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1st Paragraph: Write a paragraph explaining specifically what you revised in your essay and

why. Go into thoughtful details! How did these choices improve your essay? What skills do you

now have that you were able to use to help enhance your essay?

What I revised was just icing my grammar and the overall flow of my words in my essay but also

just adding a few more sentences just to convey myself better than before as it was kind of

choppy but now it sounds better. They improve just the clarity that is the message and argument

of my essay. I think my skills of just elaborating and expressing my ideas better definitely helped

me out a lot in this revisment.

2nd Paragraph: Write a paragraph explaining how you’ve improved as a writer since your

freshman year: What did you struggle with before? What are you proud that you can do now?

I think I have improved so much as a writer not only in the grammar aspect because I won’t even

lie I was terrible at but also just my way of connecting myself to my argument and allowing

myself to passionately explain my views. I really struggled before putting my ideas into words

that actually made sense and flowed well and now it is not a problem for me. I can say that is one

of the things that I am really proud of because it has proved to be very beneficial in a lot of

aspects of my life.

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