B̂ n−1 Â, B̂ ,


where n is a positive integer number, it follows that

Jˆ , (Jˆ± )n = 0.

14.2 Compatible and incompatible observables

In quantum mechanics, two observables A and B are said to be compatible
when the corresponding operators  and B̂ commute,
Â, B̂ = 0, (14.24)

and incompatible when they do not

Â, B̂ 6= 0. (14.25)

If A and B are compatible and |ψi is an eigenvector of  associated with the

eigenvalue a,

Â|ψi = a|ψi, (14.26)

then B̂|ψi is also an eigenvector of  associated with the same eigenvalue

a. This can be easily seen applying B̂ to both sides of (14.26):

B̂ Â|ψi = aB̂|ψi. (14.27)

Since, by hypothesis, Â, B̂ = 0, we can replace B̂ Â on the left side of this
equation with ÂB̂, thus obtaining
 B̂|ψi = a B̂|ψi . (14.28)

Now, there are two possibilities:

This equation can be easily proved by induction using (14.4).

1) If a is a non-degenerate eigenvalue, then all vectors |ψi satisfying

(14.26) are parallel2 and B̂|ψi is necessarily proportional to |ψi, that

B̂|ψi = b|ψi. (14.29)

Therefore, |ψi is also an eigenvector of B̂.

2) If a is a degenerate eigenvalue, then the set of all vectors |ψi satisfying

(14.26) spans a subspace Ea associated with the eigenvalue a. Then, if
|ψi ∈ Ea , all what we can say is that B̂|ψi belongs to Ea :

B̂|ψi ∈ Ea . (14.30)

In the first case, the knowledge of the common eigenvector |ψi of  and B̂,
uniquely determines the values of both a and b. This means that a and b are
not independent variables and the knowledge of a fixes the value of b and
vice versa. In the second case, instead, we need to specify both values a and
b to uniquely identify the common eigenvectors of  and B̂. A fundamental
theorem of quantum mechanics states that3 :

When two observables A and B are compatible, it is always pos-

sible to find an orthonormal basis of the vector space spanned by
the eigenvectors common to the corresponding operators  and

We denote with {|a, bi} such a basis, where the eigenvectors |a, bi are defined
by the properties

Â|a, bi = a|a, bi, (14.31a)

B̂|a, bi = b|a, bi, (14.31b)

Here and hereafter, the statement that two vectors |ψi and |φi are parallel, signifies
that |ψi = γ|φi, where γ is any nonzero complex number.
For a demonstration see, e.g., C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu, F. Laloë, Quantum Me-
chanics, Vol. I (Wiley-Vch, 2005), Chapter II, § D-3-a.


ha0 , b 0 |a, bi = δaa0 δbb 0 . (14.32)

If the ordered pair of eigenvalues (a, b) determine a unique common eigenvec-

tor |a, bi of  and B̂, then the set of observables {A, B} is called a Complete
Set of Commuting Observables (CSCO), or a maximal set of commuting
observables; that is there is not a third observable C such that
Â, B̂ = Â, Ĉ = B̂, Ĉ = 0. (14.33)

The eigenvalues of operators  and B̂ may still be degenerate, but if we

specify a pair (a, b), then the corresponding eigenvector |a, bi common to Â
and B̂ is uniquely specified.

The Hermitian operator  possess at least one degenerate eigen-

value when there are two observables B and C compatible with A
but incompatible each other.

To prove this statement, consider three observables A, B and C such that

{A, B} is a CSCO, with
Â, B̂ = 0 = Â, Ĉ , and B̂, Ĉ 6= 0. (14.34)

According to our nomenclature, equations (14.34) imply that A is compatible

with both B and C, but B and C are incompatible. Let |a, bi be a common
eigenvector of  and B̂ associated with the eigenvalues a and b, respectively.
From Â, Ĉ = 0 it follows that Ĉ|a, bi is also eigenvectors of  associated
with the same eigenvalue a. Therefore, we have
 B̂|a, bi = a B̂|a, bi , (14.35a)
 Ĉ|a, bi = a Ĉ|a, bi , (14.35b)

