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Part VI CNC alarms..... . PHNC alarms Machine alarms... Self-diagnosis (CNC). Self-diagnosis (PHNC)...... Alarms wee vie34 vi-36 via via CNC ALARMS vi ACNC alarm can be identified by a number and brief message shown onthe screen, To proceed, remove the cause of the alarm, reset the CNC, correct the program if necessary, return all the axes to their origins, and then restart operation from the beginning. NOTE, (@P ress any address or numeric key on the main control pane! to reset the CNC ‘alarm caused during the background exiting, Pressing the Reset key will stop the on-going automatic operation |W any alarm that is not described in this section has been caused, ‘contact AMADA. Program errors / Alarms on program and operation (P/S alarm) ‘Number Message Contents 050 PLEASE TURN OFF POWER [K paramatar wiveh Tequires the power off was pu, tuin of power oor TH PARITY ALARM TH alarm (A charactor with incorreat panty was Input. Corract the tape. oe "TW PARITY ALARM TV alarm (The number of characters in a block Is odd). This alarm wil [be generated only when the TV check is etfective TOO MANY DIGITS Data exceeding tha maximum allowable humber ofagits was pu (Refer tothe item of max. programmable dimensions ) ‘ADORESS NOT FOUND [A numeral or ha sign” —* was laput witlout an Bares ar the BOgiT™ ring of a block. Mocity the program NO DATA AFTER ADDRESS "Tie address was not lolowed by the appropriate data but was for lowed by another address or EOB code, Modiy the program. TELEGAL USE OF NEGATIVE SIGN ‘Sign = Tap evar (Sign — "was input ater an address with which cannot be used, Or two or more *~* signs were input) Modify the program. or TLEGAL USE OF DECIMAL POINT ‘Decimal point. “input evrar (A decimal point was Input after an ad ‘ress with which it can not be used. Or two decimal points were in- put) Moy the program, | Meaty the prog: TLEGAL ADDRESS INPUT ‘Unusable character waa Inputin significant area, Moai the program. oo TMPROPER G-CODE “An unusable G code 6” G cove coespanding to the fanclon net provided is specified. Modify the program, oF NO FEEDRATE COMMANDED Feedrate was not Commanded o & cutting feed or the feedrate was inadequate. Modty the program, ora TLEGAL LEAD COMMAND (eories) Th variable lead treading, he lead incremental and decremental ut puted by addrace Ke avr tha mavimiim pommand valine a pret mand such that the lead becomes a negative value is given Modify the program, ‘CAN NOT COMMAND Gas (series) [A synchronous Teed s specified without the option for treading / synchronous feed. ons. "TOO MANY AKES COMMANDED [An attempt was made o move the machine along the axes, but he umber of the axes exceeded the specified number of axes con- volled simultaneously. Alternatively, in a block where where the skip function activated by he torque-timit reached signal (G31 P99/P98) was specified, ether moving the machine along an axis was not spe- fled, or moving the machine along multiple axes was specifiad, Specity movernent only along one axis TOO MANY AXES COMMANDED (series) "An attempt has been made to move the tool along more than the. maximum number of simultaneously controlled axes. Alternatively, ro axis movement command o an axis movement command for fwo Jor more axes has been specified in the block containing the com- mand for skip using the torque limit signal (G31 P99/98), The com- mand must be accompanied with an axis movement command for a single ax, in the same block, 020 ‘OVER TOLERANCE OF RADIUS Th circular interpolation (G02 of GOS), aiference ofthe distance be- [ween the stat point and the center of an arc and that between the lend point and the center of the arc exceeded the valve specified in parameter No. 3410, Number Message Contents Tai] ICLEGAT PLANE AXIS COMMAN- [An axis not includedin the Selected plane (by using G17, GTB. GIS) DED was commanded in circular interpolation. Modify the program, a2 [NO CIRCLE RADIUS [The command for Greular inorpolation lacks arc radius Ror coord nate |, J, 0 K ofthe sistance between the start point tothe center of re arc. 023 [ILLEGAL RADIUS COMMAND Tn crcular interpolation by radius designation, negative value was (series) [commanded for address R. Modify the program. 025 [CANNOT COMMAND FO IN Fo (last feed) was instructed by FT ~Aigit column feed in Garin G02/G03 (M series) terpolation. Modify the program. Tay TNO AXES CONMANDED IN To axis 5 specified in G&a and G44 BlGekS Tor The Toor length ose G49/G-4a (M series) ype C. Oitset is not canceled but another axis is offset forthe tool length otiset type C. Mody the program. 28 LEGAL PLANE SELECT inthe plane selection Command, wo oF Tore axes In te same dire ion are commanded. Mosity the program, TELEGAL OFFSET VALUE Fine offset values pected by H code 1s too large. cos | (sees) Most the program. TELEGAL OFFSET VALUE iho offoc values epacted by T code ls toa large series) Moai the program TLEGAL OFFSET NUMBER, “The offset number specified by D/H code Tor tool length offset or cut coo | tsetes) ser compensation is too large. Modify the program. TCLEGAL OFFSET NUMBER, "The offset number in T funetion spectied for tool offsets too) large. (seres) /Mosity the program 051 ILLEGAL P COMMAND IN, Gi [in setting an offset amount by Gi0, the offset number folowing 2d Jovess P was excessive ot was not specitied. Moity the program. Tae RLEGAL OFFSET VALUE TIT O10 | im catting an offoot amncunt by GTO arinuring an Acat Amine by system variables, the offset amount was excessive. NO SOLUTION AT CRG [A point of etereocton carat ba Getermined for exter compensation. css (sete) Mecity the program, NO SOLUTION AT GRC [A point of intersection cannot be etermined for tool nose radius series) compensation, Mody the program NO CIRG ALLOWED INST-UP7 | The star up or cancel was going fobs performadiin the GO2 or GO3 age [EXTELK (series) mode in cuter compensation C. Modify the program. NO CIRC ALLOWED INST-UP7 | The sta up or cancel was going fo be performed in the G02 or GOS EXT OLK (T series) mode in ool nose radius compensation. Mody tha program. ‘CAN NOT COMMANDED G39 ‘Gao is commanded in cutter compensation B cancel mode or on the cos {Mseres) plane other than offset piane. Mosity the program. ‘CAN NOT COMMANDED G3 ‘Skip eating (G21) was specified in tool nose radius compensation series) mode, Modity the program. 056 | CAN NOT COMMANDED G3t Skip cating (G31) was Specified in cater compensation mode (M series) Mosity the program CAN NOT CHANGE PLANE IN CAG | Ga0 is commanded on the plane other than offset plane in cutter (M seires} compensation B, The plane selected by using G17, G18 or G19 is 037 Changed in eutter componestion C mode. Modify the program. CAN NOT CHANGE PLANE INNAG (seires) “The offset plane is switched in too] nose radius compensation Modity the program. Number Message Contents. INTERFERENCE IN CIRCULAR | Overeuting wil occur In cutter compensation © because the are start BLOCK (M seires) point or and point coincides withthe are center. ose Modity the program INTERFERENCE IN CIRCULAR | Overeuting wil occur in tool hose radius compensation because the BLOCK (T series) are stant point of end point ccincides withthe arc certer. Modity the program. 735 [GHF/ENA NOT ALLOWED INNRIG | Chamfonig or comer A was spectied witha stari-up, a cancel, or (Tsevies) switching between G41 and G42 in tool nose radius compensation ‘The program may cause overcutting to Occur in chamtering or corner FL Modity the program (a0 [INTERFERENCE IN GO0/GSa ‘Overectting wil occur in fool nose radius Compensaion in canned BLOGK (T series) ‘oycla G90 or G94. Modify the program, TNTERFERENGE IN GAG ‘Overeuting wil oaburin cutter compensation G. Two or more blocks, (Mseires) [are consacutwvely spacified in which functions such as the auxiliary function and dwell functions are performed without movement inthe ot cutter compensation mode. Mody the program. INTERFERENCE INNAC ‘Overeuting wil ooour in fool nose radius compensation (seires) Modi the program. 042 | Ga5/GaS NOT ALLOWED IN CRC | Toot offset (Gao to Ga) is CoanaSO mh CUT CompenTaTION, (M series) Moai the program. Tai ]IMLEGAL T-GODE CONMAND [na system using fhe DRILL-MATE with an ATC, a T code was not (M series) specified together with the Mos code ina block. Alternatively, the Teode was out of ange. Dea | GET-GSO NOT ALLOWED IN FIXED | One of G27 16 Gad is commanded in canned cycle mode, CYC (M sries) Modi the program. (a6 |IILEGAL REFERENCE RETURN | Other than P2, PS and Pa are commanded for 2nd, Sra and ath refer- ‘COMMAND ‘ence position return command ‘Ga? | RLEGAT ANS SELECT Two or nore parallel axes (ih paral Witt @ Basie Nis) have beer (MM series) specified upon stat-up of three-dimensional tool compensation or ‘three- while pressing ‘, and only the program being edited will be deleted Fogister the deleted program, cae [A value other than 0 ort was speciied aftr P inthe G08 code, oro value was specified. 10 | BATA GVERFLOW ‘Tha shasta value affiued decimal port Gisplay data excesds me allowable range. Modity the program. Tit | CALCULATED DATA OVERFLOW | The result of calculation tuins out to be invalid, an alarm No.111 is issued. 108 to -10°29, 0, 10-2 to 1087 Modity the program, 712 [DIVIDED BY ZERO ‘Division by zero was speciied. (weluding tan 90") Mosity the program. 71a [IMPROPER COMMAND [A Tonction which cannot be used n custom macro 1s commanded. Modity the program, Ta] FORMAT ERROR IN MACRO There is an error in other formats than “Formula. Moaiy the program. 71S] LEGAL VARIABLE NUMBER [A value not defined as a variable number Is designated in he custom macro or in high-speed cycle machining The header contents are improper. This alarm is given in the follow ing cases: Hoh speed ace machining “The header corresponding to the specified machining cyclo ‘sumber called is not found. }2. Tha cycle connaction data value is out ofthe allowable range (0-999). }2. The number of data in the header is out ofthe allowable range (0-32767) 4, The start data variable number of executable format data is ‘out of the allowable range (#20000 ~ #85535). 5, The last storing data variable number of executable format ata is out of the allowable range (85535), }6. The storing start data variable number of executable format {ata is overlapped with the variable number used in the header. Modi the program. Tis | WRITE PROTECTED VARIABLE | The lat sida of substitution statement Isa variable whose substitution is inhibited. Mocity the program. 718 | PARENTHESIS NESTING ERROR | The nesting of bracket exceeds the upper iit (quintuple) Modity the program. vio ‘Number Message Contents Tio] LEGAL ARGUMENT The SORT argument ls negative. Ov BOD arguments negative, and other values than 0 to 9 are present on each line of BIN argument. Modity the program, 722 | FOUR FOLD MACRO MODAL- | The macre modal cals specified four ford CALL Modity the program. [23 [CANNOT USE MACRO COMMAND | Macro control command is used during DNC operation. IN DNC Moy the program, 724 [MISSING END STATEMENT ‘DO — END does not correspond to 1-1. Modiy the proaram 35 | FORMAT FAROR IN MAGRO Formulas formats erroneous. Modity te program. 