Change Management QB

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PART - A (1 Mark)
1. Two areas that are influencing and impacting corporations and managers today are the rapid
pace of change and

A) Demographic increases.
B) Complexity of the work environment.
C) Organizational culture changes.
D) Managerial ineptness.

2. The field of organizational behavior examines such questions as the nature of leadership,
effective team development, __________, and ___________.

A) Interpersonal conflict resolution; motivation of individuals

B) Organizational control; conflict management
C) Motivation of individuals; planning
D) Planning; development

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3. ____________ is attributed with developing the scientific management perspective.

A) Elton Mayo
B) Robert Owens
C) Frank Gilbreth
D) Frederick Taylor

4. Which perspective is hailed as being responsible for launching research into such topics as
leadership effectiveness and group dynamics?

A) Human relations approach

B) Scientific management
C) Contingency approach
D) Hawthorne effect

5. Of the four building block skills, which one is frequently considered to be the largest behavior
management challenge?
A) The ability to inspire employees
B) The ability to analyze situations correctly
C) Personal flexibility and adaptability
D) Outstanding perceptual skills

6. Which of these skills is considered to be the cornerstone of the four building block skills?
A) Personal flexibility
B) Self-insight
C) Perceptual skills
D) Leadership capabilities

7. Which of these approaches argues that there is no single best way to manage behavior?
A) Hawthorne
B) Scientific Management
C) The cornerstone skill
D) Contingency

8. The area of "knowledge foundation" deals with the importance of

A) Understanding organizational behavior.
B) The behavior management process.
C) Development of solutions for achieving behavioral goals.

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D) Identification of the causes of behavior.

9. Which of these steps of the behavior management process involves implementation of selected
strategy, monitoring for effectiveness, and performing necessary adjustments?
A) Step three
B) Step two
C) Step four
D) Step one

10. ________ is/are a key trend that is having a significant impact on behavior management
A) Information technology
B) Reverse discrimination
C) Decreasing the amount of training for managers
D) Stay-at-home mothers
11. What is contributing to organizations taking a look at employee groups that had previously
been overlooked, ignored, or shutout?
A) Current discrimination laws
B) Government monetary incentives
C) New behavior management theories
D) Economic pressures

12. One way businesses can benefit from diversity in the work force is
A) Increased popularity.
B) Increased understanding of the marketplace.
C) Increased employee satisfaction.
D) Minimizing EEOC/AA investigations.

13. One drawback to the technology of today is

A) It can actually accelerate the speed at which crises can strike a nation.
B) It can keep employees too busy to stay in touch with their employers and
C) It can decrease waste and efficiency in organizations.
D) It can reduce the need for familiar methods of communication such as telegraph
and faxes.

14. The percentage of employees who work 50 or more hours per week has risen by _____ over
the past twenty years.
A) 25%
B) 40%

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C) 30%
D) 37.5%

15. During the last thirty years, the percentage of dual-career married couples has grown by
A) 24 percent.
B) 96 percent.
C) 60% percent.
D) 36% percent.

16. Which of the following is not an example of an emergent approach to change?

A. The processual approach to change
B. The three-step model of change
C. The systemic approach to change
D. Chaos and complexity theory

17. Small actions can have disproportionate knock-on effects. What is this a description of?
A. The planned approach to change
B. Force-field analysis
C. The butterfly effect
D. Closed systems

18. Triggers and resistance to change plotted out on a diagram is a technique known as what?
A. The emergent approach to change
B. Force-field analysis
C. Chaos theory
D. The naïve approach to change

19. Anxiety, inertia, cultures and contractual obligations can all contribute to what?
A. Triggers for change
B. Resistance to change
C. Metaphors for the nature of organization
D. Chaos theory

20. Anxiety, inertia, cultures and contractual obligations can all contribute to what?
A. Triggers for change
B. Resistance to change
C. Metaphors for the nature of organization
D. Chaos theory


