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3.1 Selection of materials Eco building materials and construction

3.2 Biomimicry
3.3 Low impact construction

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3 . 1 S e l e c ti o n of materials Eco building materials &

C o n s t r u c ti o n


General Conservation Techniques

 The layout and design of a building and grounds has an impact on energy and water
consumption. A well-planned site will preserve much of the natural vegetation, increase the
energy efficiency of the building, and reduce the amount of storm water leaving the site. In
addition the amount of excavation required can be reduced, thus reducing construction costs
and environmental impacts of the construction process. A comprehensive site design can save
money and increase the appeal of a property (National Association of Home Builders 2002).
 One goal of resource efficiency is to decrease utility bills, but the ultimate goals are to save
energy and reduce pollution (Anderson 1995). According to one estimate, buildings consume
more than half of America’s primary energy (Cohen-Rosenthal, et al. 2000). In northeastern
Wisconsin, home and business owners are often concerned about the costs of heating and
cooling throughout the year. Wisconsin weather can be extremely cold from October to April,
with temperatures consistently below freezing. In addition, summer temperatures in Wisconsin
rise above 90°F (Wisconsin Climate Information 2003). People buying or developing new
buildings have a choice: they can pay high energy bills because of inefficient design and
appliances or implement a higher efficiency option, which could have a higher upfront cost but
will lead to long-term savings.
 By implementing efficient technologies that save water and energy, developers, homeowners,
and businesses can protect the environment while saving money. Every kilowatt (kW) of power
that is not consumed reduces energy bills and decreases the amount of carbon dioxide and
other pollutants released into the environment during the generation process. Each gallon of
water that is conserved can help protect sensitive environmental areas, such as wetlands and
streams, reduce the amount of energy required to clean the water, and lower water and
sewage bills. Greater resource efficiency, in the form of energy and water conservation, results
in cost savings, more so when several technologies are used in conjunction with each other
(Anderson 1993).
Residential Energy Efficiency
 One significant area of energy use is residential buildings. According to the Rocky Mountain
Institute (RMI), the average American family spends approximately $1,500 a year on utility bills
(Rocky Mountain Institute 2004). The energy provided to these American homes alone costs
over $110 billion a year. The typical, American home produces 25,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide
and 113 lbs. of sulfur dioxide emissions annually, through direct consumption of electricity and
heating fuels (Yoon et al. 1994).

Commercial Energy Efficiency

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 Owners of commercial buildings face the same basic challenges as homeowners in striving to
make their buildings energy efficient. Current technologies and practices offer cost-effective
opportunities to reduce energy use by 30-70 percent in new and existing buildings (Cohen-
Rosenthal et al. 2000). Like American homes, American commercial buildings produce large
amounts of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions through direct consumption of
electricity and heating fuels.
Water Conservation
 In many parts of the United States water is often consumed in excess with little or no
consideration of the viability of water resources. Many countries and indeed some states in the
United States face shortages in potable water supply. Homeowners and businesses have a
significant interest in ensuring adequate water supplies because residential and commercial
water use accounts for 47 and 53 percent of all water supplied to American communities by
public and private utilities, respectively (Top 5 Actions 2002).
Efficient Appliances
 An essential aspect of resource-
efficient design decisions is realizing
the importance of initial investments
in reliable technology. Often times,
cheaper products are purchased
because they are perceived as the
better economic choice based purely
on purchase price. In terms of buying
new appliances, machinery, and
office equipment, the more
expensive, energy-efficient or water-
conserving models actually save
money in the long run. By purchasing
energy-efficient appliances and office
equipment and water-efficient
appliances and plumbing fixtures,
savings in utility bills will be quickly
 There are many choices in both
residential and commercial products
that will affect energy efficiency. For
example, according to the WPS
website, purchasing an energy-
efficient 18-cubic foot refrigerator
provides the homeowner with an
annual savings of $17-$28 compared
to a conventional model of the same capacity.
Passive Design Alternatives
 After including every available conservation technique in a building design, the next step in
decreasing the energy and water demands of the site are passive building designs. A passive
design uses several techniques, included in the actual structural design and lot layout, to
significantly reduce the amount of energy needed to heat, cool and light a building and also to
reduce the runoff from the site, thus decreasing pollution and increasing infiltration of
precipitation. Passive methods do not require any mechanical or electronic devices, so after the
design is implemented, minimal additional inputs are required. The costs of passive designs are
usually the same as or only slightly higher than conventional designs, making the payback of

