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Chinese Language Teaching Research 6.


Multi-perspective analysis and

Teaching application of Chinese "Good" 1
Chen Junguang, Liu Xinyi
National Taiwan Normal University, China Institute
of Chinese Language Teaching

Pick, want

This paper takes the concept of H a lli d a y, chapter

and interpersonal languages as the analysis architecture, and
based on the natural corpus as the verification, this paper
discusses the multiple phenomena of "good" in semantic,
chapter and pragmatic levels respectively, and tries to
integrate the diversified phenomena between all levels of
language.This paper first analyzes the conceptual level of
Chinese "good" from the nature of words and semantics.Secondly,
at the chapter level, first analyze the cohesion function in
the sentence generated by "good" after the syntax, and then
enter its cross-sentence session function, which can serve as a
chapter mark of "topic / speech wheel change or end".The
formation of this chapter mark is related to the "completion
meaning" of "good" in the conceptual level and the "nature of
change".When "good" enters the level of interpersonal
interaction, it is not expressed in propositional meaning, but
in different emotional meanings according to different
contexts.According to the relevant pragmatic theory, this paper
discusses the different pragmatic functions of "good",
including "control the voice", "agree", "know", "opposite",
"begged" and so on.In addition, this paper also explores the
"good" overlapping language phenomenon from the comparative focus of
the chapter level.Finally, this paper combines the multi-level
analysis results and puts forward relevant teaching suggestions.

Key words: "good", logical function, lexical meaning, grammatical

meaning, grammization, cohesion, sentence end focus, contrast
focus, conversational analysis, overlapping, teaching grammar

1. Introduction
From a comprehensive view of the Chinese dictionaries, we can
find that "good" not only has considerable semantic diversity, but
also changes in tone.When the tone is three tones, the dictionary
reference book lists more than ten different semantics, and has a
variety of words, including state verbs, adverbs and auxiliary verbs
(Chinese Eight Hundred Words 1980 / 2004:256-258).Moreover, observe
the use frequency of "good" tone is three tones, modern Chinese
Frequency Dictionary (1986:141) points out that "good" is
attributive, complement, word 4026, frequency 0.30630; "good" is an
adverb, word

1The authors especially thank the anonymous reviewers for their

corrections and suggestions for this article, and the authors are
responsible for any omissions in this article. In addition, Lin
Qianru, Wu Jiarong and Lin Heng, master students of Taiwan Dahua
University and Research Institute, were also thanked for their
careful proofreading.

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

Second 514, frequency 0.03911; "good" is conjoined, word 3, frequency

0.00023.According to the above word frequency statistics, the overall
use frequency of "good" is quite high, and is the learners
encountered in the primary vocabulary.However, Chinese dictionaries
and Chinese textbooks should effectively order the diversity of
"good" meaning and speech according to their difficulty (Teng
1998, Deng Xinxin 2003a, 2003b).The dictionary only displays the
different semantics of "good", and the presentation in the
textbook is arranged differently according to the writer's
considerations.In view of this, this paper tries to do a
systematic classification, connection and analysis of "good", in
order to achieve the integration of theoretical analysis and
provide more systematic teaching suggestions.
The organizational structure of this article is as follows: the
research background and objectives of the article; the third
describes the basic exploration of words and semantics; the basic
analysis of the cohesion, semantic coherence, and the focus of
information structure; and the pragmatic function of good.Section 6
verifies the association of the "good" overlap with the contrast
focus.Finally, for the summary and teaching suggestions.
2. Research methods
2.1 Corpus Collection
The research of this paper is to examine the distribution of
Chinese "good" in semantic, chapter and pragmatic languages through a
large number of corpus.The collected corpus includes three sources:
the modern Chinese balanced corpus in the Chinese vocabulary
characteristic tracing system (Ch i n ese W o rd Sk etc h Eng i n
e), the Modern Chinese corpus in Peking University, and the joint
knowledge base.The corpus of Chinese vocabulary feature sketch
tracing system can be searched for the context, which can easily
capture the above or the following. The expanded function of this
context is very helpful to the study of this chapter.People's Daily
corpus as a corpus, including news and other articles, the online
version of Peking University corpus.In addition to the Chinese
vocabulary characteristic sketch description system and the
modern Chinese corpus of Peking University, this paper chooses
the joint knowledge base as the third source of the corpus
because it provides the context of the paragraph form, which is
beneficial to the study of the chapters.In addition, the corpus of
this paper is also taken from Google, novel corpus, and self-
collected spoken corpus.
2.2 Theoretical Architecture
The use of languages often presents complex linguistic
phenomena across various language levels, not limited to syntax
and semantics.Therefore, to fully describe and interpret linguistic
phenomena often depends on examining the interaction between
different language levels simultaneously.Therefore, this paper
takes the concept (ideational), the chapter (t ex t ua l) and the
interpersonal (i n t e r pe r sona l) (i n t e r pe r sona l) as
the analysis architecture to explain the interaction at the
language level.Concept function refers to the language to people in

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

Experience expression in the world (including the inner world), which

Halliday (1985 / 1994:27) calls the "content function of a language"
(con t en t f unc ti on o f l anguage).Interpersonal function is
the function of the speaker using language to participate in
social interaction, expressing attitude, judgment and
interpersonal relationship. H a lli d a y (1985 / 1994:27) calls
it the "participation function of language" (pa r ti c i pa t o
r y f unc ti on o f l an-guage).The chapter function is a function
that makes the language work in a specific context, which H a lli
day (1985 / 1994:13) calls "made possible" (enabling funciton); in
other words, it is a function that enables conceptual and
interpersonal functions through the language.
The three pure functions of concept, chapter and interpersonal
in Halliday system functional architecture can basically correspond
to the three language levels of semantic, chapter and
pragmatic.Based on the verification of natural corpus, this paper
tries to discuss the multiple phenomena presented in the semantic,
chapter and pragmatic levels, and tries to integrate the diversified
phenomena in all levels of language.
3. Conceptual level: the meaning of "good"
3.1 Sex of words and semantics of "good"
According to the Chinese dictionary, "good" in complex sentences
is generally regarded as verbs, auxiliary verbs, adjectives,
conjunctions and adverbs, with different opinions.The Modern Chinese
Dictionary (1978 / 2005) believes that the
"Good" is the verb, table "easy", as example (1)."Chinese Eight
Hundred Words" (Lu Shuxiang 1980 / 2004) is an auxiliary verb, table
"can, can", as example (2), or adjective, table "easy"2, For example
(3).The Dictionary of Common Chinese Words and Usage (Li Xiaoqi et al.
1997) and the Modern Chinese False Words Dictionary (Hou Xuechao 1998)
have listed them as conjunctions, showing "convenience and
convenience", such as examples (4) and (5).
(1) Tell me where he is, and that I can find him there.Verbs:
(Modern Chinese Dictionary 1978 /
2005:543) (2) Don't forget to bring an umbrella, the rain is good.Auxiliary
verb: "Yes, so."
(In Chinese Eight Hundred Words,
1980,2004:258) (3) This road is still easy.Adjective: "easy"
("Chinese" 8980,2004:257) (4) you leave a phone number, something
good contact.Ligue: "convenience, convenience"
(Chinese Dictionary of Common Words
and Usage, 1997:258)
(5) It is best to first review the person and review what publicity, so
that everyone is ready to prepare.Ligtions: "To" (Modern
Chinese Dictionary 1998:261)

"Good" in "this road is easy" is often seen as "easy" in English, such as
"This r o a d i s e a s y t o w a l k".

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

However, the nature of words is a grammatical category (Yu

Yongmei 1999) generated under the aggregation (pa r ad i g m a ti c)
system, which has specific grammatical functions and is not directly
derived from the meaning of the word itself.Therefore, the dictionary
interprets the semantics of "good" as "easy", "can", "can", "and" easy
", so as to judge it as verbs, auxiliary verbs, adjectives and
couplets, which is obviously questionable.Specifically, examples (1),
(2), (4), (5)
The "good", in the meaning of "convenience and convenience" in
different dictionaries, but are listed as verbs, conjunction and
other different words, it can be seen that from word meaning, easy to
subjective judgment.
The character of a word depends on its grammatical function in a
sentence, Therefore, the literature (Zhao Yuanren 1980:333; Zhu Dexi
1982 / 2006:66; Zhang Yisheng, 2000:12; Liu Yuehua et al. 2006:171)
pointed out that, If a word is a verb, an auxiliary verb, or an
adjective, It will be able to meet the following three grammatical
functions at the same time: (1) you can use "x not x" questions to
ask questions, Example (6); (2) Can form a separate sentence, For
example (7); (3) It may also be modified by adverbial such as "no" /
"no" or degree, For example, example (8).
(6) Learning Japanese? Studious / * good.(Zhu Dexi 1982 / 2006:66)
(7) Can you go to a movie tomorrow? ability.(Liu Yuehua et al.,
(8) Is this road so good? Good to go / bad to go.

The "good" in (1), (2), (3), if respectively verbs, auxiliary verbs,

adjectives, must be used "x not x" way, can be formed into a separate
sentence, and can be modified with adverbial.However, these "good"
should not be separate sentences, so they should not be verbs,
auxiliary verbs, or adjectives.Although the "good" in the example
sentence (3) can be asked "x not x", can also be the degree adverb
"arithmetic" modification, but because it can not be used alone, so it
does not meet the standard of adjectives.
In addition, in examples (4) and (5), treating the "good" before
the verb is a conjunction.The distinction of a conjunction from other
words lies in the position that it can appear before and after the
subject.Instead, adverbs can generally only appear after the subject,
and before verbs or adjectives (Liu Yuehua et al. 2006:316).However,
"good" in examples (4) and (5) does not conform to the grammatical
characteristics of words, as "good" in example (4) can only appear
before the verb "contact" and "good" in example (5) must have "let" in
order to appear before the subject, otherwise form a disease sentence,
as shown in the following example (9).
(9) * It is best to review the review and what publicity, so that we
are ready to prepare.
(10) You leave a phone number and contact something 3。

Example (9) and (10) are changed for the convenience of this author (4) and (5).

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

Qian Nirong (2002:174) pointed out that "right, talent" is an

adverb with related effect , And this kind of associated adverb does
accord with the grammar function that the adverb can only appear
after the subject, but not in front of it.This article further
observes the example above (4) and finds that the location of "good"
can be replaced by the associated adverb "on", as shown in the example
(10).From the perspective of aggregation relationship, the syntactic
position of "good" produces a vertical classification relationship,
and it is more appropriate to regard "good" as a critical adverb.In
addition, Wang Li (1947 / 2002:307-308) defines "good" as "the end of
the purpose relationship" Point out that "good" is specially used
for the purpose type.He believes that such words can indicate the
relationship between sentence and sentence or above and below; when
independent, they can be called an adverb, or the end of the
relationship.Therefore, according to the discussion of the relevant
literature and grammatical characteristics above, showing that "good"
should not be considered as a conjunctive, but should be considered
as a related adverb.
In general, the "good" in the complex sentence cannot be used
alone, asked in the "x not x" way, the grammatical characteristics
such as degree adverb or negative word modification, and can be
interchangeable with the associated adverb "on", all point to the
associated adverb.After clarifying that the words of "good" should
not be mixed with its semantics, this article continues to discuss
the different research categories and planes of "good" at the
semantic level: lexical and grammatical meaning, diachronic and
synteny planes.
3.2 Leapsical meaning and grammatical meaning of "good"
When discussing the semantics of a word, we can first distinguish between real
words (content words) and functional words (function w o r d s). Real words can act
as sentence components and have real lexical meaning (l e x i ca l meaning), while
functional words can not act as sentence components, mainly expressing various
grammatical meanings (grammatical meaning).In other words, the meaning
of the specific meaning of the functional word is usually borne
by functional words, which can be divided into conceptual meaning
and additional color: "external meaning" or specific effect, the
meaning and specific effect are pragmatic meaning (Chen Manhua
2007:142143), as shown in [Figure 1]:

The function of associated adverb is "modifying the verb or
adjectives in the phrase or sentence, connecting word, phrase or
sentence and sentence" (Li Quan 2001:72). At the same time, the
associated adverb can connect the phrase and clauses in single and
multiple sentences, that is, the so-called "logical connection" (also,
namely), and can also connect the sentence and chapter in paragraphs and
chapters, that is, the so-called "chapter connection" (finally,
actually) (Zhang Yisheng 2000:20,23).
All empty words, although not often (or never) in the middle of the
two sentence forms, but they can represent the relationship between
sentences and sentences, is called "the end of the relationship",
the purpose table is "the end of the relationship".

