HRM 2022 Course Outline

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Spring 2022
Faculty of Administrative Sciences
Department of Business Administration
Course Information
Course Title : Human Resource Management
Class : BSIT-VIII-A/B Lab (Not Required)
Credit Hrs : 3 Hours
Prerequisites For this Course: none
This Course is Prerequisite For:
Instructor: Sohrab Ahmad


Text Book:
 Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler

Reference Book(s):

 Human resource Management practice by Michael Armstrong

 Human Resources Management in developing countries, by Pawan S. Budhwar and Yaw

A. Debrah

 HR from the Heart “inspiring stories and strategies for building the people side” by Libby

 The Human Resource Glossary, 3rd edition by William R. Tracey, Ed.D.

Course Outline
This course examines the purpose and domain of the human resource management function in
organizations. It stresses those skills and techniques used in the various activities within the human
resource function, and relate them to the overall management of the organization.

Objective of course:
The primary objective of this course is to make the student ‘literate’ in the central issues and tasks
of human resource management. This literacy includes understanding the relationship of the
human resource function and the rest of the organization and the organization’s external
environment. It also involves acquisition of the concepts and terminology that provide the
foundation for practice and for examining the behavioral implications of human resources
Lecture Plan:

Week Topic Activity

1  Introduction to Human resource management :- The Formation of
management process, Human Resource management at work, Groups
behavior, Personnel aspects of a manager’s job, Impact of HRM
on performance.

2.  Basic HR concepts, Line and staff manger, behavior of HR Assignment

manager, Hard and soft version of HRM, KASH model, SAVE
model, Six Value Medals.

3  Strategic role of human resource management: - The strategic

management process, Business vision and mission, types of Case Study
strategies, Strategic Human resource challenges.

4  Job analysis: - types of information collected, Six Frames for

thinking about information, use of job analysis information,
steps in job analysis.

5  Methods of collecting job analysis information, JOB description, Case Study

Job specification.

6  Personnel planning and recruiting: - The recruitment and and Assignment

selection process, planning and forecasting, effective recruiting,
internal source of candidates, outside source of candidates,
recruit a more diverse workforce.

7 Book Reviews

8  Employee testing and selection:- why careful selection is

important, basic testing concepts, types of tests, work sample
and simulation.

9  Background investigation and other selection methods, The

polygraph and honesty testing.

10  Interviewing candidates:- basic features of interviews, designing Case Study

and conducting an effective interview, how to conduct a more
effective interview, what can undermine an interview’s
usefulness, designing and conducting an effective interview,
interview questions to ask.

11  Training and developing employee performance: - orienting Case Study

employees, the training process, training methods, Management
development, management organizational change and
development, evaluating training effort.

12  Performance management and appraisal:- basic concepts in

performance appraisal and performance management, an Assignment
introduction to appraising performance, the appraisal interview,
creating the total performance management process.

13  Managing careers:- career, career management, career Case Study

development, The Employer’s Role in Career Development,
Managing Promotions, Managing Transfers, Enhancing
Diversity through Career Management. Retirement.

14  Final Project Presentation

 Submission of INTERNAL Grading to the course

15  Managing Promotions, Managing Transfers, Enhancing
Diversity through Career Management. Retirement.

16 Revision and Discussion

Grading and General Course Policies:

The grading will be done as per the policy of the university, however, the final grade for the course will be
determined based on the total points accumulated in the below areas with following weightage:

Final Examination (45%)

Mid Term Examination (35%)
Quiz/Team Project/Assignment/Class Participation (20%)

Students will be assigned a team project related to the important issues of the subject. Moreover, the
students will visit at least one big organization and will right a report on their visit.

1. Request for change in the deadlines of various class activities and the term
projects/presentations will not be entertained.
2. Each course will include the following:
a. At least 6 pop up quizzes, all carrying equal weightage. The quizzes
will be unannounced and no retake will be allowed if a student misses
a quiz.
b. Assignment: On the discretion of the Faculty Member/Course
c. One Term Project related to the main theme of the course.
d. There will be at least two presentations by each student during the
e. At least one Guest Speaker/Seminar/Visit to a practical situation.
f. Review of research paper: Review of research paper is mandatory for
all courses. Research paper should be recent in publication/HEC
approved journals/ and new topics. However, field of research papers,
year of publication and type of journals will be decided by respective
Faculty Member as per Course Requirements.
3. Assignments/Presentation deadlines will be strictly followed by the
respective Faculty member
4. 5 % marks will be deducted for not complying with the given deadline.
However, in case of delay exceeding 24 hours, the assignments/
Presentation will not be assessed at all.

The criterion for class participation is as under:

Participation is graded on a scale from 0 (lowest) through 4 (highest), using the criteria below

Grade Criteria
0 Absent.
 Present, not disruptive.
1  Tries to respond when called on but does not offer much.
 Demonstrates very infrequent involvement in discussion.
 Demonstrates adequate preparation: knows basic case or reading facts, but does
not show evidence of trying to interpret or analyze them.
 Offers straightforward information (e.g., straight from the case or reading), without
2 elaboration or very infrequently (perhaps once a class).
 Does not offer to contribute to discussion, but contributes to a moderate degree
when called on.
 Demonstrates sporadic involvement.
 Demonstrates good preparation: knows case or reading facts well, has thought
through implications of them.
 Offers interpretations and analysis of case material (more than just facts) to class.
3  Contributes well to discussion in an ongoing way: responds to other students'
points, thinks through own points, questions others in a constructive way, offers and
supports suggestions that may be counter to the majority opinion.
 Demonstrates consistent ongoing involvement.
 Demonstrates excellent preparation: has analyzed case exceptionally well, relating
it to readings and other material (e.g., readings, course material, discussions,
experiences, etc.).
 Offers analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of case material, e.g., puts together
pieces of the discussion to develop new approaches that take the class further.
 Contributes in a very significant way to ongoing discussion: keeps analysis
focused, responds very thoughtfully to other students' comments, contributes to the
cooperative argument-building, suggests alternative ways of approaching material
and helps class analyze which approaches are appropriate, etc.
 Demonstrates ongoing very active involvement.

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