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Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 25 (10) (2011) 2607~2614
DOI 10.1007/s12206-011-0631-5

Study on the optimal design of engine cylinder head by parametric structure

characterization with weight distribution criterion†
Jun Hong1, Baotong Li1,3,*, Yubao Chen2 and Huei Peng3
College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710049, China
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI 48128, U.S.A
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A

(Manuscript Received October 13, 2010; Revised March 12, 2011; Accepted June 26, 2011)



The engine cylinder head is one of the most critical components in an automotive powertrain system. Yet, it has the most complicated
mechanical structure coupled with a sophisticated combustion process. This study attempts to develop a concrete and practical procedure
for the optimal design of the engine cylinder head. First, a simplified topological model composed of beam, shell and membrane ele-
ments is developed to simulate the real cylinder head. With this model, the finite element method can be easily and economically em-
ployed to study the load-bearing mechanism of the cylinder head under actual engine operation conditions. After characterizing the
stress/strain behavior of all the key components through parametric analysis, a new optimization criterion is developed based on La-
grange conditions. This criterion provides an opportunity to represent the ideal ‘balanced point’ among the main design parameters of the
cylinder head in terms of weight distribution of the key components. Finally, the optimization of the cylinder head structure is imple-
mented successfully based on these findings. Compared to the optimization results from commercial software, the proposed approach is
able to produce a much better solution in respect to both the convergence speed and the final value of the objective function.

Keywords: Engine; Cylinder head; Optimal design; Topological model; Parametric structure characterization; Weight distribution criterion

[3]. Lee et al. [4] further complemented the full three-

1. Introduction
dimensional FE model, and applied the contact theory to
In an automotive powertrain system, one of the most critical evaluate the sealing efficiency of a 2.0 L cylinder head. Later,
components is the cylinder head, which possesses the compli- by integrating the finite element method (FEM) and computa-
cated mechanical structure coupled with a sophisticated com- tional fluid dynamics (CFD), Shojaefard et al. [5] explored a
bustion process. With the ever-increasing demand for higher general methodology to simulate the interactions between
engine power, the requirement for the cylinder head’s load- structural mechanics, heat transfer, and fluid coolant within
bearing capacity is also increasing. In addition, lightweight the cylinder head. Other analytical and empirical contributions
design is also being pursued for the cylinder head, which is for the evaluation of the cylinder head structure are available
important for better fuel economy and vehicle safety [1, 2]. in the literature [6-10].
Obviously, higher load-bearing capacity and lighter weight are However, the traditional approach is a computationally in-
two conflicting goals. Therefore, realization of an ideal bal- tensive task and it is difficult to build an effective model with
anced design among the key components of the cylinder head precise boundary conditions during the early stages of the
is essential to resolve the above conflict. design. Another problem is that although constructing and
Traditionally, optimization of engine components such as calculating the detailed FE model can provide accurate simu-
the cylinder head was based on constructing a detailed FE lation results, no detailed information about the load-bearing
model and carrying out a series of different numerical simula- mechanism is available, and one cannot determine why the
tions. A pioneering computational work dealing with the pre- design does or does not work. To get a deep insight on the
diction of a distorted cylinder head was performed by Chyuan structural characteristics of the cylinder head, simple and prac-

This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor tical FE models are still lacking and need to be explored.
Jeonghoon Yoo As a different approach, parametric analysis is very useful
Corresponding author: Tel.: +86 29 83399517, Fax.: +86 29 83399528 to evaluate the component’s structural integrity. Wang et al.
E-mail address:
© KSME & Springer 2011 [11] proposed a regression-based scheme to analyze the statis-
2608 J. Hong et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 25 (10) (2011) 2607~2614

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the optimal design procedure for engine cylinder head.

