Day 15 - Collections in Apex - Map

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Collections - Map

Collection of key-value pairs is called a Map

List -> [element1, element2, element3, .......]

Map -> [key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value2, ....]

Key cannot be repeated. Values can be repeated.


Map<Key_Datatype, Value_Datatype> mapName;

Map<String, String> empMap;

Map<Integer, String> studMap;
Map<String, Double> salaryMap;

Memory Allocation:

Map<Integer, String> studMap = new Map<Integer, String>();

Instance Methods:

1. put(key, value) : To add elements to a Map


studMap.put(1001, 'Suresh');
studMap.put(1002, 'Raj');
studMap.put(1005, 'Ramesh');

2. keySet() : It returns all the keys in a map as a set


Set<Integer> studentRollNos = studMap.keySet();

3. values() : It returns all the values in a map as a list


List<String> studNames = studMap.values();

4. get(key) : Returns a value for the given key


Get the name of the student whose Id is 1002

String name = studmap.get(1001);

System.debug('Name = ' + name);

5. containsKey(key) : Returns true if the given key is found


Boolean result = studMap.containsKey(1005);

System.debug('Is key found? ' + result);

Collections Comparison
List Set
----- ----

Ordered Elements Unique Elements Key value pairs

Indexed (starts at 0) Not indexed Not indexed
Accepts duplicates Ignore duplicates Key -> Unique

Values -> Can be duplicated


add(element) add(element)
put(key, value)
add(index, element) addAll(set2/list2) putAll(map2)
set(index, element) remove(element) keySet()
get(index) contains(element)
remove(index) retainAll()
contains(element) isEmpty()
isEmpty() size()
size() clear()

List<Case> cases = [Select Id, Status, Origin, Reason From Case];

Map<Id, Case> caseMap = new Map<Id, Case>();
for(Case c: cases){
caseMap.put(c.Id, c);

Map<Id, Case> caseMap = new Map<Id, Case>([Select CaseNumber, Subject, Status,

Origin, Reason From Case]);

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