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Every scene needs

- A goal or desire
- Obstacles
- Stakes

Describing surroundings
- See
- Hear
- Smell
- Feel
- Taste
- Sense spiritually

Narrative hurdles
Martial hurdle Do they need to fight someone or something to achieve it?
Social hurdle Do they need to talk to someone to achieve it?
Investigative hurdle Do they need to find out more information to achieve it?
Explorative hurdle Do they need to go somewhere to achieve it?
Logistical hurdle Do they need to get something to achieve it?
Emotional hurdle Do they need to change their beliefs or personality to achieve it?

Try to incorporate at least 1 bushidō tenet into a hurdle per session

Risks and rewards

Risks Rewards
Physical Injury Weapons and armor
Disease Equipment
Death Wealth and property
Loss of wealth and property
Social Embarrassment and shame Glory
Loss of position and reputation Titles
Losing friends Allies
Gaining enemies Successful romance
Mental and emotional Gaining new disadvantages Gaining new advantages
Gaining strife Training in skills or techniques
Spiritual Gaining the Shadowlands taint Gaining spiritual advantages

End of a scene
Strife Reduced until it´s ½ composure (rounded up)
Fatigu Reduced until it´s ½ endurance (rounded up)

Side 1 af 7
Skill Group Skill Approach
Artisan  Aesthetics – non-utilitarian art  Earth – restore a damaged piece through
skill group  Composition – literature and poetry upkeeep
 Design – finery and worn art  Water – adapt an existing item or work into
 Smithing – armor and weapons something else
 Fire – invent a new piece from raw materials
 Air – refine an existing item to make it work
 Void – attune yourself to a piece of art
Martial  Fitness – performing athletic feats, resisting  Earth – withstand opposing force to wear it
skill group physical harm down
 Martial arts [melee] – using close-quarters  Water – shift opposing force to work against
arms itself or for you
 Martial arts [ranged] – using missile  Fire – overwhelm opposing force force with a
weapons quick burst of power
 Martial arts [unarmed] – fighting  Air – feint to lure opposing force into a position
barehanded and with improvised weapons of vulnerability
 Meditation – mastering oneself, controlling  Void – sacrifice to let an opposing force score a
emotion victory so that you can achieve a greater end
 Tactics – fighting with squads and armies
Scholar  Culture – current events, historical trends,  Earth – recall it from memory
skill group etiquette  Water – survey the surroundings for clues about
 Government – law, bureaucracy, posts, it
positions in the Emerald Empire  Fire – theorize possibilities of its nature
 Medicine – healing injury or diseases, health  Air – analyze a specific thing for details about it
 Sentiment – psychology, people´s emotions  Void – sense it with your instincts or a hunch
and motivations
 Theology – the spiritual realms, mystical
beings and phenomena, religious rites
Social  Command – assert authority over others  Earth – reason with them to act based on logic
skill group (especially of lower status) and duty
 Courtesy – appeal formally to others  Water – charm them to develop positive feelings
(especially of higher status) towards you
 Games – discuss and play games to socialize,  Fire – incite them to act on their raw emotions
be good at them and desires
 Performance – communicate and influence an  Air – trick them into believing something you
audience want them to believe
 Void – enlighten them to understand a
fundamental truth
Trade  Commerce – sales, trading, speculation  Earth – produce what you need through your
skill group  Labor – farming, construction, production own physical toil
 Seafaring – sailing and living on the ocean  Water – exchange one type of labor or resources
 Skullduggery – criminal organizations, for another
activities and their personnel  Fire – innovate a new way to get what you need
 Survival – living in the wilds beyond  Air – con someone to get something for nothing
civilization  Void – subsist in your environment without
disrupting it

Side 2 af 7
TN 1 An easy task
(carrying ½ one´s weight, finding a misplaced item)
TN 2 An average task
(jumping a 3 m ditch, recognizing someone in disguise)
TN 3 A difficult task
(scaling a cliff without rope, finding a well-hidden object)
TN 4 A very hard task
(diving safely from the top of a waterfall, remembering someone´s exact words years later)
TN 5 An extremely hard task
(stirring a demoralized army to action, hurling someone using only one arm)
TN 6 An extraordinary task
(discerning someone´s whereabouts from the mud on their sandals, felling a tree with a single axe blow)
TN 7 A heroic task
(outwrestling a troll, naming all of one´s ancestors in order)
TN 8 A legendary task
(or higher) (shattering a stone with one´s bare hands, outwitting a fortune)