(a) Simplified CAD model (b) Simplified FE model

Fig. 2. The simplified topological model of cylinder head.

tical nature of the main parameters of the cylinder head. In Analytical results indicate that there exists an ideal ‘balanced
another study, Zhang et al. [12] presented a detailed paramet- point’ among the main parameters of the cylinder head.
ric investigation on the quantitative relationship between de- In the third step, a simple and practical optimization crite-
sign parameters and structural responses. In this work, a hy- rion is developed based on Lagrange conditions. This criterion
pothesis that there exists an ideal ‘matching point’ among the represents the ideal ‘balanced point’ in terms of weight distri-
key components of the cylinder head was finally verified. bution of the key components, and then the optimization of the
However, a systematic approach focusing on the mathematical cylinder head structure can be achieved based on these find-
nature of this special ‘matching point’ was not given, though ings.
the ‘matching point’ may be utilized to get a better under- Following this procedure, Sections 3-5 discuss the steps in
standing for the optimal design of the cylinder head. To the detail. To demonstrate the optimal design procedure, a line
best of the author’s knowledge, this paper may be considered style gasoline engine, having 4 cylinders and 4 strokes, is
as an initial attempt for structure characterization and optimi- adopted in this paper.
zation of the engine cylinder head.
3. A simplified topological representation of cylinder
2. Optimal design procedure for engine cylinder head head
This section presents an optimal design procedure for the To truly get an effective simplified model, thought should
engine cylinder head. It involves three major steps; namely, be given to the key components within the cylinder head, such
simplification of the cylinder head model, investigation of as their dimensions and the complex geometrical relationships
structural characteristics and optimization of the cylinder head between them. Under the premise of unchanged topological
structure. Fig. 1 shows the system architecture of this proce- relationships between these key components, a simplified
dure. model is extracted from the previous detailed model by using
In the first step, a simplified topological model is developed shell, beam and membrane structure instead of the original
to handle the complications of the mechanical structure and solid structure, as shown in Fig. 2.
boundary conditions considered in the numerical simulation. The simplified model can be divided into ten parts, includ-
Details of the effort include topological model definition, ing external supporting components (such as bottom deck, top
thermal-mechanical analysis, and validation of the simplified deck, inlet/exhaust side decks) and internal functional compo-
FE model. nents (such as jacket of spark plug, inlet/exhaust ports, inter-
The next step is the investigation of the structural character- mediate deck, valve guides and stiffeners). There is no other
istics. The simplified model established in the first step is fur- redundant geometrical structure in this model.
ther developed into a series of different model states. With Because the deformation of the cylinder head is mainly
these models, the parametric analysis is conducted to study the caused by thermal stress, the primary target of the simulation
stress convergence characteristics of different key components. is to precisely predict temperature distribution. However,
J. Hong et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 25 (10) (2011) 2607~2614 2609

Table 1. Thermal boundary conditions used in the present research work.

Key region Temperature (K) Convective coefficient (W m-2 K)

Outside Cylinder head 293.00 105.30
Bottom deck 1358.37 1092.36
Gas side Inlet port 357.76 372.40
Exhaust port 1313.92 672.32
Bottom deck 362.50 13433.09
Inlet port 362.10 10565.26
Coolant side Exhaust port 363.50 11903.06
Jacket of spark plug 361.80 10013.27
Intermediate deck 361.40 11040.75
… … … … …

(a) FE models (b) Pre-tightening load step (c) Thermal load step (d) Gas pressure load step

Fig. 3. Sequentially coupled thermal-mechanical simulation procedure in the present research work.

