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All these terms are inter-related since their healing properties and spiritual awakening levels are closely bonded.
Knowledge about the theory of chakras can help you better understand yourself, your life, and your development,
making it possible for you to deal with yourself in a more harmonious manner. A chakra (Sanskrit - wheel) is an
energy center of the body that organizes certain life processes on physical, mental and emotional level.
Clairvoyants see a chakra as a many-colored, rotating wheel. The Chakras are energy centres within the body. 
They act somewhat like psychic organs that produce and distribute energies throughout your being.  In most
people the Chakras are not active hence the lack of people who are aware of their intuitive and psychic sides. 
Kundalini (power of desire and self-realization) means a Coiled Corporeal Energy which lies coiled at the bottom
of the spine within Muladhara Chakra. The progress of kundalini through the different chakras leads to different
levels of awakening and mystical experience, until the kundalini finally reaches the top of the
head, Sahasrara chakra, producing an extremely profound mystical experience. The awakening process can be
done by means of yoga, meditation and pranayama.

Reiki is universal life force energy also known as touch therapy / energy therapy / palm healing therapy combined
by two words Rei (soul / spirit) and Ki (vital energy). It is a spiritual practice developed by a Japanese Buddhist
Dr. Mikao Usui. This spiritual energy is already there in all the living beings which by means of Reiki, the therapist
transfers / channels it to the patient by gently laying hands on specific place. This process activates the natural
healing processes of the patient’s body and restores physical and emotional well-being.

In giving Reiki an understanding of the aspects of each chakra can be of great value, as patterns of emotional or
psychological behaviour are assigned to particular chakras. Interestingly the chakras are in the sequence
of VIBGYOR from top to bottom. Various stones / crystals are used for the healing properties / activation /
attunement of these chakras.

