Quiz Answer Key

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Quiz Questions and Answer Key


Sl. No Topics
1 Homonym
2 Synonyms
3 Antonyms
4 Passive voice
5 Sentence pattern
6 Adjective
7 Phrase
8 Vocabulary
9 Prepositions
10 Idiom & Phrases


A word which is similar and identical with another word in sound or

pronunciation is known as a HOMONYM.

1) Abject – Object
Abject: a) bad b) Hopeless, extreme c) Not liking
Object: a) Thing b) aim c) cause

2) Accept – Except
Accept: a) get b] to receive c] to take
Except: A] Leaving out; Omit b] but for c] good

3) Access – Excess
Access: A] approach; admittance b] subway c] go
Excess: A] Less b} more c] great

4) Adapt ; Adopt ; Adept

Adapt: A] To flex b] to accommodate c] to accept
Adopt: A] to follow b] give c] take
Adept: A] Expert b] new environment c] to get

5) Affect / Effect
Affect: A] Harm b] to act uponc] to help
Effect: A] Halo b] to cast c] to bring about; result

6) Air : Heir
Air: A] Attitude b] Mixture of gases c] breathing
Heir: A] strand b] Inheriting a property c] title

7) Allowed / Aloud
Allowed: A] Passage b] Permitted to c] not restricted
Aloud: A] Loud voice b] Entry c] home coming

8) Altar / Alter
Altar: A] Peak b] summit c] An elevated place
Alter: A] To do b] to modify, to change c] get on

9) Angel / Angle
Angel: A] beautiful b] Bell-hop c] A messenger from Heaven
Angle: A] point of view b] A point where 2 straight lives meet c] cause

10) Bear / Bare / Beer
Bear: A] to adjust b] to endure, tolerate c] A kind of animal
Bare: A] Nothing b] Naked c] poor
Beer: A] A kind of wine b] Drunkenness

11) Berth / Birth

Berth: A] A place to sleep b] A reservation c] sure
Birth: A] Being Born b] coming in

12] Blew / Blue

Blew: A] came-in b] to blow out the wind
Blue: A] Ocean b] colour c] lifeless

13) Born/ Borne

Born: A] Entry b] to take birth c] talented
Borne:A] Mindful b] past participle of the verb bear c] carry

14) Brake / Break

Brake: A] a part of a vehicle b] coming-in.
Break: A] Hatt b] to make into pieces c] stand

15) Bridal / Bridle:

Bridal : A] control b] belonging to a bride
Bridle: A] A ladel b] head gear of a horse

16) By / Buy :
By: A] Next to b] A preposition
Buy: A] Adjacent b] purchase c] farewell

17) Canvas / Canvass:

Canvas: A] Talk b] A cloth of hemp c] cotton
Canvass: A] Speak b] propagate c] to ask for votes

18) Check / Cheque:

Check: A] to stop b] to verify c] to deal
Cheque: A] To destroy b] to hold on c] a bank slip for payment of money

19) Ceiling / sealing

Ceiling: A] upper end b] top surface of a room c] coming up
Sealing: A] To finish b] to stamp with seal c] to close

20) Complement / Compliment:

Complement: A] follow b] that which completes the meaning c] Endures
Compliment: A] Compartment b] a good word c] A word of praise

21) Corporal / Corporeal:
Corporal: A] A post b] bodily; physical c] Entity
Corporeal: A] Hard b] real c] material, tangible

22) Credible / Creditable

Credible: A] True b] believable c] Real
Creditable: A] Into one’s account b] worthy c] greatness

23) Council / Counsel

Council: A] Group b] An assembly of persons c] Circle
Counsel: A] Lawyer b] Advice c] Wisdom

24) Course / Coarse

Course: A] Direction b] Path, progress, syllabus c] follow
Coarse: A] Ruffled b] Rough c] Not genteel

25) Dairy / Diary

Dairy: A] A place b] A place where milk is processed c] A cattle shed
Diary: A] Events b] a record of daily events c] continuous

26) Dam / Damn:

Dam: A] go to hell b] excellent c] irrigation project
Damn:A] Hopeless b] condemn c] Bright

27) Dear / Deer:

Dear: A] beloved b] costly c] loving
Deer: A] A kind of stag b] wild animal c] Near

28) Dose / Doze:

Dose: A] Outburst b] a quantity of medicine c] mixture
Doze: A] Inattentive b] to sleep lightly c] snuggling

29) Fair / Fare


30) Floor / Flour

Floor: A] lower surface of the room b] upper surface of the room c] to fall down
Flour: A] part of a garden b] blossom c] finely ground power

31) Former / Farmer

Former: A] coming first b] the first, earlier c] original
Farmer: A] a cultivator b] labourer c] servant

32) Gilt / Guilt
Gilt: A] covered b] overlaid with gold c] filled with
Guilt: A] Bad feeling b] feeling of sinning c] condemned

33) Goal / Gaol:

Goal: A] Aim b] Path c] end
Gaol: A] confined space b] prison; jail c] punishment

34) Hale / Hail

Hale: A] healthy b] chubby c] bubbly
Hail: A] frozen rain; take birth from, praise b] Direction c] origin

35) Heal / Heel

Heal: A] to make healthy b] to cure c] to come out
Heel: A] Protected b] hind part of the foot c] Behind

36) Hole / Whole:

Hole: A] overview b] complete c] undivided
Whole: a] A hollow place b] Home to some species c] small

37) Insight / Incite :

Insight : a] sight within b] Perception, deep study c] Abstract
Incite : a] To encourage b] to provoke c] to urge

38) Later / Latter:

Later: a] Late b] unpunctual c] Afterwards
Latter: a] Dead b] Last c] The second half of the Two; Next

39) Meat / Meet:

Meat: a] The edible flesh of animals b] figure c] content
Meet: a] See b] To come over c] come or get together

40) Medal / Meddle:

Medal: a] coin b] Metallic substance c] an award in a metallic coin form
Meddle: a] To ruffle b] to disturb c] to interfere

41) Miner / Minor

Miner: a] b] labourer
Minor: a] simple b] innocent c] under aged person; small

42) Naughty / Knotty:

Naughty: a] wickedly playful b] childish c] stupid
Knotty : a] Devious b] Difficult c] Impossible

43) New / Knew:

New: a] open b] fresh; recent c] Arrival
Knew: a] Familiar b] past tense of the verb know c] close

44) None / Nun:

None: a] Not any (pronoun) b] Nowhere c] No direction
Nun : a]

45) Order / Ardour:

Order: a] A command b] In a row c] call
Ardour: a] fragrance b] Leal c] Commitment

46) Piece / Peace:

Piece: a] A slice; a bit of a thing b] Land
Peace: a] Food stuff b] calmness c] enlightenment

47) Pray / Prey:

Pray: a] Kneel down b] ask earnestly for something c] ask
Prey: a] A victim b] fall down c] leap forward

48) Principal / Principle:

Principal: a] Head of college; chief b] important c] fountain head
Principle: a] foundation b] A fundamental truth c] Basic


1. Teresa is an accountant
a. aren’t she b. doesn’t she c. isn’t she d. she Isn’t

2. I am in good worker:
a. I am b. do I c. amn’t I d. aren’t he

3. Peirre is a grand father

a. he isn’t b. isn’t he c. he is d. doesn’t he

4. Kate us a doctor
a. she is b. is she c. doesn’t she d. isn’t she

5. Jacques and Alicia are students

a. aren’t they b. are they c. isn’t he d. isn’t she

6. Mario is at work right now

a. aren’t they b. isn’t he c. is he d. isn’t she

7. I’m here
a. am I not? b. am not I c. amn’t I d. aren’t you

8. You and I are busy Now
a. aren’t I b. aren’t we c. we aren’t d. you aren’t

9. It’s windy today

a. am I b. aren’t they c. isn’t it d. isn’t he

10. I am ready for the next exercise

a. isn’t he b. wasn’t he c. wouldn’t you d. aren’t I

11. Luciano Pavarotti is a great singer

a. isn’t he b. wasn’t he c. doesn’t he

12. You wanted that

a. would you b. didn’t you c. wouldn’t you d. do you

13. He saw that

a. is she b. won’t he c. didn’t he d. doesn’t he

14. You know that’s right

a. would you b. wouldn’t you c. don’t you d. didn’t you

15. He will becoming

a. is he b. didn’t he c. doesn’t he d. won’t he

16. After all this time you would thank he’d have forgotten
a. didn’t you b. would you c. wouldn’t you d. don’t you

17. The amount he is suffering from bay fever he needs to see adopter
a. doesn’t he b. did he c. won’t he d. is he

18. you may that you know the answer but you don’t
a. don’t you b. would you c. wouldn’t you d. do you

19. After working so hard he didn’t deserve to fine the exam

a. doesn’t he b. did he c. won’t you d. is he

20. You wouldn’t report me

a. did you b. would you c. wouldn’t you d. do you

21. He isn’t going to like this

a. didn’t he b. did he c. won’t he d. is he

22. If isn’t very cold today

a. is it b. was it c. does it

23. Mr. Patton assigns a lot of home work

a. doesn’t he b. does he c. will she

24. I didn’t bring enough money

a. was I b

25. The children won’t want to go to bed early

a. will they b. do they c. are they

26. You have already seen brave heart

a. will you b. haven’t you c. have you

27. We can’t keep out dong in the hotel room

a. will we b. can’t we c. can we

28. The Braves would like to win another world serves

a. will they b. won’t they c. wouldn’t they

29. Basket ball players don’t have small feet

a. do they b. can day c. will they

30. You can’t answer all the questions

a. will you b. can you c. may you

31. you will help me do the dishes

a. won’t you b. will you

32. He believes you

a. don’t do b. do he c. doesn’t he

33. The teacher should explain the lesson

a. should he b. shouldn’t he c. will he

34. The boy didn’t know the lesson

a. did he b. do he c. doesn’t he

35. Bob frightened you

a. does he b. did not he c. do you

36. You can speak English well

a. can you b. can’t you

37. She couldn’t arrange that

a. can she b. will she c. could she

38. You won’t tell him

a. does he b. will you c. won’t you

39. You are not from around here
a. do you b. don’t you c. are you

40. We’re surfing the net

a. are we b. aren’t we

41. …………rains a lot in England

a. doesn’t’ it b. does it c. do it

42. You have visited this website before

a. have you b. haven’t you c. do you

43. We aren’t speaking German

a. aren’t we b. are we c. do we

44. War and peace wasn’t written Lewis Caroll

a. was it b. wasn’t it c. don’t it

45. He’s still upstairs

a. is he b. isn’t he c. does he

46. Let’s go for a walk

a. do we b. can we c. shall we

47. Nobody called

a. do they b. will they c. can they

48. They will wash the car

a. won’t they b. will they c. can they

49. I’m correct

a. aren’t I b. am I c. will I

50. You shouldn’t be rude to people

a. should you b. can you c. will you


Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bengalis are INNATE poes.