725 [LEGAL LOOP NUMBER Ta DOn, 12m So isnot establihed. Modiy the program Te? NC, MACRO STATEMENT IN SAME | NC and costom macro commands coos Bock Modify the program, 728 [ILLEGAL MAGRO SEQUENCE | The sequence number specified ithe branch command was not Oo NUMBER, }9999. Or, I cannot be searched, Modity the program. 72) [ILLEGAL ARGUMENT ADDRESS | An adarase which Isnt alowed in is used Mosity the program. 735 [TULEGAL AXIS OPERATION "an axis contol command was Gwen by PHC to an axis controled by CNC. Oren ans cortisl command was given by CNC to an aie controlled by PMC. Modiy the program, TH] TOO MANY EXTERNAL ALARM [Five or more alarme have generated in external alarm message, MESSAGES. ‘Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the cause. 132 [ALARM NUMBER NOT FOUND [No alarm No. concerned exists in extemal alarm message Gler. (Check the PMC ladder diagram. 733 [ILLEGAL DATA IN EXT. ALARM | Small section data Is evoneaus In external alarm message or exer MSG fal operator message. Check the PMC ladder diagram, TULEGAL ANGLE COMMAND ‘The indax table indexing pastioning angle was instucted n other (i sees) than an integra multiple et the voles of te minienurn angle 495 Modity the program. ‘SPINDLE ORIENTATION PLEASE | Without any spindle orientation an allept was made for spindle in- series) dexing, Pertorm spindle orientation. TTLEGAL AXIS COMMAND: Thindex table indexing Anaiher control axs was instructed together (miseries) with the B axis 196 Modi the program. ‘GH-CODE & MOVE CMD IN SAME [A mave command of cther axes was specified tothe same block as BLK. (T-series) spindle indexing addresses C,H. Modiy the program, 7a? | CODE & MOVE OM IN SAME [A movo command of other axes wan epaciiod to the came block as BLK 1u-code related to spindle indexing. Modiy the program. aa | SUPERIMPOSED DATA OVER, | The total dstibution amount of the CNG and PMC is foo large during FLOW superimposed control ofthe extended functions for PMC axis conta Ta) [CANNOT GHANGE PMG GON: [An axis Is solectod in commanding by PMC axis contro, TROL AXIS Mosity the program Tar [CANNOT COMMAND G5i IN GAG (series) 'GEi (Scaling ON) is commanded in the foal ofeet mode. Mosity the program. a2 [iLEGAL SCALE RATE "Scaling magnification 6 commanded in other than 1 699008, (0 series) ‘Correct the scaling magnification seting (G51 Pp ‘or parameter 5411 oF 5421), 7a3_ [SCALED MOTION DATA OVER: | The scaling results, move distance, coordinate value and circular FLow radius exceed the maximum command value. Correct the program or (M series) Sealing mangifcation Tai [ILLEGAL PLANE SELECTED "The coordinate rotation plane and arc oF cutter compensation © (series) plane must be the same. Modily the program. Vi-10 Number Message Contents 745] LEGAL CONDITIONS IN POLAR | The conditions are incorrect when ine polar coordinate interpoTation COORDINATE INTERPOLATION | starts or itis canceted, 1), In modes other than G40, G12.1/613.1 was specited 2) An erroris found inthe plane selection, Parameters No. 5460 ‘and No. 5451 are incorrectly specified Mosity the value of rogram or parameter. 145 | PROPER G CODE G codes which cannot be specified inthe polar coordinate interpola” [von mode was specified. Modity the program. 748 [LEGAL SETTING DATA ulomali comer override deceleration raie is ov ofthe setable (04 series) ange of judgement angle. Moxity the parameters (No. 171010 No.174) Ta) | FORMAT ERAOA IN GTOLS ‘Recode offer fan O1,02,P1 oF Pa was spocited asthe We count (series) type inthe extonded too ite management 150 |ICLEGAL TOOL GROUP NUMBER | Too! Group No. exceeds tre maximum alowable valve oily the program 151 [TOOL GROUP NUMBER NOT | Tho joo] group corsmanded in the machining program is not Set FOUNO Mosity the value of program or parameter. 752 [NO SPACE FOR TOOL ENTAY | The number ofools within one group exceeds the maximum Value registerable. Mody the number of tools 153 | T-CODE NOT FOUND Tn tool fe Gala registration, a T code was not specified where one should be. Correct the program 752 [NOT USING TOOL INLIFE GROUP | When the group isnt commanded, H99 or B39 was commanded. (series) Correct the program. 55 JiWLEGAL T-CODEIN MOE Tn the machining program, MO6 and T code inthe same block do nol (Mt series) correspond tothe group in use. Correct the program, TELEGAL T-CODE IN MOS Group No.8 whighs speciied wit Tas B8 ofthe machining pro series) 1am do not included inthe tool gioup in use. Correct the program, TSE PIC CONAN NOT FOUND P and L commands are miseng atthe head of program in whch the to! group is sot Correct the program 157 [TOO MANY TOOL GROUPS "The number of ool groups to ba sat exceeds ihe maximum alowable value. (See parameter No, 6800 bit and 1) Modity the program. 758 _ | TLEGAL TOOL UFE DATA The tool Ife to be sels Too excessive, Moaiy the sating valve. 759 [TOOL DATA SETTING INCOM. | During executing a ie data setting program, power was turned Of PLETE Set again. MISMATCH WATING M-CODE | Diflerent M code is commanded in heads 1 and 2 as walling M code seo [Testi (Ai two-path) Mody the program, ‘G721_NESTING ERROR “X subprogram which performs rotational copy with G72.1 contains (M series) another G72.1 command, Tet [G721_NESTING ERROR [A subprogram which parforms parallel copy with G722 contains (series) another G72.2 command, Joa | COMMAND GB8IGES INDEPEN: | GBS and G69 are not indopendenty commanded in balance Oak DENTLY T series (At two-path) _| Modity the program. 169 [ILLEGAL TOOL GEOMETRY DATA | incorrect tool hgure Gata mn interirence chook T series (Attwo-path) Set correct data, oF select correct to! figure data TS WLEGAT Gior COMMAND ‘Gonaitons when perioring arcaarFierpolaion San Or Cancel ROT Correct. To change the mode tothe cylindrical interpolation moda, specify the command in a format of G07. rotation-axis name radius of cylinder.” Number Message Contents TMPHOPER G-CODE IN G07 (M series) ‘ny of the following G codes which cannit be specified in the on chical interpolation mode was specified, 1) G codes for positioning: G26,, G73, G74, G76, G81 — GBS, including the codes specitying the rapid traverse cycle 2) G codes for setting a coordinate system: G52,692, 3) G code for selecting coordinate system: G53 G54-G59 Mody the program. 176 IMPROPER G-CODE IN Gi07 [Any of he folowing G codes which cannol be specifiedin the cyin~ (series) crizl interpolation mode was specified 4) G codes for positioning: G28, G76, G81 ~ GB9, including tre codes specitying the rape traverce cycle 2) G codes for eating a coordinate system: G50, G52. 8) G code for selecting coordinate system: G53 G54-G59 Moai the program, 777 | CHECK SUM ERROR ‘Check sum error (60s MODE) Modify the program, 77a | GOS COMMANDED IN Gav/G42_ | GOS was commanded in the GaT/G42 mods, MODE Correct the program. 775 | PARAM INO-7510) SETTING ER | The number of contvolied ares sat by the parameter 7510 exceeds ROR the maximum number. Mocity the parameter setting value, 7a0 | COMMUNICATION ERROR Remote buffer conneation alarm has generated. Confirm the number (REMOTE BUF) of cables, parameters and I/O device. TET [FORMAT ERROR IN GBT BLOGK G81 block format error hobbing machine) (Mseries) 4) T (number of teeth) has not been instructed. 2) Data outside the command range was instructed by either T, L. QorP. Moaity the program. 762 [Gai NOT COMMANDED ‘Gad (C axis servo Tag Quantly offse) was instructed though synchro" (series) rization by G8! has not been instructed, Correct the program. (nob: Cag mectine) 78I DUPLICATE Ga (COMMANDS) | Gia was Inet ucted before cancaled by GB? alter compensating for (series) the C axis serva lag quantity by G83. (hobbing machine) 764 [ILLEGAL COMMAND IN GBt ‘A command nat be instructed during Synchronization by GBT was (series) inctructed. (Robbing machine) 4) AC axis command by G00, G27, G28, G28, G30, etc. was insttucted. 2) InchiMetric switching by G20, G21 was instructed, TEE | RETURN TO REFERENCE POINT | G81 was instructed without performing reference postion return after (4 series) ower on or emergency stop. (hobbing machine) Perform relerence position return, TES | PARAVETER SETTING ERROR | Parameter ertor regarding GBT (hoBbing machine) (Mi series) 1) The C axs has not been set to be a rotary axis. 2}, Anob axis and position coder gear ratio setting error Modity the parameter a0 /ILEGAL AXIS SELECT ‘nthe constant surlace speed contra, the axis specificaion is wrong. (4 series) (See parameter No. 3770.) The specitied axis command (P) contains an illegal valve, [Correct the program. {33 | SPINGLE COMMAND IN SYN: ]A contour control mode, spindle positioning (Gs-axia control) mods, ‘CHRO-MODE or rigid tapping mode was specified during the serial spind’e [synchronous control mode. Correct the program so that the serial spindle synchronous control mode is released in advance. viz Contents, Number ‘Message 765 [MODE CHANGE ERROR ‘Swiching Sommand to Contouring mode, Gs axis convol oF gid Tap mode or switching to spindle command mode is not correctly com- pleted. (This occurs when the response to switch to the spincla controt unit sida with regav to the switching command trom the NC is incorrect. This alarm is not forthe purposes of warning agzinst mistakes in op- eration, but because continuing operation in this condition can be [dangerous itis a P/S alarm) 757 | ©-AXIS COMMANDED IN SPINDLE | The program spoctied a movemen! long the Gs-axis whan the aig MODE al CON[OGN=G027#7) was of. Correct the program, or consul te PMC ladder diagram to find the reason the signal s not turned on, 799 | MACRO WORD UNDEFINED Tadefined maco word was used. Modiy the custom macro, 200 [ICLEGAL S CODE COMMAND [inthe gid tap, an S value is out of he range or isnot speciied Mosity the program. ot — | FEEDRATE NOT FOUND IN RIGID [Inthe agi tap, no F value is specified, TAP [Correct the program. 202 | POSITION USI OVERFLOW Ta the rigid tap, spindia istbution value is 100 large. (System error) 203 | PROGRAM MISS AT RIGID TAP- [nthe gid tap, postion Tor aighd M code (2S) or an S command is PING: incorrect. Modify the program, 20a [ILLEGAL AXIS OPERATION Tn the agi lap, an axis movement im speciied between the rigid M ‘code (M20) Block and G8s ox G74 for M series (G84 or G88 for T series) block. Modity the program. 208 | RIGIO MODE OI SIGNAL OFF Figid mode Di signal a not ON when GBs or G74 for Msories (GBa or G88 for T series) is executed though the rigid M code (M29) is specified. Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the reason the DI signal (OGNGOS1.1) isnot turned on, 205 | CEN NOT CHANGE PLANE (RIGID | Plane changeover was instructed inthe rigd mode, TAP) (M series) [Correct the program. Zid [CAN NOT COMAND MTS@IMTG9 | W188 and M109 are executed in the schedule operation. M168 is [executed in the ONG operation. Modity the program. 