 ROOT CHAKRA (MULADHAR): The 1st Chakra is known as the Root or Base Chakra which exhibits the
qualities of physical energy and vitality. The meaning of this chakra is root of our support. It is located at the
perineum or base of spine. When this Chakra is blocked we experience: Lack of energy and vitality,
depression, anxiety, fear, anger and frustration.
Colour – Red
Element – Earth
Topic – Survival, flight, preservation of species, fight
Organs – Bones, nails, teeth, adrenal glands, legs and everything solid within the body
Key Words: Trust and Security
 SEXUAL  / SACRAL CHAKRA (SVADHISHTHANA): Commonly known as the sexual centre of the body, this
chakra means your own dwelling place. When this chakra is blocked we experience: guilt, stiff lower back,
restlessness, lack of sexual desire, confusion. It is located below the belly button between the genitals and naval.
Colour – Orange
Element – Water
Topic – Joy, closeness, relationship, desire
Organs – Urogenital system, kidneys, skin, arms and everything fluid within the body
Key Words: Self Worth and Emotional Boundaries
 SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA (MANIPUR): Commonly known as the power centre of the body, this chakra means
the dwelling place of jewels. When this chakra is blocked we experience: shame, anger, fear, bitterness,
resentment, prejudice and hate. It is located at the solar plexus of our body.
Colour – Yellow
Element – Fire
Topic – Power, domination, fear, karma, separation
Organs – Digestive system, liver, solar plexus, nervous system, joints
Key Words: Power and Ego
 HEART CHAKRA (ANAHATA): Commonly known as the heart centre of the body, this chakra means that which
is ever new. When this chakra is blocked we experience emotional instability. It is located at the centre of the
Colour – Green
Element – Air
Topic – Love, unity
Organs – Heart, pancreas, thymus gland
Key Words: Giving and Receiving
 THROAT CHAKRA (VISHUDDHA): Commonly known as the throat centre of the body, this chakra means that
which is purest of pure. When this chakra is blocked we experience difficulty in communication, manipulative
speech. It is located at the throat of our body.
Colour – Blue
Element – Ether / Space
Topic – Self-expression, individuality, communication
Organs – Neck, lungs, thyroid gland
Key Words: Communication and Creative Expression.
 THIRD EYE / FOREHEAD CHAKRA (AGNA): Commonly known as the third eye chakra of the body, this chakra
means command. When this chakra is blocked we experience blindness, headache, nightmares, and eyestrain. It
is located on the forehead between the eyebrows.
Colour – Indigo
Element – Light
Topic – Perceptions of one’s own path in the cosmic content
Organs – Ears, nose, eyes and pituitary gland
Key-Words: Perception-and-SelfReflection.
 CROWN CHAKRA (SAHASRARA): Commonly known as the crown centre, this chakra means thousand
petalled lotuses. When this chakra is blocked we experience depression, confusion, inability to learn. It is located
at the crown of the head.
Colour – Violet
Element – Consciousness
Topic – Cosmic Consciousness, transformation
Organs – Pineal gland
Key Words: Wisdom and Understanding
Thus, we find that all the chakras are inter-related to each other and directly or indirectly lead to our senses and
the way we think. By the way of Reiki, Yoga, Meditation we can activate these chakras and thereby our body
senses leading to the activation of Kundlini Shakti. 
Below is a description of the seven chakras, with various associations.
Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra 
Sahasrara, which means 1000 petalled lotus, is generally considered to be the
chakra of pure consciousness, within which there is neither object nor subject.
When the female kundalini Shakti energy rises to this point, it unites with the
male Shiva energy, and a state of liberating samadhi is attained. Symbolized by
a lotus with one thousand multi-coloured petals, it is located either at the
crown of the head, or above the crown of the head. Sahasrara is represented by
the colour white and it involves such issues as inner wisdom and the death of
the body.
Its role may be envisioned somewhat similarly to that of the pituitary gland,
which secretes hormones to communicate to the rest of the endocrine system
and also connects to the central nervous system via the hypothalamus.
According to author Gary Osborn, the thalamus is thought to have a key role in
the physical basis of consciousness and is the 'Bridal Chamber' mentioned in
the Gnostic scriptures. Sahasrara's inner aspect deals with the release of karma,
physical action with meditation, mental action with universal consciousness
and unity, and emotional action with "beingness."
In Tibetan buddhism, the point at the crown of the head is represented by a
white circle, with 33 downward pointing petals. It is of primary importance in
the performance of phowa, or consciousness projection after death, in order to
obtain rebirth in a Pure Land. Within this chakra is contained the White drop,
or Bodhicitta, which is the essence of masculine energy.
Ajna: The Brow Chakra 
Ajna is symbolised by a lotus with two petals, and corresponds to the colours
violet, indigo or deep blue, though it is traditionally described as white. It is at
this point that the two side nadis Ida and Pingala are said to terminate and
merge with the central channel Sushumna, signifying the end of duality. The
seed syllable for this chakra is the syllable OM, and the presiding deity
is Ardhanarishvara, who is a half male, half female Shiva/Shakti. The Shakti
goddess of Ajna is called Hakini.
Ajna (along with Bindu), is known as the third eye chakra and is linked to
the pineal gland which may inform a model of its envisioning. The pineal
gland is a light sensitive gland that produces the hormone melatonin which
regulates sleep and waking up. Ajna's key issues involve balancing the higher
and lower selves and trusting inner guidance. Ajna's inner aspect relates to the
access of intuition. Mentally, Ajna deals with visual consciousness.
Emotionally, Ajna deals with clarity on an intuitive level. (Note: some believe
that the pineal and pituitary glands should be exchanged in their relationship to
the Crown and Brow chakras, based on the description in Arthur Avalon's
book on kundalini called Serpent Power or empirical research.)
In Tibetan Buddhism, this point is actually the end of the central channel, since
the central channel rises up from the sexual organ to the crown of the head, and
then curves over the head and down to the third eye. While the central channel
finishes here, the two side channels continue down to the two nostrils.
Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra
Vishuddha (also Vishuddhi) is depicted as a silver crescent within a white
circle, with 16 light or pale blue, or turquoise petals. The seed mantra is Ham,
and the residing deity is Panchavaktra shiva, with 5 heads and 4 arms, and the
Shakti is Shakini.
Vishuddha may be understood as relating to communication and growth
through expression. This chakra is paralleled to the thyroid, a gland that is also
in the throat and which produces thyroid hormone, responsible for growth and
maturation. Physically, Vishuddha governs communication, emotionally it
governs independence, mentally it governs fluent thought, and spiritually, it
governs a sense of security. In Tibetan buddhism, this chakra is red, with 16
upward pointing petals. It plays an important role in Dream Yoga, the art
of lucid dreaming.