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these techniques relatively short (Cassedy 2000). Many of the water-conserving benefits of
passive design via landscaping are listed in the “Environmentally-Friendly Urban Landscaping”
Green Roofs
 Green roofs are lightweight, engineered roofing systems that protect the integrity of the roof
and provide many benefits for stormwater management and energy efficiency. The
“Stormwater Management Systems” section describes green roofs and the benefits for
stormwater management. Below are additional benefits for energy efficiency (Eisenman 2004).
Benefits of Green Roofs
 Reduced heating due to fewer fluctuations in roof
temperature and insulating properties of vegetation
 Reduced cooling costs due to fewer fluctuations in roof
temperature and heat loss due to evaporation in the
 Increased property value
 Extension of the life of the roof membrane because of
protection from intense ultraviolet radiation and continued
expansion and contraction due to fluctuating temperatures
 Noise insulation
 Storm-water retention
 Improved air quality
 Habitat and biodiversity
Passive Solar Design
 When sunlight strikes a building, the building materials can reflect, transmit, or absorb the solar
radiation. Passive solar design maximizes the amount of solar energy absorbed and uses it to
heat and light buildings. It is important to stress the need for high quality insulation when
planning a passive solar design. There are three main considerations in passive solar design:
building orientation, overhangs and shading, and thermal mass.

Building Orientation
 There are several basic
parameters for building
orientation that are incorporated
in any passive solar design. The
site where the building will be located must have access
to the sun, especially between 9 am and 3 pm, during the heating season, and there should be
no more than 20 percent blockage along the sun’s path (City of Austin’s Green Building Program
2004). A long, thin building with one of the longer sides facing south and most of the windows
on the southern wall will allow for maximum solar exposure during the winter months,
providing both heat and light. An open floor plan placing the rooms requiring the most light and
heat along the south face of the building optimizes passive system operation. Garages, storage
rooms, and other such spaces can act as thermal buffers when located on the east and west
side of a building.

Thermal Mass

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 To truly optimize the benefits of the heat provided by the sun, a passive solar design
incorporates thermal mass, materials with a high capacity for absorbing and storing heat (New
Mexico Solar Energy Association 1998). Brick, concrete masonry, concrete slab, tile, adobe, and
water are all materials that can be incorporated into a design as floors, interior walls, or
fireplaces. Because of the high heat capacity of these materials, the heat absorbed from the
solar radiation during the day is slowly released into the surrounding area at night. This allows a
passive solar house to continue using the energy from the sun for heat long after the sun has

Benefits of Passive Solar Design

 Design is incorporated into building and lot design, so there is little or no upfront cost beyond
the cost of the building
 Provides 30%-60% savings in heating and cooling needs
 No maintenance is required
 Benefits continue throughout the life of the house

Geothermal Heat Pump Systems

Benefits of a Geothermal Heat Pump System

 Highly efficient, for every unit of electricity used, four units of

heating energy are produced
 Can also be used to aid in hot water heating
 30-70% more efficient than ordinary heating and air
conditioning systems
 Maintenance and service costs are significantly lower than
conventional HVAC systems

Solar Hot Water Heaters

 Hot water is the largest component of residential energy costs after heating and cooling
(Cassedy 2000). A solar domestic water heating system that is well designed will provide 50-
80% of hot water needs, depending on
the building’s geographical location and
the time of year (City of Austin’s Green
Building Program 1994).
 Commercial buildings can achieve even
greater benefits from solar water
heating than residential if production of
hot water is a major operating cost.
Benefits of Solar Hot Water Heaters
 Direct savings from lower energy costs
 System payback within 4-8 years
 Decreased air pollution from offset of
fossil fuel use
 New systems are aesthetically pleasing and generally look like skylights when installed correctly

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 Systems are automated and require little maintenance

