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6. Zhang L, Scott J, Shi L, et al. Changes in utilization and 9. Society of Critical Care Medicine. U.S. ICU resource avail-
peri-operative outcomes of bariatric surgery in large U.S. ability for COVID-19 2020. Available from:
hospital database, 2011-2014. PLoS One 2017; 12, e0186306 getattachment/Blog/March-2020/United-States-Resource-
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8. Davidson BL. POINT: does the United States need more 10. Peng PWH, Ho PL, Hota SS. Outbreak of a new coronavirus:
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doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2020.04.055
Advance Access Publication Date: 22 April 2020
Crown Copyright © 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.

Failure modes and effect analysis to develop transfer protocols in

the management of COVID-19 patients
Stefan Sevastru, Sam Curtis, Lola Emanuel Kole and Premala Nadarajah*
London, UK
*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Keywords: COVID-19; failure modes effect analysis; patient safety; simulation; system engineering

EditordThe severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by to transfer a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patient from
SARS-CoV-2 has created a need for innovative approaches to one part of the hospital to another. The ability to create a list of
novel and complex issues surrounding patient care. Emer- what tasks are necessary to complete this challenge requires a
gency physicians, intensivists, and anaesthetists play an early list of subgoals that need to be achieved to complete the ‘how’.
and vital role in the management of these high-risk patients, Examples of subgoals in the process of transferring the patient
requiring cooperation and information sharing. All NHS include donning personal protective equipment (PPE), alloca-
organisations are required to test and refine their pandemic tion of staff, and appropriate equipment. These subgoals then
planning.1 However, the ‘real time’ organisational require a set of tasks to ensure they are completed. In the case
preparedness for these resource-exhaustive scenarios is of equipment, the tasks may be to collect the transfer trolley,
challenging and reactive policies will be necessary to deal check oxygen cylinders, and ensure that the ventilator is
with new rapidly evolving scenarios. It is of paramount available and checked. By dividing the process into smaller
importance that all new guidance developed is locally goals and tasks required to achieve these goals, we could then
adapted and tested. Failure to do so may expose both identify the possible failure modes that could impact our
patients and staff to medical errors and harm. A system ability to complete the complex goal, of transferring the pa-
engineering approach to pathway design is necessary. tient safely. This process helped our team to identify and
As a group of anaesthetists from Royal Free Hospital, one of prioritise risks in order to find ways to eliminate or mitigate
the four High Consequence Infectious Disease centres in En- their impact.4 This is shown in Supplementary File 1.
gland,2 we have considerable experience in using in situ Our team used this tool in conjunction with in situ simu-
simulation in conjunction with a modified failure modes and lation to perform a comprehensive hazard analysis of pro-
effect analysis (FMEA) tool in order to test processes and detect cesses required for the transfer of COVID-19 patients. The
latent risks (system-based threats to safety) and active threats findings of the simulation were used to generate a transfer
(an unsafe act that has damaging immediate consequences).3 policy, thus refining it and ensuring its safe operational
We propose a pragmatic and effective approach to develop and suitability.
test protocols iteratively using prospective risk analysis We performed two high-fidelity transfer scenarios during a
through FMEA and repeated simulation. full day of training. Scenario A was an urgent transfer of
FMEA is a systematic, prospective method of process COVID-19 patient from ward to theatre. Scenario B was a
mapping to identify where and how a complex task might fail, COVID-19 patient in labour transferred to theatre for an
and to assess the relative impact of different failures in order emergency Caesarean section.
to identify which corrective interventions are needed most. The scenarios were facilitated by experts in simulation.
The first step in the FMEA process is to split a large complex FMEA-generated process mapping and a structured debrief
goal into small simpler ones. In this case the complex goal was was performed on all participants.
e252 - COVID-19 Correspondence

Careful consideration was given to both operational chal- Multiple hazards and areas for improvement were identi-
lenges, technical and non-technical issues such as situational fied. They are summarised in Table 1.
awareness, role allocation, communication, and cognitive Participant feedback highlighted difficulty in communica-
load. tion owing to lack of non-verbal cues and muffled speech.

Table 1 Multiple hazards and areas for improvement. CTG, cardiotocography; PPE, personal protective equipment.

