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Worksheet to accompany the interactive simulation at

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Weimar Germany, 1921-29
1. Standard Task: Complete this worksheet as you progress through the ActiveHistory simulation.
2. Extension Task: Produce a definitions list of key concepts mentioned in the game (highlighted in red), key people
(highlighted in purple) and key dates (highlighted in green)
B. Recovery, 1924- C. Instability, 1924-
A. Crisis, 1921-1923
1928 1928
Box 1: International Crisis Box 8: International Recovery Box 9: International
1921 [Jan]: Reparations Bill 1925: The Locarno Treaties Instability
▪ Background: Relations with the USSR:
the Allied Reparations Commission The Locarno Treaties didn´t
decides that Germany should pay After France leaves Ruhr, Britain mention the USSR, so it became
£6.6 Billion in reparations for the suggests that Germany, France and nervous and undermines the
damage caused in WW1. Belgium should respect the borders Rapallo Treaty in which
Refused to pay and ally with that they share each other. Germany and the USSR pledged
USSR to support each other. The
▪ Terms: USSR and Germany sign the
1922 [Apr]: Rapallo Treaty Treaty of Berlin in 1926 in an
Stresemann and Chamberlain Germany will respect the borders of attempt to rebuild their
at Locarno Germany signs the Rapallo Treaty France and Belgium, but if Germany relationship, but it does not add
with the USSR (April 1922) in which signs the USSR could see that as a up too much.
both agree to renounce reparations betrayal.
and to co-operate both ▪ Evidence of success:
Background economically and militarily. ▪ Rhineland - In 1926 allied
troops pull out of the
1923 [Jan]: Ruhr Invasion Rhineland
▪ League – France invites
French and Belgian troops invade Germany to the League of
the Ruhr (Germany) and quickly Nations
take over the iron and steel ▪ Nobel – Briand (France),
factories, coalmines and railways. Stresemann (Germany) and
Chamberlain (Britain) are
jointly awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize
▪ Honeymoon - This period of
international harmony is called the
"Locarno honeymoon".

Box 2: Social Crisis Box 7: Cultural Recovery Box 10: Cultural Instability
1923 [Jan-Nov]: Passive [make notes on as many of the Cinema - Expressionism /
Resistance following as you wish]: Fritz Lang:
▪ Strikes: ▪ Science: Albert Einstein becomes
January 1923, people from the focus of the world in the His film "Dr. Mabuse" shows the
Germany decide to adopt a passive intellectual area. slums, the cabarets, the
resistance and make strikes instead ▪ Music: The new musicals pieces prostitution and the decadence
of working to produce goods to made by German musicians were of Berlin in all of its horrid
Domestic France. popular. detail. A film that criticises its
▪ Drama: The plays of Bertolt Brecht own country.
Results: November 1923, as the French come with stage direction by Max
Marlene Dietrich, star of ‘The
Blue Angel’ Social / reparations were a way to pay for
reparations to the US. The US take
Reinhardt and Erwin Piscator.
▪ Literature: Thomas Mann explored
Art – Dadaism / George

Cultural action an give a deal: France will

accept a new American deal on
the limits of modernist writing.
▪ Architecture: Here it emerges a
Results reparations, and in return Germany
will call off passive resistance and
new architectural style at the
Bauhaus led by Walter Gropius.
George Grosz with his Dadaism
movement gives the idea that
reform its currency. ▪ Cinema: Films like The Blue Angel politics and religion have
starring Marlene Dietrich promote a anything to offer. Most of his art
▪ Deaths: liberated view of women. criticises the new Germany.
132 people are killed
▪ Evictions:
Approximately 150,000 Ruhr
Germans evicted from their homes.
Box 3: Economic Crisis Box 6: Economic Recovery Box 11: Economic Instability
1923 [Jan-Nov]: Hyperinflation 1923 [Nov]: Passive Resistance / ▪ Working classes
Causes: The Rentenmark:
Germany prints money to plug the The working class was affected
gap in the economy created by the A method made by Hjalmar Schacht by the amount of employment
sudden lack of production in the to end hyperinflation that it was, because of the
Ruhr. Restriction of credit to
1924 [Apr]: The Dawes Plan: businesses.
Effects: ▪ Terms:
Domestic The prices rise and the amount of German reparations payments will be ▪ Middle Classes
money in circulation has reaches spread out over a longer period, and Middle classes lost their life
Results: crazy proportions (a process called the USA will lend Germany 800 savings, because of the

German woman wearing a

Economic “hyperinflation”) million gold Marks to rebuild German
hyperinflation of 1923

dress of banknotes
Results ▪ Evidence of success:
▪ Germany Economy

The German economy depended

The plan was a completely success, so much in the loans of the US.
Germany had more money than they
need to pay the reparations, there
was more production and the final
reparations were reduced from £6.6
billion to £2 billion.
Worksheet to accompany the interactive simulation at / 2
Box 4: Political Crisis Box 5: Political Recovery Box 12: Political Instability
1923 [Nov.]: Beer Hall Putsch 1923 [Nov.]: Beer Hall Putsch 1924 [Jan]: Hitler's Trial /
What was it? defeated "Mein Kampf"
▪ How did Ebert win the support of
Hitler and his 3000 followers march the Army? A book where Hitler makes clear
on Munich on November 9th, they Because the government had a fair that the Nazis will destroy the
are fired upon by 100 armed police policy about how to handle rebels. Republic by getting elected.
and soldiers. Sixteen Nazis and ▪ What happened to the rebels?
three policemen are killed. ▪ Why was the government
They were fired upon by 100 armed unwilling to ban the Nazi party?
Why was the government unable to police and soldiers
rely on the Army? Other evidence of stability Because in a democracy
▪ Stresemann everyone should show up their
Adolf Hitler at the time of the
Munich Putsch
Domestic The army was very right wing.
A new chancellor in de republic who
1924: Hitler changes tactics
was very respected and promoted
stability to Germany. Hitler successfully turns his trial
Political ▪ Elections May 1928 into a gigantic advert for his
party ("History will tear to
Results The elections of May 1928 provided tatters the verdict of this court")
the worst ever results for the and is given a very light
extremist political parties. sentence.

1925: Ebert replaced by


Ebert dies and Hindenburg takes

his place, but his election
provides clear evidence that the
German people are politically
still looking backwards, not

Extension Questions
If you had been the leader of Germany during this period,
(a) What things would you have done differently?
(b) What do you think the results of these actions would have been?

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