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Mid Term assignment PBM.

Case :- Makeover of Britannia.

Submitted by :- Gaurav Shah Deo.

Pg 20090375
Q . 1 . Explain why the change in logo and corporate system was crytical to BIL's makeover
Ans :- Dairy and bakery industry in India was changing really fast and Britannia had to
change itself with time to gain new customers and to keep a hold with the existing
customers it had .Britannia was limited with its bakery and biscuits product and to gain
more market and profit it had to diversify itself as a brand with keeping the current demand
in mind.Britannia did not want to limit itslef with its existing products and even there was
composition to be faced.
BIL's corporate slogan really catched the Indian consumers eye in a good way.It had a
new appeal for every age group.Change was very imortant for BIL as they didnt want to be
seen as an old brand with no diversity.BIL also change its corporate system by didviding
itself in to two ndipartents.One handeled dairy products and the other where handling the
bakery products .The reason was simple as the wanted to keep total focus on their new
products and aswell as keeping its mother product in high priority .BIL's new logo and
corporate system gave it a frens start to capture more customers may it be youth or the other
age group , it appealed to all and that is what BIL wanted.Due to this change BIL was ready
to get into different segments and through its mother product change the whole picture of
BIL.Change to BIL looks where very important as it had a lot of new compitition in the
market and to compete with all it had to be noticed as an old but changing with time
product.Its new logo had an appeal of quality , taste and health and this mix was perfect for
the Indian audiance .It had the power to appeal to its existing customers and to the new
generation .Due to this change BIL had a good success rate now not only the main products
but the new arrivals where also getting profitable.BIL also launched TIGER biscuits in
competition with parle g as to cater to the mass market which was the lower middle class .

Q.2. "for a company that wished to cater to a varied customer base, it (bil) needed to posses
a large portfolio of brands , with different usp's positioned at different price-points , yet
unified under a uniquely differentiated mother brand ". in the light of above statement ,
discuss various strategies followed by BIL.?
Ans.2. BIL in order to remain in the market had to adopt to various strategies and diversify
its business, and it efficiently adopted to various strategies, in the buscuits category it
introduced marie-lite as a tea time biscuit with low calories which gained a substantial
market share, it introduced tiger buscuit for the lower market ,with neck to neck competition
to parleG. It launched milk buscuits in differents cartoon shapes so as to lure the children,
apart from the buiscuit category it entered the milk-item category with the name "milk man"
it was so because britania initially positioned itself as a bread and buiscuit company, and
with the same perception it would be hard for britania to gain a substantial part in milk-item
category , therefore it introduced milk-item under a different brand called milk-man as a
part of "brand -extension" under the mother brand britania.
Britania's major strategy was to cater to mass market , therefore it launched all products
ranging from premium product to low cost products keeping in mind different needs of
different class of prople . Britania launched as many as fmcg products ranging form
buiscits , breads to butter , milk ,ghee with a strategy to gain a large maket in daily
consumed products .
Q3. Do you think BIL'S diversification is a wise move ? Explain
Ans 3. BIL'S move of diversification was a wise move infact as earlier it was limited to
only buiscuits and bread category , with time it had a had a neck to neck competition with
other big players and new entrants in the same category, britania saw the market becoming
more complex with lower profit margins and in order to survive it had to diversify its
business. With the diversified business britania entered in different segments to increase its
market share .therefore if britania dint diversified it 's business it would have been pulled
out of business with a very limited market share .

Q4. Why did britania re-launch its dairy products under the "milk-man" umbrella?
Ans 4. Earlier britania launched its dairy prouducts with the name flavoured which gave
the perception that the dairy products such as milk and curd are mixed with some sort of
flavours .therefore customer dint purchased the product on a daily basis. With declining
sales of its dairy products , britania had to re launch its products under the name milk man
so as to change the perception of the people and consider the product as a pure milk

Q5. If you were the brand manager of BIL, what would be your future course of action?
Ans 5. Clearly Brand -extension and line -extension would be my future course of action ,
keeping in focus the mother brand catering to different categories with different products .
Catering to rural market would be a great move as rural market is growing and has
immense potential , therefore BIL can increase its market share by catering to rural araes .

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