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24 6 . California relies heavily on income from fruit crops, af PRACTICE TEST | Henry will not be able 10 attend the meeting tonight (teach acl be teaching a class (A) hem (B) he wi Having been served lunch, (A) the problem was discussed by the members of the coms (B) the committee members discussed the problem (C) itwas discussed by the committee members the problem (D) & discussion of the problem was made by the members a committee (©) oft wtleacha cau (©) he will ave teachings Fora has not yet rated the Equal Rights Amendment (A) several other states hasn’t either (B) neither has some of the others states (C) some other states also have not either (D) neither have several other states The chairman requested that (A) the members studied more carefully the problem (B) the problem was more carcfulnessly studied (C) with more carefulness the problem could be studied (D) the members study the problem more carefully (A) Florida also (B) Florida too (C) Florida is as well {D) so does Florida The professor said th (A) the students can turn over their reports on the Monday (B) the reports on Monday could be received from the students by hat (C) the students could hand in theit reports on Monday (D) the students will on Monday the reports turn in This year will be dificult for this or (A) they have less money and vo (8) y (C) the last year it did not have as few and litte volunteers and money (D) there are fewer money and volunteers that in the last year thers @ SECTION th STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION 255 s have had some problems deciding sen tthe student they shall tora the fal paper (A are they going tortura the sudens the fal papers (6) when they should return the final papers tothe students (oe when the al papers hey should retura forthe students eve some coffee to her guests: however, she wanted to se fee 8 13, The teaeh (A) she hada’t many sugar (0) ere aca fret amount ofthe aga 2) he did et tare mech sa 1G) She mas lacking namount fhe sae i (D) has there ‘There has not been a great response to the s "5 TA) does there (B) hasn'there (C) hasw Goon TOPARTS. port B pIRECTIONS In questions 16-40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). riefourwnerlned prt the sentence ratty the one underlined word or phrase tat must be changed inorder fr eset Your answer sect fnd the number ofthe fesponds tthe etter of the answer Jou the sentence to be correct. Then, question and fil in the space that have chosen, 16, The main office of the factory can be found in Maple a 36 Street in New York City. D 17, Because there are less members present tonight than there A 3 were last night, we must wait until the next meeting to vote € o 18, David is particularly fond of cooking, and he * a the early 1960s is remarkable. SECTION It: STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION 257 ed t0 be a great deal lower eng STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION JEFORE TIME IS UP, CHECK YOUR WORK ON PARTS A LY, DO NOT WORK ON ANY OTHER SECTION OF THE 258 pRactice Test 1 SECTION Il: VOCABULARY AND READING " COMPREHENSION Time: 45 Minutes 60 Questions Pert DIRECTIONS tn questions 1-30 each sentence has an underlined word or phrase, Belo cach sentence ate (our other words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (© {P). Vou are to choote the one word o phase that best Keeps the meaning the original sentence if itis substituted for the underlined word or pie Then, on your answer sheet, find ( in the Space that corresponds tothe letter you have chosen, Filla the space sod the letter inside the oval cannot be seen, 1. Plato's teachings had a profound effect on Aristotle (A) depth (C) affiction (8) affection (D) infuence 2. The superintendent was the principal speaker at the school board mecting. (A) only (C) outstanding (8) mai (D) strongest 3. The campers heard a strange rustling inthe tres, (A) stealing (C) movement (8) pillaging (D) fight 4. He was an exemplary prisoner despite his past experience, (A) mode! (C) honest (B) sample (D) humble 5: The heel manager became suspicious of thote people who were loitering inthe 1b} A) bustling (©) meddling (B) sleeping (D) loafing 6. We decided to pay for the furniture on the (A) cash and carry (©) meni (B) piece by piece SECTION II: VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION 259 17, Boys’ Clubs do not deprive poor children of the opportunity to partici pate in sports. (A) deny (C) improvise {B) retract (0) dilute 8, The supervitor dictated a memo to her secretary. (A) letter (C) report (B) note (D) research paper 9. Picasso was a well-known cubist painter. (a) artistic (C) celebrated (D) Knowledgeable @ 10, The inguiry concerning the accident was handled by the chief of police. (a) gossip (C) investigation (B) inquisitiveness (0) recording 11, The department chairman refused to authorize the requisition. (A) request () grant (B) transfer (D) project imperative that they arrive on (A) necessary (B) suggested efor the lecture, (C) hoped (D) intended of the real ones 14. The Montforts have decided to take a cruise, so they went to the travel agency for some brochures (C) price tists (D) pamphlets 15, Scott scized the opportunity to present his proposal to the director. A) (C) rendered (D) delivered 16, The boundary between Canada and the United States has been unfort- fied for ever one hundred years (A) border (C) water (B) bridge ) 17. While they were away on vacation, they late a the post office. A) be detivered (C) get lost (8) pileup (D) be returned 260 PRACTICE TEST! 19, John’s unsportsmanlike behavior caused him to be ostracized by the ‘other members ofthe country club. (C) readmitted (D) wavered (C) eross-examination (D) foreman (D) endangering service has been made available ugh modern tech (C) inexpensive clfective fy their coastline ants are descendants indigenous (C) hard-working (D) poor th large and often dangerous rivers. (C) orate mainly (C) voluptuously nly (0) silt SECTION Ill: VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION 261 29. The Chinese people worship th (A) fossils” (©) foreathers B) elders (0) heirs (A) guidance @) y Goon TOPARTS Pot B DIRECTIONS 4 several passages. Each one is answer sheet, find corresponds (9 the letter of the answer you following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage. Questions 31 through 36 are based on the following reading. het and use of fire for of the Ice Age, which 1000 to 6000 a.c.) people made crude ing. and developed a bow Into how many periods was the Stone Age divides? 