(a) Contours of static temperature (b) Contours of static stress

Fig. 4. Comparison of the structural responses between the detailed and simplified FE models.

thermal calculation faces challenging problems since the thermal load step and (3) gas pressure load step. Fig. 3 pro-
thermal boundary conditions may change substantially both in vides details about the coupled thermal-mechanical simulation
time and space. To overcome this difficulty, the time-averaged procedure. Since high temperature and stress gradients are
convective heat transfer coefficients are considered for several anticipated in and around the valve bridge area, the small and
key regions, such as the engine exterior, gas side of the cylin- sensitive regions are meshed with high resolution (i.e., the
der head, and coolant side of the cylinder head; for calculation element aspect ratio is approximately 2.0). The completed FE
details see Refs. [13, 14]. A part of the thermal boundary con- model contains 55 152 elements and 62 816 nodes. To accu-
ditions used in this research is presented in Table 1. rately represent the boundary conditions applied on the simpli-
In addition to thermal load, the cylinder head has to endure fied structure, a parametric-oriented FE model was developed
pre-tightening force and gas pressure. For this case, the maxi- and implemented through an author-written APDL subroutine.
mum pressure of 6.5 MPa is applied to cylinder 3, and the Fig. 4 shows the comparison of structural responses between
same action is then performed for the other cylinders. Mean- the detailed and simplified FE models.
while, to capture the pre-tightening effect on cylinder head, a It is obvious that both the temperature and stress distribu-
required compressive axial load (60 KN) is imposed on the tion calculated from the detailed and simplified FE models are
bolt bodies, and the contact elements are applied on the inter- very similar. The temperature at the valve bridge and valve
faces between the cylinder head, bolts, and gasket. seats is relatively high and gradually decreases far away from
Considering the specified loads originating from different the central region of the combustion chamber. Due to the large
kinds of mechanics, the simulation procedure could be further temperature gradients existing at the bridge area, large stress
divided into three load steps: (1) pre-tightening load step, (2) patterns are also observed at this region. Moreover, the calcu-
2610 J. Hong et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 25 (10) (2011) 2607~2614

Fig. 5. The construction of the multi model states for engine cylinder head.

(a) Bottom deck (b) Top deck (c) Inlet side deck (d) Exhaust side deck

(e) Inlet port (f) Exhaust port (g) Intermediate deck

Fig. 6. Influence of the key components’ thickness on the Von Mises maximum stress.

lation difference between the detailed and simplified FE mod- essary to clarify the complex interactions between these key
els for the maximum temperature is less than 3.5 percent. components. In the present research, to develop the analytical
Meanwhile, the difference for the maximum Von Mises stress methodology of the cylinder head in respect to the structure, a
reached within 4.3 percent. It is concluded that the calculation series of different model states are extracted from the simpli-
results from these two models are matched relatively well. fied topological model by using a Boolean computation tech-
Therefore, the simplified model can represent the real cylinder nique.
head, and it can be further utilized for parametric analysis. For instance, the first model state (M1) used in this research
It should be noted that the use of the simplified FE model is an external frame structure in which there are no internal
has the following advantages: (a) reduction of the complica- functional components. M2 is the second model state which is
tions of mechanical structure and boundary conditions consid- the result of the first model state added to the new internal
ered in the numerical simulation; (b) realization of the auto- functional component. Similarly, the following model state Mi
matic mapping between boundary conditions and key compo- (i=3,…, n) can be established by adding the subsequent inter-
nents. With these advantages, the CPU time can be shortened nal functional component, and the final model state Mn is the
substantially. For instance, when the simulation based on sim- complete topological model. By evaluating the stress/strain
plified FE model took only 15.62 s on a personal computer behavior on each key component, a special adding sequence
with Intel (R) core (TM) i7 processor; however, it took for the construction of multi model states is listed in Fig. 5. It
2392.16 s for the simulation based on the previous detailed FE should be noted that the first 6 model states are the simplified
model. topological models, and the last one is the detailed model
which is used as a calculation reference in the following anal-
4. Investigation of the structural characteristics of ysis.
cylinder head
4.1 Construction of the multi-model states 4.2 Stress convergence analysis
To truly capture the load-bearing mechanism of each key It is known that the load-bearing capacity of cylinder head
component under actual engine operation conditions, it is nec- mainly depends on the thickness of the key components [15,
J. Hong et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 25 (10) (2011) 2607~2614 2611

Fig. 7. The stress convergence profiles of different key components in M6.