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1. State the need for Change.
2. Explain the importance of change management.
3. Explain the Concept “Imperative of change”.
4. State any four important “political forces.’
5. Mention any four economic forces.
6. Explain an environment relevant for technological force.
7. Mention the importance of Suspension agreement.
8. Explain “Anti – dumping duty”.
9. Explain the importance of System dynamics.
10. Explain the need for “Structure focused change”.
11. Define “Person focused change” – in your own way.
12. Mention any four “Resource constraints” that can occur in a production environment.
13. Explain the Concept of “Change in product or services”.
14. Explain the importance of “Administration system” in any business environment
15. Explain the need for “Changing employee system”.
16. State the need for “total change” in an organizational climate.
17. What do you mean by the concept “Directional change”
18. Point an relevant environment for “Strategic change” with one illustration
19. Explain the relevant environment for Transformational change.
20. Explain the impact of “Operational change”
21. How can you identify Performance gap – explain with your own example.
22. Mention the need for “Reactive change” with an illustration
23. Explain the concept “incremental change”.
24. Explain “Trigger layer” – through an illustration
25. Explain the different between “conversion layer” and “ Trigger Layer”
1. Explain the concept of the imperative change with present organizational environment.
2. Explain the forces of change stemming from external environment?
3. Explain your views on internal forces of change with a need of the hour.
4. How the planned internal forces of change differ from unplanned internal forces? Discuss in
relation to some real life situations.

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5. Identify and discuss the various factors determining the organizational change.
6. Explain the unplanned internal changes and external changes in change management.
7. Narrate and discuss different types of changes with examples.
8. Explain the importance of planned external change in change management.
9. Identify and discuss different varieties of changes that the business world is experiencing
10. What are the types of changes to be made in any organization? Give your own example.
11. Why organizations resist change with present environment?


1. Which of the following is / are method of managing stress

a. Job relocation
b. Career counseling
c. Recreational facility
d. All the above

2. Which of the following is / are not a method of managing stress

a. Time management
b. Supervisor training
c. Role Analysis techniques (RAT)
d. Rorschach test

3. -------------- refers to the negotiation or an agreement between two groups

a. Contracting
b. Co-opting
c. Pressure tactics
d. None of these

4. Which of the following methods is/are used to solve intergroup conflicts indirectly
a. Avoidance
b. Encouragement
c. Bargaining
d. All of these

5. Which of the following is / are not direct method to solve intergroup conflicts
a. Problem solving
b. Domination by the management

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c. Removing key figures in conflict
d. Persuasion

6. A technique to bring changes in the entire organization, rather man focusing attention on
individuals to bring changes easily.
a. Organizational development
b. Organizational change
c. Organizational culture
d. Organizational conflicts

7. Which of the following is/are OD intervention techniques

a. Sensitivity training
b. MBO
c. Quality of work life
d. All the above

8. Which of the following is NOT an important issue relating to goal-setting theory?

a. Goal specificity
b. Equity among workers
c. Feedback
d. Defining the goal

9. Behaviour, power, and conflict are central areas of study for _____________.
a. sociologist
b. Anthropologists
c. Social psychologists
d. Operations analysts

10. When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, his base of power is:
a. Coercive
b. Punitive
c. Positional
d. Authoritative

11. The managers of a multinational company are located in France, India, Brazil, and the United
States. Which decision-making technique seems most reasonable for this organization?
a. A postal service interaction
b. A brainstorming session
c. A nominal discussion
d. An electronic meeting

12. What do we call it when we judge someone on the basis of our perception?
a. Stereotyping

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b. Categorizing
c. Halo effect
d. Prototyping

13. Which organization theory can be understood by IF and THEN relationship

a. System approach
b. Contingency approach
c. Process approach
d. Scientific approach

14. Organization Behavior is

a. An interdisciplinary approach
b. A humanistic approach
c. Total system approach
d. All of these

15. Organization Behavior is not a /an

a. A separate field of study
b. Applied science
c. Normative science
d. Pessimistic approach

16. “Cognitive theory” of learning was given by

a. Skinner
b. Pavlov
c. Tolman
d. Piajet

17. Extension of behavior modification into organization is called

a. Enrichment
b. Enlargement
c. OB Mod
d. OB Ext

18. --------------is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience
a. Behavior modification
b. Learning
c. Motivation
d. Skills