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

[Figure 1] Classification of word meaning (Chen Manhua


al meaning
conceptuameaning Additiona
l meaning l color

Word sex,
syntactic function

Image, feelings,
style and color

However, lexical and grammatical meanings are sometimes not

easily distinguishable.Except that nouns and verbs are two basic
words (H o ppe r & Tho m p s on 1984), which can be regarded as
real words with specific word meanings, it is difficult to
identify uniformly.For example, it is not clear whether adverbs
belong to real words or semantic functional words (imaginary
words).Li Jinxi (1924), Zhu Dexi (1982 / 2006), Lu Shuxiang (1982 / 1992) and
other adverbs into false words.Hu Yushu (1981 / 2004), Liu Yuehua et al.
(1983 / 1999), Shao Jingmin (2007), Xing Fuyi (2002) and other
adverbs into the real words.Wang Li (1947 / 2002) believes that the
adverbs are between empty and real words.Therefore, this paper tries
to provide some basis for judgment.
3.3 Diachronic semantics and syntemporal semantics of "good"
The semantics of "good" can be roughly divided into two parts:
one is the semantic evolution of diachronic plane, the other is the
discussion of syntemporal plane. This section mainly focuses on
diachronic semantic research, and syntemporal semantics will be
discussed in the next section.
3.3.1 Diachronic semantics of "Good" Related literature
Semantic research, in addition to synteny semantic research,
also needs the assistance of synmarization (g r a mm a ti ca li za
ti on) research to find the emergence, development and evolution of
syntemporal semantics.Integrating semantic and grammar research, the
former is reflected in the lexical level, mainly lexical and real word
blur, while the latter involves the elimination of lexical meaning and
grammatical meaning (Wang Donghai, Zhang Zhiyi 2007:34).Jiang Shaoyu
(2005) further shows that "extension" (e x t e n s i on) and
"transformation" (c onv e rs i on) are two ways to produce new
meaning from the old meaning, and the difference between extension
and transformation lies in: the former is through the means of
semantic meaning change, that is, through the change of meaning, and
the latter is the hand through grammatical change

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

A paragraph produces a new meaning, even if a word has some new

grammatical function that changes it to another word class, thus
changing its semantics.
In terms of lexical research, grammarization refers to the
process or phenomenon in which the language changes the words with
real meaning into unreal meaning and expresses the functional
components of grammar.Traditional Chinese linguistics is called real
word blur (semantic bleaching), such as concrete, quilt, slave and
other verbs, but now virtual into prepositions, which is a kind of
false words. Western linguistics calls it functional words (Shen
Jiaxuan 2005).Hopper & T raugott (2003:103) assumes that the direction of
grammar is unidirectional, the blur of real words always changes from the main
words to secondary words, the so-called "word drop" (decategorization), as shown in
the following order: the main words (relatively open nouns, verbs)> middle words
(adjectives, adverbs)> secondary words (relatively closed prepositions, conjunctions,
auxiliary verbs, pronouns, indicators).
T ra ugo tt (1995), from the perspective of the mutual influence
of grammarization and subjectivity (s u j b ec ti v i sa ti on),
pointed out that grammaticization involves the semantic evolution
from real to virtual, which is through the semantic adjustment, that
is, the word weakens the objective meaning, and strengthens the
subjective meaning, that is, the so-called subjectivity, is the
process of using words or structure to convey the subjective attitude
of the speaker.Li Jinxia (2005:44-49) also investigated the
grammatical tax and subjectitization of "good", which divided the
semantics of "good" into four categories:
Ⅰ .Many advantages, people satisfying.Example: Good stuff
Ⅱ .easy.Example: That song is easy to sing.
Ⅲ .Show a deep degree, and with an exclamation tone.Example: Good
Ⅳ .Easy and convenient to be used.Example: The land is flat, easy to
grow crops.
According to four uses of "good" 1, he divided "good 1, good 2, good
3 and good 4, and in three stages, including before the Han Dynasty,
Tang and Song Dynasty and after the Ming Dynasty, the usage of" good
1 " existed widely before the Han Dynasty, but several other uses are
still rare.In the Tang and Song dynasties, the use of "good 2" and
"good 3" was more common, and the use of "good 4" also appeared
slightly.After the Ming Dynasty, the use of "Good 4" was widespread ,
another name for Taiyuan
According to Wang Li (2000) and Zhang Yuchun (2001), "good" derived from the
semantics of "matching" matching "and" goodness ". Later, the meaning of"
matching and matching "was assumed by" concubine ", and" good " gradually lost
this semantics.Zhang Shilu (1992:177) explained from the introduction of
"good" "beautiful" and "beautiful" "good is called beauty", both constitute
a pair of synonym, but later "beautiful" by "beautiful", "good" no longer have
this meaning.Wang Li (2000:187) also indicates that "good" is "beautiful",
such as example (a), "good, good, good" such as example (b), "good", "easy,
appropriate" as example (c), "good" means "finished", as example (d), and
"good", such as example (e).As for the meanings of "convenience and
suitability" and "completion", they are both post-uprising, that is, the
meanings produced or more commonly used in the Wei, Jin to Tang and Song
dynasties.When "good", the semantic is similar to "very",

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

Form roughly the same as modern Chinese good 1, good 2, good 3 and
good 4 coexistence situation.Li mainly discusses "good 1 good 3"
(from "advantages, satisfactory" "degree" table), "good 2 good 4"
(from "easy" to "easy, to") grammar phenomenon, and its think with
the two virtual process, "good" subjective degree synchronization,
namely "good" virtual process is usually accompanied by penetration
or strengthen subjective factors.Therefore, "good" blur is also a
process of improving its subjectivity, such as "good 3" (degree) and
"good 4" (purpose) after grammarization, its subjectivity is also
relatively improved.
On the other hand, from the transformation level of grammar
research, Wang (2005) and Wang
Wang Xiaoling (2005) Discussed the process of "good" respectively,
and through the presentation of diachronic corpus, the process of
"good" includes three paths:
Ⅰ .From a predicate "good" to an enhanced adverbial "good".
Ⅱ .From the predicate of "good" to the general complement, and
finally evolved to the time phase of "good".
Ⅲ .From the predicate "good" to the chapter mark "good". This article comes down to it

According to the above semantic and syntactic analysis,
supplemented by diachronic semantic investigation, this paper
concludes that "good" from the table "many advantages, satisfactory"
derived from three evolving branches, hereby described as follows.
After reanalysis, the "good" derived from the table level is
transformed from the "good" of "many advantages and satisfactory" and
the latter state verbs into a partial positive relationship,
producing "degree meaning". This "good" shows its pragmatic function
in the pragmatic level and the emotional betting of the table
The second branch evolution by syntax, produce table
"satisfactory what good" semantic, this is directly related to its
meaning, this is still the extension, and syntactic position and
provide evolution to table "easy", the meaning is indirectly related
to this meaning, when "good" into "what good V ()" structure and
complex sentence structure, table "worth" and "to / convenient / can"
semantic corresponding, "good" in the sentence before and after the
cohesion function, table "purpose".These two semantics are influenced
by the syntactic position.
The third branch line also provides the basis of evolution by
the syntactic position, moving from the satisfactory "good" effect
of the action itself to the verb and then forming a supplement,
adding that the "action is completed and the result is good"

For the late uprising, that is, the meaning produced or widely applied
after the Yuan and Ming dynasties.
(a) The ghost hou had a son, so he entered zhou.Zhao Ce 3, the policy of the
Warring States Period
(b) The cambric shirt is good, I and transformed.The Yi of Zheng Feng, the Book of
(c) Youth returns home well.Tang Dufu received Henan and Hebei
(d) Good sigh, sigh but sigh."Tang Han Wo untitled poem" (e) said the
good poor son.Four 2 of a Dream of Red Mansions

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

meaning.This is the new meaning element produced by the syntactic

position change, so it is the conversion meaning.In addition, the
"good" of "action completed and result goodness" in the table behind
the verb is further blurred, and the meaning of "goodness" is
gradually weakened. Its meaning is mainly "action completed",
forming the time phase (phase), which is the extended meaning.
Moreover, from the perspective of diachronic semantic
development, "good" is based on the "complete" semantic meaning,
producing semantic changes, which are used to indicate the end of the
physical disease after a process, and extend the meaning of "disease
recovery".last, To the chapter level, Because "good" is at the
conceptual level, After the verb, it has the meaning of "complete",
And the "good" after this verb is the changing verb, That means that
from "unfinished" to "complete", From the original state to another
state, "Change" or "change", "Complete semantics" and "transformation
nature" provide the development basis for "good" chapter functions
(Miracle 1991:56), Make "good" a sign of the topic or the "change" in
the session structure (Wang & Tsai, 2005:236).The speech structure of
the "good" chapters will be discussed in detail in Section 4.
The above three evolution directions are diversified due to the
interaction of semanticGra
syntax, and then blurred, and finally lead
to the function-oriented road, as shown in [Figure 2]7:
[Figure 2] This paper summarizes the semantic derivative
diagram of "good"

"Good" is an "Good" is an
"Good" is fixed, L o c aLtoecda tbeedf o r e
adverbial phrase adverb for
predicate, complement and
Compound Table degree
Many advantages, ( T hthe
e wverb
eather is
satisfactory (Tell me the address

"Good V" is a
S L compound word (Enter the "What good V
u o What aspect is it
p c satisfactory
(The song is

"Good," is the
(an easy

"Good" is
(Nothing to be
proud of)

"Good" is "Good" is Recove
the complete (or ry (his
complement implied goodness) disease is
of completion (Write up your

7 And indicate the extension and transformation, respectively.

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

.3.23 The syntemporal semantics of "good" Four meanings of "good"
To discuss the syntenic semantic literature of "good", this paper
focuses on the semantic analysis of Eight Hundred Chinese Words
(1980 / 2004) and Modern Chinese Dictionary (1979 / 2005), and
according to the research of other scholars, the meaning of "good" is
divided into four categories, which are described as follows:
I."Positive state" semantics
"Good, satisfactory," "health", "friendship, harmony",
"appropriate, appropriate" and
"What is the nature of satisfaction" (example: delicious, good) all
use the positive meaning of "good" to describe the state of the
body, feelings or the nature of satisfaction, to express the
positive evaluation of the state of things.Therefore, at a higher
semantic level, we attribute such positive, descriptive and state
meanings to the table "positive state" semantics.Example: "Like
African carving, quantity is handled well" (Academia Sinica balanced
corpus), in which the "good" is the table "positive advantages,
satisfactory state".
II.The "Positive Dynamic" semantics
According to the first research (Zhuang Shuwen 2002:102; Chen
Yijing 2004:38-39; Xu Zhiying 2005:30-40), the "good" after verbs can
be divided into three categories, the first two categories belong to
the "positive dynamic" semantic The first type of table "finish" is
the time, can be exchanged with "finish", example: "write homework"
and "finish homework", "good" and "finish" are the end of the action
on the timeline.The second category is the supplement after the verb,
indicating "the action is completed and the result reaches the
goodness". "For example," the sports center is covered ". This result"
good "includes not only the" completion " of the construction process,
but also the result of the goodness.Therefore, if the swap with
"finished", the swap will produce semantic difference or not
grammatical phenomenon. For example, "the movement center is
finished" means that there may be several buildings, one by one,
which is very different from the semantics of "covered".
Another example: "steamed bread steamed" and "steamed bread steamed",
"good" table steamed bread are cooked or hot to eat, "finished" means
that raw steamed bread or ice steamed bread is gone.
In addition to the words "good", "good" and "complete", "good",
"good", "sick" also means that the health state changes, the disease
disappears and the body returns to health.Therefore, the above three
similarities are all experience internal changes, from the original
state to another state, so this paper
The "good" after the third type of verbs is not a positive "dynamic"
semantics, but for the descriptive complement, the effect of the
action or action does not include the meaning of "complete", this
"good" cannot be exchanged with "finished", for example: "is he
singing well" "good" table "singing" skills are very good. This kind
of "good" is behind the verb, but only the skill is "satisfactory",
unlike the first two categories, so this paper attributes it to the
first type of "positive static" semantics.

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

The "good" tables "recovery", "complete" and "complete and achieve

good" are included in the "positive dynamic" semantic category of
"experiencing change".
III ."Purpose" semantics
"Easy" and "can / to / facilitate" this three meaning, table
action or purpose easy to achieve, its implied thing of a trait
(reason) makes some action or purpose easy to perform or achieve,
such as "the road", "implied" the road flat or broad or other
advantages ", make the result of" easy " easy to achieve.The "good"
in the table "can / easy / can" is completed in the action of the
preceding sentence, which helps to achieve the purpose of the latter
sentence.Therefore, at a higher semantic level, the meaning of
"purpose", for example: "the average person should often take blood
pressure, to know whether their blood pressure is normal" (in
Institute of Central Research Balance corpus), the "good" in this example
sentence is the purpose relationship between the front and back
sentences, and the "blood pressure measurement" in the previous
sentence is to "know whether the blood pressure is normal" for the
purpose of the second sentence.It also includes a semantic "worth"
not mentioned in a dictionary reference book, such as "the building
is shabby and there is nothing to praise," and "good" connects the
reason for "shabby" and "praise", and "nothing to praise" for
IV."Degree of sex" semantics
The "degree" meaning of "good" includes "deep" and "large or
long", like "black hair" means "black", "the number of people, and"
he waited for a long time "for the execution" wait ".
The following article summarizes the four categories and their

details as shown in [Table 1]:

[Table 1] Classification of the "Good," meaning
Righteou separation of For example, sentence
sness, meanings
Many advantages, Good stuff / This is a good book./ Did
satisfactory he sing so well?
Posi (Body,) Health He was always in good health.
tive Friendship and harmony They have been good since childhood.
Statu It is appropriate and The first time I met, I don't know what
s appropriate to say to him.
In what respect is This song is a very nice one.
the nature of table to

Table completed Write down your homework.(Time,
Posit changeable with "finish")
ive Table completed and He had fixed the tools.(Complement, swap
semantic change with "finish")
d y n a m i results good
cs Disease, the more When the weather is warm, the disease
will get better.
Rong, easy This road is very easy to go.
purposi Value, get There is nothing to praise!
veness Can / facilitate / Tell me where he is, and just so I can
find him.
Table more or long Several people came outside.
o f s e x Table degree is deep Good black hair.