Suppose that a is a non-degenerate eigenvalue. Then Ĉ|a, bi must be

proportional to B̂|a, bi, otherwise according to (14.35) Ĉ|a, bi and B̂|a, bi

would be two different eigenvectors associated with the same eigenvalue

a, which is incompatible with the hypothesis that a is a non-degenerate
eigenvalue. Therefore, we can write
Ĉ|a, bi = γ B̂|a, bi = γ b|a, bi, (14.36)

because B̂|a, bi = b|a, bi, and γ is a numerical constant. Multiplying by B̂

both sides of this equation, we obtain:
B̂ Ĉ|a, bi = γ b B̂|a, bi = γ b2 |a, bi. (14.37)

On the other hand, applying Ĉ to both sides of

B̂|a, bi = b|a, bi, (14.38)
we find
Ĉ B̂|a, bi = b Ĉ|a, bi = γ b2 |a, bi, (14.39)
where (14.36) has been used. Subtracting (14.39) from (14.37) we obtain
B̂, Ĉ |a, bi = 0. (14.40)
This equality cannot be true for all the basis vectors {|a, bi}, because this
would imply
B̂, Ĉ = 0, (14.41)
in contradiction to the assumption (14.34). Therefore, the presupposition
that the eigenvalue a is non-degenerate cannot be valid for all eigenvalues of
the operator Â. This means that  has at least one degenerate eigenvalue.

14.3 Definitions and notation for the eigen-

values of Jˆ2 and Jˆz
From the definition (14.2) it follows that for any ket |ψi, the expectation
value hψ|Jˆ2 |ψi is nonnegative, because
hψ|Jˆ2 |ψi = hψ|Jˆx2 |ψi + hψ|Jˆy2 |ψi + hψ|Jˆz2 |ψi
2 2 2
= Jˆx |ψi + Jˆy |ψi + Jˆz |ψi ≥ 0,

where hψ|Jˆx2 |ψi = hψ|Jˆx† Jˆx |ψi = Jˆx |ψi , et cetera (remember that Jˆx is

Hermitian, therefore hψ|Jˆx† = hψ|Jˆx ). If |ψi is an eigenvector of Jˆ2 associated

with the eigenvalue λ~2 (λ is thus dimensionless), then (14.42) implies
λ ≥ 0. (14.43)
It is conventional (but not mandatory) to introduce a nonnegative number
j ≥ 0 defined by
λ = j (j + 1) . (14.44)
For j ≥ 0 the function j (j + 1) is positive or null and monotonically increas-
ing, as shown in Fig. 14.1.

λ = j( j + 1)




0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Figure 14.1: √
Graph of the function λ = j (j + 1), for j ≥ 0. The vertical gray line mark
the value j = ( 5 − 1)/2, which gives λ = 1.

Therefore, if necessary, we can invert (14.44) to obtain

1 √ 
j= 4λ + 1 − 1 . (14.45)
According to Sec. 14.2, since Jˆ2 and Jˆz commute, it is possible to find a
set of common eigenvectors {|j, mi}, such that
Jˆ2 |j, mi = j(j + 1)~2 |j, mi, (14.46a)

Jˆz |j, mi = m~ |j, mi, (14.46b)



hj 0 , m 0 |j, mi = δjj 0 δmm 0 , (14.47)

