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Excellence is our Tradition

Assignment - 2
Respiration in man

1. Respiratory system is derived from

a) endoderm b) mesoderm c) ectoderm d) none
2. Trachea is lined with an incomplete ring of
a) fibrous cartilage b) calcified cartilage c) elastic cartilage d) hyaline cartilage
3. Book lungs are respiratory structures of
a) arachnids b) Mollusca c) mammals d) earthworm
4. The covering of the lung is called
a) pericardium b) pleural membrane/pleura c) peritoneum d) perichondrium
5. Mammalian lungs have a numerous alveolus for
a) increasing surface area for gaseous diffusion b) keeping the lungs in proper shape
c) higher number of muscles to provide d) increasing volume of inspired air
6. The function of conducting part in respiratory system of human is
a) clears foreign particles b) humidifies atmospheric air
c) brings the air to body temperature d) all of these
7. Which one of the below is not a function of the respiratory system?
a) allows oxygen from the air to enter the blood and carbon dioxide to leave the blood and enter the air
b) can alter the pH by changing oxygen levels
c) provides protection against some microorganisms by preventing their entry into the body and by removing
them from respiratory surfaces
d) allows for speech and sound generation
8. Arytenoids cartilage occurs in
a) sternum b) nose c) hyoid d) larynx
9. If A – Primary bronchi, B – alveolar duct, C – alveoli, D – secondary bronchi, E – terminal bronchiole then starting
from trachea (T), which sequence of branching is correct?
a) T  A  E  D C  B b) T  A  D  E B  C
c) T  A  D  E C  B d) T  E  A  D B  C
10. Identify the correct sequence of following events.
1. Air is inspired 2. Increase in thoracic cavity
3. Increase in pulmonary cavity 4. Contraction of intercostals and phrenic muscles
a) 1  2  3  4 b) 4  1  2  3 c) 4  3  2  1 d) 4  2  3  1
11. Which set of animals have same respiratory organs?
a) aquatic arthropods and terrestrial molluscs b) sponges and earthworm
c) reptiles and mammals d) amphibians and insects
12. Conducting part of respiratory system in human body extends from the
a) external nostrils upto tertiary bronchi b) external nostrils upto terminal bronchi
c) primary bronchi upto tertiary bronchi d) trachea upto secondary bronchi
13. Which of the following is a correct sequence of step involved in respiration?
(A – Utilization of O2 by body cells, B – Transport of gases by blood upto tissues, C – Pulmonary ventilation,
D – Diffusion of gases at alveolar surface and E – Exchange of gases between blood and tissues)
a) D – B - E – A – C b) C – D - B – E – A c) D – E - B – C – A d) C – E - B – D – A
14. Match the items in column – I with those in column – II.
Column – A Column – B
A. Aquatic Molluscs 1. Moist cuticle
B. birds 2. Lungs
C. insects 3. Gills
D. earthworm 4. Tracheal tubes
a) A – 3, B – 2, C – 4, D – 1 b) A – 2, B – 3, C – 4, D – 1
c) A – 3, B – 2, C – 1, D – 4 d) A – 3, B – 4, C – 2, D – 1
15. Total lung capacity of adults is
a) 5.2 – 5.8 L b) 5.2 – 5.8 mL c) 52 – 58 mL d) 15 – 20 L
16. The vital capacity of lungs is
a) 4 – 5 L b) 3.5 – 4.5 L c) 5 – 6 L d) 4 – 7 L
17. Residual volume in the lungs of a human is
a) 500 ml b) 3 – 4.5 L c) 1000 ml d) 1200 ml
18. Adam’s apple corresponds to
a) epiglottis b) trachea c) larynx d) thyroid
19. The amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs, with each normal inspiration and expiration is called
a) residual volume b) vital capacity c) tidal volume d) tidal capacity
20. Lungs have large number of narrow tubes called
a) alveoli b) bronchioles c) bronchi d) alveolar ducts
21. Vocal cords occur in
a) larynx b) pharynx c) glottis d) bronchial tube
22. Which one has the lowest value?
a) ideal volume b) Vital capacity c) inspiration reserve volume d) expiatory reserve volume
23. How much percentage of oxygen is expired?
a) 7% b) 25% c) 15% d) 20%
24. Capacity of human lungs for air in a healthy person is
a) 5000 ml b) 1500 ml c) 1000 ml d) 500 ml
25. Vital capacity of lungs is equal to
a) IRV + ERV + TV b) IRV + ERV + TV - RV c) IRV + ERV + TV + RV d) IRV + ERV
26. Dead space is
a) upper respiratory tract b) nasal chambers c) alveolar space d) both (a) and (c)