4) The execution of an M198 or M29 command was attempted during scheduled operation. Altematvely, the execution of an M198 ‘command was attempted during ONC operation. Correct the pro- gram. 2) The execution of an M99 command was attempted by an interrupt macro during pocket machining in a multiple repetiive canned ovele. Zit ]Gav HIGH) NOT ALLOWED IN G39 | Gat is commanded in Uw per revoluion command when the high= speed skip option is provided. Modi the program TLEGAL PLANE SELECT The arbivary angie chamnferng or a comer Fils commanded or te aia [esos plana including an additional axis. Correct the program. TULEGAL PLANE SELECT ‘The direct Grawing dimensions programming s commanded for te series) plane other than the 2-X plane, Correct the program. vis Namber Message Contents Fis] LEGAL COMMAND INSTR Mavorsants commanded forthe ans tobe synchvonously convoTed CHRO-MODE Any following alarms occurred in the operation wath tne simple Synchronization como 2) Tho program ssuad th move commandte the save axis. 2} the program ssved ihe anal continous feed/manvel hance toodhneromental fed commando th save ax 2) Tho program seuad the automate reference position return ommend without specying the manus! relerence postion return afte power was tuned on 4) The dteronce between the postion eror amount of he master ns slows co cnsocbed te value cpectod in parameter Noga TTLEGALCOUMAND INSYN” | A move comma fas bear spciied fran as Sune 19 ayranvS cHRO-MODE ous contol series Bia] LEGAL COWEN SVR | Coordinate oyators a aot or cel compensation athe anit ype CHRO-NODE oxectod nthe synchronous con, Correct te program SIFT DUBLIGATE GETZ [COMMANDS] | GST 2IGIST le rir orvmandedin the GBT 2G2S mode. WoaTy Cr serio) to program, Bia ROT FOUND FIG GOMRAND TN] Por Ge not conrmanded Taha GET Bock or he Sanaa Va Gost (rseres} Iseutot te range. Mody the program Zid] COMMAND GaSUIGZET INDEPEN | G2ST and G20 are not independent Boake DENTLY (r series) aS] ELEGAT COMMAND IN SYNGRA™ | nthe ojnehvoraus operation, movements Commanded by fe NC MODE (Tseves) progrm or PMG ana contol interface forthe synchronous axis, Zax] IELEGAC COMRNAND WN SYNGHAT | Polygon machining synahranous operation and ans conor or bar MODE (T sens) ance cating ore oxoasted at ate. Mody the program TEE [BNC OP NOT ALLGWED NBG | npc and ouip are exeoxted at atime i he Background oakion Pare pence) [Skene ncohent operon FETUAN TO REFERENGE POINT | Reference postion reura has not been perorned before We ao iM sores) trate operation stats. Pert reference positon return oy when 228 thro ot parameter 1005 0 TURN TO REFERENCE PONT | Reference positon retza a necessary below cyee Sar {series BaE | SYNCHRONOUSIIRED CONTROL | tis alarms generated in te flowing areumstances. (Searched or ERROR during synchonous and mixed control command. ‘Tones (At two-pat) 1 When ther isa mistake in axe number parameter seting 2. Wihon therois a niviske i wontol commanded Mody the program or the parameter 2s | CLEGAC COMMAND WW SYNGHAG-|A travel conmand has been sent to be ans being synehvorized hn MODE Tseres Artworpah) [oynenronaus mode. Most the program or the parameter FS | GAN NOT REEP SYNGHFO-STATE | Ths alarn generated inthe folowing Gvcumstances. 1 When the synchraimixed state could not be kept due to systom (series) | vero 2. Tho above condition occured in CMC devices (hardware) and {jncvo-stato could not Be Kept {this alarm isnot generated in normal vse coneitions.) 236] RODE NOT FOUND Tha feed quay Rhas not been istvucied ore GY6T Bock Or (GS series) the R command value is negative. Correct the program, Number Message Contents Tat CLEGAT FORMAT IN GTO OF LS0 | Any of the Tafowing ertors occurfed inthe Specified format atthe pro- ‘grammable-paramoter input 1 Address N or R was not entered 2 Anumber not specified for a parameter was entered, 2 The axis number was too large. 4 An axis number was not specified in the axis-type parameter. 5 An axis number was specified in the parameter which is not an ‘axis type. Correct the program. 16 An attempt was made to set bt 4 of parameter s2uz (NES) or ‘change parameter 3210 (PSSWD) when they are protected by a password, Correct the program. Zia | TOO WANY HELICAL AXIS COM | Tires or mare axes (inthe normal drection control mode two or more MANOS (M series) axes) wore specified as helical axes in tne helical interpolation mode. waa [DEVICE BUSY ‘When an aftempt was made to use @ uni such as thal Connected via the RS-292-C interface, other users were using it Bae [BPS ALAA ‘While punching was being perdorned with he functon for controling texornal /O units background exiting was performed. 72a0_ | PIS ALARA ‘Background ealing was peTtarmed during NOT operation Bat ILLEGAL FORMAT IN GOZ2IGOS2 | The end point, J, Kor Ais missing from a command for nvalute (W series) interpotation Baz [ILEGAL CONMANO IN [Aninvald value has been spcied for involute interpolation, Go2 216032 ‘+ The start or end point is within the basic circle, (Mseries) 1.4, Kor Ris set to 0. ‘+ The number of rotations between the start ofthe involute curve and the start or end point exceeds 100. 2aa [OVER TOLERANCE OF END "The end point is not an the volute curve which includes the start Point iin and thie alle nue the canga specified with parameter No, (M series) 5610. zaa | PISALARM Tn the skip function acivated by the Torque Imi signal, the number of (series) ‘accumulated erroneous pulses exceed 82767 before the signal was input. Therefore, the pulses cannot be corrected with one distribution. ‘Change the conditions, such as feed rates along axes and torque limit and try again 2a5 | T-CODE NOT ALOWEEIN THIS | One of the G codes, G50, GTO, and G04, which cannot be specified BLOCK (T series) in the same block as aT code, was specified with a T code 250 | ZAXIS WRONG COMMAND (ATC) | A value for tie Z-axis has been specified in a block for the tool ex (series) change commana (MO6T_) on a system with URILL-MATE ARC installed, 251 [ATC ERROR This alarm fs issued in he folowing cases (ORILL-MATE): (M series) + An MOBT_ command contains an unusable T code. + An M06 command has been specified when the Z machine coordi- nate is positve. + The parameter forthe current tool number (No. 7810) is set to 0. + An M06 command has been specified in canned cycle mode. + A eterence position return command (G27 to G44) and MOB com- mand have been specified in the same block = An MOG command haa been specified in tool compensation mode (G41 to Gea) + An MO6 command has been specified without performing reference position return after power-on or the release of emergency stop. + The machine lock signal or Z-axis ignore signal has been turned ‘on during tool exchange. + Apyy alarm has been detected during tool exchange, Refer to diagnosis No. 530 to determine the cause. Number Message Contents 258 [ATC SPINDLE ALARM "An excessive err arose during spindle postioning for ATC. For (M series) [setalis, refer to diagnasie No. 831, (Only for DRILL-MATE) 253 [GOS 1S NOT AVAILABLE Alarm details (Mseries) Binary input operation using high-speed remote butter (GOS) or high [speed cyele machining (GOS) has been specified in advance control mode (GO8P). Execute GO8PO; to cancel advance convo! mode, before executing these GOS commands. 000] LEGAL COMMAND CODE "The specified code was incorreat inthe high-precision contour con (series) tol (HPCC) mode. OOS] ICLEGAL PARAMETER (HPC) | There isan Invalla parameter, (series) ‘Boo4__ | HPCC NOT READY (Mi series) Figh-precsion contour COntral snot reaGy. o0E | TOO MANY WORD IN ONE BLOGK | The number of words specifedin a block exceeded 26 in the HPC (M series) mode. 3007 | TOO LARGE DISTANCE (M series) In the HPCC mods, the machine moved beyond the iit 5009 | PARAMETER ZERO (ORY RUN) | The maximum Tescrate (parameter No, 1422) or the feedrate im Gry ( series) run (parameter No, 1410) is On the HPCC mode! S010 | END OF RECORD "ihe end of record () was specified UO i incorrect. modily the program. Soi] PARAMETER ZERO(CUT MAX) | The maximum cufing feedrale (parameter No. 1422) in the HPCC (M series) mode. S012] GOs PTOOGN ILLEGAL START UP | Fundion category (co) High-precision contour control (Mtseries) Alarm details: G05 P'10000 has been specified in a mode trom which the system Jeannot enter HPCC mode, 5013 | HPGG: CRC OFS REMAIN AT CAN: | GOSPO has been specified in Gai/G42 mode or with offset remaining. CEL (series) S018 | TRACE DATA NOT FOUND "Transtar cannot be performed because no Wace Gata exists. (M series) Bos "The specified rotation axis does not @xst for Tool axe direction han (series) oie toed. 301 ICLEGAL COMBINATION OF M__| M codes which belonged tothe same group were specified in a CoE bock. M code which must be specified without other IM codes in the block was specified ina block with other M codes. BOie | POLYGON SPINDLE SPEED ER: | Function category ROR Puygon wining (Tseries) ‘Alarm details In G51.2 mode, the speed of the spindle or polygon synchronous. axis either exceeds the clamp value or is too small. The specified rotation speed ratio thus cannot be maintained, 5020 | PARAMETER OF RESTART ER- | An erroneous parameter was specified for restarting a program. ROR /A parameter for program restart is invalid ‘0s0 | LEGAL COMMAND (6700) "The end command (G770) was specified before the registration star (F series) command (6101, G102, or G103) was specified for the Baxi. ZOaT | WLEGAL COMMAND (G100, G10, | While a ragiatraion slant Command (G101, G02, or Gi03) was being (6103) (F series) executed, another regisvation start command was specified forthe Beas os2 | NEW PRG REGISTERED IN B-AXS | While the machine was moving ebout the B-axis, al attempt was MOVE (T series) made to register another move command. 083 [NO PROG SPACE IN MEMORY 6- | Commands for moverent about the B-axis ware not registered be- AXS (T-series) cause of insucient program memory Vie ‘Number Message Contents: ‘058 [PLURAL COMMAND INGTTO, TWoliple movements ware specified with the GiT0 cous forthe B (T series) axis, 5055 [NO FEEDRATE COMMANDED 6- | AToadrate was nol speciied for culling eed about the Bans AXS (T series) 3056 [ADDRESS A NOT DEFINED IN | Point was not spectied for he Canned cycle for the Bans G81-Ga6 (T series) 5037 — [ADDRESS NOT DEFINED IN GBS | Dapin of eu O was nol specified Tor the G83 code (peck arling series) eye}. Alternatively, 0 was specified in Q Yor the Bax, “oan [TOO MANY START W-GODE COM: |More than six M codes for stating mavernont about ihe Baxis wore MAND (T series) species. 5059 | START UNREGISTERED B-AXS | Av afarpl was made to execute a program forthe B-axis which had PROG (T series) ot been registered, 5040 | CAN NOT COMMANDED B-AXS | The machine could not move about the B-axis because parameter MOVE (T series) No 8250 was incocrectly specified, or because the PMC axis system could not be used. Boa | CANNOT COMMANDED Git | Blocks containing the G110 codes were successively specified in BLOCK (T series) tooltip radius compensation for the B-axis, 3083 | TOO MANY Gos NESTING "Three-aimensional 6orGinate Conversion GBB has been speciiod (M series) three or more times. Sosa [G6 FORMAT ERROR [AGES command block contains format error, This alamis sued (series) in the folowing cases: 4. led, of Kis missing from a G68 command block (missing coordi ‘ate rotation option. 2. 