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19. Which of the following is / are included as structure of human mind
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Super ego
d. All the above

20. ----------- is largely childish, irrational, never satisfied, demanding and destructive of others
a. Ego
b. Super ego
c. Negative ego
d. Id

1. Explain the need of effective change in organization.
2. Define and explain motivating change.
3. Give the meaning of creating change.
4. Write the concept of sustaining momentum.
5. Explain the concept of task in your own way.
6. Give the meaning of strategy.
7. Write the need of refreezing in organization.
8. Who is called as ‘change agent’?
9. Explain transition management in your own way.
10. Give the meaning of ‘ trigger layer’
11. Distinguish with trigger layer with conversion layer with any two points.
12. W rite about with two point’s maintenance and renewal layer.
13. Explain the psychological effect in change management.
14. How to write acceptance of change?
15. Enumerate organized resistance concept.
16. Give the meaning of is frustration.
17. Write the meaning of aggression?
18. Explain change often resisted and need in organization.
19. Write the significances of an individual resist change.
20. Define selective perception with right meaning.
21. Write the importance of lack of information in organization

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22. Define fear of the unknown in the organizational change.
23. Explain the concept of habit in change management.
24. Write the meaning of structural stability in the organization.
25. Explain the term of a group norm in your own.

1. Explain and discuss different types of the characteristics of effective change programme.
2. If you are the change consultant to a new organization, what step could you think of in the
fifth phase of the model where GREINER talked about the “crisis of ‘psychological
saturation’ of employees”? How will you address this crisis.
3. Explain the ‘systems model of change’ in change management.
4. Explain and Discuss ‘ Lewin’s force field analysis model’ in nature of the organization.
5. Enumerate the concept of and the importance of continuous change process model in
change management.
6. Explain and rationalize Beckhard’s ten organizational prerequisites for transformational
7. Explain change and transition management with model of perceptual transition management.
8. Elucidate how the people are affected by change in the organization.
9. How people are reacting to change to cope with changes occurring in the organization.
10. Why is change often resisted? And Examine individuals and organizations resist changes.


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1. “------------ are social inventions for accomplishing goals through group efforts”
a. Management
b. Organization
c. Leadership
d. Behavior

2. Which of the following is/are the key features of organization

a. Social invention
b. Accomplishing goals
c. Group efforts
d. All of these

3. A study of human behavior in organizational settings is

a. Individual behavior
b. Group behavior
c. Organizational behavior
d. None of these

4. Scientific Management approach is developed by

a. Elton Mayo
b. Henry Fayol
c. F.W. Taylor
d. A. Maslow

5. Who proposed “ bureaucratic structure” is suitable for all organization

a. Elton Mayo
b. Henry Fayol
c. F.W. Taylor
d. Max Weber

6. “Hawthrone experiment” which was a real beginning of applied research in OB was

conducted by
a. Elton Mayo
b. Henry Fayol
c. F.W. Taylor
d. Max Weber

7. Process or administrative theory of organization is being given by

a. Elton Mayo
b. Henry Fayol
c. F.W. Taylor
d. Max Weber

8. Whose concept states that interpersonal and human relations may lead to productivity
a. Elton Mayo
b. Henry Fayol

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c. F.W. Taylor
d. Max Weber

9. Today’s organization are

a. Open system
b. Closed system
c. Open as well as closed
d. None of these

10. Which of the following is / are method of managing stress

a. Job relocation
b. Career counseling
c. Recreational facility
d. All the above

11. Which of the following is / are not a method of managing stress

a. Time management
b. Supervisor training
c. Role Analysis techniques (RAT)
d. Rorschach test

12. -------------- refers to the negotiation or an agreement between two groups

a. Contracting
b. Co-opting
c. Pressure tactics
d. None of these

13. Which of the following methods is/are used to solve intergroup conflicts indirectly
a. Avoidance
b. Encouragement
c. Bargaining
d. All of these