Residential Case Studies

 Successful and well thought out designs have the ability to cut utility bills in half (Rocky
Mountain Institute 2004). The following section provides some case studies highlighting various
aspects of energy efficiency in homes and expected paybacks.
Bircher Home DePere, WI
 The Bircher house was developed as a demonstration project to show the viability of
photovoltaic systems (cost of $6000.00) and solar hot water heater (cost of $3900.00) in cold
weather climates like Wisconsin (Wisconsin Focus On Energy 2004). Much of the cost of the
systems was offset by grants from various organizations. The home is 2,700 square feet (sq. ft.)
and was completed in 1999 at a cost of approximately $100 per sq. ft. This house also includes
design concepts, such as daylighting, to take advantage of sunlight for illumination rather than
light bulbs, and a masonry fireplace, to utilize the concept of thermal mass to keep the home
warm during cold, Wisconsin winters. In addition, the Birchers have bought energy efficient
appliances and an efficient, natural gas HVAC unit. The solar hot water heater supplies
approximately 60 percent of the hot water needs. Annual electrical and natural gas usage
amounts to $2,175 which is 40 percent less than for similar size homes with inefficient building
envelopes and technologies. The Bircher home saves approximately $800 annually.

Eco-Friendly Building Materials


To understand the building materials market in Pune and recommend alternative eco-friendly
materials for use.

 Task 1-Develop a comprehensive list of conventional building materials
 Task 2 -Evaluate existing building product eco-rating/assessment systems for adopting to the
Indian context.
 Task 3 -Recommendations for a rating system for evaluating eco-friendly building product
 Task 4-Recommend a list of eco-friendly materials suitable for Pune.

Why eco-friendly materials?

 Phenomenal growth in the construction industry that
depends upon delectable resources.
 Production of building materials leads to irreversible
environmental impacts.
 Using eco-friendly materials is the best way to build a
eco-friendly building.

Dictionary: describes a product that has been designed to

do the least possible damage to the environment
US EPA –EPP program defines as:

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 "...products or
services that
have a lesser or
reduced effect on
human health
and the
when compared
with competing
products or
services that
serve the same


Source of Material
Renewable source–
 Rapidly renewable sources e.g. wood from certified
Reuse of Waste
 Salvaged products –e.g. old plumbing, door frames
 Recycled contents –agriculture/ industrial waste e.g.

Reduce Pollution

Air Pollution -Use of materials with low VOC emissions e.g.

Cement Paints
Water Pollution –Materials that prevent leaching.

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Land Pollution -Materials that reuse waste that would otherwise have resulted in landfill. e.g.
Durability & Life Span - Material that are exceptionally durable, or require low maintenance e.g PVC
Reduce material use- These are energy efficient and also help reduce the dead load of a building.
e.g. Ferrocement

Energy Conservation
 Materials that require less energy during construction e.g. precastslabs.
 Materials that help reduce the cooling loads- e.g –aerated concrete blocks.
 Products that conserve energy– e. g. CFL lamps.
 Fixtures & equipments that help conserve water e.g. Dual
flush cisterns

 Reuse or Recycle as different product e.g. steel, aluminum.

 Biodegradable –that decompose easily e.g wood or
earthen materials.
Evaluating Systems
 US EPA –Envpreferable
purchasing (EPP)
 Green Seal
 Greenspecproducts
 BEES ( Buildings for Environmental and Economic
 JIS –Japanese Industrial Standards
 MOEF –Proposed certification of all eco-friendly products as ‘Ecomark’
 CPCB is entrusted with the task of developing the standards for certification.
 To qualify any material as eco-friendly it is necessary to conduct a life cycle analysis of each
 Each study has to be on a product to product basis

Conventional Eco-friendly materials

1. Bamboo, Bamboo Based PartcleBoard & Ply Board, Bamboo Matting
2. Bricks sun dried
3. Precastcement concrete blocks, lintels, slab. Structural and non-structural modular elements
4. CalcinedPhosphoGypsum Wall Panels
5. Calcium silicate boards and Tiles
6. Cellular Light Weight Concrete Blocks
7. Cement Paint
8. Clay roofing tiles