a. Romantic b. Excellent c. Dull e. inborn

2. He works for a PALTRY sum in a provision store.
a. Sufficient b. worthless c. Heavy d. Huge

3. You cannot question the Inspector’s VERACITY.

a. Efficiency b. Truthfulness c. Honesty d. character

4. The annual meetings of trade unions are always BOISTEROUS.

a. Well-attended b. Disturbing c. Noisy d. Poorly attended

5. The land was PARCHED by the scorching summer heat.

a. sterilized b. cleansed c. to make dry d. Burnt

6. People who smoke stand greater chance of getting cancer than those who
a. Refuse b. Refrain c. Accept d. Teetotaler

7. He was ENGROSSED in day’s office routine.

a. involved b. Tired c. Fully occupied d. Lost

8. He has become a millionaire by this DEVIOUS means.

a. Hard work b. Dishonest c. Skillful d. Never ending

9. Though DILATORY in undertaking assignment, she was quick in its execution

a. Hesitant b. slow c. Reluctant d. Unwilling

10. The reporter made a VERBATIM report of the Prime Minister’s address.
a. Frank b. clear c. unchanged d. correct

11. Leave him to reap the fruits of his own HENIOUS crimes.
a. Unlawful b. extremely wicked c. Punishable d. uncountable

12. His professional qualification was of PARMOUNT value.

a. Advantageous b. Foremost d. Equal d. Little

13. Her career is a PARADIGM of political opportunism

a. Result b. Signal c. Model d. Cause

14. The investment scheme had been a SCAM all along.

a. Swindle b. Plain c. Failure d. successful

15. Sanjay has PROPENSITY for getting into debt.

a. Natural tendency b. Liking c. Aptitude d. will

16. No one welcomes him to the party for he is so GARRULOUS.

a. Behaves indecently b. Too proud c. to have ego d. Talks too much

17. INCENSED by his behavior the employer sacked him
a. Excited b. Enraged c. To get tired d. Due to

18. Of course she knew pretty well that there was no INNUENDO in his remark
a. Sly implication b. Frankness c. Sincerity d. Jealous

19. It is my CANDID advice to you.

a. Frank b. well thought c. Humble d. simple

20. He was a NEOPHYTE to enter the test match.

a. Eligible b. Novice c. Not eligible d. Useless

21. The doctor prescribed a THERAPEUTIC diet.

a. Curative b. Light c. Balance d. with low fat

22. The excessive use of pocket calculators can STULTIFY you capacity to do mental
a. Destroy b. Improve upon c. Strengthen d. To aid in

23. They have put an EMBARGO on all imports.

a. Suspension of trade b. Relaxation of duty c. Imposition of duty
d. Punishment

24. The government RESCIND its treaty with Srilanka.

a. Finalized b. To come into action c. To revoke d. To strengthen

25. She realized her position to be too PRECARIOUS for active aggression.
a. Strong b. Insecure d. Useful d. Dangerous

26. These tribes have a NOMADIC way of life.

a. Military b. Simple d. Wandering d. War like

27. Among all forms of blunders, prophecy is the most GRATUITOUS.

a. Indecent b. Dangerous c. Justified d. Unjustified

28. She was quite OBLIVIOUS of the crowd.

a. Nervous b. Unaware c. Familiar d. Irritated

29. Another theory POSTULATES that the yogic treatment relaxes the mind and the
a. Highlights b. To assume to be true c. Makes doubtful d. Discard

30. The recent immigrants realized they were CONSANGUINEOUS.

a. Having same ancestor b. cheated c. mistaken d. Badly treated

a. Deligate b. Evaluate c. Criticise d. Enforce

a. Fight b. contact c. Enimity d. relations

33. ACUTE:
a. Rise b. Accidental c. Severe d. Curious

a. Hard b. Concealed c. visible d. Display

a. Wear b. Useless c. Forceful d. Stupid

a. Respect b. Abuse c. Defame d. Accuse

a. Failure b. Agreement c. To grant d. Disagreement

a. Disturbed b. Scared c. Gloomy d. Exultant

a. correct b Guilty c. Right d. Innocent

a. Rejoice b. Enjoy c. Cry d. Smile

a. Ill-will b. Ill-luck c. ILL-feeling d. Illness

a. Clever b. Naïve c. Raw d. Youthful

A. Agitation b. calmness c. Protest d. Stir

a. Moist b. Hide c. Transparent d. Dark

a. Blunt b. Interfering c. Difficult d. Concealed

A. Pithy b. Puzzling c. Illusive d. Easy


a. Protruding b. Wealthy c. Decorative d. Showy

a. Attempt b. Plunge c. Entertain d. Change

a. bed-ridden b. Restricted c. Restrained d. Imprisoned

a. small b. tiny c. huge d. thin


Multiple Choice Questions

a. Sacred b. Sophisticacy c. Unlawfulness d. Eagerness

A. Constructive b. Demolishing c. Positive d. None

a. Promptness b. Keeness c. simplicity d. Boldness

a. Fool b. Snob c. Egoist d. Rogue

a. Deceive b. Charm c. Cheat d. Persuade

a. Over b. Done c Difficult d. Unfinished

a. Vice b. Smile c. Cheat d. good

a. Inclined b. Worried c. Willing d. Renew

a. Assertive b. Proud c. Timid d. Confident

a. Manifest b. Obvious c. Venture d. Cowardly

a. Survive b. Revive c. Entertain d. Deteriorate

a. Pleasant b. Rude c. Fresh d. Clear

a. Talkative b. Poor c. Prosperous d. Close

a. Damage b. Boost c. Advance d. Increase

a. Long b. Sleek c. Shining d. Loud

a. Sympathize b. Irritate c. Peaceful d. Apart

a. Costly b. Attractive c. Normal d. Abnormal

a. Sincerity b. Difficulty c. Adversity d. Abundance

a. Boiling b. Tranquil c. Disturbing d. Comfortable

a. Laudable b. Quiet c. Dangerous d. Powerful

a. Arrogant b. Humble c. Lazy d. Expert

a. Friendly b. Unfair c. Sudden d. costly

a. calamity b. Disaster c. Blessing d. Storm

a. Real b. Fake c. Clever d. Sincere

25. WANE:
a. Wax b. Lesson c. Waken d. Decrease

26. The Board of Trustees upheld the Principal’s decision
a. reversed b. undercut c. held up d. maintained

27. He is the most incompetent person I’ve ever seen

a. kind b. able c. cool d. merciful

28. He is the most treacherous person I’ve ever seen

a. reliable b. kind c. foolish d. intelligent

29. My cousin has impeccable manners

a. questionable b. faultless c. pleasing d. annoying

30. All deserted me when I needed support

a. helped b. approached c. abandoned d. decided

31. Antagonistic
a. friendly b. opponent c. agree d. old

32. Applaud
a. praise b. encourage c. criticize d. safe

33. Mournful
a. weep b. happy c. condemn d. plentiful

34. Terse
a. lenient b. ordeal c. verbose d. short

35. systematic
a. unmethodical b. regular c. mode d. rude

36. Skeptic
a. Inexperienced b. clumsy c. trustful d. sluggish

37. Slander
a. Eulogise b. Defame c. accuse d. wise

38. Roar
a. Thunder b. Yell c. Silent d. shout

39. Rustic
a. Simple b. refined c. Cultivate d. villain

40. Absurd
a. reject b. complex c. liberal d. sensible

41. Prudence

a. wise b. foolish c. Refuse d. Prove

42. Obvious
a. Hidden b. Action c. obstruct d. deny

43. Melody
a. symphony b. Harmony c. discord d. tune

44. Hypocrisy
a. Unpopular b. fame c. glory d. honesty

45. Hesitate
a. decide b. deep c. retire d. waver

46. Gorgeous
a. simple b. magnificent c. lovely d. elegant

47. Fiction
a. fabrication b. feeble c. fact d. myth

48. Authentic
a. traditional b. fake c. descend d. lie

49. Belligerent
a. Peaceable b. aggressive c. pagan d.

50. Befuddled
a. confuse b. clear c. clumsy d. vital


Multiple Choice Questions

a. Clever b. Naïve c. Raw d. youthful

a. Agitation b. Calmness c. Protest d. Stir

a. Moist b. Hide c. Transparent d. Dark

a. Blunt b. Interfering c. Difficult d. concealed

a. Pithy b. puzzling c. Illusive d. Easy

a. Protruding b. Wealthy c. Decorative d. Showy

a. to make better b. to make worse c. to falsityd. to praise

a. peace b. hope c. sorrow d. fear

a. hostile b. kind c. generous d. friendly

a. disappear b. decay c. disapprove d. improve

a. wasteful b. surplus c. economical d. unnecessary

a. make a man of b. make free c. participate d. arrest

a. respect b. dishonour c. homely d. image

a. Sympathetic b. Pitiful c. emphatic d. aggressive
a. slavery b. dependence c. freedom d. indiscipline

a. affection b. distaste c. obsession d. significance

a. Bed-ridden b. Restricted c. Restrained d. Imprisoned

a. Attempt b. Plunge c. Entertain d. change

a. Small b. tiny c. Huge d. Thin

20. He was STRIDENTLY proclaiming again and again that he was innocent.
a. loudly b. slowly c. happily d. confidently

21. I want to STRESS that I do not need any more assistance.

a. strain b. emphasize d. elaborate d. maintain

22. The dock workers are anxiously awaiting the OUTCOME if the present pay
a. Result b. Conclusion d. Aftermath d. Effect