Anahata: The Heart Chakra 

Anahata, or Anahata-puri, or padma-sundara is symbolised by a circular
flower with twelve green petals. Within it is a yantra of two intersecting
triangles, forming a hexagram, symbolising a union of the male and female.
The seed mantra is Yam, the presiding deity is Ishana Rudra Shiva, and the
Shakti is Kakini.
Anahata is related to the thymus, located in the chest. The thymus is an
element of the immune system as well as being part of the endocrine system. It
is the site of maturation of the T cells responsible for fending off disease and
may be adversely affected by stress. Anahata is related to the colours green or
pink. Key issues involving Anahata involve complex emotions, compassion,
tenderness, unconditional love, equilibrium, rejection and well-being.
Physically Anahata governs circulation, emotionally it governs unconditional
love for the self and others, mentally it governs passion, and spiritually it
governs devotion.
In Tibetan Buddhism, this centre is extremely important, as being the home of
the indestructible red/white drop, which carries our consciousness to our next
lives. It is described as being white, circular, with eight downward pointing
petals, and the seed syllable Hum inside. During mantra recitation in the lower
tantras, a flame is imagined inside of the heart, from which the mantra rings
out. Within the higher tantras, this chakra is very important for realising the
Clear Light.
Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra 
Manipura or manipuraka is symbolised by a downward pointing triangle
with ten petals, along with the color yellow. The seed syllable is Ram, and the
presiding deity is Braddha Rudra, with Lakini as the Shakti.
Manipura is related to the metabolic and digestive systems. Manipura is
believed to correspond to Islets of Langerhans, which are groups of cells in the
pancreas, as well as the outer adrenal glands and the adrenal cortex. These play
a valuable role in digestion, the conversion of food matter into energy for the
body. The colour that corresponds to Manipura is yellow. Key issues governed
by Manipura are issues of personal power, fear, anxiety, opinion-formation,
introversion, and transition from simple or base emotions to complex.
Physically, Manipura governs digestion, mentally it governs personal power,
emotionally it governs expansiveness, and spiritually, all matters of growth.
Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra 
Swadhisthana, Svadisthana or adhishthana is symbolised by a white lotus
within which is a crescent moon, with six vermillion, or orange petals. The
seed mantra is Vam, and the presiding deity is Brahma, with the Shakti being
Rakini (or Chakini). The animal associated is the crocodile of Varuna.
The Sacral Chakra is located in the sacrum (hence the name) and is considered
to correspond to the testes or the ovaries that produce the various sex
hormonesinvolved in the reproductive cycle. Swadisthana is also considered to
be related to, more generally, the genitourinary system and the adrenals. The
key issues involving Swadisthana are relationships, violence, addictions, basic
emotional needs, and pleasure. Physically, Swadisthana governs reproduction,
mentally it governs creativity, emotionally it governs joy, and spiritually it
governs enthusiasm.

Muladhara: The Root Chakra [edit]

Muladhara or root chakra is symbolised by a lotus with four petals and the
color red. This center is located at the base of the spine in the coccygeal region.
It is said to relate to the gonads and the adrenal medulla, responsible for
the fight-or-flight response when survival is under threat.
Muladhara is related to instinct, security, survival and also to basic human
potentiality. Physically, Muladhara governs sexuality, mentally it governs
stability, emotionally it governs sensuality, and spiritually it governs a sense of
security. Muladhara has a relation to the sense of smell.
This chakra is where the three main nadis separate and begin their upward
movement. Dormant Kundalini rests here, wrapped three and a half times
around the black Svayambhu linga, the lowest of three obstructions to her full
rising (also known as knots or granthis). It is the seat of the red bindu, the
female drop (which in Tibetan vajrayana is located at the navel chakra).
The seed syllable is Lam (pronounced lum), the deity is Ganesh, and the Shakti
is Dakini. The associated animal is the elephant.
Lower chakras 
There are said to be a series of seven chakras below muladhara going down the leg, corresponding the base
animal instincts, and to the Hindu underworld patala. They are called atala, vitala, sutala, talatala, rasatala,
mahatala and patala.
This chakra is located in the hips, it governs fear and lust.
Located in the thighs, it governs anger and resentment.
Located in the knees, it governs jealousy.
Translated as 'under the bottom level', it is located in the calves, and it is a state of prolonged confusion and
instinctive wilfulness.
Located in the ankles, it is the centre of selfishness and pure animal nature.
Located in the feet, this is the dark realm 'without conscience', and inner blindness.
Located in the soles of the feet, this is the realm of malice, murder, torture and hatred, and in Hindu mythology it
borders on the realm of Naraka, or Hell.
There are said to be 21 minor chakras which are reflected points of the major chakras. These 21 are further
grouped into 10 bilateral minor chakras that correspond to the foot, hand, knee, elbow, groin, clavicular, navel,
shoulder and ear. The spleen may also be classified as a minor chakra by some authorities despite not having an
associated coupled minor chakra.

