'I Can't Live Here'

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A very good morning to the honorable judges, madam/mister chairperson, wise timekeeper, my

beloved teachers and my friends. The title of my story today is ‘I can’t live here!’.

Once, there lived a little polar bear cub and his mother. Polar bears are also known as Ursus
Maritimus and they love cold climate and are one of the largest and powerful carnivore to live on land.
One day, the little polar bear’s mother told him that it was time for them to find a new home. The Little
polar bear was sad. He liked his old home.

Little polar asked his mum, “Why do we have to move. I love this place so much. Mummy why
do we have to go to a new place? I want to stay here?”

“We can’t stay here anymore. It is because the ice layers have started to melt. Soon this place will become
full with water like in the sea. We can’t live here. We will be drowned.” Said the Mother bear sadly.
“Why is the ice melting away suddenly, mum?” asked the Little polar bear curiously.

“It is because of the global warming which is long term rise of planet’s temperature. This is because of
the green house gasses in the atmosphere. This problem is mainly caused by human activities like
burning fossil fuels and farming,” explained mama bear. “Don’t worry little polar bear, we’ll find a new
home that is even better than this one”’ said mother bear.

Little polar bear and his mother set out to find a new home. First, they stopped at a forest. “This
home has a nice stream. We can catch the fishes here”, said the little polar bear.

“But the stream isn’t deep enough. We can’t swim in it. We can’t live here,” said the mother polar bear.

So, the little polar bear and his mother continued their search. Next, they stopped to look at a
cave in the dessert. This cave has a nice floor to sleep on,” said the little Polar Bear.

“But the dessert is too hot , this place is much more suitable for our other friends like camels who stores
fat in their humps that supplies them food for months. But for us, we need cold weather. We can’t live
here, said the mother bear.

Little Polar Bear and his mother continued their search. Next, they stopped in a field next to a big
lake. “This lake is deep enough, we can swim in it,” said the little cub.

“Yes, but it does not have the kind of fish we like to eat,”, said the mother bear. “We can’t live here.”

Little polar bear and his mother was getting tired and decided that they will try another one more
spot. Little Polar Bear’s mother stopped on some sea ice and it was cold. It was surrounded by ocean
water. It has the fish and the animals they like to eat.
“This is perfect! We can live here, our thick fur will be able to keep us warm and protect us from
the cold weather” said the mama bear. So, the sea ice became their new home.

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