23. This is a very EXACTING job.

a. specific b. Tiring d. Exhausting d. Demanding

24. He was WORN OUT at the end of the day

a. Exhausted b. Dehydrated d. Totally lost d. Worried

25. There have been INSTANCES of highway robbery in this area, of late.
a. Cases b. occasionally d. Ultimately d. Readily

26. I ACCIDENTALLY gave him the wrong change in the shop

a. Eventually b. Dangerously d. Unintentionally d. Knowingly

27. He MAINTAINED his cool inspite of their provocative behavior.

a. Kept b. Improved c. Behaved d. spoke

28. The speaker used his experience to BOLSTER his philosophy

a. preach b. Teach c. Encourage d. support

29. He is utterly DESTITUTE.

a. without a penny b. without morals c. Friendly d. Unscrupulous

30. I SCARCELY had a chance to express my views.

a. Hardly b. Rarely c. Always d. Frequently

31. My husband will by a new car REGARDLESS of my wishes.

a. Forgetful b. Irrespective c. Inconsideration d. Respecting

32. We are bringing about a few RADICAL changes in the power structure.
a. Fundamental b. Serious c. Ultimate d. Superficial

33. There ought to be some SANCTIONS for breaking these regulations.

a. Penalties b. Rules c. Steps d. Views

34. The discussion suddenly became ANIMATED

a. Robust b. Dull c. Lively d. Unruly

35. The warden was CIVIL to me and other prisoners.

a. Courteous b. Gallant c. Formal d. Rudes

36. FABULOUS Surya trio performed extremely well

a. Fantastic b. sickly c. Inefficient

37. The enquiry had completely EXONERATED the minister.

a. cleared b. accused c. Found guilty d. arrested

38. I had broken the vase INADVERTANTLY

a. Maliciously b. Unintentionally c. Deliberately d. Carelessly

39. My boss remarked SPITEFULLY that I was the brain behind the sabotage.
a. Carelessly b. Deliberately c. Maliciously d. Unintentionally

40. The board of Trustees UPHELD the Principal’s decision

a. Undercut b. Help up c. Maintained d. Reversed

a. disappear b. decay c. disapprove d. improve

Match the following words with their meanings

1. Aboriginal : Native
2. Abridge : Condense
3. Alienation : Desolation
4. Barbarous : Uncivilized
5. Coerce : compel
6. Decorum : Decency
7. Fallacy : Deception
8. Debility : Weakness
9. Furtive : Stealthy
10. Flimsy : Thin

Match these synonyms

1. Cajole : flatter to get work

2. charlatan : imposter
3. Endorse : declare
4. Allegiance : approval of
5. Brainstorming : loyal support
6. Eleventh hour : group discussion
7. Laudable : Last Minute
8. Opulent : Rich
9. Hamper : block
10. Cafer : conclude

Choose the correct Antonym

Abuse Praise
Adversity Prosperity
Annihilate Establish
Gay Unhappy
Filthy Clean
Enchanted Disgusted
Boring Enthralling
Nurture Mislead
Obsolete Modern
Prolong Shorten

Rash Careful
Recall Forget
Mend Mar
Sour Sweet
Unanimous Differing
Deplorable Fortunate
Join Detach
Woe Gaiety
Treacherous Trustworthy
Invincible Weak

Skilful Inexpert
Arrogant Humble
Abridge Enlarge
Endanger Defend
Pacify Provoke
Reverence Scorn
Thoughtful Careless
Scanty Profuse
Brutal humane
Flexible ligid

Passive Voice

1. Lightning struck the old oak

The old oak……………..by lighting
a. was struck b. is struck

2. He opened the door

The door……….by him
a. was opened b. is opened

3. We use this room only on special occasions.

This room…………only on special occasions by us.
a. is used b. is being used

4. Farmers use pigs to find truffles

Pigs …………to find truffles by farmers
a. were used b. are used

5. They are pulling down the old theatre.

The old theatre…….by them
a. is being pulled down b. is pulled down.

6. They will server refreshments.

Refreshments………………….by them
a. will be served b. would be served

7. He sang rang the church bell

The church bell……………by him
a. were rung b. was rung

8. Most people opposed this

This………..by most people
a. was opposed b. will be opposed

9. A thief stole my dog.

My dog …………..by a thief
a. was stolen b. is stolen

10. They make that artificial flowers.

These artificial flowers……..by them
a. are made b. were made

11. He had slashed the picture with a leinfe

The picture……with a leninfe by him
a. was slashed b. had been slashed
12. The judge found them guilty
They………guilty by the judge
a. were found b. found

13 Why didn’t they mend the roof?

Why………..the roof mended by them
a. wasn’t b. weren’t

14. Beavers make these dams

These dams…….by beavers
a. are made b. were made

15. They do a lot of work

A lot of work……..by them
a. is done b. is being done

16. The author has written a special edition for children

A special edition for the children……..by the author
a. has been written b. wrote

17. They gave a clock to her.

A clock………..to her by them
a. was given b. is given

18. A jelly fish stung her

She…….by a jelly fish
a. was stung b. stung

19. He wrote the entrance test

The entrance test………..by him
a. were written b. was written

20. He will advice the students

The students……..by him
a. will be advised b. are advised

21. The lawyer gave the details to him

The details…………to him by the lawyer
a. was given b. were given

22. We will not admit children under sixteen

Children under sixteen………..be admitted
a. will not be b. would not be

23. He is taking photos

Photos……taken by him
a. are being b. are

24. She types the letters.

The letters……by here
a. is typed b. are typed

25. Open the box

Let the box……….
a. be opened b. open

26. A rainstorm flooded the gypsies’ camp

The gypsies’ camp………by a rainstorm
a. was flooded b. is flooded

27. He damaged the painting

The painting………..by him
a. was being damaged b. was damaged

28. I bought few articles

Few articles……….by me
a. were bought b. are bought

29. She is dictating the notes

The Notes is………..by here
a. is/are being dictated b. dictated

30. I will write a complaint letter.

A complaint letter………by me
a. will be written b. was written

31. We obtain Rice husk from rice mills

Rice husk……..from rice mills
a. are obtained b. is obtained

32. Human beings use bamboos form may purposes

Bamboos are……for many purposes by human beings.
a. used b. being used

33. We should place the order before Monday.

The order…………before Monday
a. should be placed b. is placed

34. The fire has destroyed all the buildings

All the buildings………by the fire
a. have destroyed b. have been destroyed

35. Use one spoon to make each cup of tea

One spoon……..to make each cup of tea
a. was used b. is used

36. We use a thermometer to measure temperature

A thermometer …………to measure temperature
a. is used b. was used

37. He is typing the agreement

The agreement is ……….by him
a. being typed b. typed

38. All can use solar cookers

Solar cookers……by all
a. can be use b. are used

39. The audience applauded him.
He was……..by the audience
a. applauded b. being applauded

40. We must take care not to damage any machine

Care……..not to damage any machine
a. must have been taken b. must be taken

41. They closed the factory

The factory…….the them
a. will be closed b. was closed

42. The college sponsored fine candidates.

Fine candidates………….by the college
a. are sponsored b. were sponsored

43. We would reduce the costs

The costs………by us
a. will be reduced b. would be reduced

44. He gave all the information

All the information………by him
a. will be given b. was given

45. He is doing research on linguistics

Research is………..on linguistics by him
a. being done b. done

46. We can achieve good results.

Good results……….by us
a. can be achieved b. are achieved

47. The government instructed the policemen to take firm action against
The policemen………..to take firm action against miscreants
a. were instructed b. instructed

48. She is cooking the dinner.

The dinner……….by her
a. is cooked b. is being cooked

49. We use construction in the following sentences

Passive construction……..in the following sentences
a. is being used b. is used

50. We cannot buy such expensive utensils.
Such expensive utensils ………….by us.
a. cannot be bought b. were not bought

51. He took the topics from the text books.

The topics ………..from the textbooks.
a. were taken b. are taken

52. The students have written the technical reports.

The technical reports………by the students.
a. had been written b. have been written

53. The noise of the machine distracted her work.

Her work……..by the noise of the machine
a. was distracted b. is distracted

54. The students admire the new teacher.

The new teacher………by the students.
a. is admired b. admires

55. You will hear a short conversation.

A short conversation……..by you
a. will be heard b. was heard

56. The lecturer described the Jazz Age

The Jazz Age…….by the lecturer
a. was described b. described

57. She published her novel in 2005

Her novel……….in 2005
a. were published b. was published

58. She wrote a poem, yesterday

A poem………by her, yesterday
a. was written b. is written

59. Gary is planning a party

A party…….by Gary
a. is being planned b. is planned

60. Alfred teaches history.

History…………….by Alfred.
a. was taught b. is taught

61. The mob broke all the windows is recent riots

All the windows……….in recent riots
a. are broken b. were broken

62. She had cleaned my room

My room………….
a. had been cleaned b. was cleaned

63. You must not hammer nails in the walls

Nails…………..into the walls
a. must not be hammered b. will not be hammered

64. The burglars broke open the windows yesterday

The windows ……..by the burglars
a. were broken open b. was broken open

65. Sign the agreement

Let the agreement
a. be signed b. singed

66. The literary club will conduct a competition next week

A competition………next week.
a. will be conducted b. would be conducted

67. They wrote a test last week.

A test………. by them Last week
a. was written b.