Research on Chinese Language Teaching "Good" corpus verification

With "good" as the keyword, this paper searches and statistics
in modern Chinese balanced corpus, Peking University corpus and joint
knowledge base, classifies meanings as statistics, and observes the
basic semantic trend by frequency. The statistical list of corpus
pens, as shown in [Table 2]:
[Table 2] "Good" frequency statistics
Semantics / Balance Peking Joint Total percent
corpus corpus University knowledge , age
corpus base number
Many advantages, 327 185 247 759 71.5%
health 1 1 0 2 0.2%
Friendship and harmony 0 0 0 0 0.0%
It is appropriate and 2 0 0 2 0.2%
Good results (such as 0 11 16 27 2.5%
nice, delicious)
Table "Positive, 330 197 263 790 74.5%
face state"
Disease, the more 15 1 0 16 1.5%
accomplish 1 28 39 68 6.4%
Table "Positive, 16 29 39 84 7.9 %
Face Dynamic"
Rong, easy 4 25 4 33 3.1%
Can / facilitate / 9 2 5 16 1.5%
Value, get 2 1 3 6 0.6%
Table "Purpose" 15 28 12 55 5.2%
Table "Degree" 30 59 43 132 12 %.4
Total, number 391 313 357 1061 100%

In terms of frequency distribution, the highest frequency is the

semantics of "positive state", and the number of corpus pens is 790
(74.5% of the total corpus pens), among which 759 are "favorable and
satisfactory" (71.5%), which is the most commonly used among many
meanings.Therefore, the psychological response it causes is the most
direct and strong, so in the absence of context constraints, it is
the most likely to think of the meaning, this is
The central meaning of "good" (Qian Nairong 2002:298) is also the
meaning that should be introduced first in Chinese teaching.The
following semantic pie chart of [Figure 3] clearly presents the
proportion of the four categories of semantics:

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

[Figure 3] This paper summarizes the semantic derivative

diagram of "good"

The subhigh frequency meaning is the table "degree", a total of

132 cases (12.44%)."Positive dynamic" semantic and table "action-
purpose", 84 (7.9%) and 55 (5.2%), respectively.Moreover, the meaning
of "worth" is not seen in the dictionary of "good" entry. Although
the corpus of this semantic text is not much, the meaning of "worth"
is closely related to the sentence pattern of "what is good
(what)".Therefore, this article also includes this "worthy" meaning
into the discussion.When "good" enters the sentence of "what is good
(what)", the meaning "worth / can", for example: " There is nothing to
praise!"(Peking University Corpus).There is "nothing to praise".When
"good" is "worth", its semantics points to the nature of
something that promotes the execution of actions related to this
thing, such as "Schopenhauer says, philosophy has nothing to
study without death" (joint knowledge base), and "human death" in
this sentence causes "action" research ".Moreover, the "good"
syntactic position of the table "worth" is located in front of the
verb, the same as the "good" position of the table "purpose"
class.Therefore, this article lists it in the following way
Enter the semantics of "purpose".

3.4 Discussion of the lexical meaning and grammatical meaning of

"good": the semantics of "good" before the verb
As mentioned above, lexical meaning is the specific meaning of
real words, which can be divided into conceptual meaning and
external meaning.The grammatical meaning is a functional word that
cannot act as sentence components (Chen Manhua 2007).Yu Yongmei
(1999:21) further pointed out that the grammatical meaning can be
further divided into categorical meaning and relationship
meaning.Category meaning refers to grammatical categories such as
verbs, nouns and etc produced by longitudinal aggregation systems

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

Word class, and the relationship meaning is the horizontal

combinatorial relationship of the word class into the syntactic
structure 。
"Good" is an adjective or state verb, which expresses the
central semantic of "many advantages and satisfactory", which is
the specific word meaning, whose fixed semantic meaning does not
produce different semantics due to the context.Relatively speaking,
other meanings such as "completion and result goodness",
"completion", "easy", "worth", "can / can / facilitate", "degree" are
all extended and transformed meanings derived from grammarization,
with a different degree of blur from the central meaning.
Take "good" in front of the verb as an example, in different
sentence patterns, it can present "easy", "worth", "can / can /
convenient" and other meanings, with a lot of selectivity. The
conceptual meaning of "good" before the verb itself is relatively
stable in the structure of the complex sentence, and can change with
the context.This trend shows that the grammatical function of "good"
in the sentence highlights the "action-purpose" relationship in the
before and after the sentences, and does not point to a fixed
semantic meaning, so the conceptual meaning gradually disappears,
while the grammatical meaning is relatively prominent.This is also
in line with the literature of "good" as the end relationship (Wang
Li 1947 / 2002) or associated adverb (Qian Nairong 2002), indicating
that the "good" in the reply sentence is mainly grammatical meaning,
its main function is to express the connection between the two
sentences before and after, and the relationship meaning is a
subcategory of grammatical meaning.
Moreover, as the word of word test shows that before the verb in the
complex, the "good" of "action-purpose" can not be modified by the
degree adverb (" * tell me where he is, I'm easy to find him), not
"Not x x" way to ask ("* can I go to him"?), And grammatical
features, such as not using them alone, all show that "good" in
complex sentences is similar to functional words that cannot act
as sentence components.
Based on the above definitions of lexical meaning and
grammatical meaning, the relationship meaning of the "good" table
and "action-purpose" in the complex sentence should belong to the
grammatical meaning 10In the context of different "easy", "worth",
"can / can / convenient" and other different subsemantics.

The distinction between "category meaning" and "relationship meaning" can
roughly correspond to the "word category" pointed out by Deng Shouxin
(p a rt s o f s p e ec h) Unlike the "language class," the latter two
are the concepts generated after the word input syntax. Word class
refers to the direction of the word in a sentence, including nouns,
verbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs, quantifiers,
AIDS and other words, is determined by the aggregation relationship
(pa r ad i g m a ti c p r ope rit e s), refers to the vertical
replacement relationship between words and words. On the other hand,
language refers to the function played by words in sentences, including
subjects, subject, predicate, attributive, adverbial and complement, which is
determined by the combinatorial relationship (s yn t a g m a ti c p r op e r
ti es) and refers to the horizontal co-occurrence limit of words and words
(Deng Xinxin 2009, private discussion).
Another related adverb "on", its verb original vocabulary meaning is
"trend, to": " the water is wet, the fire is dry.」 《 Zhouyi), and "close,
close": "a gentleman must choose a hometown, travel to the land".Xunzi (Ancient
and Modern Chinese Dictionary 2004).Its current grammatical meaning is an
adverb of "less or earlier than expected": "When he graduates, he works
elsewhere", expressing the relationship between before and after sentences
(Qu Chengxi 2006:80).

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

3.5 Summary
As mentioned above, the central conceptual significance of "good"
with "many advantages and satisfactory", after being grammarized,
gradually forms the "good" before the verb, and finally moves towards
the function-oriented road.Its main function is to connect the front
and back sentences in the complex sentences to express the
grammatical significance of the "action-purpose" relationship.In
other words, "good" changed from a meaningful word to a
grammatical phenomenon that expresses the functional components of
grammar, which also became the basis of the larger cross-sentence
scope of chapters, connecting the concepts and chapter levels in
the three pure functional architectures of H alli d a y.
4. Chapter level: the "good" cohesion function and information focus
Halliday (1967,1985) mentions three chapter functions: cohesion
(cohesion), i n f o r m a ti on s tr uc t u r e (i n f o r m a ti on
s tr uc t u r e), and master structure (t he m a ti c s tr uc t u r
e).Connection is the function of chapter organization between
sentences, while information structure and principal structure are
the chapter organization function within sentences.Connection
mainly focuses on the specific form of the connection between the
linguistic components in the chapter. It is the external
connection form of the chapter, which is relative to the
coherence. The latter is the internal semantic connection, which
mainly refers to the relationship between various concepts or
propositions expressed in the chapter.The cohesion and coherence
are closely related, and the formal cohesion is to serve for the
semantic coherence, and is the surface form symbol of the internal
semantic coherence (Xu Yulong 2002:209).On the other hand, the
information structure mainly explains the horizontal combination
relationship of the information, which is centered on the receiver
and divided into known information and unknown information.Language
expression and understanding usually follow the principle of "the
known to the unknown" information arrangement (Chen Junlin
2007:329-331).The main structure is mainly centered on the speaker,
divided into two parts: the main position and the position: the main
position is the starting point of the sentence, and the position is
the content of the sentence (Halliday 1985:38).When the known
information of the sentence overlaps with the position of the main
position, it is combined as the theme, the rest of the sentence is
called the topic (Halli day1970:12), and the new information core at
the end of the topic is called the focus at the end of the
sentence.This section discusses the cohesion, semantic coherence of
"good" and the presentation of information focus.
4.1 The "Good" cohesion function
4.1.1 The cohesion function of "Good" in a single sentence
When "good" is located in front of the verb and the syntactic
environment is a single sentence, the syntax function of "good" can
describe something "easy to achieve", as shown in the examples (11)
and (12):
(11) This road is easy.
(12) Indeed, physics is not as easy to understand as mathematics.(UNIA
Balanced Cora)
Although "good" at this time is located in the category of single
sentence, as shown above, it still implies a trait (reason) of things
that makes an action or purpose easy to execute or achieve, as above
example (11) "this road is easy to go",

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

Implicit "the road is smooth or broad or has other advantages" to

facilitate the "easy" result.
4.1.2 The cohesion function of "Good" in the reply sentence
"Good" is in the reply sentence, when connecting the preceding
and preceding sentences, the latter sentence is the purpose of the
preceding sentence, indicating that "the completion of an action
contributes to the achievement of something", as shown in the
example sentence (13) - (15):
(13) The average person should often take blood pressure, good to
know whether their blood pressure is normal.
(14) Why can't you always find this group of robbers, so that I can
avenge your mother and brother?
(15) We had better decide within this week so that I can call the
hotel to set the
room.(IA Balanced
Compared with examples (11) and (12) in (12, examples (13 " in (13)
- (15), the paradigm domain expands from a single sentence to a
complex sentence, which is to introduce the purpose of the previous
proposition (preceding sentence) and to further explain the
intention of the proposition.From the above examples, we can see
that the connection of "good" in the second sentence is a sequential
relationship: "good" follows the action of the previous sentence in
order to achieve the purpose of the second sentence. For example
(13), the previous sentence of "good" is, "ordinary people should
often take blood pressure", and the purpose is to "really know
whether their blood pressure is normal" in the latter sentence.For
example (14), the purpose of "finding this group of robbers" is to "let
me avenge your mother and brother", so the connection function of
"good" in the reply sentence is to highlight the "purpose".The complex
sentence of
If the latter sentence has a subject, "good" is located behind the
subject, for example (15) "I may call the hotel to make a room".
In conclusion, ", good" is the relationship between "action-
purpose". "good" in the reply "has the relationship between" good
"and" good "in" good problem ". The relationship is as shown in
[Table 3]:
[Table 3] The model domain of "good + verb"
good +V good +V ……, good +V……
"Good + V" to "Good + V" is located in the
"Good + V" is the
undertake before the sentence after the sentence,
predicate "many people" and easy is also the action of the
modifying the
to achieve the purpose sentence and easy to achieve
of "good work". the purpose of the sentence.
The average person should
This problem is By the hands of often take blood pressure,
well solved many a great work good really know whether
made light their blood pressure is

4.1.3 The cohesion function of "Good" in the sentence group

The chapter emphasizes the category of supersentence (s up r a
s en t en ti a l) or cross-sentence (i n t e rs en t en ti a l),
not only in single sentences or multiple sentences, but in the
language including the principal structure, information structure
and means of cohesion

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

class.However, before discussing the cross-sentence chapter function

of "good", we have observed in the previous section that although the
"good" into the complex sentence is still stuck at the syntactic
level, but not in the larger chapter scope, it has a sequential
function.In other words, the "action-purpose" cohesion function of
"good" in the reply sentence presents the prototype of the chapter
cohesion function.This basic cohesion function is also reflected in
the sentence group, as shown in example (16) - (18):
(16) Today, I will take a day off to visit the Creek Lake, I hope all
the members can adjust their body and mind, fortunately,
tomorrow against the United States team.(UNIA Balanced
(17) The service staff of the hotel knocked on the door, woke us
up, and asked us to get ready, so that we could go to
Zhushan to see the sunrise.(Joint Knowledge Base)
(18) The Communist Party let the poor live a good life, the old
crow nest into phoenix village, Ouyang Hai dreamed of
wanting to become a PLA soldier, good to protect the
people's country.(Peking University Corpus)
Example (16) - - (18), "good" is located in the group of sentences,
and still follow the "action-purpose" relationship before and
after.In example (16), "Good" before "visit the Creek Lake and adjust
your body and mind" is to achieve the next goal of "play the US team
tomorrow".Example (17) is the same, "good" before undertaking
"service staff to knock on the door, wake us up, ask us to prepare"
and other actions, in order to achieve the following "to Zhushan to
see the sunrise" purpose.Similarly, in example (18), "Good"
undertook its previous "common"
The communist party let the poor live a good life, the old crow
nest into phoenix village, Ouyang Hai dreamed to become a PLA
soldier ", in order to achieve the subsequent" defend the people's
country " purpose.
To further verify that "Good" has the function of quasi-chapter
marking, the interaction between the cohesion and coherence of "good"
in the sentence group will be further analyzed below.The search corpus
is shown in the example (19) - (24):
(19) Mrs.S i eve r d i ng apparently thought I would live there
for a long time, because shortly after I just moved there
in early April, I had no place for her reaction book.
Every two days, she and her friend cleaned up a cabinet
in the storage room and put two carpets in the storage
room so that I could pick up the book.
(20) This effort, my brother and I decided to study more hard, in
order to get more rewards, or to increase a sense of
(21) Please explain the meaning of these symbols, so that we
can better understand the mysterious world of the
Byzantine icon painting?
(22) The government attaches great importance to the case,
tries to slow down the progress of the case, and
exchange time for space, so that it can settle the case in
the United States and strive for operational space.