2 @)3 (4 32, Which of the following was devel (A) the fish hook (B) the fist hatchet eee [SECTION Ill: VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION 263 33. Which of the following developments is not related to the conditiong + the Ice Age? (B) energy waste (C) loss of carcass weight (D) toughness of meat 458, Hot boning is becoming very popular because causes meat to be very tender helps conserve energy and is less expensive than conventional methods better when the bone is adequately scared along with 36, The author states that the Stone Age was so named because (A) itwas very durable (B) the tools and weapons were made of stone (C) there was ler means mast neatly (A) a refrigerator for the animal body (B) a method of boning meat (C) electrical stimulation of beef (0) early excision 2. Questions 37 through 41 are based on the following reading. Yip relics wears OKRA vacuum packaging (C) eareass ci (B) hot boning (D) electrical 40. Hot boning ing techni industey. It has received considerable 41, The toughening of meat during hot boning has been combatted by (D) removing only the edible muscle and fat prerigor Questions 42 through 46 are based on the following reading, prerigor followed by vacuum advantages. By removing only the igor, refrigeration space and costs are lecreased and storage Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight ough the canal and costs an average of ‘would cost an average ship round the Horn, More than filteen thousand ships pass through its 264 peactice rest a TION Ill: VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION 265 42. Who currently controls the Panama Canal? (8 Ge sa (Co nee eer ies Toa Cer Bree ae 40. In approximately what year wi the Panama Canal? (4) 2000 (8) 2100. (C) 3001 (Dy 2599 44. On the average, how much would 4 different government take on “Approximately how many years ago did these games originate? areca (C) 2.277 years satsts voted (D) 2.760 years 4 Horn? (A) $1,500 (©) $130,000 40.-Which of the following contests was not mentioned? (B) 515.000 (0) 51,500,000 (A) discus throwing (C) skating boxing (D) runnin 4S: In what year was construction probably begun on the canal? Pen fe) ales oD) AIH (C1908 (oss 51, What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Grecks? 46. What cam be inferced feom this reading? (A) They liked to igh (A) This isa éostly project which should be reevaluated, (B) They were very athletic (2) Despite all the problems involved, the project is bercicia (C) They liked a lot of ceremony. (€) Many captains prefer to sal around Cape Hore ber i (D) They couldn count, so they wed “Olympiads” for dates expensive. ‘Sa (0) Due soall the problems, three governments have hid t conte Ps canal over the years (Questions 52 through 54 are based on the following reading. ‘Tampa, Florida, owes a great deal ofits growth and prosperity toa (Cuban cigar manufacturer named Vicente Martinez Ybor. When the aes Bs -caten nerama end exes ar beri ean es hare seni and moved his buses to auth Pride Ste yok ae, nel tee toy ee prblens cated hin tosh beter xan sing erence ualanee {ate His orginal land purchase o sncea tees cpceden tos, hore and char ep aoe thr one hundred ares wear Tampa, Ths newly deco vero ae called Ybor Cty ins hone, Wi he demand eens et homered by having oe wate ao es Thee bec astern tier Giamicises es ose es se 52, Whereis Ybor City cate? aoe (3) sou Porda (C) west Fst (B) Goss [Dae Fics ‘The Greeks attached so much importance to th calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympia Bc. games that they aslig tek 7a 53. In what year was Ybor forced to leave south Florida? (A) 1854 (B) 1869 (C) 1885 (D) 1895 4. Which of he allowing i no tue? (A) Winners paced oie wrest o ther on heads (8) The games wereld in Greer ve) fe a les wes interapted to partie ne ae (0) Poems loited ihe winner song 54. Why will people probably continue to remember Ybor's name? (A) He suffered a great deal (B) Anarea was named in his honor. (C) He was Cuban revolutionary, (D) He was forced to le his homeland, ii a. 206 PRACTICE TEST Questions 55 through 58 are based on the following reading. Lichens area unique group of complex, owerless plants growing rocks and trees. There are thousands of kinds of lichens, which come in 8 wide variety of colors. They are composed of algae and fungi which Unite to satisfy the needs ofthe lichens. The autotrophie green Process called photosynthesis and provide i elements. On the other hand, the het places such as the polar a5 well as in wet ones, on mou! {0 lve in harmony wi ity should conside! the polar ice caps. hens can resist a hostile environme 1utotrophie plants and heterotrophic plants? food in the same manner, supply their Food. (D) Their methods of food production are completely 57. Which ofthe following conclusions could be made about lichens? (A) They are found worldwide and are complex plants and Fungi (B) They are found worldwide and are nature, (®) Although found worldwide, lichens are found mostly as a simple plant form in the tropics, SECTION Ill VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION 267 58, Which ofthe following di (A) offers protection (B) le supplies water for (C) It supplies its own food. (D) Its dependent om other plans for its food supply, Directions for questions $9 and 60 For cach of these questions, choose the answer that is closest in meaning tothe original sentence. Note that several ofthe choices may be fees comes bat you ahold hones the ore tg is the closest restatement ofthe given sentence, ic is a champion swimmer, she still practices every day. ices swimming every day despite the fact that she's @ Ia champion a champion swimmer. ie swims every day; consequently she's a champion swimmer. 60. Mrs. Sylvester will retire next month af twenty years. ‘Twenty years after teaching chemistry, Mrs. Syh r she has finished leaching chemistry for twenty years, Mes: Sylvester teaching che twenty years, Mrs. Sylvester will Will be twenty years next month since Mrs, Sylvester retired, STOP. Tits iS THE END OF THE EXAMINATION. IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS UF, CIIECK YOUR WORK ON PARTS A AND 8 OF THE READING COMPREHENSION ‘AND VOCABULARY SECTION ONLY. DO NOT RETURN TO ANY OTHER SECTION OF Tue Test,

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