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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬

‫و ازرة التعليم‬
‫جامعة أم القرى‬
‫كلية الهندسة والعمارة اإلسالمية‬

Scientific Material Summary Form

Remote Summer Training 1441 H

Name Obaida mazen alsibai Student # 437036567

 Virtual Field Training  Specialized Course
Material Type  Skill Development Course  Training Exercise
Title Topographic maps Hrs Earned 4

Scientific Material Summary

Maps are the horizontal projection of an area of land drawn on a plate with a specific
Map ingredients:
(1). Map title.
The title generally shows the general goal for which the map was created.
* Should be prominent in font and size
* Address size must match map size.
* Usually written in the middle of the top side of the map.
(2). The main grid (longitude and latitude).
* The map is divided into vertical and transverse lines
* Longitude and latitude help to place features in their correct locations.
* You can rely on administrative and political lines and borders to determine the locations of
(3). North direction.
* An arrow is drawn on the map showing the geographical direction of the north (the true north), to
be determined by the Meteorological Authority.
* On topographic maps, two arrows are drawn (geographical north - magnetic north). So that the
geographic north form is a line at the end of which is a star, the magnetic north is an arrow.
(4). Map frame and colors.
The maps are drawn within a rectangular frame, consisting of two parallel lines, one of which is
relatively thick.
#Map colors: Black indicates Engineering structures blue for water features ,Brown for contour
lines, green for vegetarian, and red for cultural features.
(5). Map symbols.
(6). Location and places names.
(7). Map index.
(8). Map scale.

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