where the eigenvalue of Jˆz is traditionally written as m~, and m is a dimen-

sionless number4 .
From inspection of (14.1-14.3), we can easily convince ourselves that us-
ing only Jˆx , Jˆy and Jˆz , it is not possible to build an additional (nontrivial)
Hermitian operator commuting with both Jˆ2 and Jˆz . Therefore, from the
results of Sec. 14.2, it follows that {J 2 , Jz } is a CSCO. This can be also
rigorously demonstrated using group theory, but this is outside the scope of
these lectures. In short, in the language of group theory, the set of the three
Hermitian operators Jˆx , Jˆy and Jˆz , is closed under commutation, as shown
by (14.1). These operators are the generators of a Lie group. Specifically, the
commutation relations (14.1) represent the Lie algebra of the SO(3) group.
The rank of a Lie group is defined as the largest number of generators com-
muting with each other. Since none of the operators Jˆx , Jˆy and Jˆz commute
with any other, the SO(3) group has rank 1 and it has a single independent
Casimir element 5 , which is Jˆ2 = Jˆx2 + Jˆy2 + Jˆz2 . Therefore, there are three
independent pairs of commuting operators: {Jˆ2 , Jˆx }, {Jˆ2 , Jˆy } and {Jˆ2 , Jˆz }.
We can choose any one of these pairs to build a CSCO. Traditionally, the
choice is {Jˆ2 , Jˆz }. So, assigning the two eigenvalues of Jˆ2 and Jˆz (that is,
fixing j and m), completely defines the eigenvector |j, mi. However, accord-
ing to the last result of Sec. 14.2, since the J 2 is compatible with Jx , Jy and
Jz , but Jx , Jy and Jz are reciprocally incompatible, we expect the eigenvalue
j(j + 1)~2 of Jˆ2 , to be degenerate.

It should be noted that at this point we are not making any assumption upon the either
discrete or continuous nature of the eigenvalues j and m. Therefore, δjj 0 and δmm0 can be
interpreted either as discrete Kronecker’s delta, or continuous Dirac’s delta functions.
In our non-technical parlance, we can say that a Casimir operator is an operator that
commutes with Jˆx , Jˆy and Jˆz .

14.4 Properties of the eigenvalues and eigen-

vectors of Jˆ2 and Jˆz
Let j(j + 1)~2 and m~ be the eigenvalues of Jˆ2 and Jˆz associated with the
eigenvector |j, mi. Then j and m satisfy the following inequality:

−j ≤ m ≤ j. (14.48)

To prove this assertion, consider first the two vectors Jˆ+ |j, mi and Jˆ− |j, mi.
By definition, their squared norms are nonnegative, that is
Jˆ+ |j, mi 2 = hj, m|Jˆ− Jˆ+ |j, mi ≥ 0,


Jˆ− |j, mi 2 = hj, m|Jˆ+ Jˆ− |j, mi ≥ 0,


where we have used Jˆ− = (Jˆ+ )† . Substituting (14.12) and (14.13) in the
equations above, we find

hj, m|Jˆ− Jˆ+ |j, mi = hj, m|Jˆ2 − Jˆz2 − ~ Jˆz |j, mi

= j(j + 1) − m(m + 1) ~2 hj, m|j, mi ≥ 0,


hj, m|Jˆ+ Jˆ− |j, mi = hj, m|Jˆ2 − Jˆz2 + ~ Jˆz |j, mi

= j(j + 1) − m(m − 1) ~2 hj, m|j, mi ≥ 0.


These equations imply

j(j + 1) − m(m + 1) = (j − m)(j + m + 1) ≥ 0, (14.51a)

j(j + 1) − m(m − 1) = (j + m)(j − m + 1) ≥ 0, (14.51b)

where to obtain the right sides we have added the null term jm − mj = 0 to
the left sides. For example,

j(j + 1) − m(m + 1) = j(j + 1) − m(m + 1) + jm − mj

= j(j + 1 + m) − m(m + 1 + j)

= (j − m)(j + m + 1). (14.52)


Then, from (14.51a) and (14.51b) it follows that

−(j + 1) ≤ m ≤ j, (14.53a)

−j ≤ m ≤ j + 1, (14.53b)

respectively. From j ≥ 0, it follows that −(j + 1) < −j ≤ j < j + 1.

Therefore, equations (14.53a) and (14.53b) are satisfied together only if m
satisfies the inequality

−j ≤ m ≤ j. (14.54)

This proves (14.48).