How to Open Your Spiritual Chakras - LAM, VAM, RAM, HAM, YAM,
OM & AUM !!
According to Buddhist/Hindu teaching all of the chakras should contribute to a human's well-being. Our instincts
would join forces with our feelings and thinking. Some of our chakras are usually not open all the way (meaning,
they operate just like when you were born), but some are over-active, or even near closed. If the chakras are not
balanced, peace with the self cannot be achieved.
Read on to discover the art of becoming aware of the chakras, as well as a very reliable technique designed to
open them.
Understand that if you are opening your chakras, there is no need to try and make over-active chakras
less active. They are simply compensating for the inactivity of closed chakras. Once all of the chakras are
opened, the energy evens out, and becomes balanced.
Open the Root Chakra (red). This chakra is based on being physically aware and feeling comfortable in many
situations. If opened, you should feel well-balanced and sensible, stable and secure. You don't distrust people
around you for no reason.You feel present in what is happening right now, and very connected to your physical
body. If it's under-active: you tend to be fearful or nervous, and easily feel unwelcome. If it's over-active: you may
be materialistic and greedy. You feel as if you should be secure and are unwelcome to a change.
 Use the body and become aware of it. Do yoga, walk around the block, or do some manual house-cleaning.
These activities let your body become known to you, and will strengthen the chakra.
 Ground yourself. This means that you should connect with the ground, and feel it beneath you. To do this, stand
up straight and relaxed, put your feet shoulder width apart, and slightly bend your knees. Move your pelvis
forward a little, and keep your body balanced, so that your weight is evenly distributed over the soles of your feet.
Then sink your weight forward. Stay in this position for several minutes.
 After grounding yourself, sit cross-legged, as shown in the picture above.
 Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch gently, in a peaceful motion.
 Concentrate on the Root chakra and what it stands for, at the spot in between the genitals and the anus.
 Silently, yet clearly, chant the sound "LAM."
 All this time, let yourself relax, still thinking about the chakra, it's meaning, and how it does or should affect your
 Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed. You may have a "clean" feeling.
Open the Sacral Chakra (orange). This chakra deals with feeling and sexuality. If open, feeling are released
with liberty, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You would be open to affinity and can be
passionate as well as outgoing. You also have no problems based on sexuality. If it's under-active: you tend to be
unemotional or impassive, and are not very open to anybody. If it's over-active: you tend to be sensitive and
emotional all the time. You may also be very sexual.
 Sit on your knees, with your back straight, but relaxed.
 Lay your hands in your lap, palms ups, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, the palm touching the back
fingers of the right hand, and the thumbs touch gently.

 Concentrate on the Sacral Chakra and what it stands for, at the sacral bone (lower back).

 Silently, yet clearly, chant the sound "VAM."
 All this time, let yourself relax, still thinking about the chakra, it's meaning, and how it does or should affect your
 Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed. Again, you may have a "clean" feeling.
Open the Navel Chakra (yellow). This chakra encircles confidence, especially when in a group. When open,
you should feel in control and have good feeling of dignity in yourself. If it's under-active: you tend to be passive
and indescisive. You could be frequently apprehensive and this doesn't reward you. If it's over-active: you tend to
be imperious and aggressive.
 Sit on your knees, with your back straight, but relaxed.
 Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing
away from you. Cross the thumbs and straighten the fingers (this is important).

 Concentrate on the Navel Chakra and what it stands for, at the spine, slightly above the navel.

 Silently, yet clearly, chant the sound "RAM."
 All this time, let yourself relax even more, continuing to think about the chakra, it's meaning, and how it does or
should affect your life.
 Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed. You should have a "clean" feeling (for every chakra).
Open the Heart Chakra (green). This chakra is all about love, caring, and endearment. When open, you seem
to be compassionate and friendly, always working in amicable relationships. If it's under-active: you tend to be
cold and unfriendly. If it's over-active: you tend to be so "loving" towards people that you suffocate them, and you
could be seen as selfish for it.
 Sit cross-legged.
 Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch on both hands.
 Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breastbone.
 Concentrate on the Heart Chakra and what it stands for, at the spine, level with the heart.
 Silently, but clearly, chant the sound "YAM."
 All this time, continue to relax your body, and think of the chakra, it's meaning, and how it does or should affect
your life.
 Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed, and the "clean" feeling returns and/or intensifies within your
Open the Throat Chakra (light blue). This chakra is based on self-expression and communication. When the
chakra is open, expressing yourself is easy, and art seems to be a great way to do this. If it's under-active: you
tend not to speak too much, so you are classified as shy. If you lie often, this chakra can be blocked. If it's over-
active: you tend to speak so much, it annoys a lot of people. You could also be a pretty bad listener.
 Once again, sit on your knees.
 Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull
them up a bit.
 Concentrate on the Throat Chakra and what it stands for, at the base of the throat.
 Silently, but clearly, chant the sound "HAM."
 All this time, keep on relaxing your body, thinking of the chakra, it's meaning, and how it does or should affect
your life.
 Keep doing this for about five minutes, and the "clean" feeling will intensify once again.
Open the Third Eye Chakra (blue). Like it's name, this chakra deals with insight. When open, you have
excellent clairvoyance, and tend to dream a lot. If it's under-active: you tend to look up to other people to think for
you. Relying on beliefs too often, you also tend to be confused most of the time. If it's over-active: you tend to live
in a world imagination all day long. In the extremes, you could suffer from frequent daydreams or even
 Sit cross-legged.
 Put your hands in front of the lower part of the breast. The middle fingers should be straight and touch the tops,
pointing away from you. The other fingers are bent and touch at the two upper phalanges. The thumbs point
towards you and meet at the tops.