Any : If you failed, determine the easiest way to accomplish the task you were attempting
+: Remove 1 strife you gained from this check per spent this way
: Provide assistance to the next character to attempt a check to accomplish something similar
Earth : Reassure another character in the scene, allowing them to remove 1 strife
+: Act carefully to minimize consequences of failure. Extra makes the attempt even safer
: Suddenly recall an important piece information not directly related to the task
Water : Remove 1 strife form yourself
+: Perform the task more efficiently. Extra further reduces time and materials expended
: Spot an interesting physical detail in your environment not directly related to your check
Fire : Inflame another character in the scene; causing them to receive 1 strife
+: Perform the task in a flashy way. Extra attracts even more attention
: Notice something missing or out of place in the vicinity that is not directly related to the task
Air : Learn another character in the scene´s demeanor and current strife
+: Act subtly to attract minimimal attention. Extra makes the attempt even more subtle.
: Notice an interesting detail about a character in the scene (advantage or disadvantage)
Void : Choose a ring other than void. Reduce the TN of your next check by 1 if it uses that ring
+: Detect a sign of the supernatural in the scene. Extra gives an increasingly precise location
: Gain spiritual insight into the universe or your own heart

Side 3 af 7
Earth Artisan : If you succeed, add the Durable quality to an item that you are refining
Scholar : Remember a place where you can research or study the topic you were attempting to recall
Social : Increase the TN of the next Social check another character makes before the end of the scene by 1
Trade : Reduce the TN of the next check another character makes with the same skill before the end of the scene by 1
Water Artisan : Add a kept set to an result to the next Artisan skill check you make before the end of the game session
Scholar : Spot a unique or identifying quality, aspect or ability of something that you are identifying
Social : Add a kept set to an result to your next Social check before the end of the scene
Trade : Convince a seller to give you an additional 10 % discount
Fire Artisan : If you succeed make 1 additional copy of the item you are creating
Scholar : Extrapolate the motivations or desires of another character in the scene
Social : Reduce the TN of the next Social check another character makes before the end of the scene by 1
Trade : Unusual inspiration strikes; add a kept set to an result to the next check you make with another skill
Air Artisan : If you succeed, add the Resplendent or Subtle quality to an item that you are refining
Scholar : Learn something about a character who created or used the item you are studying
Social : Learn if the honor, glory or status attribute of a character in the scene is higher, lower or equal to yours
Trade : Convince a buyer to pay an additional 10 % for an item you are selling
Void Artisan : Reduce the TN of the next check you make using the item you are attuning yourself to by 1
Scholar : Intuit whether you can learn anything of value from your current course of inquiry
Social : Discern the objective of another character in the scene
Trade : Reduce any effect you have on your environment to a minimum

1 XP/hour of play
3-5 XP whenever the party overcomes a significant milestone or obstacle
Bonus XP for particularly strong moments of roleplaying


Advancement type Cost Restrictions
Ring value +1 3 XP x value purchased Cannot increase a ring to a value greater than lowest ring + Void Ring. Max.
Skill rank +1 2 XP x value purchased Max. 5
Technique 3 XP, or other listed price Category must be listed among available techniques or technique must
appear on your curriculum


Scale Forfeit Award
Trifling 1 1
Minor Attribute rank (1-10) 3
Major Attribute rank (1-10) x 2 6
Massive Attribute rank (1-10) x 4 9


Side 4 af 7
Values most Values least
(x 2 honor) (x ½ honor)
Crab Courage Courtesy
Crane Courtesy Courage
Dragon Sincerity Duty and loyalty
Lion Honor Compassion
Phoenix Righteousness Sincerity
Scorpion Duty and loyalty Honor and
Unicorn Compassion Courtesy

Breaches Sacrifices
Compassion Minor: Minor:
(Jin) - verbal cruelty to a foe or stranger - giving someone a common useful item
- allowing easily prevented suffering - spending 2 downtime scenes helping a friend
- tormenting animals - treating a friends wounds after battle

Major: Major:
- verbal cruelty to a friend - giving up your chance to be awarded glory for
- physically harming someone for revenge someone else
- letting an ally die without trying to save them - saving someone´s life despite knowing they may
trouble you later
- murdering someone of lower status in cold Massive:
blood - giving away an irreplaceable item
- physically harming someone for fun - completing a dangerous heroic task for someone
who cannot repay you
Courage Minor: Minor:
(Yū) -allowing fear to influence actions - refusing to back down from an armed enemy when
- leaving a lost battle to protect your lord unarmed
- accepting a challenge from a foe you know to be a
Major: superior warrior
- allowing fear to prevent you from acting
entirely Major:
- fleeing to save your own skin - facing an inhuman foe such as an oni alone
- preventing a comrade massive breach
Massive: - suffering a severity 8 or lower critical strike for your
- committing a despicable act out of fear lord
- sacrificing someone to save yourself
- preventing your lord´s major or massive breach
- suffering a severity 8 or higher critical strike for
your lord
Courtesy Minor: Minor:
(Rei) - drunkenness or coarse language in the - paying a sincere compliment to a foe
presence of someone of higher status - allowing a tired foe a moment´s respite
- letting an insult to your clan or family pass - letting someone of higher status receive aid first
without remark
Major: - giving an unarmed foe a weapon or setting aside
- directly insulting someone of equal or higher your own weapons to fight fairly
- letting an insult to your ancestors, sensei or Massive:
lord pass without remark