14. Which of the following is / are not direct method to solve intergroup conflicts
a. Problem solving
b. Domination by the management
c. Removing key figures in conflict
d. Persuasion

15. A technique to bring changes in the entire organization, rather man focusing attention on
individuals to bring changes easily.
a. Organizational development
b. Organizational change
c. Organizational culture

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d. Organizational conflicts

16. Which of the following is/are OD intervention techniques

a. Sensitivity training
b. MBO
c. Quality of work life
d. All the above

17. Which of the following is NOT an important issue relating to goal-setting

a. Goal specificity
b. Equity among workers
c. Feedback
d. Defining the goal

18. Behaviour, power, and conflict are central areas of study for _____________.
a. sociologist
b. Anthropologists
c. Social psychologists
d. Operations analysts

19. When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, his base of power is:
a. Coercive
b. Punitive
c. Positional
d. Authoritative

20. The managers of a multinational company are located in France, India, Brazil, and the United
States. Which decision-making technique seems most reasonable for this organization?
A. A postal service interaction
B. A brainstorming session
C. A nominal discussion
D An electronic meeting

1. Write the importance of effective change management in the present industrial changing
2. Explain holistic solution to the problems occurring in the organization.
3. Discuss the innovative responses to triggers in a change.
4. Elucidate is change in a multi-disciplinary activity.
5. Give the need of change in a perceptual process,
6. How the change can be communicated?

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7. Write the concept of imagination in the context of innovation.
8. Give the meaning by professionalism to perform?
9. Write the meaning of openness to collaborate.
10. Define building coalition.
11. Write about the learning to persevere.
12. Write the meaning of spaghetti organization.
13. Give the meaning of amoeba-shaped organization.
14. Write the concept of orchestra – styled organization.
15. Explain the concept of infinitely flat organization.
16. Define organizational culture.
17. Write the meaning of explicit and implicit coercion?
18. Write the concept of negotiation.
19. Write the meaning of agreement?
20. Give the meaning of are threats.
21. Define the term bribery.
22. Define compulsion.
23. Define persuasion?
24. Give the meaning for bargaining?
25. Define reward?
1. Explain the ten key factors in effective change management.
2. Explain the concept of systematic approach in change management with five phases.
3. Explain the concept of effective change management in dealing with the future.
4. Discuss the keys to mastering change in the change management.
5. Examine the classic skills required for leaders in change management?
6. Explain the concept of strategic leverages to change in detail.
7. Explain the cultural change in change management.
8. Discuss on creating a strategy in terms of change management.
9. Narrate retaining life into a change strategy.
10. How do organizations try to win over their competitors? Identify and discuss the key factors
to bring the effective changes in organization.

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1. ------------ refers to the basic changes in the content and responsibilities of job so as to satisfy
higher motivational needs
a. Job enrichment
b. Job enlargement
c. Work relocation
d. Process consultation

2. ------------is a set of values that states what an organisation stands for

a. Organization behavior
b. Organizational culture
c. Organizational spirit
d. Organizational effectiveness

3. An extent to which an organisation achieves its predetermined objectives within given

and without undue strain to its members
a. Organization behavior
b. Organizational culture
c. Organizational spirit
d. Organizational effectiveness

4. Which one of the following is/are leadership theories?

a. Trait theory
b. Behavior theory
c. Contingency theory
d. All of these

5. Least Preferred Co-worker ( LPC) model of leadership was developed by

a. Martin Evans
b. Robert House
c. Fred Fielder
d. Whetton

6. Path-goal model of Leadership was introduced by

a. Martin Evans & Robert House
b. Fred Fielder
c. Whetton
d. Cameron

7. Which of the following is not a contingency theory of leadership

a. LPC theory

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b. Path Goal theory
c. Vroom-Yetton-Jago theory
d. Job centered Leadership

8. --------is an attempt through a formal program to integrate employees’ needs and wellbeing
the intention of improved productivity, better involvement and satisfaction
a. Quality of Work life
b. Quality Circle
c. Alternative Work schedule
d. Job Redesign