1,4, and K are 0in a Géa command block 3._ Riis missing from a G88 command block, ‘50s5 ILLEGAL PARAMETER [ST.GOMP) | The parameter sefings Tor svaighiness Compensation contain an lertcr. Possibie causes are as follows: 4S. Acarameter for a movement axis or comoensation axs contains ‘an axis number wren is not used '2. More than 128 pitch error compensation points exist between the negative and postive end points ‘3. Compensation point numbers for straightness compensation are fot assigned in tha correct order. 4, No straightness compensaton point exists between the pich error ‘compensation points atthe negative and positive ends. 5. The compensation value for each compensation point is too largo oF 109 smal 5050 [ILL-GOMMAND IN CHOPPING | A command for switching the major axis has bean spectied for arcu MOvE lar teasing, Aternabvel, a command for settng the length of the (M series) ‘major axis 0 0 has been specified for circular threading ‘051 | M-NET CODE ERROR Abnoal character received (other than code used Tor wanemission) 3052 | M-NETETX ERROR ‘Abnormal ETK code 3053 | H-NET CONNECT ERROR Connection be monitoring eror (parameter No. 175) 3054 | W-NET RECEIVE ERROR Poling tive monitoring error (parameter No. 176) 5055_ | M-NET PAT/FAT ERROR [Vertical panty or framing eror 30ST | NM-NET BOARD SYSTEM DOWN | Transmission tmeout evar (parameter Ne. 177) FIOM panty error CPU interrupt other than the above ‘BOSE | G35/G36 FORMAT ERROR [A command for switching the major aus has been specified for arcu (series) lar threading. Alternatively, a command for seting the length of the major axis to 0 has been spectied for circular threading, 3059 | RADIUS IS OUT OF RANGE ‘Aradus exceeding nine digs has been speciied for areular iter Cr sevies) polation with the center ofthe arc specified with, J, and K. viz Contents Number Message 3063 TS NOT PRESET AFTER REF, Fonction category (M series) Workpiece thickness measurement [Alarm details ‘The postion counter was not preset before the start of workpiece thickness measurement. Thi alarm is iesued inthe following cases: (1) An attempt has been made to start measurement without frst, ‘establishing the origin {@) Anattempt has been made to stat measurement without first resetting the position counter after manual return tothe origin ‘506% | DIFFERRENT AXIS UNIT (IS-B, | Greviar interpolation has boon specified on a plane consisting of 1s-0) 2x05 having diferent increment systems, (M series) ‘5065 | DIFFERENT AXIS UNIT (PMG AXIS) | Atos having diferent increment systems have been speciied inthe (M series) [same D/00 group for PMC axis control. Modify the setting of param. eter No. 8010, 5065 | RESTART ILLEGAL SEQUENCE | Sequence number Thox has boon read during search for tha next 'Sequence number a program restar for the returr/restart function, NUMBER (M series) 068 | Gai Po0 FORMAT ERROR ‘No moverient axis or more than one movement axis has been speck (M4 series) et BOTS [NO DECIMAL POINT ‘No decial pointhias been specified for an address requiing a dec mal point ‘5074 ADDRESS DUPLICATION ERROR | The same address has been specifed wo or more times Ina single block. Alternatively, two or more G codes in the same group have been specified in a single block 5082 _ [DATA SEAVER ERROR "This alarm lb Getaled on the Gata server message Screen Note HPCC : High precision contour control Background edit alarm Number | Message Contents [ors aarm ‘PIS alarm occurs n tha same number as the PIS alarm inst ocousm ordinary program edit. (070, 071, 072, 073, 074 085,086,087 et.) Ta [BPS alarm Twas attempted fo select or doletoin the background program Bang selected in the foreground. (Note) Use background editing corecty. Note ‘Alarm in background edit is displayed in the key input ine of the background edit screen instead of the ordinary alarm screen and is resettable by any of the MDI key operation. Absolute pulse coder (APC) alarm ‘8 AXIS ZAN IMPOSSIBL, Number Message Contents 300 [Athans onginretorn ‘Manual reference postion retum is required forthe rihaxs (0=1 8) 301 | APC alarm: nh-axis communication | nih-ans (a=1 ~8) APC communication evr Fallure in data Wansmis= Possible causesinciude aaulty APC, cable, cr servointertace module. Wo [APC arm nian overtime Th-axis (nat 8) APO overtime err Faire in data transmission Possible causes inciude afaulty APC, cable, er servo interface module OS [APC alarm: nih-anis framing Tihaxis (A=1 — 8) APC framing error Fallore in data Wanemission Possibie causes inciude afaulty APC, cable, or servo ntertaco module. oe [APC alarm nih-ans panty Tihaxis (nat 8) APC pany error Faire in data transmission Possible causes inciude afaulty APC, cable, or servo interface module. [Os APS alarm: nihans pulse evar | rihans (nat — 8) APC pulse eror alarm APC alarm.APC ox cable may be faut. Woe [APC alarm: nian battery [Ri-aes (nat ~8) APC batary vatage has decreasedio alow lovelso voitage 0 thatthe data cannot be held. /APC alarm. Battery or cable may be faulty. Ba7 [APC alarm: nih-anis batty low | [thas (n=1 —8) axis APC battery voltage reaches a level whore te battery must be renewec. APC alarm. Replace the batery oe [APC alarm: nth-axis batiay Tow 2 | afvoans (n=l 6) APC battery vollage has reached a evel where the battery must be renewed (including when poner is OFF) |APC alarm Replace battery. 30a PAPC ALARM: Fiatum to the orgin has been atiompled without Wat rotating the motor Jone or moretimas. Betore returning to the orgin, rotate te motor one Jor more times then turn off the power. Vis Serial pulse coder (SPC) alarms When either of the following alarms is issued, a possible cause is a faulty serial pulse coder or cable. Number Message ‘Contents 350 [SPC ALARM n AXIS PULSE COD. | Then ais (was 1-5) pulse coder has eau Raferio diagnosis asplay ER No, 202 and No, 204 for details. Gat | SPC ALARM n AXIS COMMUNICA | nants (acs 1-8) serial pulse code communication eror (data wansmis: TION sion faut) Refer to diagnosis display No. 203 for details, © The details of serial pulse coder alarm No.350 (ie Gee ere ee Ea SA [BLA] PHA] PCA] BZA] CRA] SPH 46 (CSA) : Check sum alarm has occurred. #5 (BLA) : Battery low alarm has occurred #4 (PHA) + Phase data trouble alarm has occurred. #3 (PCA) : Speed count trouble alarm has occurred. #2 (BZA) : Battery zero alarm has occurred. #1(CKA) = Clock alarm has occurred. #0 (SPH) : Soft phase data trouble alarm has occurred. © The details of serial pulse coder alarm No.a61 tet ea Ae ls ke exe oa Ee otto wea] [ere [cae] ste I #7 DTE) = Data estor has occurred. #6 (CRO) : CRCerror has occurred 45 (STB) = Stop bit error has occurred. Vi-20 Servo alarms RAMETER INCORRECT Number Message Contents 60 [SERVO ALARM n-TH AXIS OVER” | Tho nah axis (ans 1-0) overload signals on, Rofer To diagnosis is LOAD play No. 201 for details 401 [SERVO ALARM n-TH AXIS VADY | Thon -thaxss (axe 1-8) servo ampilier READY signal (OROY) went OFF Oz [SERVO ALARM TH AXIS VADY | Even though the n-th axis (aus 1-8) READY cignal (MCON) went off ON the servo amplifier READY signal (DRDY) isstilon. Or. whenthe power {was turned on, DRDY went on even though MCON was of ‘Check that the servo intertace module and servo amp are connected. Os | SERVO ALARM (ZERO POINT RE” | Position control system fault Oue to anNC or servo system fautinthe TURN FAULT) feference postion return, there is the possibilty nat reference position return could notbe executed correctly. Try again rom tha manual eter lence position turn “a7 | SERVO ALARM EXCESS ERAOA | Thedifferencein synchronous axis positon deviation exceeded he Set vale. “Gog | SERVO ALARM n AXIS TORGUE | Abnormal servo motor load has been detected. Alermatively, abnormal ALM spindle motor load has been detected in Cs mode. “IO | SERVO ALARM ATH AXIS EX | The postion deviation value when the n-th axis (ax 1-8) Stops is Tar- ‘CESS ERROR cer than the set value. Tit | SERVO ALARM n-TH AXIS EX: | The position deviation value when the rth axis (axis 18) moves is CESS ERROR larger than the set valve. Gia [SERVO ALARM nn AXIS LSI | The contents ofthe error register for he n-th ans (aus 1-6) exceeded OVERFLOW £25" power, This error usually occurs as the resuttof an improperly set parameters aia [SERVO ALARNE HTH AKIS— Noth ax (axis 1-6) digital servo system fault Roter to diagnosis as DETECTION RELATED ERROR _| play No. 200 and No.204 for details. Gis [SERVO AARNE pTH AWS — EX | Repoo higher Wan STT67S uniele wae avampved in ha cain Tha path CESS SHIFT axis (axis 1-8), This error occurs asthe result of improperly set CMR. is [SERVO ALARM: TH AXIS — DIS. | Postion detection sysiom fauitin the n-th ais (axis 1-8) pulse coder ‘CONNECTION (disconnection alarm). Refer to diagnosis display No, 201 for details. iv | SERVO ALARHE nTH AXIS PA’ | THe alarm Gccurs when the n-th axis (axis 1-6)is none of the condi- ions listed below, (Digital servo system alarm) 1) The value set in Parameter No. 2020 (motor form) is out of the ‘specified imi. 12) A proper valve (111 or ~111) is rot set in parameter No.2022 (motor revolution direction). '2) Mlagal data (a valve below 0, ate.) was set in parameter No. 2023, (cumber of speed feedback pulses per motor revolution), 4), Mlagal data (a value below 0, ec.) was set in parameter No, 2024 (oumber of position feedback pulses per motor revolution). 5) Parameters No. 2084 and No. 2085 (flexible field gear rate) have notbeen set 6) Avalue outside the limit of{1 to the number of control axes} oF ‘a non-continuous value, Parameter 1023 (servo axis number) Contains a value out of the range from 1 to the number of axes, 0: {an isolated value (for example, 4 not preceded by 3) was set in, Parameter No. 1023 (servo axis number) vit Number Message Contents 420 | SERVO ALARM: n AXIS SYNG | During simple synchronous contro, the dference betwaan the toraua TORQUE [commands forthe master and slave axes exceeded the value setin pa (Mserias) ameter No. 2031, ai [SERVO ALARNE n AXIS EXCESS | The diference Delwoon the errors In he Semi-closed loop and closed ER (0) loop has become excessive during dual position feedback, Check the values of the dual position conversion coefficients in parameters No. 2078 and 2079. © Details of servo ‘The details of servo alarm No. 414 are displayed in the diagnosis display alarm No.414 (No. 200 and No.204) as shown below. ww sk ke eo] [Ou [WT Ove T HcA TWA] OCA] Fea] FR #7 (OVL) : An overload alarm is being generated. #6 (LY) ; A low voltage alarm is being generated in servo amp. #5 (OVC) : A overcurrent alarm is being generated inside of digital servo. #4 (HCA) : An abnormal current alarm is being generated in servo amp. #3 (HVA) : An overvoliage alarm is being generated in servo amp, #2 (DCA) : A regenerative discharge circuit alarm is being, generated in servo amp. #1 (FBA) : A disconnection alarm is being generated. #0 (OFA) ; An overflow alarm is being generated inside of digital servo. fies fee ee ere Ba OFS _[ CC [UDA] Pw #6 (OFS) = A current conversion error has occured in the dieital servo. #5 (MCC) : A magnetic contactor contact in the servo amplifier has welded, #4 (LDA) : The LED indicates that serial pulse coder Cis defective #3 (PMS) ; A feedback pulse error has occured because the feedback cable is defective © Details of servo ‘The details of servo alarms No. 400 and No. 416 are displayed in the alarms No. 400 and diagnosis display (No. 201) as shown below. No.416 a] [LA