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| 518 Chapter 15 ‘adequately anchored bulkhead with free earth support can fail by bending or on account of the | failure ofthe sand adjoining the wall atthe passive side by shear along a curved surface of sliding i (Fig. 15.9). A securely anchored bulkhead with fixed earth support can fail only by bending, ‘The deflected shape of the pile under fixed support condition is showa in Fig. 15.13(a) The ‘tual active pressure distribution on such a pile is not linear as ean be seen by the dashed line in the figure. However, forall practical purposes, a linear distribution is assumed. The point b may be ‘considered as the point of fixity ofthe sheet pile and the point Ton the ple is the point oF inflection (ero bending moment). The point O is the point of zero shear. Fig. 15.13(b) and (c) show the [Pressure and moment distribution on the wall respectively. ‘ ‘The problem of bulkheads with fixed earth support may be solved by anyone of the following methods 4 1 Blastic tine methods 2, Equivalent beam method, ‘The elastic Hine method is quite complicated and time consuming. Whereas the equivalent beam ‘method represents a simplification of the elastic line method and the method involves a considerable saving in time and labour at a small sacrifice of accuracy. Only the equivalent beam method is therefore described in this book. Probable! Alistribotion of pressure Assumed Fig. 15.13 Fixed-earth support condition ‘Sheet Pile Wall 519 Equivalent Beam Method ‘The equivalent beam method is based on the following principle: 1. The pressure diagram triangle Oab is transformed into triangle obd Fig. 15.13(b), thus increasing the area by the amount adb. This increase is however counterbalanced by adding ‘an equivalent area ba‘d' on the back of the wall. The pressure due to the area bce and ba’ d' ‘may be replaced by a concentrated load R_ acting at point b to the left Fig. 15.13(b. 2. The sheet pile wall god is assumed as a beam. This beam is supported freely at one end at fanchbr rod level by the reaction 7, (pull in the anchor rod) and fixed at the other end at Point b with reaction R. Fig. 15.13(b). 3. Since the moment at the inflection point is zero, the beam gob can be splitted into two parts (i) An equivalent, freely supported beam g/of the original beam gb with reactions R, | and T, acting towards the right. (i) Another beam 1B, supported at J by the reaction Ry acting towards the left and the bottom b with reaction R, Fig. 15.14, ‘The solution to the problem by equivalent beam method involves the following. 1, The determination of the reaction R,. 2, Determination of the depth of embedment. ‘The solution to the problem depends upon the depth y, ofthe inflection point / below the dredge line. Tthas been found thatthe depth y is a function of @. The values of y, for different values of as obtained by clastic line method of analysis are (Terzaghi). o=20° 30° 40° y,=025 1 0.08 #1 0.007 ‘The angle of internal friction #of sandy backtills is approximately 30° corresponding toa value fy, of about 0.1 H. Hence if both the backfill and the cath below the dredge line are sandy, y,= 0.1 + may be used without significant error. Another approach that is normally recommended is to consider the point of zero shear the same as the point af zero moment (Anderson). ‘Thus, the value of y; may be taken as equal to y, without significant erro. Fig. 15.14(b) gives the equivalent beam section with the assumption y, = jy. Determination of Reaction R, and T, ‘The pressure distribution diagram on the sheet pile in Fig. 15.14(a) is shown in Fig. 15.14(b). The ‘otal active and passive earth pressures P, and P, acting on the wall can be calculated by making use of the known soil properties in the same way as a fiee-earth support method. The unknown quantities are 1, The reaction R, 2. The tension , in the anchor rod 3, The depth D, 1. The reaction R, can be found out by taking moments of all the forces acting on the beam go about the anchor point P. 2.The algebraic sum of all the horizontal forces acting on the beam g0 equated to zero gives the value of 7, Fig. 15.14 The principles of equivalent beam method Determination of Depth of Embedment ‘Let D, = Depth of point b from point 0 on the beam, & ‘The depth yy can be found out by making use of Eq. (15.1) 76> yr [Now consider the lower part of the pile Ob, Fig 15 .14(b). Summing moments about; we Katy ke 1 2 FrokD,xD,x2=R,D, or tyxp3= GIeKDS = Ry Be ; oe as. Let _D, = depth ofthe point of fixity b from dredge line ‘Therefore D, = D,+ yp (1528) “The depth of embedment D of sheet pile wall below the dredge line for complete fixity is taken a D=12D, (5.29 ‘Sheet Pile Wall 521 Example 15.7 Solve Ex. 15.4, ifthe bulkhead has a fixed support. Use equivalent beam method with the following concepts: () ‘The point of zero moment being assumed as lying at a depth of 0.1 H from the level of dredge line, and i) The point of zero moment assumed as coinciding with the point of zero shear. Solution i) With the first concept, | y=01H=05 m ‘The pressure distribution and the separation of bulkhead into two beams are as shown in Fig. Ex. 15.7 | Consider the upper part gl i Fi =8.7kNim? 1 i 2 fasin Ex. 15.4. By =16.7kNIm’ Bs = Pa —YoKy, = 16.7 -8.0x2.67%0,5 =6kN/m™ O_O 1 a Therefore, P, =5X8.67X2=8.67kNIm, yy =2x2-1= 033m P,, =8.67x3=26kNim, yy =15+1=25m 1 1 HK = x8.0x2x6)" =12kNim = 2041=3.0m, P, yp =440.25=4.25m yatechedton ea ‘Taking moments about the anchor tod, we lve RiXAS= Py Yt Fea +Pay Ys + Ba Yat Pays Ry X45 =8.7X033+26%25+12K3+2.7X4.1643%4.25 =128 ‘Therefore, Ry Gears Nim P, +P, +P, +P, +P, Ry 7+26+1242.7+3-2.85 = 23.9 kNim Py 60 Forbeam bd, =e = Saat =0.28m, 10.674, -0.28)* 2 paraorxcay 0.28) ft Yp = 3 do 0.28) m Sheet Pile Wall 523, Fig. Ex. 15.75 ‘Taking moments of the forces about point b, Ry Xdy + Peg XVo—Py Xp =O 10. 28.5d, ~0.84(d, ~0.093) — 028) =0 3 On simplification, we have,0.36dj ~0.34, -2.85=0 Solving ford, we have d, =3.3 m Depth of embedent D=05+33=3 8m Increasing D by 20% for fixity, Dig =38+0.8= 4.6m Ci Wi he second concep, the pressure disibation diagram is as shown in Fig, Ex. 15.7 Values of Fi. Pa», Yi»Pa,»¥2»2,and ys remain the same as given under the first concept. Yo =) +d) =05+0.28=0.78 m_ eT i 524 P2¥o = u 16.70.78 = 6.5 kKN/m and vyn4t yy =44026=426m Taking moments of all the forces about the anchor rd, BCA 99) = Py Py Ya +P dot Pade By substituting and simplifying, we have ‘The tensionin thetierodisT, =P, +P, +P,, +P,, —Ry 1+26+124+6.5-275=25.8kNim %8X2.67xd} =10.7d; Taking moments of P, and R, about b Py¥p—Ridy =0 ‘Therefore, 10.74} -27.5d, =0, or 12.84? -99=0 Which gives d, = 2.8m Depth of embedment D: gtd, = 0.78-+2,8=3.58m Increasing D by 20% for fixity, Dit =3.58+0-7 =4.28m 15.8 QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 15.1 Classify the sheet piles according to their materials. Discuss their relative advantages and * disadvantages— 15.2 With suitable illustration, deseribe the analysis used for finding the depth of embedment,

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