Side 5 af 7
- taking an enemy of higher status captive without
Massive: killing or maiming them
- directly insulting your lord
Duty and Loyalty Minor: Minor:
(Chūgi) -refusing an order to protect your lord´s interest - refusing to commit an act of disloyalty to your lord
- intentionally misinterpreting an order despite personal feelings

Major: Major:
- refusing an order from your lord - refusing to obey an unjust order from someone who
is not your lord
- forsaking your post for another lord Massive:
- dying in your lord´s service

Honor Minor: Minor:

(Meiyo) - touching dead flesh anywhere other than at - persuading someone to abandon a dishonorable plan
war to help you
- persuading another to act dishonorably
Major: - negotiating to avoid an unjustified duel
- neglecting your duty to pursue your earthly
desires Massive:
- killing in an unjustified duel - offering to commit seppuku for failure

- refusing seppuku when required
Righteousness Minor: Minor:
(Gi) - abetting or covering for a comrade´s major - delivering bad news to your lord without deflecting
breach of honor blame
- lying to someone of equal of lower status for - taking responsibility for the failure of a subordinate
personal gain
Major: - retiring from a post you can no longer fulfill
- abetting or covering for a comrade´s massive - relinquishing a claim or large gift to your lord
breach of honor
- lying to someone of higher status for personal Massive:
gain - refusing to deny true allegations of failure requiring
you to forfeit 9+ glory or status
- murdering someone of equal or higher status
- lying to your lord for selfish gain
Sincerity Minor: Minor:
(Makoto) - breaking your word to someone of equal or - publicly revealing a truth that damages your
lower status reputation
- misleading a friend
Major: - giving honest testimony against a political ally that
- breaking your to someone of higher status jeopardizes future relations
- manipulating someone for fun
Massive: - forfeiting 6+ glory to claim responsibility for your
- deceiving or manipulating your lord lord´s mistake


Side 6 af 7
Forfeit Award
Glory Minor: Minor:
- ignoring an insult to your person - receiving a gift from someone of higher status
- choosing to share credit for a deed - beating a foe with glory of 40+ in a duel or public contest
- admitting a lie publicly - marrying or arranging a family marriage to someone of higher
- declining a gift from someone of higher status glory
- losing an ancestral item
Major: - commanding your side to victory in a mass battle
- murdering someone of lower status - defeating a foe with glory 60+ in a duel or public contest
- choosing to leave the public eye for months - defeating an oni or similar monster with a group
- not arriving to a duel - marrying or arranging a family marriage to someone of higher
- attacking a surrendering foe status

Massive: Massive:
- murdering someone of equal or higher status - defeating a foe with glory 80+ in a duel or public contest
- ordering a retreat in a mass battle - defeating an oni or similar monster alone
- refusing seppuku when required - marrying or arranging a family marriage to someone in the
Imperial family

Value Examples
100 The ruling Emperor
90-99 The Imperial Spouse, the Voice of the Emperor, the Emperor´s children, daimyo of the Imperial families, the Emerald
Champion, the Jade Champion, the Imperial Advisor, the Imperial Chancellor
80-89 Great Clan Champion
70-79 Minor Clan Champion, the Imperial Herald, the Imperial Treasurer, a Great Clan family daimyo, a great general
60-69 A hatamoto, a provincial governor, a commander of multiple companies
50-59 A city governor, a captain of a military company, a vassal family daimyō
40-49 Darō, Emerald/Jade Magistrate, revered sensei, clan magistrate, lieutenant
30-39 Abbot of the Brotherhood, average Great Clan samurai
25-29 Average Minor Clan or vassal family samurai, monk of the Brotherhood
20-24 Village officer, disgraced samurai, rōnin
10-19 Ashigaru, artisan, laborer
1-9 Merchant, bandit
0 Burakumin, one outside the Celestial Order

Description Value Virtues/flaws
Honor is stronger than 100 3 virtue advantages
Never stray from the way 80-99 2 virtue advantages
My honor is my life 65-79 1 virtue advantage
Honor is the ideal 30-64 -
Honor is about 20-29 1 flaw disadvantages
Honor is a nicety 1-19 2 flaw disadvantages
I make my own code 0 3 flaw disadvantages


Side 7 af 7
Description Value Fame/infamy
Undying legend 100 3 fame advantages
Renowned hero 90-99 2 fame advantages
Exceptional samurai 80-89 1 fame advantage
Respected adept 65-79 -
Worthy retainer 60-64 -
Reputable samurai 45-59 -
Unremarkable retainer 40-44 -
Samurai of no renown 30-39 -
Disappointment 20-29 -
Renegade 10-19 1 infamy disadvantage
Villain 1-9 2 infamy disadvantages
Figure of dread 0 3 infamy disadvantages


Area Investigation skill
Wilderness environments Survival
Large cities Commerce or Skullduggery
Small towns Labor
High courts Culture or Government
Markets or docks Commerce or Seafaring
Shrines or religious locales Theology
Libraries Government or Theology
Battlefields Tactics

Side 8 af 7

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