Be ‘When OVL equal 1 in diagnostic data No.200 (servo alarm No. 400 is being generated) #7 (ALD) 0: Motor overheating 1: Amplifier overkeating ‘When FBAL equal 1 in diagnostic data No.200 (servo alarm No. 416 is being generated) A EXP ‘iarm details 7 0 _[ Bultn pulse coder disconnection (hardware) 7 1 | Separately installed pulse coder disconnection (narware) o (0 | Pulse coder is nol connacted Gua to sofware Over travel alarms ‘Number Message Contents ‘300 [OVER TRAVEL wn Exceeded tha nth axis (axis 1B) Side Sloved SOKO TmIT (Parameter No. 1320 or 1326 Notes) orp OVER TRAVEL Exceeded the nt) ans (ars 1G) — ide stored sivoxe Umit (Parameter No. 1321 or 1327 Notes) ‘502 [OVER TRAVEL wn Exceeded the n-thanis (ars 1-8) + Side Stored Soke imi (Parameter No.1322 } Boa POVER TRAVEL = Exceeded the n-th axis (ans 1-8) side stored stroke Mme (Parameter No. 1223) 304 [OVER TRAVEL +8 Exceeded tha nh axis (ais 1-8) » Side Stored stroke bmit I (Parameter No.1324) 505 [OVER TRAVEL =—5 ‘Exceeded the Hin ads (axis 1-8) ~ side stored stroke mit (Parameter No 1325) Bos [OVER TRAVEL +n Exceeded the nih as (aus 18) + side hardware OT. 307 [OVER TRAVEL 0 Exceeded the Win ais (aes 1-8) — sda hardware OT. 308 INTERFERENCE: vn ‘Riool movinginthe postive decion along hen axis has fouled anoth- CF series (two-path contro) er tool post SOS [INTERFERENCE 0 [Atoal moving nihenagative dv eaten along hen axishas fouled ano series (two-path control) er toot post. SiO [OVER TRAVEL: a "Alarm tor avaka check prior to movement. The end pain speciieding block tals within the forbidden area defined with the stroke limit in the positive dcection along the N axis, Correct the program. Si OVER TRAVEL: ‘Riarm for svoke check prior fo movement. The end point specifedina block fas within the foroidden area defined with the stroke lit in the negative direction along the N axis, Correct the program. Note Parameters 1326 and 1927 are effective when EXLM(stroke limit switch signal) is on. Overheat alarms Number Message Contents 700 | OVERHEAT: CONTROL UNIT ‘Control unit overheat Check that the fan motor operates normally, and clean the ai fier. Tor |OVERHEAT FAN WOTOR "The fan motor onthe op athe cabinet or the Control unis overheated] Check the operationot ne fan motor and replace the motoritnecessary. 70% | OVERHEAT SPINDLE Spindle overheat inthe spindle fluctuation detection (it the cutting load is heavy, relieve the cutting condition |@Check whether the cutting tool is share. |@Another possible cause is a faulty spindle amp. Vi-23 Rigid tapping alarms CHANGE FAULT Number ‘Message Contents Tad [RIGID TAP ALARM: EXCESS ER: | The positonal deviation of the stopped spindle has exceeded the set ROR value during rigid tapping. Tai [RIGID TAP ALARM, EXCESS ER- | The posTional deviation ofthe moving spindlshas exceeded iheset val- ROR ]ue during rigid tapping. [aa [RIGID TAP ALARM LST OVER: [An LST overiow has occurred for the spindle uring rigid tapping. FLOW Serial spindle alarms Number Message Contents 743 | S-SPINDLE LSI ERROR [tis serial Communication error while system is executing ater power supply on. Following reasons can be considered. 4) Optical cable connection is faut or cable is not connected or cable seu, 2) MAIN CPU board or option 2 board is faut. 3) Spindle amp. printed board is faut itinis arm oecurs when CNG power supply Is turned on or when this alarm can net be cleared even if CNC is ceset, turn off the power supply aleo turnoff the power supply in spindle side. 750 | SPINDLE SERIAL LINK START | This alarm is generated when the spindle control unit is not ready for FAULT starting correctly when the power is turned on in the system with the serial spindle ‘The four reasons can be considered as follows: 1) Animproperty connected optic cable, or the spindle control unit's power is OFF '2) When the NC power was turned on under alarm conditions other spindle contro! unit. Inth’s case, tuin the spindle amplifier power off once and perform startup again. }3) Other reasons (improper combination of hardware) ‘Thisalarm does not occur ater the system including the spindle con trol unitis activated, 4) The second spindle (when SP2, bit 4 of parameter No, 3701, is 1) is in one of the above conditions 1) to 3) See diagnostic display No. 409 for deta 751 | FIRST SPINDLE ALARM DETEG | The alam inaieatasin the NO tat an alarm is generatedin the spindle TION (AL-XX) nit ofthe system with the serial spincte. The alarm is displayedin form JAL-XX (XX sa number). The alarm number XX is the number indicated on the spindle amplifier. The CNC holds this ruber and Jisplays on the screen. 762 — [FIRST SPINDLE MODE CHANGE | This alarm is generated i the system does not propery terminate @ FAULT mode change. ‘The modes include the Cs contouring, spindle pasiion- ing. Pg tapping, and spincle control modes. The alarms activated it the spindle control unit does not respond correctly tothe mode change [command issued by the NC. 7e4 | SPINDLE-1 ABNORMAL TORQUE | Abnormal frst spindle motor oad has been detected ALM 761 | SECOND SPINDLE ALARM Refer to alarm No. 71. (For 2nd axis) DETECTION (AL-XX) 762 [SECOND SPINDLE MODE afar w alarm No. 752,(For 2nd avis) Vi-24 Number Message Contents 764 | SPINDLE-2 ABNORMAL TORGUE | Same as alarm No. 75a (for he second spindle) ALM. 771 | SPINDLES ALARM DETECT (AL209 ‘Samo as alarm No, 761 (or the thvd spinaro) 772 [SPINDLES MODE CHANGE EROR | Same as alarm No. 752 (forthe bird spindle) 774 | SPINDLES ABNORMAL TORQUE | Same as alarm No. 754 (forthe third spindle) ALM © The details of spindle alarm No.750 ‘The details of spindle alarm No. 750are displayedin the diagnosis display (No. 409) as shown below: moe sk tg et ae Bre] 828 | Sie [SHE ‘#3 (SPE) 0: In the spindle serial control, the serial spindle parameters fulfill the spindle unit startup conditions 1: Inthe spindle serial control, the serial spindle parameters do not fulfill the spindle unit startup conditions. #2 (G2E) 0: The second spindle is normal during the spindle serial control startup. 1: The second spindle was detected to have a fault during the spindle serial control startup. ‘#1 (SIE) 0: The first spindle is normal during the spindle serial control startup. 1: The first spindle was detected to have a fault during the spindle axis serial control startup. #0 (SHE) 0: The serial communications mudute i the CINC iy uuLuat 1: ‘The serial communications module in the CNCwas detected tohavea fault. Vi-25 ‘System alarms (These alarms cannot be reset with reset key.) ‘Number Message Contents 300 [ROM PARITY OM pariy eror [ONGIOMMSer) Replace the number of FM. B10 [RAM PARITY «(aN RAM party arorinthe tape memory RAM module. Clear tie memory Jor replace the module. /Atterthis operation, reset all data including the parameters. Git RAM PARITY: (aN) AM panty erorin he tape memory RAM module. Clear te memory or replace the module, Alter this operation, reset all data including the parameters. ‘Bia | RAM PARITY. (aNva) ‘RAM parity evforin the tape memory RAM module, Clear the memory or replace the module. Ate his operation, reset all data including the parameters. Gia RAM PARITY = (aNeS) ‘RAM parity error n the tape memory RAM module. Clear the memory or replace the module ‘Alter this operation, reset all data including the parameters. ia | SRAM PARITY GN) ‘ARAM pariy error occuTed in RAM for part program storage or ada tional SRAM. Clear the memory, orreplacethe main CPU board or adsi- 315 _ | SRAM PARITY @-1) tional SRAM, Then, set all data, including parameters, again, ‘Si6__ | DRAM PARTY "RAM patty error in DRAM miodsie, Replace the DRAM module ‘320 | SERVO ALARM (121574 AXIS) ‘Seno alarm (Iat fo Athans), Awaichdog alam or a RAM party error in the servo module occurred, Replace the servo control module on the main CPU board, ‘aa | SERVO ALARM (6167718 AXIS) ‘Servo alarm (Sthta Bth axle), A waichdog alarm or a RAM parity error in the servo module occurred, Feeplace the servo control module on the option 2 board. 32a [SERVO MODULE SETTING ER. | The digtal servo module isnot installed ROR CCheck thatthe servo control module or Servo interface module on the main CPU or option 2 board is mounted securely. SEE | SERVO ALARM (/SISTAEIG AXIS) | Seno alarm (isto 6th ans). Awatch dog alarm was issued, or aRAM parity extor occurred in the servo module. Replace the servo control /module on the main CPU board, Wa [CPU INTERAUPUT GPU err (abncrnal iterroat) The main CPU board is faulty 350 | PRG SYSTEM ALARM Fault occurred in the PMG The PMG control module on the main CPU board 0: option 3 board may be faulty. Gai | PME-RC WATCHDOG ALARM | Faull courred inthe PMG-AG (watchdog alarm) Option 3 board may be faut ‘970 | Neal OCCURRED IN PMP TAM parity evar or NI coourred in the PMO-AB module: Tha main CPU board is faulty. O71 [Nia OCCURRED IN SLE [An alarm condition ocow red inthe inveriace with an VO unit For PMC RAI, PMC-FA2, and PMC-RB, check thatthe PMC control module on the main CPU boardis connetedto the /O unit securely. For PMC-RC, ‘check thatthe PMC contro! module on the option 3 board is connected tothe 1/0 unitis supplied with power and thatthe interface module sin ‘378 | Nii OCCURRED IN OTHER MOD. NM occurredin a board other than the main CPU Board, ULE (Option 1 to may be faulty 973 [NON MASK INTERRUPT ‘Riv eocurred for an unknown reason ‘ora [BUS ERROR FANUC BUS is efor MAIN CPU beard and option 1 to 8 boards may be faulty. ‘376 [BUS ERROR (MAIN) THAIN GPU board BUS error MAIN CPU board may be fault. PMC alarm messages wess0ge Contents and sono ALARM NOTHING ‘Normal satus ER0O PROGRAM DATA ER: ROR|ROM) “The sequence program in the FIOM is not written corcectly olution) Please exchange ROM for the sequence program, ERO} PROGRAM DATA ER- ROR|RAM) The sequence program in the debugging RAM is detective, {goluton) Pigase clear the dabugging RAM and input LADDER again. ‘The debugging RAM is not installed though the RAM is selected. [coluton) — Ploase install the debugging RAM or install ROM for sequence program and select ROM with KI7#3=0. [ER02 PROGRAM SIZE OVER “The ize of sequence program exczeds the maximum size of LADDER(PMC-AC oxi). {Gottion) Please change MAX LADDER AREA SIZE al the SYSPRM screen and restart the system. EROS PROGRAM SIZE ER. ROR(OPTION) “The size of sequence program exceeds the option specification size. {solution Please increase the option specification size. y, reduce the size of sequence program, (ERO4 PMC TYPE UNMATCH The PMG model seting of the Sequence pragram is not corresponding to an actual mods {coluion) Please change the PMC model seting by the offine programmer. [EROS PMC MODULE TYPE ER- ROR “The module type ofthe PMG engine is not correct. (solution) Please exchange the module of PMC engine for a correct one. EROS PROGRAM MODULE NOTHING Both ROM for sequence program and the debugging RAM do not exist (PMC-RC loniy) | Faz No oPTion (rapDER ster) There is no slap sumber option of LADDER, ER 16 RAM CHECK ERROR (PROGRAM RAM) The debugging RAM cannot be read/written normally. (solution) "Please exchange the debugging RAM ERT PROGRAM PARITY, "The parly eror occurred on ROM Tor sequence program or the debugging RAM. (solution) ROM: The deterioration of ROM may be deteriorated Please exchange ROM for the sequence program RAM: Please edit the sequence program once on PMC Sil the error occu, exchange the debugging RAM. EA16 PROGRAM DATA ERROR, By 0 Transferring he saquance program from offine programmer was interrupted by the power off etc. {polution) Please clear the sequence program and transfer the sequence program again E19 LADDER DATA ERROR ating the LADDER was interrupted by the power otf or by the switeh to the CNC serean by the function key etc. (Golution) Please edit LADDER once on PMC. (Or, please input LADDER again. vi27 Message Contents and solution EAZ) SYMBOL/COMMENT | Ealing ihe symbol and commons was interrupted by the power off er by the awitch to DATA ERROR the CNC screen by the function key etc (coiution) Please edit symbol and comment once on PMC. (r, please input symbol and comment again. ER2] MESSAGE DATA ERROR, iting the message data was interrupted by the power off or the switch to the CNG screen by the function key etc {solution} Please edit message data once on PMC. (Or, please input message data again. ER22 PROGRAM NOTHING: [There is no sequence program R23 PLEASE TURN OFF POWER Fihere isa change in seting LADDER MAX AREA SIZE ete. (solution) Please restart the system to make the change effective. ERG2 NO 10 DEVICE ‘Any DIDO unit of VO Unit or the connection unit et. Is not connected. When buit-in UO card is connected, this message is not displayed (solution) When built-in /O cardis used: Please confirm whether the Buln /O card is certainly connected with When 110 Link is used: Please confirm whether the DI/D0 units turning on. Or please confirm the connection of the cable. ERG3 SLC ERROR ‘The LSI for V/O Link is defective. (golution) Please exchange the module of PMC engine. ERS4 SLC EAROR() "The communication with the DUDO units of the xx group failed. {eolution) Please confirm the connection ofthe cable connected to the DVDO units of the 9: group. Please confirm whether the D1/O0 unit turned on earlier than CNC and PMC. Or, please exchange the module of PMC engine on the D/DO units of the 9% group Gage TOO MUCH OUTPIT DATA IN GROUP(o) “Tha ramiher ofthe quiet data in the xx erouo exceeded the max. The data, which exceed 92 bytes, become ineffective. (solution) Please refer to the folowing forthe number ofthe data for each group. “FANUC I/O Unit-MODEL A connecting and maintenance manual” (8-618138) “FANUC WO Unit-MODEL B connecting manuat"(8-62163E) ERG6 TOO MUGH INPUT DATA IN GROUP() “The number ofthe input data inthe wx group exceeded the max. The data, which ‘exceed 22 bytes, become inetfective. (solution) Please reer tothe folowing for he number of the data for each group. “FANUC HO Unit- MODEL A connecting and maintenance manual (8-611) "FANUC VO Unit-MODEL B connecting manual"(B-62169E) ERG@ MAX SETTING OUTPUT DATA OVER) “The assignment data fora group exceeds 128 bytes, (The assignment data of output sido of x« group or later become inetective.) (Golution) Please reduce the assignment data to 128 bytes or less for the number of te output data of each group, EAD9 MAX SETTING INPUT DATA OVER(X) ‘The assignment data for a group exceeds 128 bytes. (Ihe assignment data of input side of xx group or later become infective.) {(Goluton) Please reduca the assignment data to 128 bytes or less for the number (of the input data of each goup. ‘WNO? LADDER MAX SIZE ER. ROR “The MAX LADDER AREA SIZE in the system parameter is llegal (solution) Set the correct value to MAX LADDER AREA SIZE and estar the ‘system, Vi28 *When EROO to ER23 occur, sequence program is not available, Wessage Contents and solution [wno2 OPERATE PANEL AD- DRESS ERROR “The address soting data ofthe operator's panel for FS-Ois illegal (solution) Please correct the address seting data. WNO3 ABORT NO-WINDOW! EXIN LADDER was stopped while ONG and PMC were communicating, The functional instruction WINDR, WINDW, EXIN, DISPB, and etc. may not work rocmally. {Soltion) When restarting the system, this alarm willbe released. Exeoute the Sequence program(Press RUN key) after contrming whether there is 3 problem in LADDER or not. WNOa UNAVAIL EDIT MODULE The LADDER editing modula cannot be recognized. (PMC-RAS/RB:=1 t0 3) (solution) Please contirm the slot positon installed Please confrm the installed module ]WNOG TASK STOPPED BY DE- BUG FUNC, ‘Some user tasks are stopped by break point of the debugging function. /WNO7 LADDER SP ERROR (STACK) When functional nsiruction CALL (SUB6S) & CALLU(SUB66) was executed, the stack of the LADDER overflowed, (Golution) Please reduce the nesting of the subprogram t0 8 or less ]WNI7 NO OPTION (LAN: GUAGE) “There ie no C language option WNi@ ORIGIN ADDRESS ER- ROR "The LANGUAGE ORIGIN address of the system parameter is wrong (solution) Please set the address of symbol RC_CTLB_INIT in the map file to the LANGUAGE ORIGIN of the system parametex WNi9 GDT EAROR(@ASE.LIM- ™m “The value of BASE, LIMIT or ENTRY of user defined GDT is illegal. (solution) Please correct the address in link control statement and buil fie, fWN20 COMMON MEM. COUNT OVER “The number of common memories exceeds 8. (solution) "Please reduce the number af common memories to 8 or less. is Recoscary to corrects lnk contre etatamant il la and! Yh ace fle forthe common memory. fwnia1 COMMON MEM. ENTRY ERROR GOT ENTAY of the common memory is out of range. (Golution) Please correct the address of GOT ENTAY of the common memory in ‘the link contra statement fwin22 LADDER S PRIORITY ERROR “The priority of LADDER LEVEL 3 is out of range. (solution) Please correct tho value of LADDER LEVEL 3in the link contro! Statement within the range of 0 or 10-88 or ~1 [wniea TASK COUNT OVER "The number of vaer tasks exceeds 16. (solution) Please confirm TASK COUNT in the link control statement. When the rhumber of tasks is changed, itis necessary to correct the ink control ‘Statement, buld fle and the composition ofthe files to be linked. ‘WN24 TASK ENTRY ADDR ER: ROR “The selector af the entry address to the user task is out of range, (solution) Please correct the table of GDT in build file to the value within '32(20H)-95(5FH) WN25 DATA SEG ENTRY ER- ROR "The entry address of the data segment is outof range. (solution) Please correct DATA SEGMENT GOT ENTRY in the tink control statement and the table of GOT in bul fle within 32(20H)-85(5FH) 'WN26 USER TASK PRIORITY ERROR "The provi of the user task is out of range. (olution) Please correct the TASK LEVEL in link control statement within the ange of 10-99 oF —1 Note: Only one task can have TASK LEVEL —1 (including LADDER LEVEL 3). Contents and solution WN27 CODE SEG TYPE ER. FOR ‘The code segment ype ie egal. Ihe code segment of RENAMESEG In the binding contra fie is wrong, {olution Please cocrect the entry of the code segment in the lik contol “Statement to correspond to the entry in te build fe. [WN28 DATA SEG TYPE ERROR ‘The data segment ype is legal. The data segment of RENAMESEG nthe binding control file is wrong (Golution) Please correct the enty of the code segment inthe Ink contol “statement to correspond ta the entry in the build te. jw29 COMMON MEM SEG TYPE EHHOR ‘The segment ype of common memory s illegal. The segment of RENAMESEG in| the building corral fle ofthe common memory fs wrong. {eolution) Please correct the entry of common memory in the link contro! “Statement o correspond to the entry in the bul fie. [wis0 IMPOSSIBLE ALLOCATE. MEM. ‘The memories far the data and stack etc. cannot be allocated, (eolution) Please confirm whether the value of code segment in build fie and USER GDT ADDRESS in link control statementis correct o not, Orplease reduce the value of MAX LADDER AREA SIZE of the system pafameter and the size of te stack in link contro! statement atthe least ‘WINSi IMPOSSIBLE EXECUTE UsRaRY “The library function cannot be executed, olution) Please confum the object modo! of the library. 0, system FIOM of PMC must be replaced with one of later version. [WN32 LNK CONTROL DATA ERROR ink control statement data Is tlegal (olution) Please confirm whether the address of symbol RC_ CTLB_INIT in map files set to LANGUAGE ORIGIN of the system parameter Or, please ‘make the link control statement again, PCinn CPU INTERPT 10% yy w STATUS LED sex [A GPU error (abnormal interrupt) occurred, fan ‘CPU exception handling code IRis an exception code of 180386. For details, please refer tothe (00 Division error such as a divisor is 0 in division insttuction, 12 Stack exception such as violations of mit of stack segment. 13 General protection exception such as segment imit over. 0 ‘Segment selector where system error occurred. ‘The selector of 0103-02FB is used by C language. yyy: Offset address where system error occurred. Solution) When C language is not used or when the cause is not found evenifit is checked C language, consult it PC130 RAM PARITY 2a vo00 yy wy STATUS LED O% ‘The pally eror occurred on the debugging RAM of PMC PG140 NMI BOG Bb on yyy STATUS LED UO ea AM PARITY ERROR information. 900 ‘Sagment selector where system exror occurred. yyy Offset address where system error occurred “The RAM parity error or Nii(hion Maskable Interrupt) generated in module of PMC engine. bo AM PARITY ERROR information. Party eror occurred on basic DRAM. 1418 arity err occurred on option DRAM. 20/60,A0,E0 Parity error occurred on SRAM, 000% ‘Segment selector where system exror occured. Fyn: Olfet adress where system error occurred, VI-30 Message Contents and solution C150 NMI SLC aa ce STATUS LEO =: “The communication error eocurred inthe VO Link 2a,c¢——: UO Link error information, Note 2) ‘This eror may oceur by the following causes. 1, When UO Unit-MODEL A is used, baset, 2 oF 3s not connected though allocated ‘The connection of cable is insuticiet. Detects of cable. Detects of DIDO units (VO unit, Power Mate etc:) Detects of PMC board (printed circut board on host side where I/O Link cable is connected.) (solution) Investigate the cause of ert, "Please confirm the allocation data (by “EDIT"+"MODULE” screen) and compare with the actual connection 2, Please confirm whether the cable is correctly connected. f you cannet find the cause withthe ways above, it may be the detect of hardware Prease investigate a defective place by the following methods. 3. Please confirm the specification of the cable refering to" FANUC /O Unit-MOD ELA CONNECTION MAINTENANCE MANUAL (8-81813E)" or FANUC VO Unit- MODEL 8 CONNECTION MANUAL (8-621636)". 4. Exchange the interlace module of/O Uni, the cable and the PMC board, ote. tone by one and, confirm whether this error occurs again. The communication may {ail by the noise ete, when this axor stil occurs ater replacing all DIDO units. Please investigate the cause of noise. wy STATUS LED AO PC160 F-BUS ERROR 10x yyy- The BUS error (access to disabled address) occurred. 