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9. Water, polyurethane and acrylic based chemical admixtures for corrosion removal, rust
prevention, water proofing
10. Epoxy Resin System, Flooring, sealants, adhesives and admixtures
11. Ferro-cement boards for door and window shutters
12. Ferro-cement Roofing Channels
13. Fly-ash Sand Lime Bricks and PaverBlocks
14. Gypsum Board, Tiles, Plaster, Blocks, gypsum plaster fibrejute/sisal and glass fibrecomposites
15. Laminated Wood Plastic Components
16. Marble Mosaic Tiles
17. MDF Boards and Mouldings
18. Micro Concrete Roofing Tiles
19. ParticalBoards
20. Polymerisedwater proof compound
21. Polymerisedwater proof compound
22. Portland PozzolanaCement Flyash/ CalcinedClay Based
23. Portland Slag Cement
24. RCC Door Frames
25. Ready Mix Cement Concrete
26. Rubber Wood Finger Joint Board
27. Stone dust
28. Water proof compound, adhesive, Polymer, Powder
Potential Eco-friendly materials & techniques
1. BagasseBoard –BMTPC
2. Bricks from Coal WasheryRejects -CBRI, Roorkee
3. Building Blocks From Mine Waste –SERC
4. Burnt Clay FlyAshBricks -CBRI, Roorkee
5. Coir Cement Board -CBRI, Roorkee
6. Compressed Earth Blocks –BMTPC
7. EPS Composites and Door Shutters -CBRI, Roorkee
8. FibreFlyashCement Boards –BMTPC
9. FibreReinforecedConcrete PrecastElements, Wall panels, Blocks, Manhole Covers –SERC
10. Fibrous Gypsum Plaster Boards -CBRI, Roorkee
11. FlyashCellular Concrete, FlyashCement Brick, Blocks -BMTPC
12. FlyashLime Cellular Concrete -CBRI, Roorkee
13. FlyashLime Gypsum Brick -BMTPC
14. Insulating Bricks from Rice Husk Ash-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata
15. Jute FibrePolyester -BMTPC
16. Non ErodableMud Plaster -CBRI, Roorkee
17. Polytiles-CBRI, Roorkee
18. Timber from trees such as Poplar, Rubber, Eucalyptus -
19. Precastwalling roofing components -CBRI, Roorkee
20. Prefab Brick Panel System -CBRI, Roorkee

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Green roof:
 A green roof can lower the temperature in your house,
improve local air quality and help add green space in urban
areas where concrete is the major material.
 Green roofs can be as simple as a couple of types of ground
cover or include a beautiful mix of moss, succulents, ground
cover, and even herbs and plants.
Solar shingles:
 Solar panels are an excellent way to save energy and
reduce energy bills.
 Solar shingles are a bit pricier to install than traditional
solar panels, since they not only help power the building,
but they're actually roof shingles.
Cob houses:
 Cob is an ancient building material that's basically wet
earth and straw mixed together and rolled into loaf-sized
pieces or cobs. The mixture is very similar to clay, and what
makes cob houses unique and beautiful is the organic
Rainwater harvesting:
 The basic idea behind a rainwater harvesting system is to
capture water to irrigate your garden and sometimes to use
in the home.
 To install any sort of rainwater harvesting system, it's
important to check local laws first. Some areas
don't allow any rainwater harvesting.
Shipping container buildings:
 Like with cob houses, shipping container buildings
address the high impact associated with traditional
building materials.
 Instead of using new materials that have to be
manufactured, shipping container homes reclaim
old shipping crates and use them to create
prefabricated structures. Shipping crates can be
stacked vertically or lined up side-by-side to create
residential or commercial buildings.



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Optimize building envelope, minimize demand through serious conservation, and supply energy with
maximum efficiency and using renewable:
 Site micro-climate
 Energy conservation
 Passive solar heating
 Passive cooling and natural ventilation
 Day lighting
 Renewable resources

 Traditional vernacular -sustainability by default.
 Existing-architecture-made-more-sustainable.
 Environmental determinism.
 Symbiotic relationship with natural environment.


 Conventional standards seek stasis or ‘optimum’.
 Change is the natural state of affairs.
 People are more ‘forgiving’ of buildings which offer more control.
 Dynamic environments stimulate –within limits.
 Ventilation.
 Air quality.
 Pollutants.
 Sustainable sources.
 Extraction, processing, manufacture.
 Embodied energy.
 Transport, assembly.
 Life cycle maintenance.