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

(23) Chinese and recitation ability, the principal and teachers

launched the "Tang poetry singing" unit, so that the
beautiful Chinese classical poetry, watering on the
(24) She had to ask an count.Wang Qingfeng and other other
members of both parties have advised Huang Yujiao angry
even, hope is not clear!But Ms.Huang insisted.No party
member Lin Yuanshan see Huang Yujiao firm attitude,
that is, suggested vice Speaker Huang Zhenyue, in the
Middle East war, for the sake of the life safety is
important, to clear, or early will go home to save life is
(IA Balanced Cora)

Check the above corpus, with "good" as the cut-off point, with the
former "action", followed by the "purpose" of the action.Since the
"good" parts have semantic connection, even if the "good" is
omitted, the purpose relationship still exists, as shown in example
(19 ') - (23'):
(19 ') Mrs.S i e v e r d i n g apparently thought I would live
there for a long time, because I moved there in early
April, I had no place for her. Every two days, she and her
friends cleaned a cabinet in the storage room and put
two carpets in the storage room for me to pick up the
(20 ') This effort, my brother and I decided to study more hard
to get more rewards and add a sense of achievement.
(21 ') Please explain the meaning of these symbols, so that we
can better understand the mysterious world of the
Byzantine icon painting?
(22 ') The government attaches great importance to the case,
tries to slow down the progress of the case, and
exchange time for space, so that the prosecution in the
United States can strive for operational space.
(23 ') Chinese and recitation ability, the principal and teachers
launched the "Tang poetry singing" unit, let the beautiful
Chinese classical poetry, watering on the children.
(24 ') She had to ask an count.Qiu MAO male.Zhou Cangyuan.Miao
Sufang.Wang Qingfeng and other members of both
parties have advised Huang jiao gas even, hope is not
clear!But Ms.Huang insisted.Lin Yuanshan see Huang
Yujiao firm attitude, that is, vice Speaker Huang Zhenyue,
in the Middle East war tight, for everyone's life safety is
important, to clear clear, also early will go home to save
Example (19 ') - (23') shows that the "action-purpose" relationship
before and after the omitted "good" still exists, so what is the
"good" function?This and "good" later indicate "purpose"

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

The words "let, do" are concerned.If "let and do" appears "behind"
good ", its cohesion function will be weakened, and its addition is
only to enhance the already obvious" purpose action " function.On the
other hand, when "good" is separated from "let, for", its following
function is very obvious.In other words, if the lack of "good"
cohesion, and before and after the semantic coherence is not close,
before and after the sentence between the action-purpose relationship
is very weak, for example (24 '): "early will go home life important"
and "to clear (number) (number)" between the semantic connection is
not strong, cannot present sentence "action-purpose" relationship,
and must be by "good" function, the "purpose", to promote
Semantic coherence, take out between the lines of the "count the
number of people can go home early" sentence meaning.Thus, the
"good" cis-connection function not only strengthens the semantic
coherence, but also achieves the formal cohesion.
4.2 "Good" in the sentence group
All of the above discussions are conducted at the structural
level, however, "good" is both a mark of formal cohesion and serves
for semantic coherence, as Xu Yulong (2002:209) pointed out:

Although the cohesion and coherence of chapters are two

different concepts, the former refers to the connection
between various linguistic forms or linguistic components
in the chapter, and the latter refers to the connection
between various concepts or propositions expressed in the
chapter, but the two are closely related.In general, the
formal coherence of the chapters serves the semantic
Coherence is the semantic connection within the chapter, exists at
the bottom of the chapter, is the invisible network of the chapter,
and cohesion is an important symbol to ensure the actual existence
of coherence (Zheng Guiyou 2002:80)."Good" is the "action-purpose"
relationship before and after, as shown (25) - (27):
(25) The government attaches great importance to the case, tries to
slow down the progress of the case, and exchange time for
space, so that it can settle the case in the United States and
strive for operational space.(Example, 22, Re)
(26) I will save twenty to thirty percent of the money I earn,
and prepare for a rainy day, and you never know what
will come.
(27) Vice Speaker Huang Zhenyue, for the sake of the Middle East
war, for the sake of life safety is important, to clear (point) to
clear (point), or early will go home to save life.
(IA Balanced Cora)

In the above example, if there are "let, for" words such as

"good," good "does not affect the semantic coherence. For example
(25)" The government attaches importance to the case in time for

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

So that the lawsuit can be settled in the United States.If you use
"good", not only strengthen the purpose of "good", but also because
of the "good" related effect, the first sentence and the purpose more
closely connected.
In addition, if there is no "let, for" the purpose of the table,
but the internal coherence between two sentences is strong, the use of
"good" is not necessary, for example (26) of the action "will earn 20
percent to save" and "save" direct causal logic relationship, so even
if not use explicit cohesion means "good", also does not affect the
understanding.This is because there is no morphological change in the
Chinese language.The expansion of the paragraph in the chapter is
based on the idea of the speaker, that is, the internal coherence of
"Italian harmony" (parataxis) as the main means. Although the
paragraph can also be expanded through the "form harmony" (hypotaxis)
explicit means of "good", it is not necessary (Chen Junguang
On the contrary, if the semantic coherence of the two sentences
is not strong, and there is no "let, for" existence, then "good" will
have to shoulder the connection before and after, to achieve the
purpose of semantic coherence.For example (27) in the "good" of the
sentence "to clear (point) clear (point)" and "it is important to go
home early", if there is no "good", it is difficult to understand the
before and after the relationship.In addition, if the speaker wants
to express their subjective evaluation, the use of "good" can
clearly present the coherence of the meaning and the subjectivity
of the speaker.The "good" expressing "action-purpose" in example
(27) can be seen as an example of the interaction between
synammization and subjectivity.
Whether "good" is used in the sentence is closely related to
the strength of semantic correlation between the preceding and
after sentences. From the corpus collected in this paper, the
necessity of using "good" can be divided into three levels. The
following is the selection level from low to high:
I."Good" selection level 1: between the current later sentences, such
as "let, for" and other table purpose words, "good" appear or not,
it will not affect the semantic coherence.Use "good", not only
strengthen "good"
The purpose of the latter, more because of the "good" correlation
role, the action of the first sentence is more closely connected
with the latter purpose, such as for example (25).
II."Good" selection level 2: when there is no "let, do" between the
following sentences, the existence of "good" can show the
correlation before and after.If the purpose relationship between
the front and back sentences is a strong semantic coherence, with
some objectivity, that is, readers agree with the logical
relationship, if "good" is omitted, it does not affect the
semantic coherence, for example (26).
III."Good" selection level 3: If the purpose relationship between
before and after is more subjective, "good" must be expressed
through "good" before and after the logical relationship, "good"
selection level is the highest, as for example (27).
From the above levels, although "good" is a cohesion sign, but
its existence purpose is to enhance the coherence of the
discourse.However, when any form has zero form, cohesion is no
exception (Zheng Guiyou

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

2002: 23)。Once the zero cohesion form appears, the coherence of

the representative context does not need to be achieved by the
cohesion sign, because its internal semantics is enough to be
coherent.However, when the coherence within the chapter is less
clear, or the speaker expresses the subjective evaluation, "good"
can be used as the chapter cohesion mark and subjective mark.
4.3 The "Good" information focus
From the perspective of cohesion function, the existence of
"good" is to follow the "action-purpose" relationship, the
combination of information before and after is: "good" is an action,
and "good" is the purpose of the above action, as shown in the
following examples (example 19 and Example 20):
(28) Mrs.S i eve r d i ng apparently thought I would live there
for a long time, because shortly after I just moved there
in early April, I had no place for her reaction book.
Every two days, she and her friend cleaned up a cabinet
in the storage room and put two carpets in the storage
room, so that I could pick up the book.
(29) This effort, my brother and I decided to study harder to get
more rewards, also
To add a sense of achievement to yourself.
(IA Balanced Cora)

Example (28) There are two actions, between action A "Clean the
cabinet in the storeroom" and action B "omit" Put two carpets on the
shop in the storeroom ".Since "I have no place to put the reaction book
to her" once appeared above, the purpose of action A is "to let me put
the book".The listener can deduce the purpose of action A to "let me
put the book".Therefore, the speaker can omit the purpose of the A
action "to let me put the book" does not affect the understanding,
and the continuous action B "two carpets in the storage room", the
purpose of this action is also "let me convenient to get the book".It
can be seen that "good" must take the above action as the premise to
promote the purpose of the above action, that is, the so-called
smooth contact function.
Secondly, the "good" in the reply sentence or sentence group
mainly focuses on the achievement of the subsequent purpose.The
action before "good" is to connect the purpose after "good", which
complies with the principle of focus at the end of the sentence.In
other words, the subsequent purpose of "good" is the main intention
of the speaker.Similarly, the action of "reading harder" in the example
(29) has two goals. Its purpose A "gets more rewards" is contacted "by"
with ", while purpose B" adds a sense of achievement "is brought out
by" good ".However, from the whole sentence group, when purpose A
"reward" and purpose B "increase achievement", end B is the (end)
of the sentence focus of the speaker, which can be further
supported by the following corpus of Example (30):

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

(30) Once again, I took part in the school composition

competition, got the first place, many people feel happy
for me, the most happy than my parents.They gave me
500 yuan to reward me, allowing me to buy some
books; I felt very excited, because it proved that I
usually reading books, also made me in the journey of
life.These are two examples of my parents' "encouragement
instead of blame", but I earned the glory myself.As the saying
goes, " No pains, no gains.I can reap with as much
effort.However, I get not only the spiritual and material
gains, I also get a sense of achievement and honor, which
is with money also can not change the "honor".(UNIA
Balanced Cora)
From the further elaboration of the following corpus above, the two
purposes in example (30), purpose A and B take the information
structure, and purpose B "sense of achievement" is the new
information, which is also the focus at the end of the
Here, the information structure of "good" in the reply sentence is
"known information + good + new information". The role collocation of
this information structure and "good" is shown in [Table 4]:
[Table 4] Information structure of "good" in the reply
Previous item of The "Good" The "Good" back
"good" character item
Known, The end of the
information Undertake the focus
previous item to guide
The and introduce the The purpose of the
aforementioned action following item preceding action

In other words, "good" before and after the characteristics of

chronological order, first "action" after "purpose", and the action
points to the purpose, namely the completion of the event improve the
goal, therefore, produced the time and space and semantic primary and
secondary order (HongShenXing 2008:24), semantic primary and
secondary corresponding to the level of information structure, "good"
before (action) for the scene, "good" after (purpose) for the
prospect.Therefore, the performance of "good" in the sentence group
in cohesion and information has partially presented its cohesion and
coherence function at the chapter level.
According to the above discussion of "good" in the sentence
group, it shows that "good" has functions such as compliance,
strengthening semantic coherence and the focus of sentences.However,
the paradigm domain affected by "good" in the sentence group is
still different from its function in the session structure.Because
"good" has a cohesion function in the complex sentence and sentence
group, revealing the young type of its chapter mark, so when it
enters the chapter category, its original cohesion function is
developed into the chapter mark influenced by the category.In other
words, "good" in the complex sentence and sentence group only stops
at the function of connection, but "good" in the conversation
structure has the function of opening, ending or alternating speech
wheel. The connection function has involved the topic or conversation
wheel, and entered a larger chapter category. Related discussion is
detailed in the next section.

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

4.4 "Good" session analysis

Session analysis (c onv ersati on a n al y sis) can be
regarded as a faction or sub-field of chapter analysis,
focusing on examining inversion patterns occurring in large
amounts of data collected in natural situations (Schiffrin
1989, Liu Hong 2004).It is the analysis of people's daily
communication situation conversation, study the naturally occurring
interactive session, discusses how speakers and listeners understand
and react to each other, it involves the analysis of the discourse
structure, how to build conversation, speakers and listeners how to
complete the wheel alternate, also involves the pragmatic strategy
used in the conversation (he nature, ran yongping 2002).This section
begins with relevant session structure research, and the next
section continues to explore the pragmatic functions used in the
According to Liu Hong (2004:46), the conversation round is " what
the speaker speaks continuously in any arbitrary period of time, which
ends is marked by the role exchange of the speaker and the listener or
the silence of the parties.The conversation wheel in the session
structure can be divided into "complete conversation round" (full
turn) and "feedback project" (reactive tokens).The former is the
content of the main speaker, that is, the discourse composed of
sentences; the latter is not the main speaker, belongs to the feedback
language of the listener, its information in the conversation, but for
the smooth progress of the conversation, the speaker always pay
attention to capture feedback information, whether the listener is
interested or understand the understanding, otherwise the session will
be difficult to conduct (Biq 1998).
4.4.1 End marking and conversion mark
As mentioned above, because of "good" in the verb after the
meaning of "complete", and the verb "good" for change verb (example:
"written", "fixed", "good"), said from the original state into
another state, the nature of "change" or "change", the "complete"
semantic and
The nature of "change" provides the basis for the development of
"good" chapter function, making "good" act as a sign of the topic /
conversation round change in the chapter conversation structure.
Miracle (1991:56) proposed that "good" in spoken Chinese has "end"
(closure) and
"Conversion" (transition) functions, and Wang & Tsai (2005:236) also indicates that
"Good" is the end and conversion of the topic, as shown in the following example:
(31) L: The whole arrangement feels very warm for us.Well,
after introducing the decoration equipment, I have to
ask the store owner to explain the history of the
store, their history.
(W ang & T sai 2005 :224-225)

In example (31), L uses "good" to stop the current topic and open a
new topic. "Good" is a conversion mark, acting as a bridge between
two topics or two words.Lai (2006) is also supported by the corpus

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

The functions proposed by Miracle (1991) and Wang and Tsai (2005),
namely "good" expresses the ending topic, as shown in example (32):
(32) A: You know about the class meeting
tomorrow. Don't forget it!B: Oh, okay.
A: Remember to bring the film to me, too.
B: good.
A: Ok, so that happens first.Break off.(Lai 2006:39-40)
In example (32), the third "good" is that the speaker A wants to
terminate the topic and implies that the conversation is ending
(Lai 2006:39-40); the first and second "good" is the feedback term
of the speaker to go smoothly.The "good" discussed in this section
does not include the "good" of the feedback and response, but also
the "good" of the expression conversion and end function in the
session structure.W a ng & T sai (2005:215-243) pointed out that
the "good" ending or conversion of the table topic has lost the
original word meaning of "good", but its topic ending and
conversion function is still related to its core meaning of "pos
itive evaluation" (pos itive evaluation).
4.4.2 Position of the "good" in the talk wheel
In the literature, the "good" position and its cohesion function
are divided into three categories, namely, the beginning, end and
alternation of the speech theory, which are described as follows. Start with the conversation wheel
"Good" is at the beginning of the speech wheel, the end of the
previous non-discourse stage, and the beginning of implying new
(33) Audience hands
A: Ok, most of the parents who sit almost now have paid
money and chosen a school
stressful. (Zhao Cong, 2006:36)
(34) The bell rings
Teacher: Well, let's start the class.