Concentrate on the Third Eye Chakra and what it stands for, a little above the center of the two eyebrows.
 Silently, but clearly, chant the sound "OM" or "AUM."
 All this time, relaxation of the body should come a bit naturally, and continue to think of the chakra, it's meaning,
and how it does or should affect your life.
 Keep doing this until the same "clean" feeling seems to come back or intensify.
Open the Crown Chakra (pink). This is the seventh and most spiritual chakra. It encircles a being's wisdom and
being one with the universe. When this chakra is open, prejudice disappears from your To Do list, and you seem
to become more aware of the world and it's connection to yourself. If it's under-active: you tend to not be very
spiritual, and may be quite rigid in your thoughts. If it's over-active: you tend to intellectualize things all the time.
Spirituality seems to come first in your mind, and if you are really over-active, you may even ignore your bodily
needs (food, water, shelter).
 Sit cross-legged.
 Lay your hand before your stomach. Let the little fingers point up and away from you, touching at their tops, and
cross the rest of the fingers with the left thumb underneath the right.

 Concentrate on the Crown Chakra and what it stands for, at the very top of your head.
 Silently, but clearly, chant the sound "NG" (yes, this chant is as hard as it looks).
 All this time, your body should now be totally relaxed, and your mind should be at peace. However, do not stop
concentrating on the Crown Chakra.
 This meditation is the longest, and should take no less than ten minutes.
 WARNING: don't use this meditation for the Crown Chakra if your Root Chakra is not strong or open. Before
dealing with this last chakra, you need a strong "foundation" first, which the Root exercises will present to you. 

How to Heal Using Chakra

Different chakras stand for different areas of the body, and can disfunction in different ways. Feelings,
thoughts, traumas, and even illnesses of the body can lodge in the chakras, impeding healthy energy flow. The
following approaches may be helpful in connecting with the chakras and heal both illnesses and emotional

Root Chakra.
o Warning Signals: Fatigue, disagreements with family members, disorientation due to lack of grounding.
o To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: Visualize a molten lava flow beneath you, or the image of your feet
and body growing tree roots that extend deep into the earth. Since this chakra corresponds with issues with one’s
family of origin (“root”), resolving these deep emotions can heal the first chakra.
Sacral Chakra.
o Warning Signals: Sexual disfunction, hormonal imbalance, lack of creativity.
o To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: The second chakra relates to a person’s sexuality and creativity and
is connected with the womb. Any creative or sexual outlet has the potential to engage this chakra - but only if
such an activity aligns with a person’s genuine self.
Solar Plexus Chakra.
o Warning Signals: Digestive system upset, weakness in “core” muscles, low immunity, low self-esteem.
o To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: The energies of the solar plexus chakra invoke the relationship with
the self and concepts of individual identity. Blockages in this chakra are very common, and can usually only be
alleviated by reassessing personal choices and life directions. It is helpful to take time and space to nourish –
and to uncover and accept - the real self.
Heart Chakra.
o Warning Signals: High or low blood pressure, cardiac symptoms, anger, numbness, fear of love.
o To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: The heart chakra is the center of emotions. Strengthening this
chakra requires willingness to experience life’s emotional spectrum: love and loss, pain and joy. Visualizing a
bright white light in the center of the chest and allowing it to expand slowly may help to awaken this chakra and
soothe feelings of hurt. It can also be helpful to write a journal or speak to a trusted friend.
Throat Chakra.
o Warning Signals: Hyper- or hypothyroid (over- or under-active thyroid gland), frustration, fear or inability to
express oneself.
o To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: Sing, dance, write, speak – express and emote! This chakra is
cleared by genuine, open expression of truth. It is strengthened by standing up for personal beliefs and
supporting other people, ideologies, or groups–- but mostly, by speaking up for number one.
Brow Chakra.
o Warning Signals: Headaches, lack of insight, feeling lost, lack of psychic intuitiveness.
o To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: It may be helpful to call this chakra by its other name and visualise a
“third eye” in the middle of the forehead, looking around with keen observation and insight. Tapping a point in the
middle of the brow also helps. So can taking the pressure off and exercising patience. Overthinking congests the
brow chakra – so don't think.
Crown Chakra.
o Warning Signals: Headaches, spaciness/brain fog, fear, disconnection, lack of trust/hope/faith.
o To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: The crown chakra represents connection to the divine in all its
forms, as well as the reality that all is energy and there is no form. Imagine a ball of glowing white energy coming
down and enveloping the top of the head, opening and healing the crown chakra. Pull the energy down as a
protective shield around the body. Talking – out loud or internally – to the higher self, goddess, god, guardian
angels or spirit guides can also help.
Orgone is the universal Life force, the basic building block of all organic and inorganic matter on the
material planet. ORGONE is also known as prana, life force, ki, chi, mana, universal energy...etc
Coined by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Orgone has been called by the Great mystics and philosophers; Chi, Prana
or simply the Force. Dr. Reich, an Austrian scientist, philosopher and psychoanalyst; developed a
technology to tap into the Cosmic Orgone Sea to provide a continuous stream of Life-force energy.