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 Emissions.
 Recycling, disposal.
 NB composite materials.
Use structural elements manufactured with a minimum amount of high-grade wood.
Use certified sustainable lumber.
Use fast-growing materials like bamboo flooring.
Use re-cut lumber from recently dismantled buildings.
Use materials manufactured with a high recycled content.
Use materials that last, with minimum or no maintenance costs.
Use materials that require minimal energy to manufacture, transport, and grow.
Straw-bale construction.
Cob (straw and earth) construction.
Pre-fabricated panel wall & roof systems.
Post and beam construction.
Construction methods that the owner can use to build the home themselves.
 Sustainable architecture often incorporates the use of recycled or second hand materials,
such as reclaimed lumber and recycled copper.
 The reduction in use of new materials creates a corresponding reduction in embodied
energy (energy used in the production of materials).
 Often sustainable architects attempt to retrofit old structures to serve new needs in order to
avoid unnecessary development.
 When older buildings are demolished, frequently any good wood is reclaimed, renewed, and
sold as flooring. Any good dimension stone is similarly reclaimed.
 Existing buildings can remodel and install improved mechanical components and update
operating systems to make a building green.
 Many other parts are reused as well, such as doors, windows, mantels, and hardware, thus
reducing the consumption of new goods.
 When new materials are employed, green designers look for materials that are rapidly
replenished, such as bamboo, which can be harvested for commercial use after only 6 years
of growth, sorghum or wheat straw, both of which are waste material that can be pressed
into panels, or cork oak, in which only the outer bark is removed for use, thus preserving the


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 Existing buildings can remodel and install improved mechanical components and update
operating systems to make a building green.
Solar panels:
 Active solar devices such as photovoltaic solar panels help to provide sustainable electricity
for any use. Electrical output of a solar panel is dependent on orientation, efficiency,
latitude, and climate—solar gain varies even at the same latitude.
 Roofs are often angled toward the sun to allow photovoltaic panels to collect at maximum
 Solar panels can produce adequate energy if aligned within 30° of south.
Wind turbines:
 The use of undersized wind turbines in energy production in sustainable structures requires
the consideration of many factors.
 In considering costs, small wind systems are generally more expensive than larger wind
turbines relative to the amount of energy they produce.
 Building integrated wind turbine performance can be enhanced with the addition of an
aerofoil wing on top of a roof mounted turbine.
Solar water heating:
 Solar water heaters, also called solar domestic hot water systems, can be a cost-effective
way to generate hot water for a home.
 They can be used in any climate, and the fuel they use—sunshine—is free. Solar water
heaters, also called solar domestic hot water systems, can be a cost-effective way to
generate hot water for a home.
 They can be used in any climate, and the fuel they use—sunshine—is free.
 There are also two types of circulation, direct circulation systems and indirect circulation
systems. Direct circulation systems loop the domestic water through the panels. . Indirect
circulation loops glycol or some other fluid through the solar panels and uses a heat
exchanger to heat up the domestic water.
 With the use of solar collectors, the energy use is cut in half.
Heat pumps:
 Air-source heat pumps are inexpensive relative
to other heat pump systems. However, the
efficiency of air-source heat pumps decline
when the outdoor temperature is very cold or
very hot; therefore, they are only really
applicable in temperate climates
 Other types of heat pumps are water-source and
air-earth. If the building is located near a body of
water, the pond or lake could be used as a heat
source or sink. Air-earth heat pumps circulate the building's air through underground ducts.
With higher fan power requirements and inefficient heat transfer, Air-earth heat pumps are
generally not practical for major construction.


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Natural System
• Vulture wings
….. and what it inspired (or might)
the Wright brothers were birdwatchers.
 Specifically, the "photosynthetic reaction centers" in green plants
 photosynthesizing bacteria
Tiny solar cells-"Pentads" are solar batteries that mimic the leaf's
reaction center.
Molecular in size, they could one day be used to split water into clean-
burning hydrogen gas and oxygen.
Biomimicry – Transportation

THE king fisher

Self reflective color.
Whale Power wind
turbine blade gains drag
design productivity by
reducing drag.
32% less drag
20% production increase
Principles of Biomimicry.

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It has three major goals

1. Nature as Model:
Biomimicry is a new science that studies nature's models and then
solve human problems, e.g., a solar cell inspired by a leaf.

2. Nature as Mentor:
Biomimicry uses an ecological standard to judge the "rightness" of our innovations. After 3.8 billion
years of evolution, nature has learned: What works? What is appropriate? What lasts?

3. Nature as Measure:
Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature. It introduces an era based not on what we
can extract from the natural world, but on what we can learn from it.