200 ‘Segment selector where system error occurred. YY —_: Offset address where system error occurred PG199 OM PARITY eceeesce "The parity eror occur in PMG system ROM. STATUS LED &s eceeeeee |: ROM party eror information. [STATUS LEO (green) are LED!, LED2.0n PMC-AC. CAP-4l is LEDS and LEDS. 21 OH =: Omit | Blinking Notes 1 The system error on PMC-RAI, RA2, RA3, RB,AB2 and RBS is displayed as a system error on the CNC side. (Refer to the "FANUC Series 16/18-MA Operator's Manual(B-61874E)" or “FANUG Series 16/18-TA Operator's Manual(B-61804E)") 2. Error information is needed to investigate on FANUC, please take notes of it EDIT 1 alarm messages Wessage Contents and solution ‘ADDRESS BIT NOTHING The address of the relay/colis not set FUNCTION NOT FOUND ‘There is no functional instruction ofthe input number. ‘COM FUNCTION MISSING The funcitonal instruction COM (SUB29) is not correctly dealt with. Correspondence of COM and COME (SUB29) is incorrect. ©, the umber of cal controlled by COM is specified by the model which the number cannot be specified EDIT BUFFER OVER There inno empty area of the buffer for the editing (solution) Please reduce NET under editing, END FUNGTION MISSING Functional instruction END1,END2,ENOS and END do not exist Or, there are error ‘ot in END! END2,END3,END. (, order of END1,END2,END3, and END is not correct I-31 Message Contents and solution ERROR NET FOUND There is an enor net ILLEGAL FUNCTION NO, “The wrong number ofthe funcional instruction is searched. FUNGTION LINE LEGAL The functional instruction is not correctly connected. HORIZONTAL LINE ILLEGAL “The Horizontal line ofthe net is not connected. ILLEGAL NET CLEARED ‘Because the power had been turn of while ediing LADDER, some net under editing was cleared, ILLEGAL OPERATION ‘Operation = not envenct ‘The valve is not spectied and only INPUT key was pushed. ‘The address data isnot correctly inputted, Because the space to csplay the instruction on screen is not enough, the functional instuetion cannot be made. ‘SYMBOL UNDEFINED The symbol which was inputted isnot defined. INPUT INVALID There is an incorrect input data. [Non-numerical valve was inputted with COPY, INSLIN,C-UP.C-DOWN ete, [the input adsress was spectied for write col, Anillegal character was specified for the dala table. NET TOO LARGE “The input nets larger than the ecting butter. {colution) Please reduce the net under editing, JUMP FUNGTION MISSING [The functional instvuction JMP(SUB10) is not correctly deatt with Corespondence of JMP and JMPE(SUB3O) 's incorrect ‘The number of coil to jump is specified by the model which the number of coll cannot specified. (tis possible to specity the col number only on PMC-FBJRC.) LADDER BROKEN LADDER is broken TADDER ILLEGAL "There fe an incorrect LADUE, IMPOSSIBLE WAITE ‘You ty edit sequence program en the ROM, ‘OBJECT BUFFER OVER, “The sequence program area was filed (solution) Please reduce the LADDER. PARAMETER NOTHING “There fs no parameter ofthe functional instruction. PLEASE COMPLETE NET “The error net was found in LADDER, (olution) Ater correcting the error net, please continue operating PLEASE KEY IN SUB NO. lease input the numbar of the functional instruction, {olution} if you do not put the functional instructen, please push soft key “FUNC™ again PROGRAM MODULE NOTHING ‘You tied to ect though there was neither RAM for debugging nor ROM for sequence program. RELAY COIL FORBIT ‘There is an unnecessary relay or col RELAY OR COIL NOTHING The relay or the coll does not sutfice. PLEASE CLEAR ALL This impossible 1 recover the sequence program. (Golution) Please clear the all data, ‘SYMBOL OATA DUPLICATE. ‘Tha same symbol name is defined in other place. ‘COMMENT DATA OVERFLOW ‘The comment data area was filed. (Golution) Please reduce the number of the commnet, vis2 Wessage Contents and solution 'SYMBOL DATA OVERFLOW The symbol data area was flied (solution) Please reduce the number ofthe symbo! VERTICAL LINE LEGAL "There is an incorract vertical ina of the net MESSAGE DATA OVERFLOW The message data area was filed (solution) Please reduce the number of the message. 1ST LEVEL EXECUTE TIME OVER “The 1st level of LADDER is too larga to complete execution in time (solution) Please reduce the tstleval of LADDER, VO alarm messages Message Contents and solution VO OPEN ERROR an ‘An eror occurs when the readeripuncher interlace was started fons =1 Because the interface is used with NC etc, the interface is notable to be ‘opened by PMC side. (Goltion) After ether functions finishes using the line, please execute again. 6 There is no option for the interface. £20 The interface cannot be opened. (soittion), Pinase eantem tha cannection of the cable. Please confirm Setting of the baud rate etc VO WRITE ERROR nn [an eutput error occurred in the readerfpuncher interface, fans 20 The state ofthe intertace is not correct. {coluion) Please confiem the connection of the cable, Please confiem setting the baud rate otc 122 Opponent side isnot ceady to receive. (olution) Please confim the power supply on the opponent side. ©, please initialize the interface 10 READ ERROR nn “an land error eeaurtad in the readedpunchasintertace ‘an=”” 20 The state ofthe intertace is not corcect. (solution) Please confirm the connection ofthe cable, Please confirm setting the baud rate ete 21 The data is not sent from the opponent side (coluion) Please confiem the power supply on the opponent side. Please initalize the opponent side. VO LIST ERROR nn ’An error occured in directory read processing from FD Cassette fina 20 The state ofthe interface is not correct. (solution) Pease confizm the connection of the cable, Please confirm setting of the baud rate etc COMPARE ERR soccox=aaibb CONT? (¥/N) ‘A compare error occurred, wooo: The Address where the compare error occurred. aa: The data on PMC sida, bb: The data on device side Enter’ to continue processing [ADDRESS 1S OUT OF RANGE, (2000) ‘The data transferred to the address out of the PMG debugging RAM area sc000n Transferred adsress. (Solution) Please confirm the address ofthe transfering data, tanoer Pinas confirm tha motel sating ‘Clanguage : Please confirm satting the address in the link control statement ‘and build fle ROM WRITER ERROR ranann ‘Aa ercor aceurred in the ROM writer. Vi-33 PHNC ALARMS A PHNG alarm can be identified by a briet message shows on the PHNC ‘alarm display. (To show the PHNC alarm display. press the Position key, the PHNC softkey, and then the ALARM DISPLAY softkey.) The PHING alarm can basicaly be reset by pressing the Reset key on the ‘main control panel after removing the cause of the alarm — see below {or the description of each PHNC alarm. If the alarm cannot be reset, contact AMADA, {f any alarm that is not described in this section has been caused, contact AMADA. MESSAGE DESCRIPTION Battery Alarm Voltage of PHNC memory backup battery has been Backup Data Error Insufficient Turret Parameters ‘System Error Emergeney Stop. Maintenance Mode Error NCT Stop Alarm RAM Stroke Out of Range Tools do not match Press Limit Out of Range vis4 reduced. (Refer to Part Vil, Maintenance, for replacement procedure.) RAM data have been partially destroyed. (Contact, AMADA.) ‘Turret type is undefined, (Input turret type data.) ROMRAM check error has occurred when power was turned on, (Contact AMADA.) Fmergancy stop condition has been caused in CNC. (Remove cause of emergency stop.) PHNG is in maintenance condition. (Turn off PHNC. parameter switch on PHNC board.) ‘CNC mode signal has not been received within five seconds. (Contact AMADA.) Machine did not stop within three seconds after receiving stop signal from PHNC. (Contact AMADA.) Ram stroke data is out of range. (Correct data and press. Reset key.) Erroneous data for special turret were entered. (Contact AMADA) Forming pressure exceeded limit set by parameter. (Correct data and press Reset key.) ‘Top Dead Center Sensor Alarm Press Limit ‘Stop Servo Alarm Conservative Mode Error Data Error Koy Input Error Lower Tool Down Alarm Lower Tool Upper Alarm Tracer B CH Serial Forward Error 2 Tracer A CH Serial Forward Error 1 Tools not in agreement PHNC Communicate Error Tool Check Backup Alarm ‘Sensor of top dead center is not turned on although ram is at top dead center. (Contact AMADA.) Pressure exceeded limit set by parameter. (Correct parameter and press Reset key.) Difference between instructed and actual ram positions exceeded parameter setting when ram is stopping. (Contact AMADA.) RAM MDI switch in electrical control cabinet is turned to ON in mode other than MDI. (Press Reset key.) Data has improper formal. (Contact AMADA.) Wrong key has been pressed. (Contact AMADA.) Die lowered position did not detected within three eeconde after receiving die down signal. (Press Reset key.) Die raised position did not detected within three seconds. after receiving die up signal. (Press Reset key.) Serial Port 8 Channel Forward Error has accurred. (Press Reset key.) Serial Port A Channel Forward Error has occurred. (Press Reset key.) Punching or sliting was attempted by using special tool. (Confirm PF signal is off, press Reset key, and correct, Program.) PHNC cannot communicate with CExe, (Press Reset key.) Tool data exceeds 501. (Press Reset key.) PHNC board is inoperative. (Contact AMADA.) ‘VE35 MACHINE ALARMS ‘Amachine alarm can be identified by a number and brief message shown on the screen, If any alarm that is not described in this section has beon caused, contact AMADA, NO. 8 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION 4000 INDEXTOOL NOT SELECTED — O-code command has been given to a non-auto: index turret station. (Reset CNC and correct program.) 1001 INDEX ALARM (1) Irregular auto-index clamp or brake signal has been transmitted during rotation of turret. (Contact AMADA) 1008 MACHINE PARAM. OFF Bit 7 of each optional parameter is zero. (Contact, AMADA.) 1007 CIRCUITPROTECTOR TRIP One of circuit protectors in electrical control cabinet hhas been tipped. (Turn off CNC and machine circuit breaker switch; remove cause of tripping and reset circuit protector, and then tum on machine circuit breaker switch and CNC.) 1008 LUL INTERLOCK -LS. Carriage is in position to interfere with loading or unloading equipment, (Reset CNC and correct program.) 1009 LINE PARAM. OFF Parameter K0.6 for loading and unloading ‘equipment is zero. (Contact AMADA.) 1010 POSITIONER PARAM. OFF Parameter K1.3 for workclamp positioner is zero. (Contact AMADA.) 1011 XY AXISNEED ZERO-RETURN — Carriage and table has not been zero-relurned, (Zero-return cartiage and table in RETRACT mode.) 1012 PUSHER PARAM. OFF Parameter for worksheet pusher is zero. (Contact AMADA.) 4013 WORK SCRATCH PARAM. OFF Parameter KO.1 for workholder base updown deviee je zero. (Contact AMADA.) REPOS. BASE POS. (F)-LS —_ Front workholder base is not fully lowered or its proximity switch is not properly working. (Remove scrap, which is causing malfunction.) 