16]. For this reason, the parametric analysis is used to study where X is a design vector, xi is the thickness of the i-th key
how the design parameter changes affect the stress/strain be- component, W0 is the total weight of cylinder head, Wi (X) is
haviors of cylinder head. In the present analysis, a series of the weight of the i-th key component and f(X) is the maximum
different model states (M1 to M6) are considered. Fig. 6 pro- stress on cylinder head.
vides details about the influence of the key components’ Before the analysis continues, several assumptions concern-
thickness on the Von Mises maximum stress. It can be seen ing both the objective and constraint functions are made as
that the increase of the thickness will eventually lead to a follows: (1) the objective function f(X) is a continuous deriv-
stress convergence on the cylinder head. However, different able function; (2) the constraint function Wi (X) can be ex-
key components have different convergence values. pressed as Wi = xi Ai ρ. Ai and ρ are the surface area (m2) and
Fig. 7 shows the stress convergence profiles of different key material density (kg m-3) of the i-th key component, respec-
components in model state 6. It can be found that when the tively.
thickness of the bottom deck increases to 30 mm, the overall The necessary conditions for a local minimum solution are
maximum stress will converge to 121 MPa. The converged the Lagrange conditions [17-19]:
values of the stress and thickness are (133 MPa, 35 mm), (139
Mpa, 15 mm), (136 MPa, 16 mm), (124 Mpa, 9.5 mm), (123 (a) ∂f ∂xi + λ ⋅ ∂W ∂xi = 0
Mpa, 10 mm) and (142 Mpa, 24 mm) for the top deck, in-
(b) W ( X ) − W0 = 0
let/exhaust side decks, inlet/exhaust ports, and intermediate
deck respectively. This kind of difference indicates that there (c) ximin ≤ xi ≤ ximax (i =1, …, n ). (2)
exists a ‘balanced point’ among the key components. At this
point, an ideal compromise would be acquired between the Multiplying the numerator and denominator in Eq. (2a) by
weight reduction (i.e., components’ thickness) and the load- (Wi /Ai ρ), it can be expressed as follows:
bearing capacity improvement (i.e., Von Mises maximum
stress). ∂f ∂W  W  ∂f  Wi  ∂W
− = − i  ⋅  ⋅ =λ (3)
5. Weight distribution criterion for optimal design of
∂xi∂xi  Ai ρ  ∂xi  Ai ρ  ∂xi
cylinder head ∂f ∂W
i.e. −Wi ⋅ Wi ⋅ =λ (4)
5.1 Representation of the ‘balanced point’ – the weight dis- ∂Wi ∂Wi
tribution criterion
The meaningful and practical optimization of the load-
bearing capacity for the cylinder head ought to be pursued n

with a weight limit as a critical boundary condition. However, W ( X ) − W0 = ∑W − W

i =1
i 0 =0. (5)
keeping the weight of each key component to be the minimum
does not always guarantee the best solution in the design.
Based on the analysis given in the previous section, there ex- Then,
ists an optimal solution called ‘balanced point’. At this point,
the component weights follow a distribution in such a way
 n

that the Von Mises stress will be minimized while the total
weight of cylinder head is fixed. Therefore, the optimal design
∂W ∂Wi = ∂ 

∑W 
i =1
i ∂Wi = 1 . (6)

problem can be expressed as follows:

Substituting Eq. (6) into Eq. (4) gives:
X = ( x1 , x2, ⋯, xn )
Objective: Min ( f ( X ) ) 1  ∂f 
n W = ⋅  −W ⋅ . (7)
i λ  i ∂W 
Subject to: W ( X ) − W0 = ∑
i =1
Wi ( X ) − W0 = 0  i 

ximin ≤ xi ≤ ximax (i =1, …, n ) (1) Substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (5), the Lagrange multiplier λ
2612 J. Hong et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 25 (10) (2011) 2607~2614

can be written as:

 ∂f 
∑  −W ⋅ ∂W  .
= W0 (8)
λ i =1

Substituting Eq. (8) into Eq. (7), the weight of the i-th key
component can be determined as:
Fig. 8. Design variables used in the present research work.
 ∂f 
 ∂f  
Wi =  −Wi ⋅
 ∂

Wi  ∑  −W ⋅ ∂W  ⋅W .
i =1
0 (9)

Noticing that

∂f ∂f ∂f
Wi ⋅ = Ai ρ xi ⋅ = xi ⋅ (10)
∂Wi ∂ ( Ai ρ xi ) ∂xi

Fig. 9. Iteration histories of the objective function.

 ∂f 
 ∂f  
Wi =  − xi ⋅
 ∂

xi  ∑  − x ⋅ ∂x  ⋅W .
i =1
0 (11) distribution of different key components. These recursion
formulas can be solved by an iteration method, and in order to
improve the convergence of the calculation process, a relaxa-
Let tion factor α is introduced into the equations:
(k )
 ∂f  W0  Di 
xi (
k +1)
=α ⋅ + (1 − α ) ⋅ xi ( ) (i =1, …, n ). (16)
Di =  − xi ⋅  (i=1,…,n) (12) ⋅ 
∂xi  Ai ρ  D0 

 ∂f 
D0 = ∑  − xi ⋅
i =1 

xi 
(i=1,…,n). (13) The finite differential calculation technique, which is rela-
tively straightforward and easy to implement by using the
ANSYS® embedded computational module, is utilized to cal-
From Eqs. (11)-(13), the weight of the i-th key component culate the weight factor Di(k) and D0(k):
can be expressed in simplified form:
 ∂f 
Di =  − xi ⋅ 
D ∂xi 
Wi = i ⋅W0 (i =1, …, n ) (14) 
D0 (i =1, …, n ). (17)
  f ( xi + ∆xi ) − f ( xi )  
≈  − xi ⋅  
where Di is defined as the weight factor of the i-th key com- 
 ( ∆xi ) 

ponent. This factor represents the decreasing rate of the objec-
tive function with the increase of xi. D0 is the sum of the
5.2 Optimization of the cylinder head structure
weight factors of all the key components in the cylinder head.
From Eq. (14), it can be found that in an optimal cylinder To validate the effectiveness of the proposed weight distri-
head structure, the actual weight of the i-th key component Wi bution criterion, the simplified model (M6) is employed to
is proportional to the value of its weight factor Di. In the case conduct the optimization study. Fig. 8 shows the design vari-
that xi is the thickness of the key component, a set of the ables used in this research.
weight distribution criterion equations can be further estab- For comparison, two methods are used in the optimization
lished in the following way: study: (1) adopting the optimization strategy based on the
weight distribution criterion and (2) utilizing the optimization
W0 Di algorithm available in ANSYS® [20]. The two processes are
xi = ⋅ (i =1, …, n ). (15)
Ai ρ D0 denoted by Optimal_1and Optimal_2, respectively. The itera-
tion histories of the maximum Von Mises stress are presented
Eq. (15) provides an opportunity to search for the ‘balanced in Fig. 9.
point’ among the main design parameters in terms of weight Compared with the calculation result from the commercial
J. Hong et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 25 (10) (2011) 2607~2614 2613

Table 2. Comparison of the actual weight distribution of each key

component between the original and optimal design schemes.

W1/W0 W2/W0 W3/W0 W4/W0 W5/W0 W6/W0 W7/W0

Original 0.231 0.346 0.125 0.102 0.052 0.041 0.103
Optimal_1 0.211 0.316 0.135 0.122 0.057 0.051 0.108
Optimal_2 0.220 0.309 0.131 0.121 0.059 0.054 0.106

Table 3. Comparison of the weight factor distribution of each key
component between the original and optimal design schemes.