68. I teach English for B.Tech students

English……for B.Tech students by me.
a. is taught b. was taught

69. The teacher gave a lecture on pollution

A lecture on pollution…..by the teacher
a. was given b. is given

70. I am writing a letter

A letter is………..be me
a. being written b. written

71. She likes sweets

Sweets………by her
a. are liked b. is liked

72. Boil the potatoes

Let the Potatoes……..

a. be boiled b. boil

73. She gave him a car

He……..a car by him
a. was given b. is given

74. She gave him a pen

A pen…..to him by her
a. was given b. is given

75. I finished the test in 20 minutes

The test………by me in 20 minutes.
a. was finished b. is finished


Read the sentences and choose the right options:

1. Flowers are beautiful

a. SVO b. SV c. SVC

2. Cell phone has made communication fast

a. SVOC b. SVOO c. SVA

3. Latest books on science and technology are published next week in our college

4. Youngsters must have drams and desires.

a. SVO b. SVOO c. SVC

5. Dr.Sam, authorized Professor of Genetics is a close friend of mine

a. SVO b. SVVO c. SVC

6. Rahul Khan is directing a film now

a. SVC b. SVOA c. SVOO

7. Next Week, we are going to England in connection with out research

8. Internet is a great boon

a. SVC b. SVO c. SAA

9. Dr.Kalam is noted for his simplicity and humanity

a. SVA b. SVC c. SVO

10. The defense Minister attended the convocation function in our institute yesterday

11. Life in Villages is peaceful

a. SOVC b. SVO c. SAVC

12. Is democracy a success in our country?


13. The Taj Mahal symbolizes the love between Shajahan and Mumtaj.
a. SVC b. SVA c. SVO

14. Mr. Khursheed has been appointed Director of our company

a. SVC b. SVO c. SVA

15. The English language lab is utilized effectively by our students


16. Public life and prison are inseparable

a. SVA b. SVO c. SVC

17. God gives everyone chances

a. SVOO b. SVC c. SVOC

18. LPG has made cooking easy


19. The Minister is visiting the flood hit areas in Chennai tomorrow

20. Nelson Mandela is one of the unique leaders of the world


21. We call these support bearings

a. SVOC b. SVOO c. SVO

22. God is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient

a. SVC b. SVCCC c. SVO

23. Roja did not score good marks in the English proficiency test
a. SVC b. SVAO c. SVOA

24. The politician is giving the people of his constituency may incredible premises.

25. Health is wealth

a. SVC b. SVO c. SVA

26. Delhi is the capital of India

a. SVC b. SVCA c. SVA

27. Mr.Rafi has been teaching English in an aided college since 1987

28. Birds fly

a. SV b. SVC c. SVA

29. Technology has made life comfortable

a. SVC b. SVOC c. SVOO

30. Children love playing hide and seek


31. Mahatma Gandhiji is the father of our nation

a. SVC b. SVA c. SVO

32. I shall get you a job in Kerala within two weeks


33. My daughter is diligent and intelligent

a. SVC b. SVO c. SVA

34. Letter writing is an art

a. SVA b. SVC c. SVO

35. Is VIT near the railway station

a. SVC b. VSA c. SVA

36. We must being out country a good name and fame

a. SVOO b. SVOC c. SVC

37. Swimming is a good exercise

a. SVC b. SVO c. SVA

38. People have elected Shyam their MLA

a. SVC b. SVOC c. SVAC

39. We should not underestimate others

a. SVO b. SVC c. SVA

40. Time and tide wait for none

a. SVA b. SVC c. SVO

41. The Mughel buildings are famous for their architecture

a. SVA b. SVO c. SVC

42. Nature is lovely

a. SVO b. SVC c. SVA

43. William wordsmith has written may poems on nature

a. SVOA b. SVOC c. SVC

44. Driving cars gives me pleasure


45. My brother was born in 1985

a. SVC b. SVA c. SVO

46. All that glitters is not gold

a. SVC b. SVA c. SVO

47. Might is right

a. SVO b. SVC c. SVA

48. You must keep what I say on the sly

a. SVOA b. SVCA c. SVC

49. Nehru is a unique leader

a. SVC b. SVO c. SVA

50. Self confidence is the basis requisite to all undertakings

a. SVOO b. SVO c. SVCA

51. The sentence in SVO pattern is

a. mohan played cricket
b. mohan is eating

52. The sentence is SVC pattern is

a. Raman was repairing the bridge
b. Raman is the captain of the team

53. The sentence in SVOO pattern is
a. Mrs.Meena teaches in English
b. Mrs.Meena speaks good English

54. The sentence in SVOC pattern is

a. They made him captain
b. They made a kite

55. The sentence in SV pattern is

a. some is playing football
b. some is studying

56. The sentence in SVO pattern is

a. Fire interrupted the last performance
b. The firemen were alert

57. The sentence is SVC pattern is

a. He remembered is faults
b. He remains president of the Association

58. The sentence in SVOO pattern is

a. The company promised its employees full compensation
b. The youngest boy is very handsome

59. The sentence SVOC pattern is

a. Gowri made her brother good
b. Gowri drinks mils in the evening

60. The sentence in SV pattern is

a. Human lift is precious
b. Human ways of life is changing

61. The sentence is SVO pattern is

a. The judge stopped the marriage
b. The judge is quite good

62. The sentence is SOC pattern is

a. Milk strengthens you body
b. The milk is sour

63. The sentence in SVOO pattern is

a. The Steward went home
b. The Steward brought us morning coffee

64. The sentence in SVOC pattern is

a. Experience made her confident
b. Experience help him always

65. The sentence in SVOC pattern is
a. The list of boys was sent
b. The list was long

66. The sentence in SVO pattern is

a. My uncle is a warrior
b. My uncle sold bicycle

67. The sentence in SVC pattern is

a. This play is fund
b. This play attracts me

68. The sentence in SVOO pattern is

a. My uncle sold me a bicycle
b. My uncle praises me often

69. The sentence is SVOC pattern is

a. we must keep India clean
b. We must not waste food

70. The sentence in SVA pattern is

a. She wants a transfer
b. She went to Madras

71. The become blind. Here BLIND is

a. DO b. SC

72. This second correct. Here CORRECT is

a. SC b. DO

73. The boy turned informer. Here INFORMER is

a. DO b. SC

74. It tasted good. Here GOOD is

a. SC b. DO

75. The play was a success. Here A SUCCESS is

A, SC b. DO

76. The judge sentenced the prisoner. Here PRISONER is.

a. DO b. SC

77. Men hunts animals. Here ANIMALS is

a. SC b. DO

78. Father shot him. Here HIM is
a. DO b. SC

79. Iron is a metal. Here A METAL is

a. DO b. SC

80. Parents ought to be stricter. Here STRICTER is

a. DO b. SC

81. This play is funny. Here FUNNY is

a. SC b. OC

82. We must make ourselves pure, Here PURE is

a. SC b. OC

83. The play was successful, Here SUCCESSFUL is

a. SC b. OC

84. They made Janet Successful, Here SUCCESSFUL is

a. OC b. SC

85. She become Secretary, Here SECRETARY is

a. OC b. SC

86. The class elected here Secretary. Here SECRETARY is

a. OC b. SC

87. Children must not call each other liars. Here LIARS is
a. OC b. SC

88. No one is responsible. Here RESPONSIBLE is

a. OC b. SC

89. No one could make himself responsible. Here RESPONSIBLE is

a. OC b. SC

90. Blankets kept them warm. Here WARM is

a. OC b. SC

91. Mother made a cake. Here CAKE is

a. SC b. DO

92. The Tailor made him a suit. Here A SUIT is

a. DO b. OC

93. The tailor made him happy. Here HAPPY is

a. DO b. OC

94. Mrs. Helen taught us French. Here FRENCH is

a. DO b. OC

95. Experience made Helen expert. Here EXPERT is

a. DO b. OC

96. John was the loser. Here THE LOSER is

a. SC b. OC

97. The voyage made us sea-side. Here US is

a. S b. O

98. Her best friend gave her money. Here MONEY is

a. DO b. OC

99. Her best friend stole her money. Here HER MONEY is
a. DO b. OC

100. He felt exhausted. Hence EXHAUSTED is

a. OC b. SC

Fill the blank with the correct form of adjective

1. Of two choose the…………….

a. least b. less c. little

2. The four women had seen………days then these

a. happy b. happier c. happiest

3. That child has a…………cold

a. slight b. slighter c. slightest

4. A live ass is…….than a dead live.

a. strong b. stronger c. strongest

5. Solomon was one of the……..men

a. wise b. wiser c. wisest

6. Hunger is the………..sauce
a. good b. better c. best

7. His single word is as…….as an oath

a. good b. better c. best

8. There was not the………..excuse for it
a. slight b. slighter c. slightest

9. Her work is…….than joined

a. perfect b. more perfect c. most perfect

10. Open is……..than secret love

a. good b. better c. best

12. Hari is the……..boy in the class

a. idle b. idler c. idlest

13. There is……….to be sad on both sides

a. much b. more c. most

14. He gave the boys………….advice

a. much wholesome b. more wholesome c. most wholesome

15. He thinks he is………than his father

a. wise b. wiser c. wisest

16. The…………..lane has a turning

a. long b. longer c. longest

17. How is your brother today? Is he……

a. good b. better c. best

18. Your brief is sharp, but mine is…….

a. sharp b. sharper c. sharpest

19. Honour is…………to him than life

a. dear b. dearer c. dearest

20. Name the…………city in the world

a. large b. larger c. largest

21. He is the……….boy of the two

a. good b. better c. best

22. He is the……….friend I have

a. good b. better c. best

23. Who is the …….living poet?

a. great b. greater c. greatest

24. The public is the………judge

a. good b. better c. best

Choose the correct positive degree

25. The pen is mightier than the sword

a. The pen is not so mighty as the sword
b. The sword is not so mighty as the pen

26. Lead is the heaviest of all metal

a. No other metal is as heavy as lead
b. Lead is heavier than all metals

27. London is richer than any other city

a. London is the richest of all cities
b. No other city is so rich as London

28. Chennai is one of the biggest of Indian towns.

a. very few Indian towns are as big as Chennai
b. Chennai is bigger than most other Indian towns

29. Sita is clever than most other girls

a. No other girls is as clever as Sita
b. Very few girls are as clever as Sita

Choose the correct comparative degree of

26. To practice is not so easy as to preach

a. It is easier to preach than to practice
b. To preach is the easiest of all

27. Bombay mango is the best in India

a. Bombay Mango is better than any other mango in India
b. No other mango in India is so good as Bombay mango

28. No other class is as noisy as this

a. This is noisier than most other classes
b. This is noisier than any other class

29. America is one of the richest country in the world

a. America is richer than most other countries in the world
b. Very few countries in the world are as rich as America

30. Very few boy are as handsome as Ravi

a. Ravi is more handsome than most other boys
b. Ravi is more handsome than any other boys.