1021 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1087 1068 1069 1070 4071 1072 1073 1074 1075 REPOS. BASE POS. (R) -LS. ‘AI CLAMP (ON) UPPER (A) LS ‘Al CLAMP (ON) UPPER (8) LS ‘AI CLAMP (ON) LOWER (A) LS A CLAMP (ON) LOWER (8) LS AICLAMP (OFF) UPPER (A) LS AI CLAMP (OFF) UPPER (8) LS AI CLAMP (OFF) LOWER (A) LS AICLAMP (OFF) LOWER (8) LS AIBRAKE (ON) UPPER (A)LS AI BRAKE (ON) UPPER (8) LS. AIBRAKE (ON) LOWER (A) LS AIRRAKF (ON) | WER (A) LS. AI BRAKE (OFF) UPPER (A) LS Al BRAKE (OFF) UPPER (8) LS AI DRAKE (OFF) LOWER (A) LS AI BRAKE (OFF) LOWER (8) LS Rear workholder base is not fully lowered or its proximity switch is not properly working. (Remove scrap, which is causing matfunction.) Auto-index upper clamp(A) or its proximity switch is rot properly working. (Contact AMADA.) ‘Auto-index upper clamp(8) or its proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Auto-index lower clamp(A) or its proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA) Autosindex lower clamp(@) or its proximity switch is not properly working, (Contact AMADA ) Auto-index upper clamp(A) or its proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Auto-index upper clamp(8) or its proximity switch is rot properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Auto-index lower clamp(A) or its proximity s rot properly working. (Contact AMADA.) tch is ‘Auto-index lower clamp(B) or its proximity switch is, rot properly working. (Contact AMADA.) ‘Auto-index upper brake(A) or its proximity switch is rot properly working. (Contact AMADA.) ‘Auto-index upper brake(B) or its proximity switch is rot properly working. (Contact AMADA.) ‘Auto-index lower brake(A) or its proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Auto-index lower brake(B) or its proximity switch is, not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Auto-index upper brake(A) or its proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) ‘Auto-index upper brake(B) or its proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Auto-index lower brake(A) oF its proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) ‘Autoindex lower brake(B) or its proximity switch is riot properly working. (Contact AMADA) via7 1076 107 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1090 1091 1092 1100 1101 1143 1144 Vi38 Al STATION (LIPC) LS (OFF) ‘Al STATION (LIP) LS (ON) SHOTPIN (ON) UPPER (IN) LS SHOTPIN (ON) LOWER (IN) LS SHOTPIN (ON) UPPER (OUT) LS SHOTPIN (ON) LOWER (OUT) LS ‘SHOTPIN (OFF) UPPER (IN) LS 'SHOTPIN (OFF) LOWER (IN) LS SHOTPIN (OFF) UPPER (OUT)LS SHOTPIN (OFF) LOWER (OUT)LS STRIKER INSIDE —LS STRIKER MIDDLE —LS STRIKER OUTSIDE —LS G92 — Gos ALARM Mas — Gos ALARM AIR PRESSURE SWITCH NG. INDEX CLAMP NG. Auto-index position detection proximity switch is not properly working, (Contact AMADA.) Aulo-Index position detection proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Upper turret index pin or its in-position proximity ‘switch is not properly working, (Contact AMADA.) Lower turret index pin or its in-position proximity ‘switch is not properly working, (Contact AMADA.) Upper turret index pin or its out-position proximity switch is not properly working, (Contact AMADA.) Lower turret index pin or its out-position proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Upper turret index pin or its in-position proximity ‘switch is not properly working, (Contact AMADA.) Lower turret index pin or its in-position proximity ‘switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Upper turret index pin or its out-position proximity ‘switch is not property working. (Contact AMADA.) Lower turret index pin or its out-position proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Striker or its inner-postion proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) ‘Striker or its center-position proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Striker oF its outer-position proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) G92 has been commanded before GOS. (Reset CNC and correct program.) M33 has been commanded before GOS. (Reset ‘CNC and correct program.) Irregular signal has been received from air pressure switch. (Contact AMADA.) ‘Auto-index clamp solenoid valve is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) 1145 1146 1201 1202 1208 1204 1208 1206 1209 2007 2008 2011 2013 2014 SHOTPIN NG. STRIKER NG. 4A\1, PARAM. ON W. CLAMP DETECTION PRM. ON AIR DOWN RESET PRM, OFF DOUBLE HAND (T) PRM. OFF SAFETY DEVICE PARAM. OFF D-HAND (T-EC) PRM, OFF AIR BLOW PRM, INPUT ERROR BATTERY PHNC WARNING. PUSHER NOT ORIGIN X ORIGIN - LS. Y ORIGIN-Ls ‘Turret index pin solenoid valve is not properly ‘working. (Contact AMADA, ) Striker solenoid valve is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Parameter KO.2 is 1 although machine is not ‘equipped with four auto-index devices, (Change parameter setting to zero.) Parameter K3.1 is 1 although WORK CLAMP. DETECTION switch is not added. (Change parameter setting to zero.) Parameter K3.5 is zero and SAFETY DEVICE & AIR DOWN RESET button is disabled. (Change parameter setting to 1.) Parameter K36 is zero and TURRET JOG ON button is disabled, (Change parameter setting to 1) Parameter K3.3 is zero and SAFETY DEVICE keyswitch is disabled. (Change parameter setting to) Parameter K4.0 is 1 although parameter K3.6 is zero, and TURRET JOG buttons are disabled (Contact AMADA.) Parameters K1.0 and K1.1 are both 1. (Contact AMADA) CNC memory backup battery voltage has been reduced, (Refer to Part VI, Maintenance, for replacement procedure.) Alarm has been caused on PHNC. (For more Information, refer to “PHINC alarms” eariier in this. Part) Worksheet pusher is not at its origin. (Return pusher to its origin and then reset CNC.) Carriage origin limit switch is not properly working (Contact AMADA.) ‘Table origin limit switch is not properly working (Contact AMADA.) Vi39 2019 2033 2034 2035 2036 2039 2042 2043 2044 nas 2057 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 vi-40 ACTUAL HITS EXCEEDED FILTER (MACHINE) NG FILTER (HYD. UNIT) NG TORIGIN-LS. CORIGIN-LS W. DOG TIMER (TF, TURRET) W. DOG TIMER (M10) W. DOG TIMER (M11) W. DOG TIMER (M80) W nae TIMER (Ma) HYD. MOTOR SWITCH HYD. MOTOR THERMAL TRIP OVERRIDE AIR PRESSURE TOOL CHANGE DOOR X-GAUGE BLOCK Number of punching hits has exceeded that preset to determine tool life. (Inspect tool for wear and change itt necessary.) Line fiter on machine is loaded, (Refer to Part Vil, Maintenance, for replacement procedure.) Line fiter in hydraulic unit is loaded. (Refer to Part Vil, Maintenance, for replacement procedure.) ‘Turret origin limit switch is not properly working, (Contact AMADA.) ‘Auto-index origin limit switch is not properly working, (Contact AMADA) Completion of T-code command is not signaled. (Contact AMADA.) Completion of M10 is not signaled. (Contact AMADA.) Completion of M11 is not signaled. (Contact AMADA) ‘Completion of M80 is not signaled. (Contact AMADA.) Completion of M81 is not signaled. (Contact AMADA.) HYD. MOTOR switch in electrical control cabinet is tured to OFF. (Turn itto ON.) Hydraulic pump motor thermal relay has been tnpped. (Contact AMADA.) Override detccting function has been activated. (Refer to "Override zone & dead zone” in Patt ill Operation for remedy.) Operating air pressure has been reduced. (Refer to “Operation interruption’ in Part ll Operation for remedy.) Either tool change door is open. (Refer to “Operation interruption” in Part Ill Operation for remedy.) X-gauge block is raised. (Lower it) 2085 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2072 2073 2076 2077 2078 2079 2085 2086 2087 STRIPPING TOOL CHANGE SWITCH OIL PRESSURE OIL FILTER OIL TEMPERATURE WORKCLAMPS PRESS CONTROL (#LNBS) LS PRESS CONTROL (#LCU) LS SAFETY STOP REPOSITIONING STOP BUTTON M-CODE BCD CHANGE ERROR, T-CODE BCD CHANGE ERROR F. FREE BER. (OFF) LOWERLS A. FREE BER. (OFF) LOWERS EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON Stripping failure has been detected. (Refer to “Seton nergy TOOL CHANGE keyswitch is turned to ON. (Turn itto OFF) Operating hydraulic oll pressure has been reduced, (Refer to “Operation interruption” in Part il ‘Operation for remedy.) Line fiter in hydraulic unit is loaded. (Refer to Part VI, Maintenance, for replacement procedure.) Operating hydraulic oil temperature has exceeded 65°C (149°F). (Refer to “Operation interruption” in Patt Ill Operation for remedy.) Workclamps are open, (Close them.) Nibbling start proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) Top dead center proximity switch is not properly working. (Contact AMADA.) ‘Safely mat has been actuated, Confirmation for repositioning is required, (Refer to “Operation interruption” in Part Ill Operation for, remedy.) STOP button has been pressed. Error has been caused during M-code conversion (binary + BCD). (Contact AMADA.) Error has been caused during T-code conversion (binary > BCD). (Contact AMADA.) Free-motion ball bearings of front side table or their ‘auto-switch sensor is not properly working, (inspect auto-switch sensor.) Free-motion ball bearings of rear side table or their auto-switch sensor is not properly working (Inspect auto-awitch sensor ) ‘One of EMERGENCY STOP buttons has been pressed, Vial 2088 208s 2080 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 viaz WORKSHEET OUT OF POSITION DEAD ZONE COOLANT OFF PHNC ALARM, PUSH S.D. RESET BUTTON HYD. AMP ALARM AXIS EMEHGENCY STOP. CENTER FREE BER, (OFF) LOWER LS 2ND F. FREE BER. (OFF) LOWER ts Moo, Mot STOP. AUTO-INDEX NOT ZERO- RETURN MP STOP. Worksheet has slipped out of workclamp, ‘One of workclamps has entered dead zone and there is possibilty that it will be punched. (Refer to ‘Override zone & dead zone” in Part III Operation for remedy.) Flow of ram-drive cooling water has been reduced, (Reset CNC and tum on cooling unit) ‘Alarm has been caused on PHNC. (For more information, refer to "PHING alaris earlier in this Part.) It is necessary to press SAFETY DEVICE & AIR DOWN RESET button. ‘Alarm condition has been caused in linear servo amplifier. (Contact AMADA.) Limit switch has been actuated to stop axes in ‘emergency stop condition. (Contact AMADA.) Free-motion ball bearing auto-switch sensor of ccenter table is not properly working, (Inspect auto-switch sensor.) ‘Second free-motion ball bearing auto-switch sensor Of front side table is not properly working. (Inspect, aulo-swifch sensor.) ‘Machine has been stopped by M00 or MOt command. (Refer to “Operation interruption” in Patt Ill Operation for remedy.) ‘Auto-index device has not been zero-retumned, (Zero-return auto-index device in RETRACT mode.) Machine has been stopped by receiving stop signal from manipulator. (Inspect manipulator.) SELF-DIAGNOSIS (CNC) ‘The input and output signals used between the CNC and the machine ‘can be self-diagnosed and the binary-coded result will be indicated for each signal on the Diagnosis display on the screen. The Diagnosis. display can be shown by pressing the System key and then the DGN softkey. SELF-DIAGNOSIS (PHNC) ‘The input and output signals used by the PHNC can be sell-diagnosed and the binary-coded result will be indicated for each signal on the PHNC DIAGNOSE display on the screen. The diagnosed result for each signal can be shown in the following manner. 1 Press the Position key 2 Press the PHNC softkey to show the PHNC Menu display. 3 Shift the cursor to Diagnose by using the Cursor keys and press the Input key. 4 Shift the cursor to MEMORY or VO by using the Cursor keys and press the Input key, 5 Key-in an internal address and press the Input key. vias vias Omava

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