Orgone energy is the life force energy, which surrounds all life form when active.  Orgone
Pyramids Naturally attracts Positive Etheric energy then converts the negative orgone into positive
ions. Let orgone help calm your ever-increasing stressful environment, whether it is home, work or
school. Not only are they beautiful but they're also a powerful tool to help physically, mentally and
spiritually enhance your life and noticeably reduce negative energy.
Orgone also neutralises the harmful effects of EMF radiation all around us from electrical devices. These
positive ions in the air are bad for our health. The job of orgone is to neutralise these positive ions and turn
them into negative ions. These negative ions are prolific in nature and have a harmonising influence on our
nervous system, moods, stress and overall health.

From wilhelm Reich's research evolved orgonite; a resin/metal matrix with an addition of crystal(s).With
the ability to efficiently collect, transmute and emit etheric energy; Creating a substance which functions as
a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient DOR→POR (negative to positive) energy
transmutation factory. When orgonite is within range of a source of DOR/negative energy, it will
efficiently and continuously transform it into POR/positive energy as it is being transmitted, which
essentially creates positive energy transmitters out of any and all emitters of harmful negative energy.

What Is EMF And How Does It Affect You?

EMF stands for electromagnetic field. Everything God created has its own electromagnetic field.
Additionally, everything man makes has an electromagnetic field (i.e., electronic technology). It is a
measurable type of energy, and for the human body the EMF frequencies truly are the life of our cells.

Electromagnetic radiation is the energy projected from the EMF's. Just as there are good fats and bad fats
for our body and good sugars and bad sugars for our body, so there are good/safe EMF's and bad/harmful
EMF's for our body.
EMF Dangers

Why are some EMF's harmful to our bodies? God designed the human body with very specific EMF
frequencies. Healthy tissue has these strong God-given frequencies. Unhealthy or diseased tissue has weak
or altered (different) frequencies.

Our healthy EMF frequencies become weak or altered for various reasons, but most commonly by too
much exposure to other EMF frequencies which are out of the realm of our healthy body frequencies.

This can happen over a period of years with low to moderate levels of electromagnetic radiation or it can
happen immediately with a rare strong exposure. Once your healthy frequencies are altered, then comes
health problems which move into various diseases such as cancer and fibromyalgia.
Associated EMF Health Problems

The following list represents diseases and health problems that are either a direct result of electromagnetic
radiation poisoning or are closely associated with it. Keep in mind that all health issues will be affected to
some degree by exposure to EMF radiation, whether electric, magnetic, wireless or ionizing radiation,
since it weakens the immune system, stresses the body and damages healthy cells.
 Cancer
 Alzheimer's
 Parkinson's
 Fibromyalgia
 Chronic Fatigue
 Daily Headaches
 Brain Cancer
 Lyme Disease
 Asthma
 Heart Problems
 Chest Pain
 Insomnia
 Allergies
 Electrosensitivity (es)/electromagnetic Hypersensitivitiy (ehs)
 Multiple Sclerosis (see Copper Depletion By Emf)
 High Blood Pressure
 Brain Fog
 Add/adhd
 Forgetfulness
 Digestive Disorders
 Migraine Headaches
 Brain Tumors
 Leukemia - General
 Lymphoblastic Leukemia
 Birth Defects
 Miscarriages
 Stress
 Nausea
 Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Lupus
 Fatigue
 Skin Conditions – Burning, Rashes, Pain
 Tinnitus And Other Audible Noises
 Chronic Pain
 Erratic Pulse
 Weak Immune System
By placing orgone in and around your home, you will become aware of the extraordinary change they will
have on you and your surroundings. In addition, these organ devices are beautiful as well as functional.

They're easy to use, fit into every life style, are perfect for young as well as old and don't need an
instruction booklet or special training to use. Each orgone vibrates at an extremely high level and
significantly increases the aura and protects from stress, negative energy and harmful, electromagnetic
radiation. It accelerates the flow of energy in our bodies and acts as a preventative medicine.

Many people place them in or around areas where they relax to enhance the positive energies of that area.
The orgone repel the negatives thus promoting a constant positive field to help them unwind after a busy
The orgone can be placed under your bed, in your nightstand, to help with insomnia and sleep better.
Carrying an orgone in your purse or pocket is also a wonderful way to take positive energy with you
outside your home or office.