27. In which of the following subjects the dead space is highest?
a) old man b) old woman c) young man d) young woman
28. Dead space air in man is
a) 1.5 L b) 500 mL c) 250 mL d) 150 mL
29. Which is the end part of pulmonary or lung division and place of gaseous exchange?
a) bronchiole b) air chamber c) alveolus d) trachiole
30. Exchange of gases in lung alveoli occurs through
a) active transport b) simple diffusion c) osmosis d) passive transport
31. What is correct about ERV (expiratory reserve volume)?
a) its value is less than TV (tidal volume)
b) its value is almost equal to RV (residual volume)
c) ERV = EC – TV, where EC = Expiratory capacity and TV is Tidal volume
d) two of the above
32. Match the columns.
Column – A Column – B
A. tidal volume 1. TV + IRV
B. Inspiratory reserve volume 2. ERV + IV + IRV
C. vital lung capacity 3. 500 ml
D. Inspiratory capacity 4. 2500 – 3000
a) A – 3, B – 4, C – 2, D – 1 b) A – 3, B – 4, C – 1, D – 2
c) A – 4, B – 2, C – 1, D – 3 d) A – 4, B – 3, C – 2, D – 1
33. Total volume of air that a person can inspire after a normal expiration is termed as
a) Inspiratory reserve volume b) expiratory reserve volume
c) Inspiratory capacity d) expiratory capacity
34. If, VC – Vital Capacity, ERV – Expiratory Reserve Volume, TV – Tidal Volume, IRV – Inspiratory Reserve Volume and
IC – Inspiration capacity, then which of the option is correct?
a) IC = TV + IRV b) VC = ERV + TV + IC c) IC = VC – TV d) all of these
35. Maximum volume of air that a person can inspire after a forced expiration.
a) total lung capacity b) vital capacity c) Inspiratory capacity d) expiratory capacity
36. TLC (Total Lung Capacity) can be correctly represented as
a) Tidal volume + Inspiratory Reserve Volume b) Inspiratory Reserve Volume + Residual Volume
c) Vital Capacity + Residual Volume d) Inspiratory Capacity + Residual Volume
37. Number of alveoli in the two human lungs are
a) 600 – 800 million b) 400 – 500 million c) 1 – 2 million d) 1,00,000 – 1,50,000
38. During expiration, diaphragm becomes
a) flattened b) dome – shaped c) oblique d) normal
39. Approximate normal composition of alveolar air is
a) 14% O2, 6% CO2, 80% N2 b) 16% O2, 3% CO2, 81% N2
c) 21% O2, 2% CO2, 77% N2 d) 10% O2, 8% CO2, 82% N2
40. A person starts coughing suddenly while swallowing some food. It could be due to improper movement of
a) neck b) diaphragm c) tongue d) epiglottis
41. Which of the following factor can affect the rate of diffusion of gases?
a) thickness of the membranes involved in diffusion
b) solubility of the gases
c) pressure of the gases
d) all of these
42. Oxygen carried by blood is liberated in
a) arteries b) heart c) capillaries of lungs d) capillaries of body
43. Deoxygenated Oxygenated
pO2 A 95 mm Hg
pCO2 45 mm Hg B
Value of A and B are
a) 104, 40 mmHg b) 45, 40 mmHg c) 40, 95 mmHg d) 40, 40 mmHg
44. The primary sites for exchange of gases is
a) alveoli b) bronchiole c) trachea d) wind pipe
45. The thickness of the diffusion membrane is
a) more than a millimeter b) less than a nanometer c) less than a millimeter d) more than a centimeter
46. When O2 diffuses from alveoli to blood, it crosses diffusion membrane which is made up of 3 layers
(A – Basement membrane, B – Squamous epithelium of alveoli and C – Capillary endothelium.)
