Timetable Weekly 2021-2022 Final Boys Shift

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Timetable 2021-2022

Boys' Shift G1
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa English Science Social Studies Arabic Computing

Masoodi Masoodi Masoodi Tahania Masoodi

Su Mathematics English P.E Science Art

Masoodi Masoodi Masoodi Masoodi Masoodi

Mo Mathematics English Science Farsi Arabic

Masoodi Masoodi Masoodi Tayyebi Tahania

Tu Farsi Mathematics P.E Quran English

Tayyebi Masoodi Masoodi Masoodi Masoodi

We Mathematics English Social Studies Islamic Studies Computing

Masoodi Masoodi Masoodi Masoodi Masoodi
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables
Timetable 2021-2022
Boys' Shift G2
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa Mathematics Arabic Quran Farsi P.E

Jalili Tahania Fasihi Tayyebi Jaderi

Su English Islamic Studies Science Science English

Ebrahimi Ebrahimi Ebrahimi Ebrahimi Ebrahimi

Mo Mathematics Farsi Arabic Art P.E

Jalili Tayyebi Tahania Masoodi Jaderi

Tu English Science Mathematics Computing Social Studies

Ebrahimi Ebrahimi Jalili Ebrahimi Ebrahimi

We English English Social Studies Mathematics Computing

Ebrahimi Ebrahimi Ebrahimi Jalili Ebrahimi
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables
Timetable 2021-2022
Boys' Shift G3
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa Farsi English Science Social Studies Art

Tayyebi Jalili Jalili Jalili Jalili

Su Mathematics English Farsi Science Computing

Jalili Jalili Tayyebi Jalili Jalili

Mo Arabic Mathematics English P.E Social Studies

Tahania Jalili Jalili Qasemniya Jalili

Tu Mathematics English Arabic Computing Science

Jalili Jalili Tahania Jalili Jalili

We Mathematics Quran English P.E Islamic Studies

Jalili Jalili Jalili Qasemniya Jalili
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables
Timetable 2021-2022
Boys' Shift G4
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa Computing Farsi Computing Art Mathematics

Zaidi Tayyebi Zaidi Fasihi Qasemniya

Su Science Arabic Mathematics Arabic Farsi

Jaderi Howailej Qasemniya Howailej Tayyebi

Mo Mathematics Science Social Studies English Quran

Qasemniya Jaderi Fasihi Ghorban Fasihi

Tu English Mathematics P.E English English

Ghorban Qasemniya Qasemniya Ghorban Ghorban

We Mathematics Islamic Studies English Science Social Studies

Qasemniya Fasihi Ghorban Jaderi Fasihi
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables
Timetable 2021-2022
Boys' Shift G5
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa English Art Mathematics Farsi Social Studies

Jaderi Fasihi Qasemniya Qasemniya Fasihi

Su Arabic English Science English Mathematics

Howailej Jaderi Jaderi Jaderi Qasemniya

Mo Science Islamic Studies Social Studies Mathematics

Jaderi Fasihi Fasihi Qasemniya

Tu P.E Science English English Mathematics

Masoodi Jaderi Jaderi Jaderi Qasemniya

We Quran Mathematics Social Studies English

Fasihi Qasemniya Fasihi Jaderi
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables
Timetable 2021-2022
Boys' Shift G6
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa Quran Mathematics P.E Science

Fasihi Qasemniya Jaderi Jaderi

Su Mathematics Mathematics Arabic Farsi

Qasemniya Qasemniya Howailej Qasemniya

Mo Islamic Studies Mathematics English Science English

Fasihi Qasemniya Ghorban Jaderi Ghorban

Tu Mathematics English English Social Studies Social Studies

Qasemniya Ghorban Ghorban Zaidi Zaidi

We English Science Art Social Studies English

Ghorban Jaderi Fasihi Zaidi Ghorban
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables
Timetable 2021-2022
Boys' Shift G7
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa Mathematics Literature Biology Literature Quran

