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Muhammad Haziq Bin Suhaimi @
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor

Abstract— Economic dispatch (ED) are one of the many strategy, experiences the "scourge of dimensionality" or
important component in power system operation. It is design to neighborhood optimality issue.
calculate the exact amount of power generation to ensure a
minimum cost of generation. A power system with multiple II. LITERATURE REVIEW
generating units should be running under economic condition.
The operating cost have to be minimize for any feasible load A. Economic Power Dispatch
demand. The increase of power demand are getting higher and Economic Dispatch is generation distribution issue
higher throughout the year. Economic dispatch are used to and are characterized as the way toward ascertaining the age
schedule and control all of the output of the fossil-fuel or coal units with the goal that the framework burden is provided
generating units satisfy the system load demand at the minimum
totally and most financially subject as per the general
cost.This paper presents Multi-Verse Optimization (MVO) for
solving economic dispatch in power system. The proposed inclination of the requirements. Generally, the monetary
Multi-Verse optimization engine developed in this study is dispatch is being done since 1920. It was when architects
implemented to a reliability test system (RTS) lonely on were stressed over the issue of money related bit of age or the
IEEE30-bus RTS. It has five generators, which denoted as the most ideal division of the load among the producing units
control variables for the optimization process. To reveal the available.
superiority of MVO, a similar process was conducted using L.H. Wua, Y.N. Wanga, X.F. Yuana, S.W. Zhoub
Evolutionary Programming (EP). Result from both technique [6] represent the ED problem with fuel cost, emission and
were compared and revealed that MVO outperformed EP in system failure objectives as a non-linear multi-objective
terms of reducing the cost of generation for the system. For
problem. The future approach of MODE takes an external
future study, MVO can be utilize to solve similar problems on
power system, which may require minor modification on the elitist archive to maintain an algorithm for environmental /
developed optimization engine. economic power transmission (ED) non-dominated in multi-
objective differential evaluation (MODE).
I. INTRODUCTION Ghasemi, Mojtaba, Aghaei, Jamshid, Akbari,
Ebrahim, Ghavidel, Sahand, Li, Li [7]Develops an algorithm
Generation of power in a utility always aim for
for units with non-smooth Fuel Cost Functions based on
minimum cost generation. This is termed as Economic power
evolutionary programming for general economic dispatch
Dispatch (ED). Economic power dispatch requires
(ED). The new development algorithm can determine
optimization process. Optimization technique have been in
optimal dispatch solutions global or near global. The results
existence for ages and its can be integrated into the ED
show that the proposed EP-based ED algorithm can provide
system. Previously many calculative methods has been used
accurate shipper solutions for all types of fuel cost functions
by many engineers to solve ED problem such as Lambda
within an appropriate time frame.
iteration methods and Lagrange Multiplier method to solve
Engineers still continue searching for the best
ED problem [1]. In the modern era of Artificial Intelligence
answer for spare the activity expenses of intensity ages.
has taken the interests of the researchers and engineers that
Generators must be work productively and monetarily. The
include GA technique [2], Particle Swarm optimization [3],
goal of comprehending the Economic Dispatch (ED) issue are
Firefly Algorithm [4] are used on many different condition to
controlling the generators yield so the all out cost will be
get a better and more appropriate result. But the issues with
limited while supporting the heap power request and different
these methods are that they are not very accurate and can
requirements. Economic Load Dispatching Objective for
behave speculatively, they take a longer time to compute and
optimum load dispatch was to reduce the fuel cost of thermal
they also will produce random population that will generate
generators satisfying some limits. The function is given by:
the local minimum or maximum value.
Traditional analytics based strategies are neglect to
address these kinds of issues attractively. In contrast to a 𝐶 = ∑ 𝑁𝐺 2
𝑖=1 (𝑎𝑖 𝑃𝑔𝑖 + 𝑏𝑖 𝑃𝑔𝑖 + 𝑐𝑖 ) (1)
portion of the customary calculations, dynamic programming
(DP) [5] forces no confinements on the idea of the cost bends. Where, 𝑎𝑖 , 𝑏𝑖 , & 𝑐𝑖 are the fuel-cost coefficients and 𝑃𝑔𝑖 is
Consequently, it tends to be utilize to take care of ED issues the power output for the 𝑖 𝑡ℎ generating unit among the total
with innately nonlinear and intermittent cost bends. This
committed generating units. The overall fuel cost has to be C. Multi-Verse Optimization, MVO
reduce with the following constraints: The MVO technique was first proposed by Seyedali
1) Energy balance constrain Mirjalili[11]. It was invented to simulate the behavior of
The overall generation by the entire generators should be white holes, worm holes and black holes. A white hole was
equal to the sum of whole power demand (Pd) & system’s not actually exists in the universe, but some astronomical
real power loss (PL). scientist assume that the big bang can act as a white holes
which it cause the big bang to occur. In multi-verse theory, it
∑ 𝑁𝐺 𝑃 − 𝑃𝑑 = 𝑃𝐿
𝑖=1 𝑔𝑖
(2) was assumed that the parallel are colliding with each other
when the big bang occur. A black holes which act as the
The power loss was calculated by using B coefficients and opposite of a white holes absorbed all the object and planet
unit power output: around them with their force of gravity [12]. Wormholes are
those holes which interconnect different corners of a
𝑃𝐿 = ∑ 𝑁𝐺
∑ 𝑁𝐺 𝑃 𝐵 𝑃 + ∑ 𝑁𝐺
𝑗=1 𝑖 𝑖𝑗 𝑗
𝐵 𝑃 + 𝐵00 (3)
𝑖=1 0𝑖 𝑖
universe. In the multi-verse theory wormholes act as time or
space travel paths where the objects are able to move instantly
from one part to any other part of a universe [13].
B. Evolutionary Programming, EP
EP was first developed by Fogel and family [8]. EP was Figure 2: Image of White holes, Black holes
proposed to be used for the advancement of the limited state and Worm holes.
machines to illuminate expectation undertakings [14]. From
that point forward, alterations, improvement, and executions
have been proposed and explored. EP has been utilized to
treat genuine esteemed item factors or some other plausible
information structure. Change is frequently actualize by
including an arbitrary number or a vector from a specific
dispersion [e.g., a Gaussian appropriation on account of old .
style EP (CEP)] to a parent. The level of variety of the
Gaussian transformation is constrained by its standard
deviation, which is otherwise called a 'methodology As previously mentioned, a populace based calculation
parameter" in developmental inquiry [9]. The self-adjustment separates the pursuit procedure into two stages:
plan of EP, this parameter was not prefixed. Or maybe, it is investigation versus abuse. We use the ideas of white opening
develop alongside the goal factors. Analyses with self- and dark gap so as to investigate look spaces by MVO.
versatile EP have demonstrated proficient intermingling to Conversely, the wormholes help MVO in abusing the inquiry
quality arrangements [10]. spaces. We expect that every arrangement is similar to a
universe and every factor in the arrangement is an article in
that universe. Also, we allocate each arrangement a swelling
rate, which is relative to the comparing wellness work
estimation of the arrangement. We moreover utilize the term
time rather than the cycle in this paper since it is a typical
term in multi-stanza hypothesis and cosmology [11]
. During the optimization, there are rules to be applied towards
the universe of the MVO:
1. The increase of inflation rate will also increase the
probability of having a white hole.
2. The increase of inflation rate will also decrease the
probability of having a black hole.
Figure 1: Flowchart of Evolutionary 3. The universe with a higher inflation rate will tend to
Programming send objects through the white hole.
4. The universe with a lower inflation rate will tend to
send objects through the black hole.
5. All the object in all the universe may face a random
movement towards the best universe that it fits
through the wormhole regardless the inflation rate.