What is the correct sequence of involvement?
a) A  B  C b) B  A  C c) A  C  B d) B  C  A
47. Oxygen carrying capacity of blood is
a) 20% b) 30% c) 40% d) 50%
48. Dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin occurs in tissues due to
a) high pO2 b) low pO2 c) equal pO2 d) irrespective of pO2
49. Carbonic anhydrase is mostly active in
a) RBC b) WBC c) blood plasma d) blood platelets
50. Maximum amount of CO2 70 – 75% transport occurs as
a) dissolved in plasma b) carbaminohaemoglobin complex c) bicarbonate d) none of these
51. Haldane believes oxyhaemoglobin to act as
a) acid b) alkali c) buffer d) none of these
52. One molecule of haemoglobin carries how many oxygen molecules?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
53. Determination of oxygen carried by haemoglobin is done by
a) pH b) partial pressure of oxygen c) partial pressure of carbon dioxide d) all of these
54. The cell which do not respire
a) epidermal cells b) sieve cells c) cortical cells d) erythrocytes
55. Concentration of carbonic acid does not increase in blood due to the presence of
a) Na+ b) Mg2+ c) Ca2+ d) K+
56. 20 – 25% CO2 is carried by haemoglobin as
a) carbamino-haemoglobin b) carboxy-haemoglobin c) bicarbonate d) carbonic acid
57. Factors favourable for the formation of oxyhaemoglobin are
a) low pO2 and high pCO2 b) less H+ concentration and low temperature
c) low pO2 and low temperature d) low pO2 and low pCO2
58. Carboxyhaemoglobin is produced due to
a) CO b) CO2 c) NO3- d) SO42-
59. Oxygen carrying capacity of blood is reduced by
a) CO2 b) CO c) SO2 d) O3
60. The oxygen concentration of expired air is about
a) 4% b) 10% c) 20% d) 16%
61. Oxygen dissociation curve of haemoglobin is
a) hypobolic b) hyperbolic c) linear d) sigmoid
62. Percentage of oxygen supplied by haemoglobin is
a) 3% b) 100% c) 49% d) 97%
63. In lungs there is definite exchange of ions between RBC and plasma. Removal of CO 2 from blood involves.
a) efflux of HCO3- ions from RBC b) efflux of Cl- from RBC
c) influx of HCO3 ions in RBC d) both (b) and (c)
64. When there is no air in initial bronchioles, they do not collapse, it is due to
a) presence of Lecithin b) presence of pulmonary surfactant
c) presence of complete cartilaginous rings d) presence of mucous
65. The volume of air during forced expiration and forced inspiration is called
a) supplementary volume b) complementary volume c) vital capacity d) total lung capacity
66. Which of the following steps not involved in respiration?
a) diffusion of gases across alveolar membrane
b) transport of gases by the blood
c) provide nutrients O2 to all the living cells of body
d) utilization of O2 by the cells for catabolic reactions and resultant release of CO 2
67. If alveolar ventilation is 4200 mL/min, respiratory frequency is 12 breaths per minute and tidal volume is 500 mL,
what is the anatomical dead space ventilation?
a) 1800 mL/min b) 6000 mL/min c) 350 mL/min d) 1200 mL/min
68. Chronic disorder in which alveolar wall are damaged due to which respiratory surface is decreased. One of the
major causes of this is cigarette smoking.
a) asthma b) emphysema c) bronchitis d) fibrosis
69. Respiration in insects is called direct because
a) the cells exchange O2/CO2 directly with the air in the tubes
b) the tissues exchange O2/CO2 directly with Coelomic fluid
c) the tissues exchange O2/CO2 directly with the air outside through body surface
d) tracheal tubes exchange O2/CO2 directly with the Haemocoel which then exchange with tissues
70. Which of the following does not occur during breathing?
a) brings the air to body temperature b) warms up the air c) diffusion of gases d) cleans up the air
71. It is known that exposure to carbon monoxide is harmful to animals because
a) it reduces CO2 transport b) it reduces O2 transport
c) it increases CO2 transport d) it increases O2 transport
72. Mark the true statement among the following with reference to normal breathing.
a) inspiration is a passive process whereas expiration is active
b) inspiration is a active process whereas expiration is passive
c) inspiration and expiration are active processes
d) inspiration and expiration are passive processes
Note for Q. No. 73, 74 and 75
A. If both Assertion and Reason are True and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
B. If both Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
C. If Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
D. If both Assertion and Reason are false.
73. Assertion: The solubility of CO2 is 20-25 times higher than that of O2.
Reason: The pO2 is higher than pCO2 in alveoli.
Answer- B
74. Assertion: We have two lungs which are covered by a double layered pleura with pleural fluid between them.
Reason: Pleural fluid reduces friction on the lung surface.
75. Assertion: An increase in pulmonary volume decreases the intrapulmonary pressure.
Reason: Expiration takes place when intra-pulmonary pressure is lesser than the atmospheric pressure.


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