Active failure Issue Behaviour

An unsafe act that
has damaging
immediate consequences

Situational awareness Failure to recognise time required Donning of PPE took 4e8 min.
for donning PPE. Unnecessary team members entering
Failure to limit staff exposure. isolation room.
Failure to recognise time Touching face after patient contact.
required to co-ordinate Participants did not wear third pair of
transfer. gloves to examine patient.
Failure to manage Failure to convert facemask oxygen to
documentation required for nasal cannula.
theatre. Failure to place FFP3 mask on patient.
Communication Failure to establish reliable Incorrect use of speaker phone by
communication with team holding handset to face, thereby
outside isolation room. contaminating user.
Failure to use closed-loop Incorrect use of walkie-talkies.
communication. Failure to hear other team members
because of muffled speech.
Shared mental model Lack of team understanding in Unsure who should facilitate the
how to execute tasks efficiently transfer.
and safely. Unsure destination of transfer.
Failure to recognise transfer Attempt to enter anaesthetic room
poses risk to staff and members instead of theatre directly.
of the public. Scenario B e anaesthetist donned PPE
Failure to decide plan if on isolation ward, delaying transfer.
deterioration occurred en route.
Failure of anaesthetic team to
prepare to receive patient in
theatre correctly
Latent hazards
System-based threats to safety
Policy or protocol Current transfer checklist Participants failed to stop face mask
inappropriate for COVID-19 oxygen therapy for transfer.
patient. Failed to check FFP3 mask on patient.
PPE posters unavailable. Failed to don and doff PPE correctly.
Lack of COVID specific transfer
Equipment Non-essential equipment brought Failure to bring only required consent
on patient transfer. form and theatre care pathway in
Non-essential documentation theatre.
contaminated on transfer. Failure to disconnect CTG monitor for
Inadequate equipment for transfer.
transfer. Unnecessary infusions brought on
Transfer pathway obstructed. transfer and fell of the bed.
Lack of priority access cards to No swipe card available for transfer
lifts. team.
Glasses hindered doffing. Lift opened inadvertently at two other
levels exposing members of the public
without PPE.
Staff were contaminating each other
during doffing.
Staff Lack of staff to supervise donning Difficulty finding PPE-trained staff e
and doffing. delaying transfer
Environment Temperature in PPE. Obstetrician fatigued following transfer.
Systems issue Phone in isolation room did not Interruption on radio channel from
work properly. other areas in the Trust.
Failure to have designated radio
channel for walkie-talkies.
COVID-19 Correspondence - e253

They found it difficult to identify other team members. All overspill of patients from the ICU to other clinical areas for
participants found the temperature in PPE was unpleasant, which an effective transfer of information and command be-
and this impacted upon their comfort significantly. Candi- comes vital.
dates also experience heightened anxiety because of the risk Non-essential equipment and infusions were brought on
of potential clinical exposure to COVID-19, even in a simulated transfer and multiple encounters with other staff and public
scenario. occurred due to an inadequate cordon set-up and problems
Reports from Italian clinicians involved in the care of these with priority-access cards to theatre. The logistics of a transfer
patients suggest the number of cases requiring advanced of this nature require careful consideration at the local level.
respiratory support double every 4e5 days, with some regional All participants reported heightened anxiety during the
variations.5 The team response to a transfer call has to be swift scenario because of the confirmed COVID-19 status regarding
and proportionate. The systems we put in place must protect exposure of themselves and uncertainty on how to manage
staff and patients, and be effective and adapted to local con- the process. All reported this would be further heightened in a
ditions. Ideally, they should ensure maximal protection of real-life scenario.
staff for the minimal level of complexity. We want to share our experience and learning on how
We showed that all these steps required to manage patients simulation in conjunction with a simplified FMEA tool can
take a significant amount of time. The donning and doffing provide an effective way to iteratively design guidelines and
take a few minutes each and mandate the presence of a buddy pathways.
on a one-to-one basis. As the case burden increases, we fore- Secondly, we would like to raise awareness of the possible
see that this will become a real issue that needs careful anal- hazards surrounding the transfer and intubation of COVID-19
ysis and a pragmatic approach. Doffing carries the highest risk patients.
of contamination for staff so particular attention should be Our simulation findings are backed up by real experience of
paid there.6 Because of the availability of buddies, there might the authors with managing these patients.
be the need to do sequential donning and doffing, which will
add a substantial time to the process. Streamlining the local
protocols to ensure safety within simplicity is key to avoid Declarations of interest
operational compromise. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Another important consideration is communication. In full
PPE, staff cannot hear or recognise each other easily.
Communication with the runner outside the contaminated Appendix A. Supplementary data
clinical area is risk prone. In our scenarios, staff used both
phones and walkie-talkies. Phones should only be used on Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
speaker mode to avoid risk of contamination. When walkie-
talkies were introduced into simulations, we realised the
need for closed-loop communication using the SBAR (situa-
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doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2020.04.055
Advance Access Publication Date: 27 April 2020
Crown Copyright © 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.

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