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Travis Mendez

Mrs. Stro

Period 6

2 March 2022

SPEP Reflection

Directions: Choose either a traditional reflection, a reflection on your future plans, or a

graduation speech (see the PPT here). Write your reflection down below and then upload it to

your eportfolio.

As the future is coming right around the corner I have anxiously been deciding on what I

want to do for the rest of my life. That statement in itself is scary to think about because me a 17

year old me is in charge of making that choice for myself and it may impact me in so many ways.

For my education, after I graduate from high school I am planning to go to San Diego State

University as I have been accepted there and I will major in Business marketing and probably

minoring in Spanish or real estate. During my time at SDSU I hope to maintain really high

grades as any college student to make it worth the money I am spending to receive an education.

I am currently working at Five Guys here in Temecula and I'm thinking of transferring to a Five

Guys location in San Diegosince I would have to live in the dorms there. Either I work at a

location there or some other place, I would probably work at an Amazon facility or Costco as

they have really good pay and I’m definitely going to have to have a good paying job during my

time at school because I really don’t want to graduate from college with a mountain of debt. I

was also thinking of getting certified in real estate so that I could begin that possible career path

with doing school and while maintaining a job. Not only would this be a lot to handle but I think
I will be able to handle it and it will pay off in the end for the lifestyle that I want to live in the

future. If real estate does well for me during my time in college I will do that full time. Once I

graduate SDSU with my degree in business marketing I will either use that to further help me in

a real estate career or I will look for a position in companies that are in need of a marketing

strategist or a finance marking agent. Which ever career path I choose to take either working in

the corporate world in marketing or the real estate industry I will live off well because both

occupations are expected to make a comfortable living for myself. By that time in the future I

will hopefully have a partner and we would possibly decide to live with each other in an

apartment and after further years of success in both mine and my partners careers and

relationship together we will decide to buy a house together and possibly either adopt children or

have children of our own through a surrogate, Hoping that I am going financially well and

having a happy family I hope to travel with my family across the world to live those cheerful

experiences. Once I am older I hope to possibly start a business of my own, I hope to either have

a business of clothing where I create pieces that I curate or I have an ice cream shop in the twin

that I live in. Not only would I be very passionate about owning these businesses but I would

also be able to start them with the help of my own knowledge from my degree I hope to get from

SDSU. The future is a very scary thing but just imagining the possibilities and living up to my

dreams and expectations makes me excited for what is next for me in life and I hope to live a

long , healthy, and successful future in whichever way it results in either with some obstacles in

the way or not I am sure that I will get through it and find all that I want during my time on earth.

I hope to live the American dream that both my parents sought out for my siblings and I to live

as they were not able to live it. I will do whatever it takes to make them and myself proud of
everything I do during my time here and the influence and legacy that my life will have after I

leave this world.

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