In examples (33) and (34), "good" is to end the previous non-words

(the audience raises his hand, the bell rings), make a summary or
start another new stage of words. End of the wheel
"Good" at the end of the wheel is the end of the current topic,
for example (35) means the teacher says that the class is over.

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

(35) ⋯ ⋯ 。Well, that's all for today's class.(Zhao Cong, 2006:36) Talk wheel alternation place

When "good" is a sign of two topics, it indicates both the end
of the previous topic and the beginning of a new topic.Or is the two
stages of discourse cohesion, "good" means the end of the previous
stage of discourse and the beginning of a new stage of discourse.
(36) A: My name is xxx. Now I am studying in the Department of
Science and Education of Yanbian University. Well, I also want to
send my blessing to my mother and all the people who care for
B: Well, let's see the name, xxx, I know this friend's
hometown is
Jingyu County.(Zhao Cong, 2006:36)
(37) Aunt: to see people is to see people's eyes, to see for sure!
Well, look at me!
(Shao Jingmin, Zhu Xiaoya, 2005:138)
(38) Well.Standing just up on the main road.I asked the
question.good.You guys go to the bad restaurant together
with me.(Peking University Cora)
In example (36), "good" is the switch sign between two topics, A is
the radio call in, B is the radio host, and "good" is located at the
conversation wheel switch.However, B inherits what A said and
continues to further introduce A.In example (37), "good" is between
the two words, and the front and back paragraphs are different. The
first paragraph describes the essentials of "seeing people and looking
at the eyes", while the latter paragraph is the field action, with
obvious transformation.Example (38) also shows that "good" is
changeable. "Good" asked "ask this question" and "good" ordered "go
to the restaurant with me".
Considering the above discussion, the "good" conversion function
can occur between words or alternate rounds.Conversion in the session
structure, including talk wheel conversion (turn-ta king) and topic
conversion (t op i c-s w it ch i ng); the former is the outer surface
structure, the latter is the session substance interior member (Feng
Guoxin 2000:41).This paper believes that this is consistent with the
basic concept of chapter cohesion and coherence, and the speech wheel
is transformed into the surface structure, and the topic is converted
into the coherence of the underlying content.In addition, this paper
holds that "good" in the session, itself does not load the real
meaning, nor is it the basic element in the sentence linear
structure, in line with the characteristics of the marker words
(Fang Mei 1995:281).
At the same time, the "good" conversion function includes the
complete conversion of the topic content, for example (39), and the
further relevance of the topic content, from abstract to concrete, or
from narrative to action, such as example (40).

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

(39) A: This paragraph is that men will tend to speak in a a ss

e r ti ve way, which is also more direct, while women
will communicate with others in a more indirect and
tactful way.
B: Well, okay.The next thing we see is the different way men
and women speak, whether they can
Reflecting the differences in the social roles between men
and women.( Lai 2006: 46-47)
(40) A: My name is xxx. Now I am studying in the Department of
Science and Education of Yanbian University. Well, I also want to
send my blessing to my mother and all the people who care for
B: Well, let's see the name, xxx, I know this friend's
hometown is
Jingyu County.(Zhao Cong, 2006:36)

4.5 Summary
Previously mentioned as "good" in the complex sentence and
sentence group, it has the functions such as smooth connection,
strengthening semantic coherence and subsequent information focus,
and the paradigm domain affected in the session structure is more
advanced.The connection function of the former is only limited in
sentences (complex sentences and sentence group), while the latter
has entered the larger chapter category, expanding the connection
between topics or speech rounds.
From the perspective of grammarization, the cohesion function
within the "good" sentence and the cross-sentence session function
are respectively derived from two different paths respectively.Both
initially started from the "good" central vocabulary meaning "many
advantages and satisfactory" (conceptual level), through the
transformation of syntactic position, and form a cohesion-oriented
functional words or chapter markers (chapter level).The path of the
former by the concept of "good" level, displacement to verb syntactic
position, provides the basis of its evolution into "easy", and when
"good" into the sentence structure, table "can / to / facilitate"
"purpose" accordingly, formed the "good" in the cohesion function, as
shown in [figure 4]:
[Figure 4] The grammarization process of "good" in
the meaning of the table

The latter shifts from the conceptual level of "good" to the

syntactic position after the verb, providing the basis for the table
"complete meaning" and the time phase, both of which undergo state
changes.Therefore, when "good" enters the chapter level, the
"completion meaning" and "transformation nature" formed by the
position behind the verb are further mentioned
For the basis of the "topic / conversation wheel end or conversion"
chapter mark in the "Good" formation session structure, as shown in
[Figure 5]:

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

[Figure 5] Table the chapter of the grammarization process

of marking "good"

According to the above discussion, the "good" within and across

sentences is extracted in [Table V]:

[Table 5] "Good" chapter function classification general

clas Place functional For example, the son
sify , place description
He would like to study what kind of
a "Good" brings out the level Zhang Husheng is, so as to
I n the sent ence

sentenc grammatical meaning prepare for the future victory and

e of of "purpose", and has defeat.
two or the function of
more connecting before and
clauses after sentences
This effort, my brother and I decided to
A study more hard, in order to get more
sentenc rewards, or to increase a sense of
e, a achievement.
The Note the end of The bell rings
ring the previous non- Teacher: Well, let's start the class.
origi discourse stage
n with the
beginning of the
new discourse
ring Table The current Well, that's all for today's class.
At conversation topic
I n the s es si o n

the end
L: The whole arrangement feels very
warm for us.Well, after introducing
In the Topic, change
the decoration equipment, I have
ring to ask the store owner to explain
the history of the store, their

A: This paragraph is that men will
tend to speak in the a ss e r ti ve
way, which is also more direct,
while women will communicate
Both the topic and
the conversation
with others in a more indirect and
wheel change tactful way.
The B: Well, okay.W hat we s ee ne xt is
ring whet he r t he d if fe renc es i n ho w
men and w om en sp eak can re fl ec t
Hand the di ffe re nce s in t he ir so cia l
in, for ro le s.
A: My nam e is xx x . N ow I am
st udy in g in t he D epar tm en t of
Talk wheel Sci enc e and E duca ti on of Yanb ian
Uni ve rs it y. We ll , I a ls o wan t t o
conversion (to
send my b le ss ing t o my mo ther
undertake or
and all the peo pl e w ho car e fo r
extend the topic) me .
B: Well, look at the name, x xx, I know
The friend's hometown is Jingyu

5. Interpersonal level: a "good" conversational function and pragmatic

"Good" can reflect different pragmatic phenomena in the
conversation structure to show different interpersonal interaction
functions.This article examines the corpus and classifies "Good" for
expressing two different interactive functions.One focuses on the
organization function of language, discusses the restriction
relationship between the speech wheel form and the voice of "good",
the other focuses on the derivative of pragmatic meaning, and
discusses the application relationship between "good" context
derivative and pragmatic principle.This section undertakes the
conversation analysis discussed in the previous section, first
discussing the pragmatic function of "good" in the form of
conversation rounds, and then discussing the "consistent criterion"
in the context of "good"

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

(Agreement Maxim) (Leech 1983) and "indirect verbal behavior" (Searle 1975)

5.1 "Good" speech round form and control of voice

In the session, because it enters the session structure, the
talk wheel form also has an impact on the pragmatic function of the
"good".In other words, the talk wheel form causes the "good" to
produce different interpersonal interaction functions.

5.1.1 "Good" declares or redeclares the sovereignty of the present

When "good" appears in the "complete round" (Biq 1998:6), a
group wheel containing the main speaker content, the speaker has the
right to control the whole audience.So when the speaker needs to
claim sovereignty (to speak back), through a "good" passage.So Good
has the pragmatic function of declaring (claim) or redeclaring
(reclaim) speech, as shown in the following examples:

(41) Teacher: Please start to practice now.

(Students practice one-on-one in groups) (Five
minutes later, practice.) Teacher: Good!Is there
any problem?
Student: (Student shaking his head or not responsive)
Teacher: Good!Let's continue now (the spoken corpus
(42) Don't your children quarrel?Let's take a rest and go on to the
discussion.∥ good,
Our second phase of the discussion, into the focus in the
focus.What kind of parents are there for (IIA balanced

In example (41), when the teacher asks the student if there is a

problem, after the student shakes his head, the teacher uses "good"
to regain his voice and continue to speak.For example (42), the host
uses "good" to start talking to the second phase of the discussion.

5.1.2 "Good" is the feedback item

When "good" is a "feedback project" (Biq 1998:6), it is used by
the main speaker, and when the recipient responds "good", there may
be no words, or only a short sentence, such as "I know".At this
point, "good" is the answer word, which only indicates the passive
participation of the receiver, and the speaking sovereignty is still
in the other side, and the speech rotation is quite fast.
(43) A: You know about the class meeting
tomorrow. Don't forget it!B: Oh, okay.

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

A: Remember to bring the film to me, too.

B: good.
A: Ok, so that happens first.Break off.(Lai 2006:39-40)
(44)!Wan Ling!I'll go by at 10:30 today!∥ good!(UNIA Balanced Cora)

The first and second "good" in example (43) are the feedback words
of the receiver in the session to proceed smoothly.In example (44),
"good" in addition to the answer function, but also agrees to the
other partysemanteme 11。
5.2 "Good" context derivative meaning and "consensus criterion"
In interpersonal interaction, "good" can also express different
tone and reflect different response functions in different
context.According to the corpus collected in this article, the
various "good" response functions are summarized below.
5.2.1 "Good" form agree (agree, agree, accept, compromise)
When "good" table "agree", can be with "ah, ah, ah, ah" and so
on12co-occurrence.For example (45) - - (49), no matter which tone of
word "good" is followed, it is closely related to the basic function
of expressing "consent".
(45) Since you want to collect money, well, give money, but at least
open a reasonable price.
(46) Don't thank.As long as you don't hurt, okay."Hua Hui said:"
Well, then you can do it quickly.」 (IBS balanced corpus)
(47) Well ~ well ~ I will take good care of myself!(Google Internet corpus)
(48) Let's eat old ji beef noodles at noon tomorrow, ok?Well!(ditto)
(49) Mom: Don't watch TV anymore!Hurry up for your homework!
Child: Good, good!I know!(ditto)
In example (45), from the "ok" below the "give money", we know that
the "ok" table "agree" to give money.In example (46), "OK" shows "OK"
to "accept" your advice.In example (47), the speaker "agrees" and
"will take good care of yourself".In example (48), the "good"
expression of the recipient "agrees" with the speaker's proposal

The pragmatic function of Chinese "good" in conversation is similar to
English OK. For example, Wang Xiaoyan (2007:88) pointed out the
following English example, the speaker expressed the function of
understanding and approval through OK: " OK, w h a t a r e you go i
ng t o s t udy t h e r e?」。
"Well" means that the proposition is a clear preset; "ah" table personal
involvement, can agree; "bar" indicates the weakening of the proposition in
the speech, can show the hesitation, retention (Wei Miaochun 2006:60,63).

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

"Let's eat old ji beef noodles at noon tomorrow, ok?」。In addition to

the function of expressing "consent", "good" can also include the
"concession" function. When the recipient gives in, it agrees to the
proposal or request of the speaker. For example (49), the child's
answer "good" shows concessions to the mother's request and accepts
its request.The above example show that "good" in the conversation
can indicate positive, positive "acceptance, acceptance, approval"
or negative "concession".In interpersonal interaction, "good" is
used to form "agree", in line with the "consensus principle" in the
principle of politeness: "minimize differences and increase
consistency" (Leech 1983:132)13。
5.2 The "Good" table knows it.2
"Good" means that the recipient has received a message from the
sender and has the function of "knowing" (Zhao Cong 2006). For
example (50), "Good" means that A has received a message sent by
B.So A, I achieve the conversation interaction with "good, I know,"
so that the two sides quickly reach a consensus.
(50) A: Can you attend a dinner meeting on Friday?
B: I have a meeting at noon on Friday. I can't go to the
graduation dinner.
A: Ok, I know that.(The oral corpus collected in this article)
5.2 "Good" is the opposite word.3
The literature points out (Shao Jingmin, Zhu Yamin 2005; Zhao
Cong 2006), when "good" says, it is "good", but actually "bad", not
only express dissatisfaction, but also often ironic, as shown in the
following examples:
(51) Good job!You don't answer!Don't you answer?I guess
you gave it to the Chinese (IA balanced corpus)
(52) The Han girl who Allah lowered the punishment, who is
called Li, isn't it?Well, you don't say, are you good, or your
dad's whip good?I just listen to the brush.(Zhao Cong,
(53) Everyone is very unexpected.Chen Dahai was stunned, laughed,
" Good, you have the ability to seize it.With a wave of the
long sword, the blade shook and hummed.(ditto)

In example (51), "good" is not to promise or agree with the other

party's practice, but to express "dissatisfaction".Example (52) "
Good, don't say, are you, or your dad's whip?Not only expressing
strong dissatisfaction,

M i n i m i ze d i s a g r ee m e n t b e t w ee n s e l f a nd o
t h e r; M a x i m i ze a g r ee m e n t b e t w ee n s e l f a
nd o t h e r.

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

It even has an "ironic threat."The "good" of example (53) means that

the speaker does not think the recipient is "capable" and
"provocative".When "good" is the opposite, the speaker uses "good",
not a positive tone of "consent", but a negative conversation of
"dissatisfaction, threat, provocation" (conversational
implicature).But this article believes that these negative sessions
are not implied by
"Good" itself; the speaker expresses "knowing" and "accepting"
unexpected (d i spe rr e rr ed) answers or intentions to prepare
for a subsequent conversation 14。
5.2 The "Good" statement begged.4
In addition to the above consent, concessions or counter words,
"good" can still say "beg" tone, often with "well", as shown in the
following examples:
(54) " Good sister!Give me!"" Good, good!」
(55) For example, when she goes shopping, she will put her chin
on my shoulder and say, " Well, ok, promise me.”
(56) " All right!All right! Go!No more hesitation!」
(G oog l e Internet

Example (54) and (55) are begged each other to agree to a request,
the former is asked the other party to give something, the latter is
begged the other party to answer.In example (56), the speaker asks or
persuades the other person to " go!Don't hesitate, "the above" good "
are begged.
For the above discussion, "consent" (agree, agree, accept, and
compromise) should be the most basic pragmatic function of "good",
because it meets the "consensus criterion" in the principle of
politeness.In order to further verify this argument, this paper
collects 200 oral corpus, summarizes and statistics the pragmatic
function of "good" in the dialogue corpus, and classifies statistics
such as [Table 6]:

The "good" opposite and opposite here has both the form of "complete
speech round" and the function of declaring the voice.Bi Yonge (2009,
private discussion) also believes that the above "good" itself does not
take a negative tone, is still related to "good" center "agree", saying
that the speaker "accept" of a specific situation: "Good, you don't come, I
take you", equivalent to English OK usage: " OK, (g i v e n), I w ill fl
unk you if you don't s ho w up.」....