A necessary and sufficient condition for a ket |ψi to be a null vector,
that is |ψi = 0, is that its norm vanishes: hψ|ψi = 0. Therefore, from
(14.49a,14.50a,14.51a) it follows that

Jˆ+ |j, mi = 0 if and only if (j − m)(j + m + 1) = 0. (14.55)

The solutions of the algebraic equation (j − m)(j + m + 1) = 0 are m = j and

m = −j − 1 < −j. Since the values of m are constrained by −j ≤ m ≤ j,
only the solution m = j is acceptable and (14.55) implies:

Jˆ+ |j, ji = 0. (14.56)

Similarly, from (14.49b,14.50b,14.51b) it follows that

Jˆ− |j, mi = 0 if and only if (j + m)(j − m + 1) = 0, (14.57)

and, therefore,

Jˆ− |j, −ji = 0. (14.58)

The converse relations are also true, namely

Jˆ± |j, mi = 0 =⇒ m = ±j. (14.59)


This is easy to prove. Applying Jˆ∓ to both sides of Jˆ± |j, mi = 0 and using
(14.13) and (14.51), we obtain

Jˆ∓ Jˆ± |j, mi = Jˆ2 − Jˆz2 ∓ ~Jˆz |j, mi

= ~2 j(j + 1) − m(m ± 1) |j, mi


= ~2 (j ∓ m)(j ± m + 1) |j, mi = 0.

The last equality together with (14.48) implies m = ±j. What if m 6= ±j?
Then, the following two statements are true:

1) If m > −j, Jˆ− |j, mi is a non-null eigenvector of Jˆ2 and Jˆz associated
with the eigenvalues j(j + 1)~2 and (m − 1)~, respectively.

2) If m < j, Jˆ+ |j, mi is a non-null eigenvector of Jˆ2 and Jˆz associated

with the eigenvalues j(j + 1)~2 and (m + 1)~, respectively.

To prove 1), first we notice that from (14.49b,14.50b) it follows that Jˆ− |j, mi
is a non-null vector because its norm is positive for m > −j.
Then, we show that Jˆ− |j, mi is an eigenvector of Jˆ2 . Using (14.10d), we
can write

Jˆ , Jˆ− |j, mi = 0.

This can be rewritten as

J J− |j, mi = Jˆ− Jˆ2 |j, mi
ˆ2 ˆ
= j(j + 1)~2 Jˆ− |j, mi , (14.62)

which signifies that Jˆ− |j, mi is an eigenvector of Jˆ2 associated with the eigen-
value j(j + 1)~2 .
Now, we prove that Jˆ− |j, mi is an eigenvector of Jˆz . If we multiply from
right both sides of (14.10b) by |j, mi, we obtain

Jˆz , Jˆ− |j, mi = −~Jˆ− |j, mi,


which is equivalent to
Jz J− |j, mi = Jˆ− Jˆz |j, mi − ~Jˆ− |j, mi
= (m − 1)~ J− |j, mi . (14.64)

This shows that Jˆ− |j, mi is an eigenvector of Jˆz with the eigenvalue (m−1)~.
If m < j, we can use arguments similar to the ones leading to (14.62)
and (14.64), to prove statement 2). Of course, we must replace Jˆ− |j, mi with
Jˆ+ |j, mi, work again with (14.10d) and use (14.10a) instead of (14.10b). The
final result is:
ˆ2 ˆ 2 ˆ
J J+ |j, mi = j(j + 1)~ J+ |j, mi ,
Jˆz Jˆ+ |j, mi = (m + 1)~ Jˆ+ |j, mi . (14.65)

These relations may be straightforwardly generalized to include powers

of J± , that is (Jˆ± )n , where n = 1, 2, . . . is a positive integer. Specifically, we
assert that

3) If −j + n ≤ m ≤ j, then (Jˆ− )n |j, mi is an eigenvector of Jˆ2 and Jˆz

associated with the eigenvalues j(j + 1)~2 and (m − n)~, respectively.

4) If −j ≤ m ≤ j − n, then (Jˆ+ )n |j, mi is an eigenvector of Jˆ2 and Jˆz

associated with the eigenvalues j(j + 1)~2 and (m + n)~, respectively.

