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This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror

There are very few truly mysterious places left on earth. Photographs and the
internet have made everything very accessible to everyone. However, there is
one place that has managed to remain far from curious eyes. Very few people
in the world will ever see what life is like in North Korea, and the government
there makes sure of that. But some photo!graphers did manage to sneak out a
few candid shots of what life is like there. For a glimpse into the unknown
world of North Korea, read on!

One Woman Wearing Pink in a Sea of Soldiers

Almost all photos are not allowed to be taken in North Korea. They might as
well issue an overall ban on photography. But if there is something that they
are even more particular about concealing, it is their army. It is strictly
forbidden to take photos of the North Korean army. This photographer took it a
step further and even captured the moment one solitary woman walked in the
midst of all these soldiers.

Eric Lafforgue

Her light pink dress is such a stark contrast against all the dark green
uniforms. As a photographer, it is nearly impossible not to capture such an
iconic moment through the lens.


There Are Computer but No Electricity

On the list of permitted photographs to take while visiting North Korea, images
of children using computers are high on the list. They actually encourage
visitors to take photos of children using computers in order to prove to the
world how advanced they are. There is only one problem—the computers are
not connected to the electricity. If your photograph shows the truth of the
situation, you are required to delete it.


They really aren't looking to have their real situation leaked to the world.
What's the solution? Set up some kids to pretend they are using already
ancient-looking computers, but never connect them to the electricity.


A Teenaged Soldier

Military service is not an option in North Korea. Most people are required to
start at around in their mid-teens and their service is for about ten years. As
this malnourished young man proves, the soldiers are often required to help
out on local farms. Maybe it's just their way of service or perhaps there is
really a shortage of people to do the farmwork. Either way, the photograph is a
beautiful capture of one soldier walking among the flowers.



Perhaps the most disturbing part of this photo is that this boy hardly looks old
enough to be working on a farm, let alone serving in the military.



Hand Picking the Grass From the Field

There are multiple theories of explanations for this type of photo that seems to
go viral in the western world. Some claim that the citizens are so malnourished
and desperate for food that they go to local parks and pick the grass from the
fields, take it home in bags, and eat it. Others claim that this is a method of
hand mowing the grass to keep it in proper shape.



Either way, your North Korean guide will furiously demand that you delete any
similar photo from your camera reel.


A Shocking Act of Defiance From a Small Child

Rebellion is rarely seen in North Korea, mainly because it is not tolerated. No

one wants to think of what could happen if you don't follow the rules, exactly
as they were made to be followed. Either this boy is too young to fully
understand or he has already had enough of the constricting life he leads, but
he has chosen to rebel by standing in the way of the bus on the road.



This photo was captured in the town of Samijyon in the northern part of the
country. What will the future hold for this boy?


You Must Fix Your Shirt Perfectly First

Imagine being scared that if you did not have your shirt in perfect formation
before having your photo taken, your life could be in danger. That certainly has
to be crossing these two students' minds as the photographer asked to snap
their picture. They requested that they fix and align their shirts before he
actually captured the image as they didn't want to be caught on camera
looking untidy.



Although they do both look very happy it's hard not to imagine that they are
faking those smiles, after being told to smile or else.


Keep Playing as if There Are No Cars in Sight

Even in the capital city of North Korea, Pyongyang, cars are quite rare and
uncommon. It is unlikely that you will see too many personal vehicles roaming
the streets. In fact, it is so uncommon that children often play in the main
streets of the city without any concern of dangerous vehicles. As you can see
in these photos, they continue playing as if there are no cars anywhere in



It's a wonder that they built such extensive and large roads when there are
practically no cars to drive on them.


When the Subway Is Also a Bomb Shelter

In the capital city of Pyongyang, you will find a very extensive subway system
that also happens to be the deepest subway system in the world. Not only is it
just a subway, but it also doubles as a bomb shelter. And even more so, it is
strictly forbidden to take photos of this tunnel, although to any normal onlooker
this looks just like any simple subway anywhere in the world.



What secrets is this subway hiding that makes it extremely illegal to take any
photos of this subway or the tunnel? Surely there is something more behind all
of this.


Don't Document a Work in Progress

In the city of Chilbo a painter once sat and painted an intricate mural for the
new project going up in the city. A foreigner came by to take a photo of the
man, but instead of allowing it like in any other country, all the passerby
started yelling at the photographer to stop. Since the painting was unfinished,
this photograph is not allowed to exist.



What is the shame of having a photograph of an unfinished piece of art? What

are they scared of portraying to the world, that their art is not good enough
because it is a work in progress?


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