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

[Table 6] Statistical summary of the "good" language

To declare or
With, Let, Know, Anti, Pr ai se Total,
reess the
meaning step xiao words number
sovereignty , xu 15
of the
27 103 14 20 32 4 200
13.5% 51.5% 7%.0 10.0% 16.0% 2.0% 100%

"Good" has the highest proportion of "consent" in the session,

at 51.5%, indicating that the most important pragmatic function of
"good" in the session is a positive, positive "consent", that means
a consensus by agreeing with the other party's suggestions or
In addition, "Good", as a positive pragmatic function
(interpersonal level) of "consent" (agreement), is directly related
to its "agreeable, appropriate" (conceptual level) in the "positive
state" category (see the table [Table 1] for "good").In other words,
"good" from its table "appropriate, appropriate" meaning, cross the
self-transmission of "appropriate, appropriate" interpersonal
relationship16It connects the concept and interpersonal level of
Halliday's three pure functional architectures.
5.3 "Good" sentences: Add "good"
Gu Weiguo (1994:1314) quoted Searle's theory of "indirect speech behavior"
(indirect speech act) to point out that the relationship between speech and behavior
depends on the context.A sentence can express different behaviors
according to the context, and a behavior can also show different
discourse meanings according to the context.In other words, the actual
situation of language is not a word corresponding to one meaning,
sometimes a word may have multiple meanings, or a meaning can have
many ways of expression, and Searle has multiple meanings for a
sentence with "indirect verbal behavior", that is, by doing one thing
to express another purpose.
(57) The weather is very hot!Can you blow the air cold?(The oral
corpus collected in this article)

Example (57) is not that the sender asks the recipient for the
ability to perform, but asks for help, which expresses the "request"
by "asking".This paper holds that the additional question
sentence (t ag que sti on) in the "good" sentence pattern is
also inferred in the context of the subject
15"Good" in the session can sometimes still express "praise", to express
the other side's performance, ideas, suggestions and other advantages,
satisfactory.At this time, "good" is the predicate appears alone, omit
the subject, which is not the "good" discussed at the pragmatic level of
this article.
Thanks to Bi for his insight: "A g r ee m e n t" m ea n s "a good
s t a t e" a t t h e i n t e r p e r s on a l l e v e l (good p r
op e r ti e s i n i n t e r p e r s on a l r e l a ti on s h i
p), j u s t a s t h e "s e m a n ti c" good m ea n s "good p r op
e r ti e s" i n w h a t e v e r on e i s re f e rr i ng t o "(B i
q 2009, p e rs on a l c o mm un i ca ti on).

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

And I learned that.This section introduces the similarities and

differences between the right and wrong question "ok" and the "good"
question "good".
5.3.1 The function of the nonasking sentence "ok"
"OK, ok, right, ok" and so on, the speaker first put forward
their own opinions, estimates, requirements, and then ask the other
side (Lv Shuxiang 1980 / 2004:256; Liu Yuehua et al. 2006:787).The
corpus collected in this article is such as for example (58) - (62):
(58) How about this computer?
(59) We don't get married, ok?
(60) " Is there nothing else easy to do?Don't have embroidery, will
you?"She cried out.
(61) Early in the morning, miss, you don't frighten me, ok!
(62) He looked at my nameless say I seem to have depression
is it this call a god
type funny ok!!!!!!!
(G oog l e Internet

In example (58), "ok" is still "good", and "ok" in "ok" is for the
other party, but if there is a better context, it can also be an
indirect act of "request".Example (60) shows that the meaning of "ok"
consultation becomes weak, while the function of "request" becomes
strong.It can be seen that "ok" means "consultation" or "request" is
related to the attitude of the speaker: if only in general, "ok"
function is "consultation", if brought into the subjective emotion and
attitude of the speaker, another layer of emotional color is added,
namely the "request" function.On the other hand, "ok" in (61) and (62)
enters another pragmatic function, namely "dissatisfaction": in (61)
"ok" besides asking not to " scare
I ", a more impatient tone, and for example (62)," ok "is" negative ""
depression "and" dissatisfaction "without" consultation "or" request"
the function of.
From the above example, the pragmatic function of "ok" can be
observed, ranging from simple "consultation" to expressing "strong
dissatisfaction".In addition to the "ok" of example (58) is simply
"consultation", other sentence patterns are different from the
surface of the sentence itself, conveying indirect speech
behavior.The above "ok" various indirect language behavior, can also
be conveyed through the "ok" positive rhetorical question way, as
shown in the following section.
5.3.2 Is the rhetorical question "good" function
The additional question "ok" can also express the "request approval"
(tone tone) function and " dissatisfaction

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

Features have been identified in the literature (e. g. Lu Shuxiang

1980 / 2004; Shao Jingmin 1996; Liu Yuehua et al 2006; Ran Yongping
et al 2006; Lai 2006; Li Bingzhen, Wang Liwei 2007).The corpus
collected in this article is such as for example (63) - (67):
(63) Is this computer speaker good?
(64) I heard that the Liuhe Night Market in Kaohsiung has a lot
of delicious things, so will we go there for dinner?
(65) Dear, I beg you, don't leave me, ok?
(66) This is on the street, do you have a little public morality, ok?
(67) Is the popular bone feeling good now?"Xiaowei listened to
my scolding and rolled her eyes to show my
(G oog l e Internet
First of all, the rhetorical question (63) in "good" is a combination
of "good" and "bad". The speaker "asks" the other party to choose
"good" or "bad", which is its basic function and still retains "good"
"Good, satisfactory" semantic.Example (64) is that the speaker first
states his thoughts, and then uses "ok" to ask the other side, "ok"
is not only consultation, but with some "expectation", stronger than
"ok".Example (65) "asks" to agree by easing the tone.On the other
hand, "good", in the example (66) and (67), enters into the pragmatic
function of "dissatisfaction".Example (66) in addition to "request"
the other party "a little moral", but also for the other party is
not moral behavior expressed "dissatisfaction", and example (67) in
addition to expressing "strong dissatisfaction", but also the other
party's behavior or ideas to "refute".
The rhetorical question "good" also starts with "asking" the
other party's opinion, so that he expresses strong "dissatisfaction"
and "refute" the other party's opinion.In addition to the example
(63) to simply consult the other party, other sentences are
questioned by expressing other such as "request", "dissatisfaction",
indirect verbal behavior.Then, the Chinese "good" and "ok" function
seem to be similar, all from the "seek advice" function, and then
expressed "request", "request and table dissatisfaction", and finally
derived from the expression of "dissatisfaction and deny the other
party's views".However, according to the "Language economic
Principles" (Marinet 1964; Leech 1983), the two expression
differences are discussed as follows.
5.3.3 Different pragmatic functions of "good" or ok "and" ok"
Chang (2006:36-38) uses the "courtesy principle" (politeness principle) of
Brown and Levinson (1987) to explain the different pragmatic functions of "ok" and
"ok".She refers to

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

"Good" is more commonly used to indicate the pragmatic "positive

politeness" (positive politeness).However, she also quoted the
following two corpora to explain the use of the two "good", which has
changed from "negative mark" (negative marker) (requiring the
recipient to evaluate a suggestion) to "modal mark" (modality
(68) He, a Chinese, ok?(Hu 2002:76, quoted from Chang 2006:36)
(69) And good, the teacher regardless (above)

Thus, the emotion of "good or not" should not be limited to the so-called "positive
politeness", but is more inclined to the pragmatic perspective of "speaker input"
(speaker involvement) (Chen Junguang 2009) (perspective)
have sth. to do with.In other words, the use of "good good" can be a
positive "request" or a negative "refutation", which depends on the
context.Therefore, in terms of the pragmatic view of "speaker input",
when the sender uses "ok", whether positive or negative, it is deeper
than "ok" (see the verification of the corpus data below)17。
Shao Jingmin (1996:127) pointed out that the "question" question
is much lighter than "V not V".Therefore, "ok" itself means "request"
more semantic than "ok", and when it derivative "dissatisfaction", its
"dissatisfaction" will is stronger than "ok".According to the
collected corpus of online novels, "ok" is indeed more often used with
eager and eager contexts or words, such as examples (70) and (71)
As shown:

(70) " Then please accompany me to see, ok?"" My aunt wants to

see it, but I will accompany my aunt to go.Will you go
now?As he said, he stood up, his eyes looking happily at
Mrs.Zhang, waiting for her answer.Mrs.Zhang said happily,
" Aren't you right now?So go right now.」 (Ba king, Home)
(71) I didn't know you know martial arts!Did you shoot it, right?Can
you fly?I have always thought that martial arts is just martial
arts novels, unexpectedly really have!How to practice?Teach
me what, ok?(Works by Xi Juan)

Example (70) of the "good" context shows that the tone of the speaker
is more eager, Mrs.Zhang asked if she can accompany her to see
something, and Jue Xin immediately agreed, Mrs.Zhang also feel happy,
from the attitude, Mrs.Zhang has an eager to see the idea.So, use "

As for why "good" is deeper than "good", it is related to the two
preset (p r e s uppo s iti on) different, this needs to be studied.
Research on Chinese Language Teaching

Not good " to show its eagerness.A series of questions in example (71)
also shows the speaker's eager desire to learn martial
arts.Therefore, the use of "good or not" is better to show its eager
request.Furthermore, for example (72) - (74)
The term "good" is paired with words expressing "eager expectations",
such as "begging", "begged", "eager desire", "thinking", "playing"
cheating "and" enthusiastic ".
(72) " So would you write an article or two in our weekly newspaper?
Kyhui took this opportunity
Ask Qin. (Ba Jin, "Home")
(73) The illusion showed his ardent desire, and said without
thinking, " May I ride together?」
(74) Wuji, I want to drink lotus seed soup, you call someone to
cook to me to eat good?
(75) Play a smile, said: " This matter to help me fix, cold uncle side,
just for me to explore whether he intends in my mother,
(76) " Good, not?Teach me martial arts after giving birth?Flying
knife is good, making it handsome."She xing
An erection. (Works by Xi

This article further collects 70 dialogues of "ok" and "ok",

from the words of "ok" and "ok".The results found that "good" tone is
"good" strong: in the context of "good" corpus, speaker often with
some emotional input, with special pragmatic intention, through the
"good" said eager request, show self to each other's feelings
(spoiled, love, gentle comfort), to win each other sympathy intention
or express strong dissatisfaction.So before and after "good" such as
"begged", "desire", "cry", "full of hope", "naive pull the sleeves of the
piano", "like a beloved child begged old lady", "little girl pout", "roll your
eyes" or "full of complaints", etc.At the same time, when "good or not"
appears, other words or sentences expressing the tone are also used in
the corpus context, causing a special pragmatic effect.In contrast,
the context with "ok" is neutral, neutral, polite, polite, often with
"please, please", or appear in subordinates
(Junior) In the context of the boss (senior) dialogue, this is very
different from "good".Therefore, this paper makes a statistics of
the two and the matching words or context, as shown in [Table 7]:

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

[Table 7] Distribution table of "ok" and "ok" in the context

Langu Positi
age, Neutral, Total, Collocation
item, ve or
environm contextual number vocabulary
ent dissati
eye sfied
in the
Appeal, desire, cry, hope,
innocent pulling the sleeves
50 20 70 of the piano, like a beloved
will you (71.4%) (28.6%) ( 100%) child, the little girl pout, roll
her eyes, full of complaints

Please, don't, please

Subordinate (junior) to
14 56 70
Ok, are (20%) (80%) ( 100%) boss (elder) context
you Both sides of the dialogue
are not familiar with the
polite or polite context
According to [Table 7], "ok" is more used to express a certain verbal
intention context, accounting for 71.4%, while "ok" is more commonly
used in neutral context, accounting for 80%.Moreover, by with "good"
and "good" vocabulary or context, when the speaker use "good", mostly
with emotional input or other pragmatic communication intention, and
when the speaker use "ok", emotional input is relatively less, most
only said an objective polite inquiry or general degree of
dissatisfaction.Therefore, the data in this paper support Shao's
argument (1996:127): that the "can" question in the additional
question is much lighter than the "V not V" positive rhetorical
question.This is consistent with the view of this article, where the
"ok" speaker invests less than the "ok" speaker, which is more
positive than the "ok" speaker.
5.4 Summary
This section discusses the conversational functions and
pragmatic implications of "good" at the interpersonal level.First,
"good" has the pragmatic function of "redeclaring or regain the
right to speak" when it appears in the complete speaking
round.Second, examine
"Good" can show different tone and response functions in different
contexts, among which "consent" is the most important pragmatic
function.The above two types of pragmatic phenomena also represent
the connection between different language levels.In terms of the
conversation function of "reassert or regain the right to speak" of
"good", it comes from the cohesion function of "good" and "topic /
talk round" at the chapter level, and the latter comes from the
transformation meaning of "completion / change" of "good" at the
conceptual level.Therefore, the concept function (completion /
change) of "good" is to realize its interpersonal function (get back
the right to speak) through its chapter function (topic change).On
the other hand, the positive pragmatic function of "good" in "consent"
at the interpersonal level is also derived from the "appropriate and
appropriate" meaning at the conceptual level.