Choose the correct superlative degree of

31. Shakespeare is greater than any other English poet

a. Shakespeare is one of the greatest English poets.
b. Shakespeare is the greatest of all English poets

32. No other fleet in the world is so large as England’s

a. England’s is the largest fleet in the world
b. England’s fleet is larger than any other fleet in the world

33. Very few boys are as industrious as Latif.

a. Latif is the most industrious of all boys
b. Latif is one of the most industrious boys

34. The wood-apple is sourer than any other fruit

a. The wood-apple is the sourest of all fruits
b. No other fruit is so soon as the wood-apple

35. No other animal is so ferocious as the tiger

a. The tiger is one of the most ferocious animals
b. The tiger is the most ferocious of all animals

Choose the correct positive degree:

36. Leela is more beautiful than Kamala

a. Kamala is not so beautiful as Leela
b. Kamala is as beautiful as Leela

37. Freedom is more valuable than life.

a. Freedom is not so valuable as life
b. Lift is not so valuable as freedom

38. Ivory poachers are more efficient than forest guards

a. Forest guards are not so efficient as ivory
b. Ivory poachers are efficient

39. Sometimes imagination is worse than reality

a. Sometimes reality is better than imagination
b. Sometimes reality is not so bad as imagination

40. You will suffer more poignantly than others

a. Others will not suffer so poignantly as you
b. Your suffering is more poignant than others

41. Venu is not stronger than Seenu

a. Seenu is atleast as strong as Venu

b. Venu is stronger than Seenu

42. Tennyson is not the greatest of all poets.

a. No other poet is so great as Tennyson
b. Some poets are at least as great as Tennyson

Choose the correct comparative degree:

43. Gopal is not so tall as Venu

a. Venus is taller than Gopal
b. Gopal is as tall as Venu

44. My mother is not so strict as my father

a. My mother is stricter than my father
b. My father is stricter than my mother

45. Cure is not so good as prevention

a. Prevention is better than cure
b. Cure is better than prevention

46. A foolish friend is not so good as a wise enemy

a. A wise enemy is not so good as a foolish friend
b. A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend

47. The sword is not so mighty as the pen

a. The sword is mightier than the pen
b. The pen is mightier than the sword

48. Tennyson is not the greatest of all poets

a. Some poets are at least as Tennyson
b. Tennyson is not greater than some other poets

Choose the correct superlative degree:

49. No other tool is as simple as the spinning wheel

a. The spinning wheel is the simplest tool
b. The spinning wheel is one of the simplest tolls

50. Very few cricket players are as good as Kapil Dav

a. Kapil Dev is the best cricket player
b. Kapil Dev is one of the best cricket player

Fill the blanks with the correct phrase:

51. His father was one…………parents in Calcutta

a. the wealthiest b. wealthiest than

52. No other country is……..Siberia
a. the coldest b. so cold as

53. Home is……..place

a. the best b. better than

54. She is…………….my sister

a. the tallest b. as tall as

55. This is one of………buildings in the town

a. the more splendid b. the most splendid

56. Nehru was…….statesman of India

a. as great as b. the greatest

57. Very few metals are…….gold

a. as precious as b. the most precious

58. Of all the boys, he is………

a. the weakest b. weaker than

59. Saying is………….doing

a. the easiest b. easier than

60. To beg is not………to starve

a. So good as b. the best

61. He is…………all his colleagues

a. junior than b. junior to

62. This cloth is ……….the one in the show case

a. superior to b. superior than

63. He visited as……….to his departure for Bangalore

a. prior to b. prior than

64. It was……….day of the year

a. hotter than b. the hottest

65. …………of the people in India are poor.

a. Most b. the most

66. ……….every the health

a. the stick b. sick

67. She is………her mother is

a. so intelligent as b. as intelligent as

68. She is not………..her father is
a. so intelligent as b. the most intelligent

69. The more problems he has……..he is

a. the sadder b. sadder

70. The day is getting……..

a. cool and cold b. colder and colder

71. Mohan has more books

a. than she her b. than she

72. She love me, she loves her mother more, she loves her mother……
a. more than I b. more than me

73. Her father loves her, I lover her more; Her father does not lover her….
a. more than I b. more than me

74. Here are some sweets; ……….ones are at home

a. the better b. a little

75. She has still….hope of survival

a. the little b. a little

76. I can furnish the work in……….time at my disposal

a. the little b. a little

77. I have……moments left to think over the problem

a. a few b. a few

78. The collected………morsels left on the tatle

a. the few b. a few

79. The grocer hasn’t…….eggs

a. some more b. any more

80. You can have……….tea

a. some more b. any more

81. She hasn’t ……..cloths to wear

a. much b. many

82. He hasn’t ………..money with him.

a. much b. many

83. Nehru was………primer Minister of India
a. the foremost b. the first

84. Mahatma Gandhi was…………personality of his age

a. the foremost b. the first

85. Mohan is……..of the two brother

a. the elder b. the older

86. This dog is………the other one

a. older than b. elder than

87. ……..Village is about two kilometers from here

a. the nearer b. the nearest

88. She was sitting……..the Prime Minister

a. nearest to b. next to

89. ………..village is about two kilometers from here

a. very better b. much better

90. She is feeling……….now

a. very well b. much well

91. This year mangoes are…….

a. scarce b. scarcity

92. This fruit tastes………..

a. bitterly b. bitter

93. He is a ………soldier of the regiment

a. a more brave b. a very brave

94. The light of the moon is………….

a. lesser than the sun b. lesser than that of the sun

95. Vivekanand was……….of his age

a. wiser than any Sanyasin b. wiser than any other sanyasin

96. This is………..poem of Tagore

a. a best b. the best

97. This is Ravi Verma’s …….painting

a. best b. the best


Choose the correct word which best completes

1. Only hotel guests have the…….of using the private beach

a. occasion b. possibility c. privilege d. habit e. permission

2. The lorry was travelling at a high………..

a. rate b. quickness c. acceleration d. speed e. rapidity

3. The children were having a wonderful time….on the frozen lake

a. slipping b. gliding c. slithering d. skidding e. sliding

4. Our new house is very…..for the office as I can get there in five minutes
a. comfortable b. suitable c. available d. convenient e. pleasant

5. Besides washing that cut, put some....on it in case you have got some dirt in it.
a. medicine b. disinfectant c. antiseptic d. antidote e. deodorant

6. The Fosters believe so firmly in family equality that they never go to visit
their friends without their children’s………….
a. allowance b. permit c. admission d. concession e. permission

7. She had just…..the shell of the hard-boiled egg and was starting to peel it off
a. snapped b. cracked c. fractured d. shattered e. burst

8. New mineral resources may be discovered during the forthcoming

a. excursion b. voyage c. expedition d. migration e. campaign

9. The dog felt very….when his owners left the house, dressed for a long walk.
a. disillusioned b. deceptive c. disappointed d. deceived e. cheated

10. Nobody has been able to explain the….of this commonly-used expression.
a. reason b. beginning c. starting-point d. cause e. origin

11. The bus company apparently ignores the many…..about unpunctuality and
overcrowding of buses
a. reclamations b. claims c. grief’s d. objections e. complaints

12. The forecast predicted……….weather with snow, sunshine, wind and thunder
and that is just what we have had
a. variable b. various c. differing d. unsteady e. fluctuating

13. The prisoner………that he had assaulted a policeman

a. refused b. rejected c. contradicted d. declined e. denied

14. Most people were no longer listening to his long…..story

a. irritable b. boring c. tiring d. annoying e. weary

15. There is often so much traffic on the main thoroughfares that motorists may be
able to travel faster on……roads
a. inferior b. subordinate c. minor d. district e. local

16. A force of desperate men burst out of the besieged city and……the army that
had surrounded them
a. won b. defeated c. broke down d. gained e. submitted

17. He says he would write an English course book if he could fin a(n)..…to deal
with the less interesting parts.
a. accomplice b. ally c. collaborator d. confederate e. partner

18. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and…………in a quiet

a. before all b. above all c. over all d. first of all e. after all

19. I have had a ………..of misfortunes

a. success b. continuation c. repetition d. succession e. continuity

20. He had an……habit of emptying ash trays out of his upstairs window on to
our doorstep
a. objectionable b. offensive c. uneducated d. uncultivated e. offending

21. The music aroused an………..feeling of homesickness in him.

a. intense b. intentional c. intensive d. intending e. intended

22. The jury……him of having committed the robbery and he was then sentenced
to five years imprisonment
a. convinced b. accused c. charged d. convicted e. acquitted

23. Bitterly cold grey weather together with the after-effects of influenza made
him feel very…….

a. deprived b. depressed c. bored d. disgusted e. worried

24. The book proved to be very unreliable and so was quite……to him in his
a. invaluable b. unimportant c. useless d. negligible e. unusable