9. ------------- is small groups of workers who meet regularly with their supervisor to solve work
related problem
a. Quality of Work life
b. Quality Circle
c. Alternative Work schedule
d. Job Redesign

10. The concept of Work- Week is related with

a. Quality of Work life
b. Quality Circle
c. Alternative Work schedule
d. Job Redesign

11. When a group gives some of its leadership positions to the members of other group, it is
a. Contracting
b. Co-opting
c. Co-alition
d. Competition

12. --------------refers to the combination of two or more individuals, groups or organisation for a
common goal with a minimum common programme
a. Contracting
b. Co-opting
c. Co-alition
d. Competition

13. ----------is the attractiveness of the members towards the group or resistance to leave it
a. Group norms
b. Group behavior
c. Group cohesiveness
d. Group structure

14. Believes, attitudes, traditions and expectations which are shared by group members is called
a. Group norms

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b. Group communication
c. Group cohesiveness
d. Group structure

15---------------is the ability of influencing people to strive willingly for mutual objectives
a. Motivation
b. Control
c. Leadership
d. Supervision

16. In --------------leadership, there is a complete centralization of authority in the leader

a. Democratic
b. Autocratic
c. Free rein
d. Bureaucratic

17. In---------- in fact “No leadership at all”

a. Democratic
b. Autocratic
c. Free rein
d. Bureaucratic

18. Free rein leadership is also known as

a. Democratic
b. Autocratic
c. Laissez-faire
d. Bureaucratic

19. -----------leadership emphasize on rules and regulation in an organization

a. Democratic
b. Autocratic
c. Laissez-faire
d. Bureaucratic

20. ----------leader is self confident and can attract followers by his great influence
a. Charismatic
b. Autocratic
c. Laissez-faire
d. Bureaucratic


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1. Define the term diagnostic skill.
2. Write importance of a diagnostic model.
3. Define change agent.
4. Write about EGB model.
5. Give the meaning socio-technical model.
6. Explain weisbord’s model for organizational diagnosis.
7. Write about golden rules of change agent.
8. Write a note on Client-consultant relationship.
9. Give the meaning of charismatic model.
10. Write about consensus model.
11. Explain apathetic model.
12. Write about gamesmanship model.
13. Explain personality in change management?
14. Write a note on Clients – related experience.
15. Write on security.
16. State on guarantees.
17. Give the meaning on stress.
18. State on flexibility.
19. Define tentative approach.
20. Define the coping cycle.
21. Mention denial.
22. Write on defence stage.
23. Write on discarding.
24. Define adaptation.
25. Define internalization.
1. Explain the diagnostic process in change management in a view of organization.
2. Explain Weisbord’s model for organizational diagnosis in change management.
3. Explain different methods of diagnostic model with example..
4. Discuss and Elucidate on the various methods of obtaining diagnostic information.
5. Examine the guidelines on questionnaire construction for organizational diagnosis.

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6. Rationalize the various types of change agents required in the change management.
7. Explain the pros and cons of internal change agent in a detail with few examples..
8. Enumerate the golden rules of the change agents in change management.
9. Examine and rationalize the change agent’s approach to change.
10. Explain the four consultants – client relationship model (Neilson1978) in the change
11. Explain in detail the various assumptions on the initial relationship between clients and


1. Organizational development as an intervention programme is basically a _______ approach.

a. top-to-bottom
b. horizontal
c. bottom-to-top
d. None of the above

2. A scientific approach to study and then solving organizational issues experienced by an

organization is called
a. action research
b. applied research
c. pure research
d. None of the above

3. Which one of the following is not a stakeholder in an organizational development process?

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a. Customers
b. Suppliers
c. Government agencies
d. None of the above

4. Which of the following methods is adopted when there is a high uncertainty in the external
a. Contingency approach
b. System design approach
c. Data-driven approach
d. None of the above

5. Which of the following is not an organizational development intervention programme?

a. Team-building
b. Survey feedback
c. Leadership development
d. All of the above

6. “------------ are social inventions for accomplishing goals through group efforts”
a. Management
b. Organization
c. Leadership
d. Behavior