•These researchers have used biomimicry of the

cockroach, one of nature’s most successful species, to
design and build sprawl-legged robots that can move
very quickly (up to five body-lengths per second.
• In addition, these robots are very good at manoeuvring
in changing terrain, and can continue forward motion
when encountering hip-height obstacles or uphill and
downhill slopes of up to 24 degrees .
•These types of small, fast robots could potentially be
used for military reconnaissance, bomb defusion and de-
mining expeditions.


9 principles of nature, which should be
applied to design
• Nature runs on sunlight
• Nature uses only the energy it needs
• Nature fits form to function
• Nature recycles everything
• Nature rewards cooperation
• Nature banks on diversity
• Nature demands local expertise

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• Nature curbs excess from within

• Nature taps the power of limits


The architecture of the Eastgate closely

mimics this extraordinary natural feat. Air
currents enter the building, where they are
either warmed or cooled by the structural
mass, depending on the outside
temperature. Then, the air is evenly
distributed throughout the building, using a
similar system of vents that open and close
in timed intervals. Finally, the air exits
through a system of chimneys.
Eastgate Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe
This building is designed by HOK. The building aims
not only to mimic the appearance of natural
elements, but also mimic certain systems. The
designers were inspired by the Barrel cactus. The
cactus has ridges which self-shade to protect it from
harsh sunlight. This system is translated
architecturally into the building which reduces the
amount of artificial cooling required for the building.


 Biomimicry can be applied to buildings in order to:
 Make materials stronger, self- assembling, and self-healing.
 forces for basic building functions.
 Allow them to produce resources by integrating natural

‘Leaning how to deal with long-term maintenance of our planet’

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Hannover Principles of sustainability which can be modified to design
1. Insist on rights of humanity and nature to coexist.
2. Recognize interdependence.
3. Respect relationships between spirit and matter.
4. Accept responsibility for the consequences of design.
5. Create safe objects of long-term value.
6. Eliminate the concept of waste.
7. Rely on natural energy flows.
8. Understand the limitations of design.
9. Seek constant improvement by the sharing of knowledge

3 . 3 L o w i m p a c t C o n s t r u c ti o n

Construction Waste Management credits encourage diversion of non-hazardous construction and

demolition debris (50% for 1 point or 75% for 2 points). Projects can calculate their success by either
weight or volume, but the calculation must be consistent throughout. The construction waste
management program must comply with all applicable state and federal regulations for hazardous
waste disposal (tho
ugh hazardous waste is excluded from the credit calculation).

Construction Practices credits address topics that can help reduce the Ecological Footprint of the
construction process itself. GGHC v2.2 Materials & Resources Credit 2.3 encourages the
development and implementation of a Construction Practices Environmental Management System
that addresses temporary facilities; delivery, storage, and handling; particulate control; moisture
control; and, the designation of an environmental manager and training program. GGHC Materials &
Resources Credit 2.4 encourages contractors to reduce utility, vehicle, and other emissions during

The Challenges Impediments to developing and implementing low-impact construction practices

may include regional factors, apathy, precedent and incorrect perceptions about cost. For example,
a common obstacle to construction waste recycling is the absence of a mature recycling
infrastructure. Where recycling infrastructure exists, it can reduce project cost through lower tipping
fees, revenue sharing and gratis hauling for segregated waste. However, costs may exceed debris
recycling budgets when construction waste recycling is poorly managed by field forces. In regions
lacking a recycling infrastructure, construction waste recycling is all but impossible. The most
economical recycling approach involves waste reduction (through practices such as purchasing only
what is required, carefully sizing materials to avoid off-cuts, and avoiding packaging through
coordination with the suppliers) and the cooperation of field labor in transporting waste to

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appropriate collection points on the site. Yet, there may be trade resistance to implementation.
Planning the waste collection activity to coincide with the type of waste material generated at the
site requires forethought. Achieving the goals for other construction processes involves a thoughtful
approach to procurement of material, equipment and subcontract services. If the project documents
do not identify specific objectives, a Construction Manager will need to analyze alternative
approaches to achieving the credits by determining which measures are the most cost effective
and/or add value to the work, so that appropriate requirements and responsibilities can be included
in subcontracts.