25. The train was ………. By a heave snowfall

a. protracted b. postponed c. cancelled d. delayed e. adjourned

Match the following:

Animals/birds and offspring

Sl. No. Animal / bird Offspring

1 Ass, donkey Foal, colt (male), filly (female)

2 Bear Cub
3 Butterfly Caterpillar
4 Camel Foal
5 Cat Kitten
6 Cow Calf (male), heifer (female)
7 Dee Fawn, calf, kid, pricket/brocket(m)
8 Dog Puppy, pup, whelp
9 Duct Duckling
10 Elephant Foal, calf
11 Fish Minnow
12 Fox Cup
13 Frog Tadpole
14 Goat Kid, yearling
15 Goose Gosling
16 Hare Leveret
17 Her Chicken, pullet
18 Horse Colt, foal (m), filly (F)
19 Kangaroo Joey
20 Leopard Cub
21 Lion Cub
22 Peacock Pea chicken
23 Pig Piglet, pigling, shoat, gilt (f)
24 Rabbit Nestling
25 Rat Nestling
26 Rhinoceros Calf
27 Sheep Lamb, teg, hog
28 Stag Steer
29 Swan Signet
30 Tiger Cub

31 Wolf Cub, whelp
32 Zebra Foal, colt (m), filly (f)

Match the following:

Animals/birds and cries

Sl. No. Animal / bird Sound they made

1 Apes Gibber
2 Bears Growl
3 Bees Buzz; hum
4 Birds Hum; sing chirp; warble
5 Bulls Bellow
6 Calves Bleat
7 Camels Grunt
8 Cats Mew
9 Cocks Crow
10 Crows Cow
11 Cows Law
12 Dogs Bark
13 Doves Coo
14 Ducks Quack
15 Elephants Trumpet
16 Flies Buzz
17 Frogs Croak
18 Hens Cluck
19 Horses Neigh; snort
20 Jacklegs Howl
21 Lions Roar
22 Mice Squeak
23 Monkeys Chatter
24 Nightingales Warble
25 Owls Hoot
26 Pigeons Coo
27 Beetles Drone
28 Foxes Yelp
29 Geese Akle
30 Goats Bleat
31 Hawks Scream

32 kittens Mew
33 Lambs bleat
34 Larks Sing
35 Parrots talk
36 Ravens Croak
37 Swans cry
38 Thrushes Whistle
39 Pigs grunt
40 Puppies Yelp
41 Serpents Hiss
42 Sheep Bleat
43 Squirrels Squeak
44 Tigers Roar; growl
45 Turkey Gobble
46 Wolves yell
47 Sparrows Chirp, twitter
48 Swallows twitter

Match the following:

Words for specific places

Sl. No.
1 Aerodrome Where aeroplanes are kept
2 Aquarium Enclosure for keeping domestic fishes
3 Apiary Where been are kept
4 Arsenal Where arms and weapons are stored/kept
5 Bakery Where bread/biscuits are manufactured
6 Brewery Where wine is produced
7 Cage Enclosure for domestic animals/birds
8 Cemetery Where dead bodies are burried
9 Cloak room Luggage storing place at a railway station
10 Confectionery Where confection or sweets are prepared
11 Crematorium Where dead bodies are creamed
12 Dockyard Where ships are built
13 Distillery Where liquor/sprits/whiskey is produced
14 Dispensary Out-patient department where medicines
are dispensed
15 Garage Where cars/vehicles are kept
16 Granary Storage place of grains
17 Guest annex Special room in a house for guests
18 Graveyard Where dead bodies are buried

19 Hosiery Where knitted-wears are manufactured
20 Hatchery Where eggs/chickens ire produced
21 Kiln Where bricks are baked
22 Mint Where coins are made
23 Mortuary Where dead bodies are temporarily kept (in
24 Museum Where curios are kept
25 Pharmacy Where medicines are prepare
26 Studio Where films are produced and processed
27 Tannery Where leather is processed and produced
28 Treasury Where treasure (wealth) is kept
29 Wardrobe An almirah in which clothes are kept
30 Zoo Where animals/birds are kept
31 Convent Where nuns live
32 Monastery Where monks live
33 Barracks Where soldiers live
34 Palace Where king live
35 Hive Where bees live
36 Best Where birds live
37 Byre Where cows live
38 Kennel Where dogs live
39 Stable Where horses live
40 Den Where lions live
41 Barn Where owls live
42 Burrow Where rabbits live
43 Pen Where sheep live
44 Web Where spiders live
45 Lair Where tigers live


Fill the blanks with suitable prepositions

1. They’ll talk …………..anything

a. about b. after c. at

2. There’s no doubt ………..his guilt

a. at b. after c. about

3. This happened …….a year ago

a. about b. after c. at

4. He held the Trophy…..his head

a. above b. at c. after

5. She is ……..my job

a. at b. above c. after

6. He put his arm…….around here

a. around b. after c. at

7. He sipped ….his drink

a. at b. after c. around

8. She was still home …..launch

a. at b. around c. about

9. I got up ..eight
a. at b. about c. around

10. There was a knock ….his door

a. at b. about c. around

11. There is a tea shop……..the corner

a. around b. at c. about

12. she picked…….her food
a. at b. about c. around

13. He grinned …her

a. at b. about c. around

14. I got up…eight

a. at b. about c. around

15. My grandfather died….the age of ninety nine

a. at b. about c. around

16. They set ….his door

a. at b. about c. around

17. We are……war
a. at b. about c. around

18. They were ….each other’s throat

a. at b. about c. around

19. You can reach my place …. bus

a. by b. about c. around

20. I always pay ……cheque

a. by b. at c. around

21. He entered the building ..the backdoor

a. by b. at c. around

22. She left her vehicle……..the kerb.

a. by b. at c. around

23. He lingered ……..the bed

a. by b. at c. around

24. He lingered………the bed

a. by b. at c. around

25. …….the time I went to the bed I was very tired

a. by b. at c. around

26. Wait…………I come back

a. till b. to c. at

27. I am going with my friends….Australia

a. to b. till c. at

28. He’s gone ………..office
a. to b. till c. at

29. What you are saying makes no sense …….me

a. to b. at c. with

30. We hardly have one week ………the wedding

a. to b. at c. with

31. ………my surprise I was

a. to b. at c. with

32. We work from 8 am ….. 6 pm.

a. to b. at c. with

33. The project will take anything from one year….three year
a. to b. at c. with

34. I stayed …….my daughter until she slept

a. with b. at c. to

35. He wants to discuss our proposal ……..his wife

a. with b. at c. to

36. He’s gone ……office

a. to b. with c. at

37. What you are saying makes no sense ….me

a. to b. at c. with

38. ….my surprise I was offered both the jobs.

