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Name: Mary Ann N.

Dela Cruz
Subject: Psychological-Sociological foundation (Educ. 204)
Topic: Final Exam
Professor: Ms. Lorvie Amurao, Ph.D

1.) Why is communication basic to learning?

Communication is basic to learning because human easily remember what has been told by other
people rather than they read themselves. Most of the learning especially outside from what we learnt
from school can be gain from discussion which also stimulates the brain and gain from different level of
It is also the process through which a set of meanings embodied in a message is conveyed to a
person in such a way that the meanings received are equivalent to those which the initiator of the
message intended.
When the preservation of social relationships conflicts with the maxims of quality, quantity or
manner, which make transactional communication more efficient, this does not discredit the co-
operative paradigm. Such classes can be seen as essential and normal features of the communication
process leading to useful and necessary inferences, requiring us to balance efficiency with social skill.
Therefore, how can learning take effect successfully without established means of communication.
How does one transmit love, respect, reflection without language.

2.) How shall we improve quality education in the Philippines?

Perhaps one of the simplest and least expensive actions that to be taken over the next decade to
improve quality education is to ensure that all teachers have and know how to use a well designed
curriculum and correlative textbooks for the grades they teach. One approach to the implementation
and coordination of new curricula and related changes is through a national instructional strategy
prepared by national or provincial authorities with input from local administration and teachers.
Included would be a set of guidelines and action plans related to the use of instructional time,
development of instructional materials, and instructional support roles of head teachers and others.
Developing and disseminating effective learning materials including, but not limited to textbooks.
Textbooks and supporting instructional materials are widely regarded as a single most important input
to raising student learning. Textbooks identify, sequence and pace curriculum content. Thus, good
textbooks if effectively used in the classroom, can partially offset weak teacher preparation.
Developing and implementing a valid, reliable examination system. A popular claim of education
reformers is the improving national testing systems integrated with the national curriculum is
important, perhaps a key, strategy for improving education quality.

3.) What is the significance of each theory in learning?

The Classical Conditioning Theory of Ivan Pavlov shows that reflex denotes automatic and
involuntary movements of the nervous system’s reactions to stimulus. Therefore, learning occur in an
automatic or reflexive reaction transfers from one stimulus top another.
The Law of Effect by Edward Thorndike found out that the more satisfying the result of a particular
action, the better that action is learned. Hence, this kind of learning process develops perfectly the
knowledge of a learner.
The Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura stressed that by observing others, one creates an idea
or concept on how new behaviors is imitated and performed that serves as guide to any action.
Jerome Bruner in Cognitive Learning Theory states that learning is an active social process in which
students construct new ideas and concepts based on a contemporary knowledge. He stressed that an
individual interprets the world in its similarities and differences.
Cognitive Social Development as explained by L. Vigotsky that there are two levels the social
awareness and self awareness.
Learning theories insinuates fundamental principles that explains the process of learning in a
systematic way.
It is important therefore to know the different theories of learning for a reference in such a way
that it can be used in dealing with different kinds of learning.

4.) Why do people differ in attitudes, beliefs and values?

No two individual are exactly the same not even an identical twin. There is always a difference one
way or another. Individual differences explains why.
Individual differences is the result of the two general factors that influence human development,
heredity and environment. The interaction of their inherited potentialities and environmental
influences determines the level of differences. Although, all individuals share the general pattern of
development their heredity and environment values.
From the two general factors, specific factors can be derived from influen

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