7. The subject of organizational culture has been most influenced by which behavioural science
a. Anthropology
b. Psychology
c. social psychology
d. political science

8. What term is used to describe voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an
a. Absenteeism
b. Turnover
c. Downsizing
d. truancy

9. ______ is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirement, but
that promotes the effective functioning of the organization.
a. Productivity
b. Motivation

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c. Organizational citizenship
d. Organizational behavior

10. Individual-level independent variables include all of the following except.

a. Leadership
b. Learning
c. Perception
d. motivation

11. Which of the following statements is true about the term “ability”, as it is used in the field of
organizational behaviour?
a. It refers to an individual’s willingness to perform various tasks.
b. It is a current assessment of what an individual can do.
c. It refers exclusively to intellectual skills.
d. It refers exclusively to physical skills

12. Which of the following is not a biographical characteristic?

a. political affiliation
b. age
c. Sex
d. tenure

13. Experiments performed by Ivan Pavlov led to what theory?

a. classical conditioning
b. operant conditioning
c. social learning
d. behavior shaping

14. What role did the meat play in Pavlov’s experiment with dogs?
a. an unconditioned response
b. a conditioned stimulus
c. a conditioned response
d. an unconditioned stimulus

15. Which one of the following would not be considered a human skill in Katz’s structure?
a. Decision making.
b. Communicating
c. resolving conflicts
d. working as part of a team

16. According to Katz, when managers have the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex
situations, they possess skills.
a. Technical

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b. Leadership
c. problem-solving
d. conceptual

17. According to Fred Luthans and his associates, which of the following is considered a part of
traditional management?
a. Disciplining
b. decision making
c. exchanging routine information
d. acquiring resources

18. What does consensus refer to in attribution theory?

a. There is general agreement about a perception.
b. Different people respond the same way in the same situation.
c. There is general agreement about how people desire to respond to the same situation.
d. Different people perceive a situation similarly.

18. If everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way, attribution theory
states that the behaviour shows.
a. consensus
b. similarity
c. reliability
d. consistency

19. Which of the following is not one of the four primary management functions?
a. Controlling
b. Planning
c. Staffing
d. organizing

20. Determining how tasks are to be grouped is part of which management function?
a. Planning
b. Leading
c. Controlling

1. Write on’ OD intervention’

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2. View the importance of potential result of the techniques.
3. State on ‘ laboratory training’.
4. Give the meaning of OD interpersonal intervention.
5. Define carrier life planning.
6. Write on managerial grid (phase).
7. Define stress management?
8. Write meaning of bio feed back in OD.
9. Define transcendental meditation.
10. State on role negotiation techniques.
11. Write on role analysis techniques.
12. Define structural intervention.
13. Give the meaning of quality of work life.
14. Write the importance on healthy working condition.
15. State the term quality circles.
16. Write on’ self-esteem’.
17. Give the meaning of humanistic approach.
18. Define increase organizational effectiveness.
19. Define OD represents a systems approach.
20. Mention the winning-lose conflict strategies.
21. Give the importance of preliminary diagnosis.
22. Explain about joint diagnosis of problem.
23. Define data gathering after action.
24. Write the importance on collaborative.
25. State on ‘cyclical process’.

1. Define an OD intervention and how does it fit into the organization development process?
Mention the kinds of key considerations while deciding on an intervention?
2. Identify and discuss in brief the different approaches for the classification of OD

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3. Examine the goals of team development OD intervention? Discuss the issues involved in
implementing team development interviews.
4. Compare and contrast role negotiation techniques and role analysis techniques with suitable
5. Evaluate the process consultation and explain when and how it can be applied for the
organizational development.
6. Identify and discuss the different types of interventions that can be used by the process
consultant to bring about improvement in the organizational techniques functioning.
7. Identify the variables that may lead to redesigning of the jobs in the organization.
8. What are the objectives of third party interventions? Explain in detail.
9. List out and discuss the different kinds of steps involved in intergroup team building for the
success of the organization.
10. Discuss and exemplify the relevance of inter group development on OD interventions in the

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