D1 /D0 D2 /D0 D3 /D0 D4 /D0 D5 /D0 D6 /D0 D7 /D0

Original 0.191 0.258 0.136 0.122 0.053 0.046 0.194
Optimal_1 0.215 0.308 0.136 0.123 0.058 0.050 0.110
Optimal_2 0.214 0.304 0.124 0.117 0.049 0.059 0.133

optimization tool box, it is evident that a much better solution

is obtained by using the proposed weight distribution criterion.
For instance, in the Optimal_1 process, the final value of the Fig. 10. Comparison of the mean square deviation σ between the origi-
objective function (136.5 Mpa) is lower than the one from the nal and optimal design schemes.
latter process (144.2 Mpa). Furthermore, after 2 iterations, the
calculation result (141.3 Mpa) from Optimal_1 is already
6. Conclusions
lower than the final solution in Optimal_2. In addition, the
Optimal_1 process also has a faster convergence speed than This study is an initial attempt to search for a concrete and
the latter process. That is, the CPU time can be reduced sub- practical procedure for the optimal design of engine cylinder
stantially by using the proposed criterion approach. head. A simplified topological model composed of beam, shell
Table 2 and Table 3 list the numerical values of the actual and membrane elements is developed to simulate the real cyl-
weight distribution and weight factor distribution for each key inder head. With this model, the finite element method can be
component of cylinder head, respectively. easily and economically employed to conduct the parametric
According to the conclusion given in the proposed weight analysis. Calculation results indicate that the increase of the
distribution criterion, in an ideal optimal cylinder head struc- key component’s thickness will eventually lead to a stress
ture, the actual weight of each key component (Wi) should be convergence on the cylinder head. However, different compo-
proportional to the value of their weight factor (Di). That nents have different convergence values. This shows that there
means the mean square deviation σ should be exactly equal to exists an ideal ‘balanced point’ among the key components. A
zero. simple and practical optimization criterion is then developed
based on Lagrange conditions. This criterion represents the
2 ideal ‘balanced point’ in terms of weight distribution of the
 Wi 

σ=  − 1 = 0 (i =1, …, 7) (18) key components. Compared with the optimization result from
i =1  W0 D0  the commercial software, the proposed approach is able to
produce a much better solution in respect of both the conver-
In other words, the smaller the value of the mean square de- gence speed and the final value of the objective function.
viation σ, the better the design solution will be in the optimiza-
tion process. Fig. 10 shows the quantitative comparison of the Acknowledgement
σ between the original and optimal design. The authors wish to express their gratitude to the National
As anticipated, the calculation results are generally in Natural Science Foundation of China, Project No: 50935006
agreement with the theoretical predictions. For instance, the and the National High Technology Research and Develop-
value of σ from the original design (0.6265) is larger than the ment Program of China, Project No: 2009AA04Z147 for pro-
value from the optimal design. Furthermore, the value of σ viding financial support for this study.
from the Optimal_1 design is 0.0466, which is smaller than
the value from the Optimal_2 design (0.3090). It clearly indi-
cates that the proposed weight distribution criterion is more References
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Division Spring Technical Conference, Pueblo, Colorado, sha, China, in 2004 and 2007,
USA (2007) 361-373. respectively. He is currently a Ph.D
[12] R. H. Zhang, Z. X. Zuo, L. Y. Cao and R. D. Liao, Parame- candidate at the College of Mechanical
ter study of some key structures for cylinder head, Journal of Engineering in Xi’an Jiaotong
Beijing institute of Technology, 13 (2) (2004) 183-186. University, Xi’an, China, and presently
[13] A. Kazmierczak, Computer simulation of piston-piston ring- being a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan, Ann
cylinder liner coactions in combustion engines, Proceedings of Arbor, U.S.A. Li’s research interests include: engine operation
the Institution of Mechanical Engineers part D-Journal of process simulation, computational mechanics and structure
Automobile Engineering, 218 (12) (2004) 1491-1501. optimization.

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