a. to b. at c. with

39. We hard have one week ……the wedding day

a. to b. at c. with

40. We work from 8 am ……6 pm

a. to b. at c. with

41. The project will take anything from one year…..three years
a. to b. at c. with

42. I stayed ………my daughter until she slept

a. to b. at c. with

43. He wants to discuss our proposal……his wife

a. to b. at c. with

44. I brushed back my hair ……my hand

a. to b. at c. with

45. He’s in bed………flu

a. to b. at c. with

46. Drainage is one …….of the problems

a. off b. on c. of

47. Give an account……..the event

a. of b. at c. off

48. She is a friend….. Kumar’s

a. of b. off c. on

49. It was kind….here to accept me as a paying guest

a. of b. off c. on

50. He is giant …..a man

a. of b. off c. on

51. He walked in …..the street

a. off c. of c. on

52. She’s ……to Calcutta

a. off c. of c. on

53. I’m …….duty today

a. off c. of c. on

54. He’s been …..the committee for months

a. off c. of c. by

55. You can travel …….horse bank

a. on c. of c. by

56. She lay ……….the floor

a. on c. at c. by

57. My flat is……the fourth floor

a. on c. at c. by

58. We came to compromise and shook hands…….it

a. on c. at c. by

59. I almost choked………..my food

a. at c. on c. by

60. We got ……..the train

a. at b. off c. of

61. We managed to get all electronic gadgets …………

a. off b. at c. through

62. She let the sand fall ……………….her fingers.

a. off b. at c. through

63. We drove…………..Mysore
a. off b. at c. through

64. The current flows …………the circuit

a. off b. at c. through

65. I talked to him…………… an interpreter

a. off b. at c. through

66. We had no rain from September right……….to December

a. at b. off c. through

67. We didn’t get home ……….. 2 a.m.

a. till b. off c. at

68. The kids are……..bed

a. on b. at c. in

69. She’s somewhere ….the building

a. in b. on c. off

70. I met you ……the morning, didn’t I ?

a. in b. on c. off

71. He was dead……a few seconds

a. on b. in c. around

72. He slipped and fell ……….the river

a. into b. on c. around

73. I haven’t seen her….years

a. on b. in c. around

74. He was…..in pain
a. on b. in c. around

75. I shook my head…confusion

a. on b. in c. around

76. She moved ………a new address

a. into b. on c. around

77. I have the bulley……….him

a. on b. in c. around

78. He was dressed ……….. black

a. on b. in c. around

79. He cut the fruit…..two

a. on b. in c. around

80. He reached the station….time for the train

a. into b. for c. in

81. All was well…….the end

a. into b. for c. in

82. He will get used to living here………time

a. into b. for c. in

83. Okay. I’ll take care of it’, she said …….the phone.
a. on b. to c. into

84. We were shocked ……..silence

a. into b. on c. to

85. His face broke…………..a friendly smile

a. into b. to c. on

86.The meeting carried on …..the afternoon

a. to b. into c. on

87. We are well……..may but we aren’t even half way through the project.
a. to b. into c. on

88. This is a collection…essays by Charles Lamb

a. on b. of c. into

89. There is an increase ……….2 in the interest rate.
a. on b into c. of

90. The parcel is…..you

a. for b. of c. to

91. He is terrified………flying
a. on b. at c. of

92. The parcel is………the table

a. by b. of c. on

93. He worked …..the whole day

a. for b. from c. in

94. I’ve known him……a long time

a. from b. in c. for

95. We’ve been married ……..three decades now.

a. for b. from c. in

96. I waited......6 till 6.45

a. from b. for c. in

97. He comes……….Pune
a. from b. in c. for

98. She was absent …….school for two weeks

a. in b. for c. from

99. They had not as yet come back………fishing

a. from b. for c. in

100. We shall be there………midnight

a. by b. into c. at

101. He had died …..the night

a. during b. at c. into

102. You’ll have plenty of time to know each other ……….the course of the
a. into b. at c. during

103. I have known him ….. a long time

a. for b. in c. on

104. We’ve been married….three decades now.

a. for b. on c. in

105. She was absent ……….school for two weeks

a. at b. from c. on

106. They had not as yet come back…….fishing

a. from b. at c. on

107. Always check your bill…….paying

a. after b. on c. before

108. If you get home………..me you can make the supper

a. before b. after c. on

109. He likes travelling……….night

a. on b. in c. at

110. She was married……..sixteen

a. at b. on c. in

111. They didn’t say anything……..us

a. at b. in c. to

112. She spoke……..them in English

a. to b. in c. at

113. The 8.15 train started ……….time

a. on b. at c. of

114. I arrived…………..the airport at 9.00 pm

a. in b. on c. at

115. He got…………..the car and drove away

a. into b. on c. at

116. He keeps his savings…………..his pillow
a. under b. at c. into


Choose the exact meaning of the idiom/phrases

1. When I saw him in the morning, he looked like a duck in a thunderstorm

a. entrapped
b. distressed
c. indomitable
d. peaceful
e. timid

2. Our school is with a stone’s throw of the railway station.

a. very far-off
b with a certain radium
c. at a short distance
d. within a definite circumstance

3. He burnt his fingers by interfering in his neighbour’s affair

a. got himself into trouble
b. burnt himself
c. got himself insulted
d. got rebuked

4. He is not worth his salt if he fails at this juncture.

a. very strange
b. very proud of himself
c. quite depressed
d. quite worthless

5. Mr. Gupta, who is one of the trustees of a big charity is suspected of

feathering his own nest
a. being lazy in doing his work
b. being too generous
c. neglecting his job
c. making money unfairly

6. She exhibited remarkable sang froid during the crisis

a. temper
b. irritation
c. composure
d. anger

7. Mrs. Hashmi has been in the blues for the last several weeks
a. abroad
b. unwell
c. depressed
d. penniless
e. lonely

8. All the political parties are tarred with the same brush
a. have the same merits
b. profess the same policies
c. have the same merits
d. follow the same principles
e. possess the same defects

9. Let us admit that we could not heap coals of fire on his head
a. burn him alive
b. agitate him
c. make him feel sorry by retuning good for evil
d. put him to shame
e. incite him to a fight

10. Almost everybody has an eye on the main chance

a. waits for the appropriate time
b. thinks of outwitting his rival
c. looks for better prospects
d. tries to tackle the problem in his own way
e. looks after his own welfare

11. For the first week, the apprentice felt like a fish out of water
a. frustrated
b. homeless
c. disappointed
d. uncomfortable
e. starved

12. His friends failed to see why he should ride the high horse just because he
had won an election
a. become abnormal
b. appear arrogant
c. indulge in dreams
d. hate others
e. act rashly

13. The general manager of this industry is a host in himself.
a. eats too much
b. independent of other
c. capable of doing as much as a number of ordinary persons
d. very hospitable
e. intolerant of guest

14. The cooperation and esprit de corps between the soldiers and the officers
was directly responsible for their victory
a. bravery
b. loyalty
c. subordination
d. unity
e. adjustment

15. It is out of the question for only one to have a quiet meal with a set of
ultras around him
a. unthinkable
b. impossible
c. unbecoming
d. indecent
e. undesirable

16. The company has been handed over to new masters, lock, stock and barrel
a. completely
b. financially
c. administratively
d. partially

17. The study of insects was fascinating pursuit for him

a. anthropology
b. zoology
c. etymology
e. entomology

18. Believe me, I am all at sea

a. out of reach
b. very happy
c. puzzled
d. drowning

19. It is evident from the minister’s statement that heads will roll

a. transfer will take place
b. people will die
c. dismissals will occur
d. head of department will have to repent

20. I saw him make a wry face

a. abuse
b. feel sick
c. cry with pain
d. shown disappointment

21. My father did not know that his brother would tread on his heels.
a. follow closely after
b. stab him in the back
c. oppose him immediately
d. support him blindly

22. He is the sort of man who would do anything for a consideration

a. out of love
b. in sympathy with the aggrieved
c. if he found some merit in it
d. if he were paid to do it

23. His dealings are all above board

a. simple
b. decent
c. open
d. friendly

24. He threw cold water over the project that the secretary had prepared
a. rejected
b. encouraged
c. cleared
d. discouraged

25. There is no need to rake up an old quarrel

a. forget
b. revive
c. start
d. end

26. My car broke down on way to college yesterday

a. met with an accident
b. broke into pieces
c. stopped due to mechanical failure
d. dashed against another vehicle

27. The prices are going up by leaps and bounds

a. irregularly
b. gradually
c. rapidly
d. systematically

28. We kept our fingers crossed till the final results were declared
a. waited expectantly
b. kept praying
c. felt scared
d. kept hopeful

29. To fish in troubled waters

a. to make the most in a bad situation
b. to disturb others
c. to do something silly
d. to try to find out an impossible object

30. Between the devil and the deep sea

a. to be in a dilemma
b. to be in a temper
c. to choose correctly
d. to live dangerously

31. To cut the crackle

a. to stop talking and start
b. to dig a well
c. to annoy other
d. to act in a friendly way

32. To give currency to

a. to give someone
b. to pay much attention to
c. to carry heavy load to
d. to offer bribe

33. To miss the boat

a. to miss an opportunity

b. to feel lonely
c. to act like a coward
d. to swim in a river

34. To have cold feet

a. to feel very cold
b. to pay much attention to
c. to be reluctant
d. to pour water on something

35. Blue blood

a. something impossible
b. an aristocrat
c. something costly
d. a funny object

36. At one’s wit’s end

a. to be very witty
b. to confuse others
c. to be completely confused
d. to minimize expenses

37. To eat an humble pie

a. to eat cheap food
b. to eat slowly
c. to swallow one’s pride and apologies
d. to defy authority

38. A snake in the grass

a. a very poisonous snake
b. a secret agent
c. an unrecognizable enemy or danger
d. not a reliable person

39. To turn over a new leaf

a. to change one’s behavior for the better
b. to read something attentively
c. to remain vigilant
d. to be careful

40. To hold a candle to

a. to be nearly as good as someone in his/her absence
b. to light up a candle
c. c. to find out the true intention

d. to support someone

41. Black sheep

a. a costly item
b. a dark shiny object
c. an unworthy person
a. a funny man

42. Oily tongue

a. flattery
b. hungry person
c. strong critic d. rich food

43. Lion’s share

a. no share at all
b. greater share of a thing
c. miserly
d. very small item

44. Pillar to post

a. one place to another
b. very tiresome journey
c. main supports of a building
d. clumsy looking objects

45. To bury the hatchet

a. to dispute over small things
b. to destroy
c. to make up after a quarrel
d. to repair a costly furniture

46. At sea
a. to travel by boar
b. to confuse others
c. perplexed
d. to incite others

47. Heart and soul

a. very seriously and sincerely
b. honestly
c. wearily
d. very casually

48. In a nutshell
a. cheaply
b. in a very short form or in a few words
c. very rapidly

d. very weakly

49. Child’s play

a. a very easy thing
b. a very cheap thing
c. funny thing
d. things that can be done without any cost

50. Bird’s eyeview

a. to view something closely
b. a general view from above
c. to view suspiciously
d. to look from different angle

51. To scale up
a. climb
b. to discuss
c. to divide
d. to deliver

52. To clear the air

a. to work hard
b. to wash properly
c. to remove tension
d. to create confusion

53. To chew the cud

a. to be very annoyed
b. to think deeply
c. to eat humble food
d. to start doing something new

54. Out and out

a. merely
b. slightly
c. to go a faraway place
d. absolutely

55. To come in handy

a. to be useful
b. to reach home tired
c. to act selfishly
d. to come forward to help others

56. No axe to grind
a. to bad situation
b. to rebuke
c. to at selfishly
d. to confuse others

57. To play foul

a. to play rough football
b. to tackle carelessly
c. to oppose others
d. to do something wrong

58. To see red

a. to find fault with
b. to be very angry
c. to criticize others
d. to victimize someone

59. Not to mince matters

a. to speak out frankly
b. to make matters easy
c. to be at ease
d. to be successful in business

60. To play with

a. to be friendly with
b. to amuse oneself
c. to win easily’
d. fool

61. Turn over a new leaf

a. hopeful situation
b. change for the better
c. promising start followed by failure
d. expression of anger
e. explosion

62. Rainy days

a. small hours of the night
b. critical time in any situation
c. late hours of the night
d. unlucky times

63. To bell the cat

a. to take lead in danger
b. to tie bell to cat’s neck
c. to be alert of the enemy
d. to make noise

64. An axe to grind

a. to indulge in evil conspiracies
b. to cat a fish in disturbed water
c. to make a personal profit out of a situation
d. to aggravate the situation

65. To be in a fix
a. to be perplexed
b. making round of something
c. to attain permanence
d. to feel happy

66. To get in hot waters

a. to get into trouble
b. to enter waters heated by the sun
c. to be so impatient as to take bath with hot water before it gets cool
d. to be in confused state of mind

67. To throw dust into one’s eyes

a. to put sand into one’s eyes
b. to make blind
c. to deceive
d. to point out false things