Figure 3: Flowchart of Evolutionary Two main coefficient for MVO:

1. Wormhole Existence Probability

𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑊𝐸𝑃 = 𝑚𝑖𝑛 + 𝑙 × ( ) (4)
2. Traveling Distance Rate 28.0551, 17.6524, 157.6047,150.6157 241.0757 and
229.6966 respectively. This achieve the total generation cost
of 43620.8807 ($/h). Apparently, with the implementation of
𝑙𝑝 MVO we can manage to minimize the total generation cost
𝑇𝐷𝑅 = (1 − 1) (5)
𝐿𝑝 worth 41896.629 as compared to EP which only manage to
minimize it to 43620.8807. This shows that there are
3.9528% cost reduction by using MVO compared to ED.

Table 1: MVO result for PD = 800

Unit MVO
Gen 1 (MW) 32.6128
Gen 2 (MW) 14.4815
Gen 3 (MW) 141.5584
Gen 4 (MW) 136.036
Gen 5 (MW) 257.5854
Gen 6 (MW) 243.0562
Power Loss (MW) 25.3303
Cost ($/h) 41896.629

Table 2: EP result for PD = 800

Unit EP
Gen 1 (MW) 28.0551
Figure 3: Flowchart of Evolutionary
Programming Gen 2 (MW) 17.6524
Gen 3 (MW) 157.6047
Gen 4 (MW) 150.6157
MVO algorithm simulates the concept of the
universe setting up the number of universe that are desirable, Gen 5 (MW) 241.0757
function data and number of maximum iteration. The MVO Gen 6 (MW) 229.6966
will produce the universe inflation, sorted it and normalize Power Loss (MW) 24.7002
the data. This will automatically update the position of each
universe and calculate the value of WEP and TDR of every
Cost ($/h) 43620.8807
universe. Roulette wheel algorithm are use to create white
holes index depend on the WEP and TDR value thus the
optimization engine will update the convergence curve and
create the convergence graph.