 Works continuously.
 Turns negative energy into positive energy.
 Purifies the atmosphere.
 Helps plants grow better and repels pests.
 Disarms and keeps away predatory forms of life and energy.
 Inspires a pleasant demeanor and balanced, happier moods.
 Frequently remedies insomnia and chronic nightmares.
 Disrupts DOR from cell phone towers and other broadcasting towers.
 Helps awaken your innate psychic senses.


In the environment and atmosphere around us we are intimately intertwined through electromagnetic fields
of all things. In these electromagnetic fields exist electrical particles called ions and they exist everywhere.
Naturally, ions are called "negative ions", they heal and protect the human body and psyche. But with man-
made structures, technology and especially wireless man-made energy, these wonderful "negative ions"
become damaged and turn into "positive ions" which destroy and harm our bodies. In today's modern
world we are always bombarded with these unnatural harmful ions in the air. If you take an ion tester to
nature, we have seen that the reading always comes out as negative. Healing negative ions are what nature
originally intended for us. Now with orgone, we have the opportunity to transform our environment back
to a natural state. Every city and man-made home should have one.

Have you ever wondered why you feel energized after a storm? Does your mood ever lift after you have
walked in the countryside breathing in fresh air? The air around us is charged with electrically filled
particles called Ions they are both positive and negative, too many positive Ions will cause an imbalance in
our bodies they create free radicals which dramatically increase the aging process and unbalance us
causing cellular damage. Free radicals can be caused from the following: central heating systems, air
conditioning units, TV's, microwaves, speakers, stereo unit, radar systems, computers, car exhaust fumes,
cigarette smoke, radiation and harmful toxins.They damage cells which is thought to be the reason for
mental health and physical conditions including cancer. I am passionately researching and learning about
orgoneeveryday, that can help reduce the effects of the above appliances causing the ions that we live in to
change from positive to negative thus meaning a calmer more energetic way of living.

We enclose an instruction guide but here is some possible locations we recommend placing your orgone:
 Place at each corner of your bed
 Put one either side of your window sill and another in the middle.
 Place on every electrical device
 Place on or under your plug socket
 Create a Hexagon shape around you whilst meditation
 Place one under your bed
 Carry them with you in your bag or car
 Place under bed for better sleep
 Put on the perimeter of property to cleanse it
 Place in corners of a room to protect it
 Place near cell towers to block the negative effects
 Grid them on your property for protection
 Create an orgone grid by placing one every 3 feet around your property
More benefits from using ourorgone devices:
 Block negative mind control transmissions
 Cleanse area of negative occult energies
 Place near cell towers or power lines to neutralize
 Create an optimal atmosphere
 Cleanse the energy of a large area
 Attract positive energy to a property
 Prevent Chemtrails from polluting
 Help crops grow
 Remove poisons, germs, and biological influences
 Block harmful radiation
 Create peaceful energy
 Reduces Radiation caused by wireless technology
 Reduces The Affects Electromagnetic Fields
 Electricity leakages from TV's, Microwaves etc
Our orgonite unites will also protect you within a 20 meter radius from:
 Harmful Radiation from Mobile (cell) Phones
 WiFi Internet Routers
 Psychic Attack
 Mobile (cell) Phone Masts
 Radiation Omitted From Microwaves
 TV's
 Mind Control
 Wireless Devices
 Harmful Subliminal Messages Embedded In Music & TV Shows
 Almost Any Other Form Of Radiation
Our friends and customer who have purchased from me have said to have received some of the listed
benefits below after a period of use:
 Concentration
 Energy
 Love
 Creativity
 Well-being
 Luck
 Wealth
 Stability
 Productivity
 Health
 Oneness With Themselves
 Clarity
 Keeping A Clear Mind
 Remote Viewing
 Meditation Ability
Again, how does orgone benefit us?
 Enhances; awareness visualization, intuition, psychic abilities.
 Promotes natural health, concentration, & spiritual growth.
 Creates calmer home and environment.
 urifies & detoxifies water.
 Transmute negative energy / converts to positive energy.
 Creates & balances your own natural energy.
 Enhances plants to grow.
 Neutralize harmful effects of ELF & EMF radiation.
 Enhances happier moods very noticeable.
 Promotes dreams /lucid dreams/ O/B experience.
 Clear's negative entities
 Helps reach higher vibration of energies
 Helps cleanse the chakra's.

Orgone does not require belief or conscious attention in order to work. This is not a religion, a cult, or a
product of disinformation - IT WORKS! This has nothing whatsoever to do with the ''new age movement''.

*Animals love the presence of an ORGONE. Cats especially have an attraction to orgonite. I have
heard reports of birds, deer and other wild animals coming when these devices have been placed in
backyards.Its also nice to see other plant experiments furthering the proof of the power of these
wonderful orgone pieces!
Examples of things that emit harmful radiations are cell phone towers (these companies go over their legal
FCC radiation limit EVERY DAY), HAARP, satellite dishes, radar, wi-fi, wi-max, and telecommunication
towers. Cell phone towers are pulsed at anywhere from 3 KHz to 3,000GHz moving at the speed of light
according to the FCC. Even televisions and computer monitors are pulsed typically from 60Hz(same as the
electrical energy grid) to 480Hz.