The proof is very simple. First, we use (14.23) to write:

Jˆ , Jˆ± |j, mi = 0,

which can be rewritten as

h n i n
Jˆ2 Jˆ± |j, mi = Jˆ± Jˆ2 |j, mi
h n i
= j(j + 1)~2 Jˆ± |j, mi . (14.67)
This relation means that Jˆ± |j, mi is an eigenvector of Jˆ2 with eigenvalue
j(j + 1)~2 . Next, if we multiply from right both sides of equations (14.15)
by |j, mi, we obtain
n  n
Jˆz , Jˆ± |j, mi = ±n~ Jˆ± |j, mi,


h n i n n
Jˆz ˆ
J± |j, mi = Jˆ± Jˆz |j, mi ± n~ Jˆ± |j, mi
n n
= m~ Jˆ± |j, mi ± n~ Jˆ± |j, mi
h n i
= (m ± n)~ Jˆ± |j, mi . (14.69)
Therefore, Jˆ± |j, mi is an eigenvector of Jˆz with eigenvalue (m ± n)~.
However, since (14.48) requires that −j ≤ m ≤ j, we must demand

−j ≤ m + n ≤ j ⇐⇒ − j ≤ m ≤ j − n, (14.70a)

−j ≤ m − n ≤ j ⇐⇒ − j + n ≤ m ≤ j. (14.70b)

This concludes the demonstration of statements 3) and 4).

14.5 The spectrum of Jˆ2 and Jˆz

Now we are able to determine the possible values of j and m, that is, the
spectrum of Jˆ2 and Jˆz . According to our previous findings, since the set
{J 2 , Jz } is a CSCO, the knowledge of j and m uniquely identify the eigen-
vector |j, mi common to Jˆ2 and Jˆz . Therefore, once we know the spectrum of
Jˆ2 and Jˆz , we also know the common eigenvectors. Thus, let j(j + 1)~2 and
m~ be the eigenvalues of Jˆ2 and Jˆz associated with the eigenvector |j, mi.
We do not make any hypothesis about the values of j and m; we only require,
according to (14.48), that j and m satisfy the inequality −j ≤ m ≤ j, with
j ≥ 0. So, at this stage m can be any real number between −j and j.

Consider the two vectors (Jˆ+ )p |j, mi and (Jˆ− )q |j, mi, where p and q are
nonnegative integers. According to 3) of the previous section, (Jˆ− )q |j, mi
is an eigenvector of Jˆ2 and Jˆz with the eigenvalues j(j + 1)~2 and (m − q)~,
respectively. Similarly, from 4) it follows that (Jˆ+ )p |j, mi is an eigenvector
of Jˆ2 and Jˆz with the eigenvalues j(j + 1)~2 and (m + p)~, respectively. As
usual, (14.48) requires that

−j ≤ m − q, (14.71a)

m + p ≤ j. (14.71b)

Now, let us choose p and q to be the greatest nonnegative integers such


m − (q + 1) < − j, (14.72a)

m + (p + 1) > j, (14.72b)

as illustrated in Fig. 14.2.

m-q m-1 m m+1 m+p

a b
–j j

Figure 14.2: Graphical representation of the inequalities (14.72). By hypothesis, the

nonnegative integers q and p are chosen to satisfy a = j +(m−q) < 1 and b = j −(m+p) <
1. The intervals a and b are pictured as gray bands.

The unnormalized eigenvectors of Jˆ2 and Jˆz with the eigenvalues of Jˆz pro-
portional to

m − q, . . . , m − 1, m, m + 1, . . . , m + p, (14.73)

are, according to 3) and 4) of the previous section,

q p
Jˆ− |j, mi, . . . , Jˆ− |j, mi, |j, mi, Jˆ+ |j, mi, . . . , Jˆ+ |j, mi. (14.74)