In this paper, the MVO and EP were used to
determine the optimal generation to solve an economic
dispatch problem. The program were written in matlab
(R2018a). The population in this case is 60 and the maximum
number of iteration is 500. Figure 4: Graph Of Power Generated by MVO vs ED

1) Case 1
The first case is the generator run on 100% of the 2) Case 2
power demand, in which the total generation is 800MW. The second test is the power generator, with a total
Table 1 tabulates the result for the generation power by each output of 600 MW, operating 75% of the power consumption.
generator, the power loss and the total generation cost. From The results for each generator output, power loss and the total
the table, the power generated by Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen cost for generation are shown in Table 3. Out of the table are
4, Gen 5 and Gen 6 are 32.6128, 14.4815, 141.5584, 136.036, 23.9077, 10, 95.5449, 100.8423, 202.7954 and 181.1461,
257.5854 and 243.0562 respectively. These are the values to respectively, the power generated by Gen 1, Gen 2. Gen 3,
achieve the total generation cost of 41896.629 ($/h). On the Gen 4, Gen 5 and Gen 6. These are the values for achieving
other hand, Table 2 tabulates the result for generating power 32094.6751 ($/h) of total cost of generation. On the other
by Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 5 and Gen 6 worth hand, Table 4 tabulates, by 20.6961, 10, 110.6452, 112.2341,
187.9955 and 172.312, the results for power generation by 69,9204, 130,0986 and 125. Table 4 This results in a total cost
Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 5 and Gen 6, respectively. of production of 23400.8419 dollars per hour. It seems that
Table 4 This results in a total cost of production of we can reduce the total generation cost by 22952.8326 ($/h)
33066,35123 dollars per hour. It seems that we can reduce the by implementing MVO to a minimum in comparison to the
total generation cost by 32094,6751 by implementing MVO EP which only succeeds in minimizing this to 23400.8419
to a minimum in comparison to the EP which only succeeds ($/h). This show that the cost of using MVO is 1.9145%
in minimizing this to 33066,35123. This shows that the cost lower than ED.
of using MVO is 2.9386% lower than the ED.
Table 5: MVO result for PD = 400
Table 3: MVO result for PD = 600

Unit MVO Unit MVO

Gen 1 (MW) 23.9077 Gen 1 (MW) 14.8271
Gen 2 (MW) 10 Gen 2 (MW) 10
Gen 3 (MW) 95.5449 Gen 3 (MW) 47.9217
Gen 4 (MW) 100.8423 Gen 4 (MW) 63.7724
Gen 5 (MW) 202.7954 Gen 5 (MW) 144.889
Gen 6 (MW) 181.1461 Gen 6 (MW) 125
Power Loss (MW) 14.2364 Power Loss (MW) 6.41021
Cost ($/h) 32094.67512 Cost ($/h) 22952.8326

Table 6: ED result for PD = 400

Table 4: ED result for PD = 600
Unit EP
Unit EP
Gen 1 (MW) 12.6643
Gen 1 (MW) 20.6961
Gen 2 (MW) 10.0213
Gen 2 (MW) 10
Gen 3 (MW) 58.5386
Gen 3 (MW) 110.6452
Gen 4 (MW) 69.9204
Gen 4 (MW) 112.2341
Gen 5 (MW) 130.0986
Gen 5 (MW) 187.9955
Gen 6 (MW) 125
Gen 6 (MW) 172.312
Power Loss (MW) 6.242019
Power Loss (MW) 13.88299
Cost ($/h) 23400.84197
Cost ($/h) 33066.35123

Figure 6: Graph Of Power Generated by MVO vs ED

Figure 5: Graph Of Power Generated by MVO vs ED


The third case is the power generator with a total Multi-verse Optimization technique are programmed to
power output of 400 MW. Table 5 shows the results, power imitates the behavior of white holes, black holes and worm
loss and total generation costs per generator output. The table holes by creating the best universe out of all the variable.
includes the power generated from Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen This work propose Multi-verse Optimization for solving
4, Gen 5 and Gen 6 respectively are 14.8371, 10.47.9217, economic power dispatch (ED) problem with comparison
63.7724, 144.889 and 125. These are the values to achieve a with the Evolutionary programming. The test are conducted
total production cost of 22952.8326 ($/h). The results for with three different cases which are:
energy generation are tabled in Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, • Case 1 : 100% power demand at 800MW
Gen 5 and Gen 6, respectively, as 12,6643, 10,0213, 58,5386,
• Case 2 : 75% power demand at 600MW
• Case 3 : 50% power demand at 400MW [11] S. Mirjalili, S. M. Mirjalili, and A. Hatamlou, “Multi-
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generation cost of power generation are lower than the result sizing optimization of planar structures,”
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objective. For future study, MVO can be utilize to solve [13] G. I. Sayed, A. Darwish, and A. E. Hassanien,
similar problems on power system, which may require minor “Quantum multiverse optimization algorithm for
modification on the developed optimization engine. optimization problems,” Neural Computing and
Applications, 2017.
I would like to give the most and special
appreciation to Professor Ir. Dr. Ismail Bin Musirin for
guiding me along the way to complete this project. I am also
to my fellow friends for their helps in terms of advices and
knowledge that is being shared. I also want to appreciate and
express my gratitude towards my family for their kind co-
operation and encouragement which help me in completion
of this project.
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