Best Practices
Waste Reduction and Recycling (GGHC v2.2 Materials & Resources Credits 2.1 & 2.2)
 Take a comprehensive view of construction waste produced by all trades on the project
beginning with site clearing and excavation. Determine the waste products of each activity
and the potential to avoid waste.
 Balancing the site’s earthwork cut and fill to avoid haul-off or imported soil will achieve both
reduced costs and minimal environmental damage.
 Use onsite material for backfill and paving base.
 Adopt purchasing procedures that promote minimal and/or returnable packaging.
 Survey local waste haulers to determine their level of experience in construction waste
 Contract for the required documentation to achieve the credit. If local haulers operate a
transfer station, it may be just as economical to haul un-segregated waste. Include waste
reduction and recycling obligations in contracts.
 Avoid waste by proper activity sequences, just-in-time delivery, pre-install inspections, and
loss prevention practices.

Site & Materials Management (GGHC v2.2 Materials & Resources Credits 2.3)
 Plan to minimize impacts for on- and off-site traffic.
 Consider the flow of material and workers through and around existing occupied space.
Consider the possible impact to natural features and amenities of the site and implement
protective measures.
 Develop a designated area for equipment washing, fueling and oiling activities and prevent
spills from contaminating soil and water.
 Confine laydown and shakeout areas for project deliveries to minimum practicable areas.

Infection Control
Project Owners are responsible for developing and implementing an effective infection control policy
on their premises.
 Use an integrated team to conduct a construction practices workshop during the
development of the design.
 Follow Joint Commission and Centers for Disease Control recommendations for Infection
Control Risk Assessment.
 Evaluate potential risk exposures and develop management plans that are consistent with
the Owner’s infection control policy.
 Include appropriate requirements in project documents.

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Common practices to reduce infection control concerns during construction include:

Dust control
 Dampen dust-producing material on a regular basis to prevent airborne dust and particulate
 Clean up promptly – a best practice is to vacuum drywall dust after sanding joints smooth.
 Proper ventilation and filtration.
 Use low-emitting alternative materials and fuels.
 Use electric equipment.
 Proper ventilation and carbon filters – a best practice is to monitor and initiate correction of
high fume levels.
 Establish a noise control plan.
 Ensure proper scheduling for noisy construction activities.
 Consider alternative construction methods that produce less noise.
 Relocate sensitive functions.
 Post and comply with decibel limits for noise-producing equipment.
 Provide ear protection for all site workers and visitors.
 Comply with equipment idling rules.
 Consider potential inside and outside spills.
 Prepare a wet clean-up kit.
 Establish abatement procedures.
 Negotiate reduced or returnable packaging.
 Establish segregated waste collection and loss prevention.
 Properly sequence construction activities.
 Negotiate just-in-time delivery.
 Require pre-install inspections.
 Install energy controls – a best practice is to segregate construction security and working
lighting on different circuits. Feed work lighting from a single disconnect so that all work
lights can be extinguished when no one is working. Use permanent electric equipment and a
raceway system to feed temporary lighting circuits.
 Enclose portions of the project that are mechanically heated or cooled.
 Use low-emitting alternative fuel fleet vehicles.
 Provide energy efficient staff accommodations.
 Implement a moisture control protocol – a best practice is to remove and dispose of any
gypsum wall board that has been wet.
 Prepare a wet clean-up kit.
 Protect materials in storage from moisture.

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 Protect floor openings.

Utility and Emissions Control (GGHC v2.2 Materials & Resources Credits 2.4)
The greatest opportunities for conserving resources and protecting human health and the
environment during construction revolve around temporary heat and power, transportation and
 Using electric, propane, natural gas and/or biofuel powered construction equipment can
reduce or eliminate emissions from unregulated off-road diesel powered machinery.
 Assigning a fleet of alternative fueled vehicles to contractors for their use in connection with
the project can assist with achieving the necessary fraction of miles required to achieve the
 Limit the number of vehicles that contractors are authorized to bring to the site, thereby
controlling congestion and encouraging the consolidation of trips. Request that the General
Contractor furnish one truck for scheduled “milk runs” to pick up and deliver shop drawings,
mail, and supply house orders for all subcontractors.
 Provide temporary enclosure for conditioned areas to control the heat exchange and fuel
consumed during temporary conditions.
 Use natural ventilation to the maximum practical extent for operations after the building is
 Operate temporary conditioning on a controlled schedule and only when needed for
ventilation or construction process.

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