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

6. "Good" overlap and contrast focus

The final focus of this paper is on the association between
"good" overlap and "contrast focus" (contrastive focus).The focal
point of contrast is the focal point of information deliberately
emphasized by the speaker for the purpose of "comparison" (Fang Mei
1995), which is different from the "sentence end focus" (end focus)
conveyed by the "good" base formula in section 4.3 of this
article.We will present a detailed definition of the contrast focus
at a later date.
6.1 Definition of a "good" overlap
「 one on top of another 」18It is a language means that makes
a certain language form repeat. Generally, the form before overlap
is called "base" and "overlap" (Li Yuming 1996:10).There is a "good"
Overlap is "like overlap" but "non-overlapping", that is, "good +
good V" is formed from the combination of "good" and "good V" words,
for example (77):
(77) Listen well, have fun, eat well well, smell well (key 1990:75)
The first "good" above is the degree adverb, modifying the positive
compound words "nice", "fun", "delicious", "good", "good news" and so
on, indicating the satisfaction and pleasure. Such "good" overlap is
not the "good" overlap to be discussed in this article.The "good"
overlap type explored in this paper belongs to the changing
meaning and syntactic function after overlap.There are two main
semantics of "good" overlap discussed in this paper, including
"normal or intact" and "serious, free and best".When "good" is
"normal or intact" semantic, it is an adjective (as an attributive),
as for example (78), or an adverb) if "earnest, full, best,
thorough", as for example (79):
(78) A good pen, and told him to break it.Normal or intact condition
(79) Think about it again.Seriously) (Modern Chinese Dictionary,

6.2 Overlap type and "quantity"

Lu Shuxiang (1982 / 1992) proposed that the main purpose of
overlapping characters was to increase the prefix, but it had other
effects. He pointed out that some words fold and not fold, which
seemed to be strong and weak. For example, "big" (80) is stronger
than "big" (81):

Wang Li (1947 / 2002:171178) proposed that the overlapping methods can
be divided into overlapping character method, parallel grammar and
redundant grammar.Plot method for the same two words overlap, often have
exaggerated meaning, for example: "hot, good"; parallel grammar is similar
characters, arranged into opposite forms, example: "left and right";
redundant grammar painting part has one or two words are redundant,
example: "slow style".

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

(80) A big favor

(81) A big human favor (Lu Shuxiang 1992:9)

In addition, the adjectives overlap and the base type is

different, different claims.Zhu Dehui (1982 / 2006:25-27) proposed
overlapping adjectives in attribuand predicates, often with "cute,
intimate" (minor sense), example (82) and (83); and in adverbial or
complement, with "aggravation, emphasis", e. g. (84) and (85).
(82) Big eyes
(83) Big eyes
(84) Have a big visit
(85) Large writing (Zhu Dexi 1982 / 2006:27)

It can be seen that Zhu Dexi has noticed the subjective

valuation of the attribute.On the other hand, in terms of "good"
usage, Ding Shengshu (1961 / 2004:227) and Zhu Dexi (1982 / 2006:28)
indicate that the second word is read as Yin and flat, such as the
second "good" of "good" is read as the first voice.They believe that
in terms of structure, quantity, or degree, subjective color, and
speech, once adjectives overlap, overlap occurs
Same — a change of the same.
In view of Zhu Dexi's argument that the adjectives overlap table
"enhances, aggravates" or "weakens", Li Jinrong (2006) and Chen Guang
(2008) believe that the overlap can produce small meaning is the
pragmatic factor involving "empathy" (empathy), that is, the speaker
enters the view of participants, thus producing small meaning.Chen
Guang believes that the overlap is a clear "large number" (high
quantity) of the table, and the quantity increase or decrease is
mainly related to the problem of pragmatic communication

To discuss the connotation and magnitude characteristics

of adjectives overlapping quantity, we must first consider
what to compare, the size of the quantity, and what
sequence and reference frame (Chen Guang 2008:37).
On the other hand, Zhang Min (1997) questioned the claim that
overlapping types can produce "minor" and "adverbial" minor "and"
complement ".Zhang believes that the essence of overlapping
motivation is to reflect the increase of the conceptual world
quantity with the increase of form number. Therefore, Zhu Dexi
proposed that the overlap between "slight" and "aggravation" caused
by different positions of attributives, predicate, adverbial and
complement goes against the basic motivation of overlap.This article
examines the "good" overlap,

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

It also discusses the views of this paper.

6.3 Increment of "good" overlap and "quantity": contrast focus

Looking at the corpus collected in this article, we believe that
the "good" overlap is closely related to the contrast focus in the
concept of chapters. The "good" overlap, no matter the syntactic
position, actually is on the contrast focus. In the following
examples, the "good" overlap acts as attributive, predicate,
complement and adverbial respectively:
(86) Remember!Anger comes when the most easy to mess up, a good
thing smashed.〔 attribute 〕
(87) They found a big hole in the window (fine last night), and the
driver said it had been knocked on.〔 predicate 〕
(88) The straw sandals had slept well in the night, often
awakened by the screams of the drowning man.〔
complement 〕
(89) The Forbidden City is all around me, but I did not use it well.〔
adverbial modifier 〕
(IA Balanced Cora)

Example (86) - (88) are attributive, predicate and complement, whose

semantics are "normal or intact"."Good" ("86)" to "smash".The "good"
found in example (87) compares with the "big hole" mentioned above.In
example (88), "good" and "wake up" after the text contrast, and by the
"original" highlights the original state of good sleep.These three
cases show that when "good" overlap is attributive, predicate and
complement, it is on the focus of contrast, through the front and
after the contrast, "good" overlap has reinforcement effect.On the
other hand, when "good" is an adverbial, "good" is "serious, try,
thorough" semantic. For example (89), "however" is "around" and "not
well used" are compared, and the meaning of "good" "serious, tried,
thorough" is highlighted.When the "good" overlap is adverbial, 588
of the 600 balanced corpus, accounting for 98%. Here are a few
(90) Inject their children that they hope they must study hard and
take good exams
(91) Good interpersonal relationship refueling, which may be more
(92) Now the parents really see these, should be a good review
(IA Balanced Cora)

From the corpus collected in this article, "good", all appear in the
same kind of context, such as example (90) - (92), "good" said hope to
achieve better expectations, and the status quo form recessive or
explicit contrast: example (90) express parents hope children better
than now, example (91) said the speaker to improve the interpersonal
expectations, example (92) clearly pointed out that parents need to
review improvement.follow

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

This, when the "good" overlap acts as an adverbial, is in contrast to the

less perfect situation.Fang Mei (1995:
279) Explain that "contrast focus" is defined as:

If a component is not used to introduce new information,

but has been introduced directly or indirectly in the above
or context, and is emphasized by the speaker for contrast
purposes, this component is the focus of contrast.The
comparison item may be mentioned above or actually exists
in the context, or it may be recognized in the eyes of the
listener and the speaker.
According to the above definition, there are two kinds of reference
items for comparison focus, one is "mentioned above or actually exists
in the context", and the other is "recognized by the mind of the speaker
and the recipient", that is, this comparison item does not exist in the
above or context, but in the common knowledge of both parties.This
article thinks "good" overlapping comparison is belong to the
latter, that is the voice and subject common cognition, such as
example (92) "now parents really see these, should be good review",
this sentence "good" overlap is comparison "now parents should be
responsible for these phenomena", so need "good review", "good"
overlap is strengthened through the comparison of the cognitive
"parents did not do", namely the example of "good" overlap express
the speaker's expectations.This paper holds that the
speaker'expectations produces an implicit contrast, namely "expected
value"19The gap between it and the real results.Once the comparison,
the "good" table "serious, try, full, thorough" semantic is
immediately highlighted.Therefore, this paper believes that the "good"
overlap is "enhanced" by adverbial, attributives, predicates and
complements because they are all on the focus of contrast.
Based on the above discussion, this paper believes that the
"good" overlap is closely related to the comparison focus, and makes
the "good" overlap table "normal / intact" or "best, heartily,
serious and thorough" through the comparison.This argument can be
further supported by the fact that the "good" overlap in the focus
can no longer be "slightly" modified by apparently weakened words or
6.4 Mutual exclusion of state verb overlap and contrast focus:
take "something bit" as the detection standard
This section extends from the validation of good overlap to
the association of state verb overlap with contrast focus.First,
the state verb table "state", overlap to the table "quantity".Teng
(1976) as an example, such as "good, fat, beautiful, big, small, cold,
hot, tired, fast, slow", such state verb table is static, can be
modified with the static degree adverb "very", to enhance the degree
of state.After a "very" modification, the state verb can be extended
into the quantitative amplitude20, Malleable.Therefore, the "fat"

The concept of "expected value" proposed in this paper is taken from
B i q (1994:87) discussing the evaluation euphemism of "also".
"also" conveys the speaker's inconsistency between the situation
described situation and the original expectation.
20"Quantity amplitude" is unbounded, the expression is diffusion, recessive
and static, and the diffusion characteristics can be reversed by the degree

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

There are "fat, very fat, very fat" comparison levels.However, after
the overlap can not use "very" modification, such as "* very fat", "*
very beautiful" and so on are not grammatical.Therefore, this paper
believes that the characteristics that are not "very" modified can be
proved after the state verb overlap: (1) the state verb overlap has
become a dynamic quantity, non-static quantity.(2) The state verb
overlap has become a degree of the quantity.(3) The degree of state
verb overlap is a limit, so "very and very" adverbs can not be used to
enhance the degree, while some overlap can use "somewhat" to modify
the table degree weakening or table euphemism.In other words, state
verbs become a limiting degree of quantitative amplitude after
overlap, which is the basic attribute of state verb overlap.
Overlap when attributive, predicate and complement can be
combined with "something" to reduce the degree or express euphemism
(Liu Yijun 2007:33).However, once the overlap appears in the contrast
context, the amount of enhancement, can not be matched with "a
little", otherwise semantic contradiction.
(93) Her hair was gray and wrinkled, and her cheeks were (a
little) thin from many teeth.
(94) Sven, Jennifer, a few days later, people disappeared.How to
find, also can not find (another right engineer) Huang
Zhizhong found him, in the Gobi Desert.He starved to
death.(?A little) thin body close to the beach.
(IA Balanced Cora)

The overlap of example (93) is in the general description context, so

it can be matched with "something", while the example (94) overlap is
in the contrast context (body: thin vs.Beach: vast), once paired with
"something", produces semantic disharmony.In other words, the state
verb overlap is the amplitude of the table limit degree, not using
"very, very", etc., but must be enhanced through another language
mechanism (contrast).When it is not in the comparative context, it can
use "some" modification, the degree of the table is weakened or the
table euphemism, the following will be further discussed and verified.
first, This paper collects 135 paragraphs in the corpus of
Academia Sinica, This 135-paragraph corpus contains 135 state-verb
overlap formulas, Including "fat, thin, large, small, cold, hot,
high, short, red, black, bright, dark" and other basic overlapping
type, Using the state verb of Teng (1976), And add "high, short, red,
black, bright, dark", Fifty overlaps were found to be attributives,
predicates and complements in the contrast context table, But you go
with "a little," In 85,

The modification of the word shows its diffuse range, is unbounded,

and the amplitude is also relative, some are extended, and some are
relatively small.On the contrary, "measuring point" is bounded, which lies
in the expression of solidification, explicit and dynamic measuring points
(Zhang Guoxian 2000:447-468).

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

As shown in [Table 8]:

[Table 8] State verb overlap statistics
type Overlap type Overlap type Total,
Language, material, (strong degree) (weak degree) number
IFRC Balanced Cora 50( 37%) 85( 63%) 135( 100%)

As can be seen from the table above, the overlap type is more
enhanced in the contrast context and cannot be used with "something",
which accounts for 37% of the total corpus, or a minority.The other
type of state verb overlap, that is, not enhanced, can be matched with
"something", showing its weak or euphemistic attributes, accounting
for 63%.This data shows that the overlapping table quantity is mostly
weakened, and the table increases less through the comparison focus
table quantity. This proportion (37%) is also in line with the use of
"comparison focus", which is the standard (ma rked) usage in the
language, which is a specially emphasized language technique.The
above discussion also indirectly supports the point proposed in this
paper: the "good" overlap is enhanced by comparison.
6.5 Transference of overlapping state verbs
In addition, by the generation of "empathy", we can also find a
relative change in perspective, from objective to subjective.From
the following examples, we can observe a change in the speaker's
(95) Yay!Our snowman appeared.Big belly, round head.〔 attribute 〕
(96) Mother is small, those big round watery eyes, often come to
check me.FEST language] (CSIA balanced corpus)
In example (95), the perspective of the speaker describing the
"snowman" changes by empathy, which makes "Da" and "Yuan Yuan" not
only enhanced, but also "anthropomorphic", giving the snowman a lovely
feeling.Example (96) is the child's perspective to the mother, because
the child's feelings for the mother makes "big" and "round" have
additional emotional effects in describing the mother's eyes.When the
overlapping style is displaced by perspective betting, it produces a
semantic weakening, pragmatic intimacy, or anthropomorphic effect, and
"a little +"
"State verbs" can also produce semantic weakening and pragmatic
euphemism effects.However, the difference between them is shown in
[Table 9]:
[Table 9] The empathy effect of "some + state verb overlap"
A little + state verb A bit of a + state verb
For A little fat A little fat
Langu There is no big semantic difference
Langu It mainly lies in the influence Emotional betting effect
age, of state description without makes it more emotional color
with emotion perspective