68. To fly off the handle

a. to break something
b. to be indifferent
c. to act foolishly
d. to get into a rage and lose self-control

69. The alpha and omega

a. very costly items
b. assorted items
c. the beginning and the end
d. a nice act

70. To flog a dead horse

a. to do a thing in pain to try in vain

b. to act in a foolish
c. to criticize strongly
d. try to revive interest in a subject that is out of date

71. To smell a rat

a. bad smell
b. to misunderstand
c. to suspect treachery
to see a hidden meaning

72. Hobson’s choice

a. first choice
b. beautiful choice
c. no choice at all
d. to choose something carefully

73. A good Samaritan

a. a genuinely helpful person
b. an honest politician
c. a clever person
d. a priest

74. Gift of the gab

a. lucky
b. a big surprise
c. to have a talent for speaking
d. an honest person

75. In deep water

a. in real trouble
b. to feel lonely
c. to act like a coward
d. to swim in a river

76. To look blue

a. to be annoyed
b. to look sad
c. to feel happy
d. to look sick

77. To steal a march

a. to outshine
b. to start early

c. to command an army
d. to overtake

78. Never take up a fool’s errand

a. to go with a message
b. one who takes a message
c. a useless undertaking
d. an observation

79. The child pulled a long face when the sweets were over
a. to look disappointed
b. feel good
c. retreat
d. run away

80. In this competition there is complete fair play

a. honest means
b. no cheating
c. good chances
d. good name

81. To be fair and square pays in the long run

a. successful
b. trust
c. honest
d. worthy

82. The poor women do manual labour even when they are in the family way
a. in a domestic manner
b. unwell
c. injured
d. pregnant

83. He tried to curry favour with him employer

a. to seek favourable attention
b. to attract
c. impartial attitude
d. to see in a spirit of joy

84. Backbiters have generally to cut a sorry figure in the company of friends
a. a nominal head
b. to fight to a finish

c. to be ridiculed
to struggle

85. I have burnt my fingers in this speculative deal and am today penniless
a. incur loss of property
b. to get into unexpected trouble
c. to burn one’s finger
d. to get confused

86. The leader must have the lion’s share of the booty
a. the stronger one
b. the smaller part
c. the worthy part
d. the larger part

87. The project ended in smoke

a. to give no result
b. to fall
c. to cat fire
d. ended in the destruction of the building

88. Flesh and blood can bear it no longer

a. human nature
b. warning
c. in life
d. at the top speed

89. I am just a small fry in the office

a. peon
b. a small creature
c. humorous
d. person or thing of little importance

90. The number of globetrotters has increased after the second world war
a. great person
b. foreign countries
c. travelers around the world
d. people of importance

91. Never hit even the worst enemy below the belt, for even a war has some
code of morality
a. to hit at the wrong position
b. to fight
c. to injure

d. through unfair means
e. to cheat

92. No one knew what to say, but at last I broke the ice
a. to crack the ice
b. to start a conversation
c. to start quarrelling
d. to end the hostility

93. The result of the examination dashed my hopes

a. frustrate
b. kill someone
c. failed
d. bring great happiness

94. He chose the path of religion of his own accord

a. forcibly
b. helplessly
c. half-heatedly
d. willingly

95. I can never understand him because he has a bad habit of mincing matters
a. to leave in difficulties
b. not to speak plainly
c. returning
d. to find fault

96. None of this hanky-panky, please talk straight

a. obsession
b. diversification
c. jugglery
d. indifference

97. He has only some hazy ideas about life

a. vulgar ideas
b. masculine ideas
c. hazardous
d. confused

98. Hot head

a. the leader
b. one who is very rash
c. the fighter
d. brave person

99. Have a go
a. go on leave
b. ride for happiness
c. make an attempt
d. take a walk

100. Not to Mince one’s words

a. change suddenly
b. pull back
c. to speak in hurry
d. choose them carefully

101. Frame a person

a. make him appear guilty
b. befool
c. ask him to sit idle
d. flatter somebody

102. A pipe dream

a. an impracticable plan
b. a pleasant dream
c. a foolish idea
d. a bad dream

103. Fall flat

a. to fall in love
b. fail to win appreciation
c. lose consciousness
d. lose confidence

104. Be in the mire

a. be in love
b. b. be uneasy
c. be in difficulties
d. be under debt

105. Let on
a. reveal
b. quarrel
c. give
d. fight

106. make up

a. get about
b. leave
c. reveal
d. reconcile

107. To get along

a. to manage to
b. to go with
c. to leave
d. work helplessly

108. Make too much of

a. underestimate
b. exploit
c. overestimate
d. ask to do too much

109. Lay bare

a. expose
b. take off all clothes
c. destroy
d. exploit

110. Stem from

a. ruin
b. originate
c. induce
d. kill’

111. Ina jiffy

a. suddenly
b. outstanding
c. in a fix
d. appropriate

112. Stir up a hornet’s nest

a. money laid by
b. well mannered people
c. neighborhood
d. create trouble

113. on the nod

a. on

b. shake one’s head
c. on credit
d. to fall as keep

114. To take occasion

a. to take advantage of an opportunity
b. celebrate
c. to draw a moral attention
d. organize a ceremony

115. To oil the knocker

a. To eat greasy item
b. To fill the tank
c. To get the vehicle greased
d. To tip the office-boy

116. A fool’s paradise

a. paradise of idiots
b. to live in illusions
c. to live in the past
d. to have happy dreams

117. Take it ill

a. to feel otherwise
b. to feel good
c. to be offended
d. suffering from fever

118. To chew the end

a. to cut the end
b. to think deeply
c. to be annoyed
d. start something new

119. To scale up
a. to kill
b. to measure
c. to die for
d. to deepen

120. Extinct and obsolete

a. exhausted

b. very old
c. as dead as a dodo
d. behind time

121. In a delicate state

a. hanging in balance
b. hanging in fire
c. looming large
d. hanging by a hair

122. At rock bottom price

a. at least
b. in the end
c. from beneath
d. cheap

123. In abeyance
a. in absence
b. in to time
c. in a nutshell
d. in suspension

124. With might and main

a. big blow
b. hard blow
c. with full vigor
d. penetrating

125. In a jam
a. bad
b. in trouble
c. hindrance
d. eatable

126. To get at
a. to reach
b. to advance
c. to proceed
d. to escape

127. Will o’ the wisp

a. anything which eludes or deceives
b. To act in a childish way

c. To act in a foolish way
d. To have desires unbacked by efforts

128. To give / get the bird

a. to get the waited
b. to have good luck
c. to send away
d. to get the impossible

129. To cast pearls before a swine

a. to spend recklessly
b. to spend a lot of money on the upkeep of domestic hogs
c. to waste money over trifles
d. to offer to a person a thing which he cannot appreciate

130. To bring one’s eggs to a bad market

a. to face a humiliating situation
b. To bring one’s commodities to a market where there is no demand
for them
c. To show one’s talents before on audience which is incapable of
appreciating them
d. To fail in one’s plans because one goes to the wrong people for

131. To take the bull by the horns.

a. to punish a person severely for his arrogance
b. to grapple courageously with a difficulty that lies in our way
c. To handle it by fierce attack
d. To bypass the legal process and take action according to one’s own

132. To take with a grain of salt

a. to take with some reservation
b. to take with total disbelief
c. to take wholeheartedly
d. to take seriously

133. To take the wind out of another’s sails

a. To manoeuvre or to mislead another on the high seas
b. To cause harm to another
c. To defeat the motives of another
d. To anticipate another and to gain advantage over him

134. Hard-pressed
a. bewildered
b. insulted
c. hard discipline

d. in difficulties

135. The pros and cons

a. For and against a thing
b. Foul and fair
c. Good and evil
d. Former and latter

136. To cool one’s heels

a. to rest for some time
b. To give no importance to someone
c. To remain in a comfortable position
d. To be kept waiting for some time

137. The boy turned a deaf ear to the pleadings of all his well-wishers
a. listened carefully
b. was deadly opposed
c. posed indifference
d. did not pay any attention

138. Sumit had to look high and low before he could find his scooter
a. nowhere
b. always
c. everywhere
d. somewhere

139. We should give a wide berth to bad characters.

a. keep away from
b. publicly condemn
c. give publicly to
d. not sympathize with

140. The popularity of the yesteryears’ superstar is on the wane

a. growing more
b. at its peak
c. growing less
d. at rock bottom

141. He has made his mark in politics.

a. attained notoriety
b. ruined his wealth
c. acquired wealth
d. distinguished himself

142. At Christmas, even the elderly fathers paint the town red
a. indulge in rioting
b. paint the houses red
c. spill red wine
d. have a lively time

143. Rahul fought tooth and nail to save his company

a. with weapons
b. as best as he could
c. using unfair means
d. with strength and fury

144. At a party, he is always in high spirits

a. talkative
b. Cheerful
c. Drunk
d. Uncontrollable

145. The rejected his proposal of marriage point-blank

a. Directly
b. Pointedly
c. Abruptly
d. Briefly

146. We should guard against our green-eyed friends

a. rich
b. jealous
c. handsome
d. enthusiastic

147. Kamal was left high and dry by his friends when he lost all his
a. isolated
b. rejected
c. wounded
d. depressed

148. A movement for the world unity is in the offing

a. at the end
b. about to start
c. on decline

d. in the air

149. In the organized society of today no individual or nation can

plough a lonely furrow
a. remain unaffected
b. do without the help of others
c. survive in isolation
d. remain non-aligned

150. Chandu used very ugly words against his kind uncle; he threw
down the gauntlet before him
a. he abused and insulted him
b. he threw the challenge
c. he behaved as if he was a very great and important person
d. he showed his readiness to live the place

151. He always cuts both ends

a. works for both sides
b. argues in support of both sides of the issued
c. behaves dishonestly
d. creates discord among friends


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