Our Reiki Orgone Devices are made to capture and enhance the natural abilities of crystals! The crystals
are chosen for their energetic properties and placed in a special resin with gold, silver, and copper. The
Metal allows the etheric energy to literally be conducted and sent out the top end.

When the special resin cures, it compresses all of the crystals in the orgone device creating the
piezoelectric effect - emitting energy out of the crystal! The energy is sent out the metal side like a booster

The energy can be Felt! The energy can be seen by some - notably children and those who can see auras. If
you cannot feel the energy right away - you will after spending enough time around your orgone - it makes
you more energy sensitive!

The energy can be quantitatively measured with an EMF-meter (electro-magnetic-frequency). My devices

cause most to go off the charts - but remember there is no battery or energy device attached- it is a free
energy device!

If you place 2 small discs in your car's engine area (safely mounted) you can increase fuel efficiency.

If you Muscle Test the orgone...You find your cell phone makes you weaker. If your phone has an orgone
chip - You are stronger than HAVING OR NOT HAVING the phone. The phone has gone from
weakening its user to strengthening them.

If you place an orgone pyramid above water and freeze the water...
If you proceed to break off icicle and place outside freezer it will sublime before melting, turning to gas
instead of liquid. If you position the pyramid at an angle to the ice cube tray the crystals grow towards the
angle (second picture). Place food coloring in water - cover glass with plastic wrap - place orgone disc
above (Third Picture).

If you place near your fruit dish - the fruit will taste sweeter and stay fresh longer.

If you place a glass of water upon a large disc - it will increase the vibration and frequency of the water
molecules. The water will become more ALKALINE in pH usually above 7.3. Alkaline water is healthier
than acidic.

If you place near or under a growing plant it will grow much larger and faster than its control plant.

It will greatly increase the size of your aura - your manifestation / magick / intuitive ability.

People with negative energy who are domineering and controlling feel uncomfortable around it - keep at
your office and notice power-tripping bosses don't come around as much.

Many Clients who sleep near orgone often develop the ability to have lucid dreams and have increased
their occurance. It will eliminate nightmares for children and adults: it worked for my youngest cousins. It
accomplishes these tasks by literally funneling positive energy into your mind and chakras while you
sleep: manifesting in better dreams, mindset and sleep.

Children and pets (even fish) love the orgone and will play with it intuitively sending energy through their
chakras, sometimes for hours!

It reduces addictions - by raising your frequency above the reptilian mindset where addictions stem from.

It raises your intuition and psychic abilities by again raising your frequency and amount of zero-point
energy available to be manifested!

It reverses the negative ELF radio waves emitted by your Cell Phone, TV, Microwave, Computer et cetera.
You can feel an increase in the orgone coming out when on top of a running TV or Microwave. The
negative radio waves that would interfere with your DNA and nervous system are routed through the resin
and crystals effectively purifying the energy. It has been reported that orgone reverses the effect of the
negative energy experienced under high power lines and near an atomic power-plant. It is terrible to have
yourself or children sleeping near an alarm clock, or power outlet: move the bed or place an orgone close

Harness your Dreams!

Heal Your Mind-Body-Spirit!
Develop your intuition and ESP!
Develop Unlimited Access to Your Energy (Inner-Chi)!
Raise your feelings of love and connectedness with all!
Fifth Element Orgone products are powerful Spiritual tools that can be used to enhance all areas of your
life - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They can best be described as transmitters of
Universal Light Energy, also knows as Source Energy, Ether and Zero Point Energy. This higher
dimensional field is the animating force behind all creation and has the capacity to automatically transform
lower vibrational (negative) energy into higher vibrational (positive) energy. By simply holding an Orgone
device or being near one, negative energy will be cleared from your field creating a higher, more balanced
and healthy state. Using your Intent you can also direct this Source Energy towards personal healing,
protection and spiritual awakening. What this means is that you now have a practical tool that can create
and maintain a positive energy field in your home and workplace for both yourself and those around you. I
personally consider Orgone to be one of the most advanced Spiritual tools available today and feel that
these products would be highly beneficial for anyone.
Features & Benefits of Orgone Technology
 Experience More Vitality And A Restful Sleep
 Relieve Mental And Physical Stress
 Aids Meditation & Increases Spiritual Growth
 Energize Food, Water, Herbs And Supplements
 Create A More Harmonious Home & Workplace
 Protect Yourself From Negative Energies
 Clear Emotional And Energetic Blocks

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