It is important to understand that these are the only possible vectors with
these properties, because the pair (j, m) uniquely identify (up to an irrelevant
multiplicative numerical constant) the eigenvector |j, mi. Given the leftmost
q p
and the rightmost vectors Jˆ− |j, mi and Jˆ+ |j, mi, we can calculate
h q+1 i h q+1 i
Jˆz Jˆ− |j, mi = (m − q − 1)~ Jˆ− |j, mi , (14.75a)
h p+1 i h p+1 i
Jˆz Jˆ+ |j, mi = (m + p + 1)~ Jˆ+ |j, mi . (14.75b)
q+1 q+1
According to (14.75a), either Jˆ− |j, mi = 0 or Jˆ− |j, mi is an eigen-
vector of Jˆz with eigenvalue m − q − 1. However, from (14.72) it follows
that m − q − 1 < −j, in contradiction with (14.48). Therefore, we conclude
q+1 p+1
that Jˆ− |j, mi = 0. An analogous argument yields to Jˆ+ |j, mi = 0.
When a vector is null, its norm is equal to zero, that is
ˆ q+1 q+1 q+1
J− |j, mi = hj, m| Jˆ+ Jˆ− |j, mi = 0, (14.76a)

ˆ p+1 p+1 p+1
J+ |j, mi = hj, m| Jˆ− Jˆ+ |j, mi = 0. (14.76b)

It is convenient to rewrite these equations as:

q+1 q+1 q q
hj, m| Jˆ+ Jˆ− |j, mi = hj, m| Jˆ+ Jˆ+ Jˆ− Jˆ− |j, mi = 0, (14.77a)

p+1 p+1 p p
hj, m| Jˆ− Jˆ+ |j, mi = hj, m| Jˆ− Jˆ− Jˆ+ Jˆ+ |j, mi = 0. (14.77b)

Substituting (14.12) and (14.13) in the equations above, we find

hα|Jˆ+ Jˆ− |αi = hα|Jˆ2 − Jˆz2 + ~ Jˆz |αi

= j(j + 1) − (m − q)(m − q − 1) ~2 hα|αi


= 0, (14.78a)

hβ|Jˆ− Jˆ+ |βi = hβ|Jˆ2 − Jˆz2 − ~ Jˆz |βi

= j(j + 1) − (m + p)(m + p + 1) ~2 hβ|βi


= 0, (14.78b)

where we have used the shorthand notation,

q p
|αi ≡ Jˆ− |j, mi, |βi ≡ Jˆ+ |j, mi. (14.79)

Equations (14.78) imply that:

j(j + 1) − (m − q)(m − q − 1) = (j + m − q)(j − m + q + 1) = 0, (14.80a)

j(j + 1) − (m + p)(m + p + 1) = (j − m − p)(j + m + p + 1) = 0. (14.80b)

The solution of these two algebraic equations are:

m = q − j, or m = j + (q + 1) > j, (14.81a)

m = j − p, or m = −j − (p + 1) < −j. (14.81b)

According to the condition (14.48), the only acceptable solutions are:

m =q − j ⇐⇒ m − q = −j, (14.82a)

m =j − p ⇐⇒ m + p = j. (14.82b)

Clearly, these two equalities are satisfied simultaneously only if

q−j =j−p ⇐⇒ j= . (14.83)
Therefore, j is equal to a positive or zero integer (by hypothesis q and p are
nonnegative integers) divided by 2:
1 3
j = 0,, 1, , . . . (14.84)
2 2
Equations (14.82) imply that if j is an integer, all m values are integers; if j
is a half-integer, all m values are half-integers. The allowed values of m for
a given j are therefore:

−j = m − q, m − q + 1, . . . , m + p − 1, m + p = j, (14.85)

that is

m = −j, −j + 1, . . . , j − 1, j . (14.86)
| {z }
2j + 1 values

This equation expresses the fact that each eigenvalue j(j + 1)~2 of Jˆ2 , is
2j + 1 times degenerate. We predicted this degeneracy at the end of Sec.
14.3, on the ground of commutation relations (14.1).
To illustrate the procedure of building the set {|j, mi} of 2j + 1 eigenvec-
tors of Jˆ2 and Jˆz with a given j, suppose to fix a value of j and to consider
the eigenvector |j, −ji with m = −j. This implies q = 0 and p = 2j, that
is one needs 2j steps to reach the other side of the spectrum with m = j.
Therefore, the eigenvalues of Jˆz are:

m = −j, −j + 1, . . . , j − 1, j, (14.87)

and the associated (unnormalized) eigenvectors of Jˆ2 and Jˆz , are obtained
by applying 2j times6 the ladder operator Jˆ+ to |j, −ji:
2j−1 2j
|j, −ji, Jˆ+ |j, −ji, . . . , Jˆ+ |j, −ji, Jˆ+ |j, −ji. (14.88)

Vice versa, if we start from the eigenvector |j, ji with m = j, then we have
q = 2j and p = 0. In this case, obviously the eigenvalues of Jˆz are still

m = −j, −j + 1, . . . , j − 1, j, (14.89)

and the associated (unnormalized) eigenvectors of Jˆ2 and Jˆz , are obtained
by applying 2j times the ladder operator Jˆ− to |j, ji:
2j 2j−1
Jˆ− |j, ji, Jˆ− |j, ji, . . . , Jˆ− |j, ji, |j, ji. (14.90)

14.6 Matrix elements of angular-momentum

Let us assume that the kets |j, mi are normalized:

hj 0 , m 0 |j, mi = δjj 0 δmm 0 . (14.91)

Note that from (14.83) it follows that the number 2j = q+p is necessarily a nonnegative

Then, from equations (14.46) we clearly have

hj 0 , m 0 |Jˆ2 |j, mi = j(j + 1)~2 δjj 0 δmm 0 , (14.92)


hj 0 , m 0 |Jˆz |j, mi = m~ δjj 0 δmm 0 . (14.93)

To find the matrix elements of Jˆx and Jˆy , we first calculate the matrix ele-
ments of Jˆ± . We have from (14.60)

hj, m|Jˆ∓ Jˆ± |j, mi = ~2 (j ∓ m)(j ± m + 1) .


Since Jˆ± |j, mi is an eigenvector of Jˆz with eigenvalue (m ± 1)~, then it must
be the same as |j, m ± 1i up to a multiplicative constant7 . Thus, we set

Jˆ± |j, mi = c±
jm |j, m ± 1i, (14.95)

where the coefficients c±jm have to be determined. Substituting this expression

in the left side of (14.94), we obtain
± 2
c = ~2 (j ∓ m)(j ± m + 1) .
jm (14.96)

This equation determines c± jm up to an arbitrary phase factor. Convention-

ally, this phase is chosen to be zero. This choice guarantees that the matrix
elements of Jˆ± are all nonnegative; this is called the Condon-Shortley phase
convention. So, we found

Jˆ± |j, mi = (j ∓ m)(j ± m + 1) ~ |j, m ± 1i.


Therefore, the matrix elements of Jˆ± are

hj 0 , m 0 |Jˆ± |j, mi = (j ∓ m)(j ± m + 1) ~ δjj 0 δm±1,m 0 .

Remember that by definition, the eigenvalues a, b, . . . , z, of the operators Â, B̂, . . . , Ẑ
corresponding to a CSCO {A, B, . . . , Z}, uniquely determine the eigenvectors |a, b, . . . , zi
up to a multiplicative constant. Therefore, since Jˆ± |j, mi and |j, m ± 1i are associated
with the same pair of eigenvalues j(j + 1)~2 and (m ± 1)~, it must be Jˆ± |j, mi ∝ |j, m ± 1i.

Finally, we determine the matrix elements of Jˆx and Jˆy to be

1h 0 i
hj 0 , m 0 |Jˆx |j, mi = hj , m 0 |Jˆ+ |j, mi + hj 0 , m 0 |Jˆ− |j, mi , (14.99)
1 h 0 i
hj 0 , m 0 |Jˆy |j, mi = hj , m 0 |Jˆ+ |j, mi − hj 0 , m 0 |Jˆ− |j, mi . (14.100)

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