Qasemniya Zaidi Zeeshan Zaidi Rajihy

Su Farsi Physics English History English

Tayyebi Sedaghat Jawadi Rajihy Jawadi

Mo Islamic Studies Mathematics Physics Chemistry

Ghorban Qasemniya Sedaghat Ablulwasi

Tu Literature Literature Arabic Art of life

Zaidi Zaidi Tahania Fadaei

We Geography Mathematics P.E Biology Mathematics

Rajihy Qasemniya Jaderi Zeeshan Qasemniya
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables
Timetable 2021-2022
Boys' Shift G8
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa Quran P.E Arabic Physics Biology

Rajihy Jaderi Tahania Sedaghat Zeeshan

Su Farsi Mathematics Mathematics Biology

Tayyebi Bagheri Bagheri Zeeshan

Mo Islamic Studies Literature Physics Literature English

Ghorban Shaban Sedaghat Shaban Jawadi

Tu Geography Mathematics Mathematics Art of life

Rajihy Bagheri Bagheri Fadaei

We Chemistry Literature History English Literature

Ablulwasi Shaban Rajihy Jawadi Shaban
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables
Timetable 2021-2022
Boys' Shift G9
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa Islamic Studies Art of life Mathematics Geography Arabic

Shariati Shariati Sedaghat Rajihy Tahania

Su Mathematics Physics Chemistry English Mathematics

Sedaghat Rahimlu Ablulwasi Jawadi Sedaghat

Mo Chemistry Mathematics Literature Biology Mathematics

Ablulwasi Sedaghat Shaban Zeeshan Sedaghat

Tu Physics Farsi Literature Quran Biology

Rahimlu Tayyebi Shaban Rajihy Zeeshan

We P.E Chemistry Literature History English

Jaderi Ablulwasi Shaban Rajihy Jawadi
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables
Timetable 2021-2022
Boys' Shift G10
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa Mathematics Quran Chemistry Biology Mathematics

Sedaghat Rajihy Ablulwasi Zeeshan Sedaghat

Su Physics Mathematics Mathematics P.E

Rahimlu Sedaghat Sedaghat Jaderi

Mo Mathematics Economics Chemistry English Literature

Sedaghat Rajihy Ablulwasi Jawadi Shaban

Tu Arabic Literature Farsi Physics Economics

Jaderi Shaban Tayyebi Rahimlu Rajihy

We Art of life Islamic Studies English Literature Biology

Shariati Shariati Jawadi Shaban Zeeshan
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables
Timetable 2021-2022
Boys' Shift G11
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa Literature Mathematics English Islamic Studies Physics

Rouhani Rahimlu Rajihy Shariati Zaidi

Su Chemistry English Biology Mathematics Mathematics

Ablulwasi Rajihy Zeeshan Rahimlu Rahimlu

Mo Farsi Chemistry Economics Arabic Quran

Tayyebi Ablulwasi Rajihy Tahania Rajihy

Tu Physics Economics Mathematics Biology P.E

Zaidi Rajihy Rahimlu Zeeshan Jaderi

We Literature Mathematics Art of life Literature Physics

Rouhani Rahimlu Shariati Rouhani Zaidi
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables
Timetable 2021-2022
Boys' Shift G12
Slogutis | AT4RE

1 2 3 4 5
13:35 - 14:35 14:45 - 15:35 15:45 - 16:35 16:45 - 17:35 17:45 - 18:35

Sa Mathematics Literature Islamic Studies Chemistry Farsi

Rahimlu Rouhani Shariati Ablulwasi Tayyebi

Su Economics Chemistry Mathematics Biology Physics

Rajihy Ablulwasi Rahimlu Zeeshan Bagheri

Mo English Arabic P.E Economics Biology

Rajihy Tahania Jaderi Rajihy Zeeshan

Tu Physics Mathematics Quran Physics Mathematics

Bagheri Rahimlu Rajihy Bagheri Rahimlu

We Mathematics Literature Literature Art of life English

Rahimlu Rouhani Rouhani Shariati Rajihy
Timetable generated:05/02/2022 aSc Timetables

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