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

This paper believes that "somewhat" has semantic weakening and

pragmatic euphemism effect, and the intimacy effect of the state
verb, there is no big difference in semantic weakening
effect.However, in terms of pragmatic, the emotional betting effect
produced by the state verb overlap makes it more vivid, while "some +
state verb" mainly lies in the state description and pragmatic
euphemism, but due to the effect of no emotional perspective, its
pragmatic effect is weak.
As for the "good" overlap, it is impossible to connect with "a
little" through perspective betting to produce a "small sense" or
verbal intimacy or personification effect.The reason is that the
"good" overlap has formed a compound word21Table "Normal / intact" or
"hard, serious, full, and thorough," as shown in "good" in (90) - (92), is
different from the "good and satisfying" meaning of its base
"good".Therefore, "good" is naturally different from other
adjectives.Take the adjective overlap "big" as an example, as the
previous example (82) "big eyes" and (83) "big eyes", the semantic is no
different from the "big" in "big eyes, big eyes".
7. Summary and teaching suggestions
7.1. Summary
This paper takes the concepts, three rational functions of
chapter and interpersonal languages in H alli d a y system functional
architecture, and discusses the multiple phenomena of "good" in the
semantic, chapter and pragmatic levels, as well as the interaction
between each language level.At the conceptual level, "good" evolves
from its verb source meaning of "male and female matching as even" to
the central meaning of "many advantages and satisfactory", and then
from its central meaning, three different syntactic paths are "degree
meaning", "purpose meaning" (can / can) and "complete / change
meaning".At the chapter level, the "good" cohesion function includes
the "action-purpose" relationship within the connection sentence,
strengthening the "semantic coherence" of the context, and conveying
the "end of the sentence focus".The cross-sentence chapter function
is expanded to mark the "conversion or end of the topic /
conversation round in the conversation structure".In addition, the
"contrast focus" can also be expressed through the "good" overlap.On
the interpersonal level, "good" words include "relaiming or get
back the right to speak" and a positive "consent" response.
On the other hand, in terms of the interaction between the three
language levels, the interpersonal language function of "good" to
"redeclare or regain the right to speak" comes from its chapter
cohesion function of "conversion or end of topic / speech round", and
the cohesion function in the session structure comes from its "
completion / change at the conceptual level

21The semantics of the word is more solidified, often not the simple addition
of the internal components, such as "cabbage", not "white dish", and the
phrase is analytical, its overall meaning is the addition of the components,
such as "white cloth" is "white cloth" (Shao Jingmin 2007:121)

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

The semantics of the "change".In addition, the "consent" pragmatic

function of "good" at the interpersonal level is derived from the
"appropriate and appropriate" semantic function at the conceptual
Based on the above discussion, the multiple phenomenon of
"good" within the three language levels and the derived relationship
between each language level can be roughly shown in [Figure 6]:

[Figure 6] The derivation of "good" in the concept, chapter and

interpersonal level

7.2 Textbook review

According to the above research results, this section from the
perspective of Chinese teaching, through the teaching materials, put
forward relevant teaching suggestions.This article selects the
practical audio-visual Chinese, the far east life Chinese, "new
practical Chinese textbooks" and Chinese listening, speaking,
reading and writing as the main review of this article, the four
sets of textbooks are in Taiwan and the United States, the
comprehensive review the four sets of textbooks for "good"
chapter level, including the verb of "good" and "good" overlap
usage, plus this suggestion, finishing in [table ten]:

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

[Table 10] Four sets of Chinese textbooks overlap "good" and "good"
It e
m, Teaching illustrative This article
ey e, suggests
te ach i material content sentence
ma te ri
The English explanation Mark the wording of
C h in es e c lo t he s

is provided with: The child was only ten "associated adverbs" makes
P ra c ti ca l a ud i o- vi s ua l

1. t o, i n o r de r t years old, and his students understand the

o, s o a s t o 2. "Yes, parents had "action-purpose"
yes" is the auxiliary accidents, so we association before and
verb wanted to donate after, and master the use
some money to help of "good" associated
him. adverbs in the position of
the sentence.
Can introduce the "good"
The English explanation overlapping "contrast" usage,
is provided with: for example: " He was good
i n a p r op e r w a y , t o Students should study yesterday, how did he get sick
well. today?"So that learners can
t h e b es t o f on e ’s a b
ilit y , s e ri ou s l y , ca r learn the" good " overlapping
e f u ll y , n i ce l y and complete usage.
Far East Life Chinese p r a c t i c a l h a n l a n g u a g e ,

The English explanation I ha ve be en mar ri ed

is provided with: fo r t hr ee yea rs , and I ditto.
The t o, i n o r d e r t o, ho pe I can giv e bi rt h
s o as t o "can, can" for to a baby qu ick ly so
the auxiliary verb that m y m ot he r- in -
la w can r es t assu red .
"Good" overlapping "Good son" can be
the second word to There is no "good son" independent to explain
the first sound, the example. its different semantics
end can be added. in different syntactic
The language

The new

Gradually explain the This flower is very Explain the "good" as an

use of "good" from easy to keep. associated adverb, "good V"
single sentences to We want to get the from a single sentence (the
multiple sentences, but driver back to the city. table is easy) to the complex
in duplicate sentences, sentence usage (the table
only in English. action-purpose).


The word "good" has not not have Its teaching material is
yet been written out different, it is mainly the
The "good" overlap is not have primary teaching material,
not yet written so it does not involve the
"good" sentence.

7.3 Progressive teaching of Chinese as "good"

Grammar teaching must be expanded from sentence to chapter, and
must combine semantic, chapter and pragmatic functions to meet the
actual communication needs (Deng Shouxin 1984; Liu Xun 2002).At the
same time, the teaching of grammar structure should consider factors
such as usage frequency, structure / semantic complexity, cross-
linguistic gap, and pragmatic function (Teng 1998,2003).Therefore,
this paper examines the semantic, chapter and pragmatic functions of
Chinese "good", and divides the analysis results into the following
teaching stages according to the ordering and progressive principles
of teaching grammar (pedagogical gra mm ar):
Stage 1: In the initial stage, tell the learners that "good" is "good
and satisfying" (the most frequent).Secondly, introduce the
four meanings of "good": (1) "positive state" (including "good
and satisfactory"), (2) "positive dynamic", (3)
"Purpose", and (4) "degree".

Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

Example 1. "Positive Status"

(a) This is a good book / Does he
sing well?(b) He is always in good Many advantages and
health. satisfactory results
(c) They have been good since [(Body) Health]
Love and harmony
(d) When the first meeting, I don't
know what to say to him.(e) This Appropriate, appropriate,
song is very good at it. appropriate, appropriate,
Satisfied aspects:
Example 2."Positive Dynamic"
(a) Write up your homework.(= Finished in
(b) He has got the tool fixed. Table completion
(c) When the weather is warm, the Table is completed and
disease gets better.
results are good
Example 3.「 purposiveness 」 〔 recover 〕
(a) This road is easy to go.
(b) There is nothing to praise!
(c) Tell me where he is, and I can find 〔 easy 〕
〔 be worth 〕
Example 4."Degree"
Can / can
(a) Several people came outside.
(b) Good black hair.

The quantity is much

〔 deep 〕

Stage 2: this stage introduces the function of "good" chapter,

including: (1) can be used to connect the "action-
purpose" relationship, to strengthen semantic coherence,
and bring out the "sentence end focus", (2) can act as a
topic / word wheel conversion or end chapter mark, and
(3) can be used to express "contrast focus".
Example 5.Strengthen the semantic coherence of "action-purpose",
and mark "good" after part of the "focus at the end of the
sentence" suggested Vice Speaker Huang Zhenyue, for the
sake of the Middle East war, it is important to clear (to point),
or to go home early to save life.
Example 6.Change of topic / wheel switch (end)
(a) The whole arrangement feels very warm to us.Well, after
introducing the decoration equipment, I have to ask the store
owner to explain the history of the store, their history.Topic
(b) Well, that's all for today.End of the topic

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

(c) A: This paragraph is that men will tend to speak in the asse
rti v e way, while women will communicate with others
in a more indirect and more tactful way.
B: Well, okay.What we see next is whether the differences in
how men and women speak can reflect the differences in
their social roles.Topic and conversation wheel all switch
Example 7.Overlap type expression "normal or intact", can bring out the
"contrast focus" (and the expected drop) (a) remember!Anger comes
when the most easy to mess up, a good thing smashed.(b) Everyone
found a big hole in the window (fine last night), and the driver said
he had been knocked on.〔 say
language 〕
(d) The people selling straw sandals had slept well in the
night and were often awakened by the screams of the
drowning people.〔 complement 〕
(d) The Forbidden City is all around me, but I did not use it well.〔
adverbial modifier 〕
Stage 3: this stage introduces "good" pragmatic function, speaker can
through "good": (1) to "control", (2) to express "agree"
(main function, and the positive concept of "good" meaning
related "," know "," counter "," begged "and other modal
function (tone), and (3) with" good / good " additional
questions, respectively to express positive / negative
emotional input.
Example 8.Control the right to speak
(a) Teacher: Good!Do you have any questions?
(b) Teacher: Good!Stop the discussion, and let's now look to the
second paragraph.
Example 9.Response function of different emotions (tone)
(a) Let's eat old ji beef noodles at noon tomorrow, ok?Well!〔 agree

(b) Ok, I know it.〔 know 〕
(c) Ok, just try it if you don't come.〔 irony 〕
(d) Oright!Say yes to me!〔 beg 〕
Example 10.Different additional questions, which present
different degrees of emotional input
(a) This computer, ok / ok? 〔 seek the
(b) Let's not go, ok / ok? opinion of 〕
(c) You stop kidding, ok / ok? Request /
(d) Don't quarrel, a little public morality heart
good / ok?
(e) He won't be as ridiculous as you said, ok / ok? 〔 refute 〕
Multi-perspective analysis and
Teaching application of Chinese "Good"

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[To: March 2.20,2009; modified: 2009.9.10; accepted:


Chen Junguang
J yun -g w ang C hen
Institute of Chinese Teaching, Taiwan Normal University, 162, Heping
East Road, Taipei
G r a du a t e I n s tit u t e o f T eac h i ng C h i n ese as a S ec ond L a ngu a g e
N a ti ona l T a i w an N o r m a l U n i ve r s it y
162, H e p i ng E as t R d ., S ec .1, T a i p e i 106, T a i w a n
fr ed c h e n @n t nu .e du .t w

Liu Xinyi

H s i n -Y i L i u
Mandarin Teaching Center of Taiwan Normal University, No.129, East
Heping Road, Taipei
M anda r i n T r a i n i ng C en t e r
N a ti ona l T a i w an N o r m a l U n i ve r s it y
162, H e p i ng E as t R d ., S ec .1, T a i p e i 106, T a i w a n
p a r d on0606s t e r @g m a il .c o m

Research on Chinese Language Teaching

A M u l t i -l eve l A n a l y s i s o f “H ao”i n C h i n e s e
w i t h P e d agog i ca l A pp l i c a
t i on s

Jy un -g w a n g Ch e n H s i n -Y i L i u
N a t i ona l T a i w an N o r m a l U n i v ers i t y

A b st rac t

U s i ng H a lli d a y ’s t r i p a r tit e m e t f un c ti on a l m od e l (i d ea
ti on a l, t e x t u a l, a nd i n - t e r p e r s on a l f un c ti on s ) a s a n a l y ti
ca l fr a m e w o r k , t h i s p a p e r i nv e s ti g a t e s , b a s e d on n a t u r a
ll y o cc u rr i ng d a t a , t h e s e m a n ti c , d i s c ou r s e a nd p r a g m a
ti c f ea t u r e s o f t h e l e x e m e hao i n C h i n e s e a s w e ll a s t h
e i n t e r c o nn ec ti on s a m ong t h e t h r ee li ngu i s ti c d i m e n s i on
s .F i rs t , it e x a m i n e s t h e p a r t o f s p eec h a nd s e m a n ti c fea t u
r e s o f hao .I t t h e n e xp l o r e s t h e d i s c ou r s e f ea t u r e o f hao i
n t e r m s o f c oh e s i on , c oh e r e n ce a nd i n f o r m a ti on s t r u c t
u r e w it h i n t h e s e n t e n ce l e v e l.N e x t, t h i s p a p e r e x a m i n
e s t h e f un c ti on o f hao i n t e r m s o f c onv e r s a ti on s t r u c t u r
e b e yond t h e s e n t e n ce l e v e l .I n co m p l ex s en t ence s hao ac t
s a s a f unc ti on w o r d , bu t i n a conve r s a t i on s t r uc t u r e , it c h
a ng e s i n t o a d i s c ou r s e m a r k e r , s i gn a li ng t op i c t r a n s iti
on o r c l o s u r e .O n t h e i n - t e r pe r s ona l l eve l, t he p r ag m a ti c f
unc ti on s o f hao a r e d i ff e r en ti a t ed by t he con t ex t i n w h i c h
it a pp ea r s W h e n hao i s no t ca rr y i ng it s p r opo s iti on a l m ea n i
ng , bu t i s r a t h e r m a r k i ng i n f o r m a ti on a s und e r s t ood by t h
e li s t e n e r a s c onv e r s a ti on a l i m - p li ca t u r e .I n li gh t o f r e l
e v a n t p r a g m a ti c s p r i n c i p l e s , w e ca n s ee t h a t t h e c o r e i
n - t e r p e r s on a l f un c ti on s o f hao i s t o r ec l a i m s p ea k e r s h i
p , s ee k a g r ee m e n t s , a nd s o on .N e x t , t h e s t udy e x a m i n e s
t h e r e dup li ca t e f o r m o f hao fr o m t h e p e r s p ec ti v e o f c on t
r a s ti v e f o c u s a nd o ff e rs a n a lt e r n a ti v e v i e w po i n t t o t r
ad iti on a l v i e w s .L a s tl y ,.
b a s e d upon r e s u lt s o f t h e m u lti -l e v e l li ngu i s ti c a n a l y s
i s p r e s e n t e d i n t h i s p a p e r , s o m e s ugg es ti on s a r e o ff e
r e d f o r i m p r ov i ng C h i n ese l a ngu a g e p e d a gogy .

K e y w o r d s : hao , m e t a f un c t on , l e x i ca l m ea n i ng , g r a mm
a ti ca l m ea n i ng , g r a m - m a ti ca li za ti on , c oh e s i on , e
nd f o cu s , c on t r a s ti v e f o c u s , c onv e r s a ti on ana l y s i
s , p edagog i ca l g r a mm a r


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