Course Outline Social Services

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Department of Humanities, Education and Psychology

Faculty of Social Sciences



Course: Social Services

Code: HU414

Credit Hours: 0-1-1

Undergradu General
Education Social Social
ate Degree Sciences Services

Department of Humanities, Education and Psychology Air University, Islamabad

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Department of Humanities, Education and Psychology Air University,


BS HEP Curriculum

Course: Social Services

Code: HU-414
Credit Hours: 0-1-1

Department of Humanities
Faculty of Social Sciences
Air University
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Humanities Faculty
of Social Sciences
Air University

COURSE SYLLABUS: Social Services (SS)

Credit Hours: 0-1-1
Course Code: HU-414
Semester: Academic Year Spring 2022
Instructor: Aftab Ahmed

Social Services
Course Description

Social services are an integral part of the education of our nation’s youth. Through
service to others, students improve their self-esteem, develop a sense of responsibility,
and sensitivity to the needs of others and the society as a whole. Social services, the act
of voluntarily contributing to the populace, teaches valuable lessons about the
responsibilities of citizens to society. Through this course, students will be engaged by
number of means to learn and practice these concepts in order to become a better person
who could play a positive role in society.

Learning Objectives
The objective of this course is to acquaint and familiarize students with the basic concepts
and, scope of social services.

Suggested Reading:
1. Social Work and Social Welfare In Pakistan: by Tahira Jabeen
2. Study on social services of general interest by Richard Polacek, and friends 2012
3. Human services technology understanding, designing, and implementing computer and
internet applications in the social services by Schoech, Richard J. Slavin, Simon

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CLOs (Course Learning Objectives) PLOs (Program Learning

S. Learning
No CLO Statement PLO Domain and
. Level
Discuss the societal significance to identify the social Cognitive L-
1 PLO-6
problems 1
Apply what they have learned to practice community Cognitive L-
2 PLO-6
development in real-world and work place 3
Recommend contemporary & creative approaches for
PLO- Cognitive L-
3 understanding and practicing Community
12 4

PLOs and CLOs Association

Design/ Development of
Knowledge for Solving
Computing Problems
Academic Education

Modern Tool Usage

Problem Analysis


Professionalism and

Life Long Learning



Individual and


Teaching Strategies
Orientation regarding social work will be given by the instructor. Students will write and
present project proposals and oral reporting in formal contexts. Practical activities will be
incorporated to bridge up theory and practice. Students will be evaluated on the basis of
hours spent in activities and presentation/submission of reports.
 Group Tasks may be assigned.
 Projects will be assigned to make students to learn team work.

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 Presentation will be also assigned to students



Orientation regarding the following topics will be given by the instructor

1. Week – 1: Definition of social services, concepts, and types
2. Week – 2: Social services for whom: Society: Definition and description of society, b.
Forms of Society
3. Week – 3: Definition and description of social institutions: Types of Social Institutions. i.
Primary ii. Secondary
4. Week – 4: Functions of Social Institutions: a. Family Institution, b. Religious Institution
c. Political Institution, d. Educational Institution, e. Economic Institution
5. Week – 5: Why social services: [social problems, a. Definition and nature of social
problem]: a. Crime. b. Over Population, c. Juvenile Delinquency, d. Illiteracy, e.
Poverty, f. Social Inequality, g. Beggary, h. Unemployment and under employment, i.
Child Labour, j. Drug Addiction, k. Labour Problems, l. Gender based Violence, m.
Corruption, n. Terrorism, o. Urbanization]
6. Week – 6: Social Case work: Definition and description of Social Case Work; Principles
of Social Case Work; Components of Social Case Work; Person, Problem, Place,
Process; and Professional case worker.
7. Week – 7: Social services process [Problems solving process]: Social study; Prognosis;
Diagnosis; Treatment; Follow up
8. Week – 8: Fields of Social Case Work: a. Medical Social Work, b. Psychiatric Social
Work, c. School Social Work, d. Social Case Work with persons with disabilities, e.
Social Case Work with Drug Dependents, f. Social Case Work with Senior Citizens, g.
Social Case Work with Displaced Persons
9. Week – 9: Social Groups: What is Group, Social Group and types of Social Groups
10. Week – 10: Community: a. Definitions and explanation of community, b. Essentials,
elements, and profile of community, c. Types of community
11. Week – 11: Community Mobilization: a. Mobilization Process, b. Role of Social
Mobilizer, c. Barriers to Community Mobilization
12. Week – 12: Social research: Why Social Research, Introduction, a. Definition and
meaning of research, b. Types of research, c. Significance of research, d. Theory and
Research, e. Qualitative and Quantitative research
13. Week – 13: Basic Steps in research process: a. Formulation of a research problem, b.
Review of literature, c. Formulation of Hypothesis, d. Research design, e. Data
Collection, f. Data analysis, g. Report writing

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14. Week – 14: Professional and voluntary social work/services: Islamic concept of social
work [a. Widows b. Orphans c. Sick d. Minorities e. Elderly]
15. Week – 15: Modern concept of social work/services: a. Preventive, b. Curative, c.
16. Week – 16: Social Work methods: a. Primary methods [i. Social Case work; ii. Social
group work, iii. Community organization], b. Secondary methods; [i. Social Welfare
Administration, ii. Social Research, iii. Social Action]

Assignments and Quiz:

Assignment topics will be developed within class and to cover the most relevant areas of
concerned lectures/week. Assignment, quiz and presentation semester plan guides about
the timing of activity. Few suggested areas for assignments are
 Social problem and solution
 Technology and social services
 Role of computer experts as an individual
 Traffic Rules Unawareness
 COVID-19, AIDS, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Dengue, etc.

Suggested Field Work/Projects for Community Service

 Mobilize a person for COVID Vaccination
 Donate or raise money for local Red Cross or organize a community blood drive
(Pakistan Red Crescent society/AU Blood Donor Society) if Placement office give
 Donate your old clothes and blankets.

Course Assessment and Evaluation on Completion of Required Hours

The instructor will assess student's performance through the class performance,
assignments, class presentations and Quiz. Homework, quiz, assignment, laboratory
sessions, class/field project detailsThe assessment will be done based on the specially
designed Performa. Grading will be done as per AU Grading policy.

Instructional Tools and Evaluation Methods:

The instructor will assess student's performance through a number of evaluation methods that
include presentations, class participation, assignments, and final examinations.Homework, quiz,
assignment, laboratory sessions, class/field project details

Course Assessment and Evaluation: 100%

Assignments (Presentation) 15%
Quiz 15%
Presentation 25%
Final Examination 45%

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 Previously, the assessment criteria were based on absolute grading, but it created
issues at the time of result submission. So, in collaboration with department,
revised grading was decided in terms of satisfactory and unsatisfactory.
 Since it is a non- credit course and is based on practical assessment as well in from
of group or individual project and assignment.

Prepared By

Ms. Aftab Ahmed (VFM)

Approved By

________________ __________________

Dr. Dr. Tariq Ejaz

Chair Department Program Incharge Humanities
Humanities, Education & Psychology

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