Drama System Cheat Sheet

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System Cheat Sheet

Collated by Justin Alexander
Order of Precedence: Randomly sort players (using Gaining Bennies: End of episode. Theme: GM chooses theme of first episode.
notecards, etc.) • Statement: In new order of precedence, make • Determine order of precedence to pick one
statement highlighting how their character’s theme per episode.
Votes: Each player gets 1 vote. GM is tiebreaker. poles were used to highlight the episode’s • Order repeats once finished.
Face Cards: Jack, Queen, King, Ace. SAMPLE THEMES
• Ranking: Each player and GM ranks other Ancestral Sins Masks
players with #1 as best, etc. Betrayal The Morning After
DRAMA TOKENS • Tally: GM tallies votes. Blood Ties New Beginnings
Buzzards Circle Night Games
Start of Episode: 0 Tokens • Gain Bennies: 2 players with lowest score. (In
Cages Old Memories
End of Episode: Do not carry over to next session. ties, all players get bennies.) Change Is Hard Outsiders
Charity Predator and Prey
Paying Tokens: If a player does not have a token, Spending Bennies: Maximum 1 spend per scene. Choosing Sides Progress
• Drama Token (1 bennie): Gain 1 drama token. Condemned to Freedom Rebirth
the token they pay is taken from the kitty. Dying Well Reckonings
• Procedural Token (1 bennie): Gain 1 procedural False Smiles Redemption
GM Tokens: GM has single pool for all recurring token. Fear Ritual
characters. • Draw Card (1 bennie): Draw +1 card. Fear of the Unknown Secrets
Forgiveness Small Details
• Call Scene (1 bennie): Immediately call scene
Gold The Spear of Truth
Using Tokens: out of order. Guilt Thresholds
• Force (2 tokens): Petitioner forces granter to • Crash a Scene (1 bennie) Heartache Ties that Bind
grant concession. Scenes cannot be called to • Prevent a Crash (1 bennie, Caller Only): Heating Up Trust
reverse result for rest of session. Home Two Wrongs Don’t Make
Prevent someone from spending bennie/drama Justice a Right
• Block Force (3 tokens): Cancel attempted Force. token to crash your scene. Knowing Too Much Unity
Petitioner does not pay Force cost. Scenes cannot • Burn Token (1 bennie): Burn 1 drama or Lion’s Den Vengeance
be called to reverse result for rest of session. procedural token held by another player. Losing What Price Victory?
Losing Control What’s in a Name?
• Support Force: Pay some or all of the
Force/Block cost. Character must be part of
scene / describe what they say or do.
acceptance excite
admiration favor
PROCEDURAL TOKENS affection forgiveness
Red, Yellow, Green anger gain trust
annoy mollify
• Start session with 1 of each. apology obedience
• Refresh all 3 tokens when last token is spent. assure punish
attention seek truth
• Procedural tokens do NOT refresh at end of
be assured test granter’s worthiness
session. calm
Calling Order: 1st Scene = Player Choosing Theme Calling Dramatic Scene: Include petitioner (usually Calling Procedural Scene: Include practical goal they’re
• Determine order of precedence, replacing caller) and what they want from character in scene. trying to achieve. (Challenge, resolve with Vote.)
player who called first with GM. • Concession: Any major shift in emotional • Maximum of 1 procedural resolution per scene.
• Order repeats once finished. power in the desired direction counts as Step 1: GM Opposition Spend. GM picks and conceals
granting the petition. (Ask for big goal, even if it would one procedural token.
Calling Scenes: require several scenes / multiple concessions for a character to
• Cast (1 drama token / green token to not believably change their mind.) GM’s Token Opposing Force Match Needed
include caller) • Practical Favors: Favor is still about the Green Strong Same value
emotional need. Whether the favor is actually Yellow Middling Same value, suit
• Location Red Weak Same value, suit, color
performed later does not retroactively change
• Time Break (if any)
emotional outcome of scene. Step 2: Target Card. Draw a card and reveal it.
• Mode (Dramatic/Procedural)
• Situation (Meeting vs. Complication) End of Scene: Ask petitioner if they got what they Step 3: Players Spend and Draw. Determine order of
wanted. precedence. Players pick a procedural token.
Situation: Meeting vs. Complication • Knock Out: GM removes one matching card from
• Yes: Petitioner pays 1 drama token to granter.
Challenges: Caller may acquiesce or revise. (Cannot be gainsaid by other players.) any player (or next matching card if none currently
Otherwise, resolved as noted. matches).
• No: Granter pays 1 drama token to petitioner.
• Other Players: Players without characters present
• Ducking a Scene: Pay 1 drama token. (Can be challenged. Vote, caller as tiebreaker.)
can spend yellow or green token.
• Crashing a Scene: Pay 1 drama token. (Can be
done during a scene.) SPECIAL CASES Player’s Token Cards Drawn
Green 2
• Time Jump: Prevent time jump that would No Contest Scenes: If granter has no reason to oppose Yellow 1
bypass actions they want to take. Vote. petitioner’s request, they may declare it. Bring scene to quick Red 1 + knock out
• Plot Jump: Prevent advancement of plot conclusion and caller can call new scene or pass to next caller.
Narrate. With each card drawn, player narrates their
element that should be played out in full. Vote. Two-Way Exchanges: Both characters want something from character taking action. On knock out, GM describes a
• Location: Consistency, continuity, tone, or the other. Each petition is resolved separately at the end of
believability. the scene.
Card Match Describe action as…
• Novelty: Prevent replaying earlier scene Multiple Petitions: Cannot be called; may emerge during Value Seemingly decisive
without the situation having changed. Vote. play. Resolve each petitioner in new order of precedence. Suit Impressive
• Procedural (during a scene): Action must be Soft Open: Scene started without intent. Should generally be Color Solid
resolved with procedural resolution. Automatic. avoided. Resolve as multiple petitions. None Ineffectual
• Conference Scene: All/many characters discuss an issue Step 4: Final Result. On match, characters prevail.
Right to Describe: Characters present in the scene. in front of them.
• physical circumstances Step 5: Personal Consequences. Affects future scene.
Speech-Making: Single character petitioning other characters
• behavior of walk-on characters as a collective. Resolve with Vote of which characters were
Approved by GM.
• their characters’ actions and the results convinced. • Green Token + Face Card: Advantage.
• Red Token + Face Card: Obstacle.
Step 1: Announce Abilities & Goals • Can call scene between any characters without
• Strong v. Weak = Strong Wins paying drama tokens.
• Strong v. Middling = Strong gets +1 card • Introduce exposition to player-called scenes; or
be called upon by players to provide exposition.
Step 2: Draw Cards & Narrate • Ask leading questions.
• GM decides which character initiated contest. • Declare scene conclusion (when necessary).
• That player draws first card; then alternate. • Declare Cliffhanger, cutting off the current
• Narrate step to victory (if higher than scene and ending the session.
opponent’s current highest card) or setback (if • Save Recurring Character (1 green token / call
lower). for Vote): Prevent declaration of recurring
character’s death. Character cannot be killed at
Player’s Token Cards Drawn any time during current episode.
Green 3
Yellow 2
Minor Characters: Introduced by caller.
Step 3: Outcome: Character with highest card wins • Name.
and describes outcome.
• Brief description (1-3 clauses).
• Ties resolved in suit order (spades, hearts,
diamonds, clubs). Recurring Characters: Any character who becomes
Assisting: Play token and play cards as per above,
narrating and contributing cards to chosen side. FINAL EPISODE
• Original contest narrates final outcome • Main characters lose immunity.
regardless of whose token paid for winning card. • GM cannot save recurring characters.

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